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How do you feel about most avatars on the grid being human?

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13 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

My comment was in regards to local chat.  I'm sure in IM it's a more in-depth conversation.  But, for most local chats re:  Human - it's drugs, booze or sex innuendos.  

My first comment in SL in local as a Dinkie (a tiny cat avatar, not the tall Furry cats) other than saying hello came about because of a song that was playing by INXS called "The Devil Inside", and I said in local chat /me I have Ice Cream inside.  And, the response back was "that's good, Jan".  It was so cute.  We started singing "ice cream inside, ice cream inside, every single one of us has the ice cream inside".  I felt so welcome and so cared about as a Dinkie.  It was a warm welcome.  I was kind of rp a little with my comment because as a Dinkie I felt about 4 years old.  Just being.  Our conversations are not about drugs or booze or sex innuendos and that is what is mostly in local chat as a human.  My second comment when I was invited to a birthday party was "Hoppy Birdie" instead of "Happy Birthday"...it's just so different being innocent and 4 years old that it brings up so much creativity and it's not about looking for a roll in the hay.  Most of the humans are just looking to score, but the drug thing was not cool.  

We have Tinies in my favorite Community, and I participate in Fantasy Faire, of which Tinies are a beloved part. I'm fond of dinkies, since I love cats a lot. 

I cannot say how most local chats look like - I'm not omniscient. But I know that I mostly talk in local to people when I'm out and about, and I still stand beside that the conversations I see can be just as creative  and welcoming as you describe, just with human/mostly human people. 

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2 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

We have Tinies in my favorite Community, and I participate in Fantasy Faire, of which Tinies are a beloved part. I'm fond of dinkies, since I love cats a lot. 

I cannot say how most local chats look like - I'm not omniscient. But I know that I mostly talk in local to people when I'm out and about, and I still stand beside that the conversations I see can be just as creative  and welcoming as you describe, just with human/mostly human people. 

IM me where because that club I was at has lost my business and I won't be returning but it's not the first time either, not hardly.  But, last night it was at least 20 minutes of drug this, booze that and then the DJ played "Mas Tequilla".  I don't drink or do drugs but I'm not AA but an AA kind of sim club for humans might be better for me.  

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44 minutes ago, Panteleeva said:

lol i miss this era )


Yeah, people don't know what they are missing 'just being' I call it...just being and just being friendly instead of hearing the "boobies" gesture or the "hits the bong and passes it" gesture.  We definitely need more tiny-related sims.  Tinies are not human children though.  Tinies are anthropomorphic tiny animal avatars.   Those robots are cool though.  I really like those.  

The thing with SL is it expects us to have our own clubs or create our own world but it's way too expensive for most of us to have a club; probably several hundred dollars a month.  I wish SL would set up some clubs for us just looking to hang out and have fun clubs to go too.  

Edited by JanuarySwan
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9 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

IM me where because that club I was at has lost my business and I won't be returning but it's not the first time either, not hardly.  But, last night it was at least 20 minutes of drug this, booze that and then the DJ played "Mas Tequilla".  I don't drink or do drugs but I'm not AA but an AA kind of sim club for humans might be better for me.  

I cannot help with clubs, I'm afraid, since my "out and about" is different. I only ever visit one club which is basically more a circle of friends, so they don't count, heh, but it'd certainly not be up your alley. Otherwise the set places I hang with people aren't really clubs, but places like NCI or GNC, which are newbie helping places  (the later one is german), or annual stuff, small events or really just random places I explored. (I used to hang out  at a free sex place and made friends there. And I was not looking for some action, I just people watch)

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40 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

The thing with SL is it expects us to have our own clubs or create our own world but it's way too expensive for most of us to have a club; probably several hundred dollars a month.  I wish SL would set up some clubs for us just looking to hang out and have fun clubs to go too.  

I wish Second Life would spin off a Tinyland, especially with safer at home ideology, it might do well plus there are loads of older merchandise tinies love, and we spend money too.  Without too many places to go or things to do, we don't spend as much money.  

However, I've had people tell me to make my own Tinyland.  No, far too expensive.  Or, go to Open Sim for free.  I think Open Sim doesn't sound very creative.  

As far as a Spin-off of a Tinyland, I think one of the biggest hurdles is that the others MMo's that are a more General Audience work on phones.  I can't see SL ever being able to run on a phone.  Plus, if they made a Tinyland that ran on the phone then the art of the avatar suffers greatly.  

But, it is far more creative being a tiny or other.  

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I don't mind about the human avatars but whenever i notice that a person considers the avatar as a representation of his/her human nature and starts being over dramatic about it i simply walk the other way cause it does become annoying after a while.

"I can't try those trousers here i need to go home" or "they pushed me with their avi while i was walking" etc... cmon seriously did it hurt?

Personally i prefer "fantasy based characters" over the "fashion based human looking" although i do have a human fashion based avatar mostly used for business reasons.


Edited by Nick0678
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5 hours ago, JanuarySwan said:

I wish SL would set up some clubs for us just looking to hang out and have fun clubs to go too.  

There are lots of clubs in SL, and most of them are empty.  If you want to do a club, find an underutilized club building and arrange to use it for a night. It's more about getting people to show up than having a building.

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1 hour ago, animats said:


Keeping it real

Some people might not know what Animats means here.  He is speaking about realism.  Those of us tinies who understand about realism and immersion put on a human avatar at human places, it's out of respect for those who want realism and NOT talking animals.  Tinies have a couple of active groups but most don't have much on the weekend.  Although one group I had just joined when coronavirus hit, so they may have some activities on the weekend.  Our main tiny groups are week days on the calendar for the most part.  Coronavirus interrupted my SL for awhile.  Weekends we could use some events for tinies to fill the void but some of us change back to human for the weekend.

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On 6/24/2020 at 12:49 AM, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

simple fantasy av = furry to many people..

and many people have stigmas about being associated with furries. 

if its non human and anthro its a furry!!!!! burn it!!! kill it!!! Grosss!!!!

if its a furry it must be into sex with animals!!!! EwwwwWWWWwwwWW!!!!!11111!!!

I haven't had issues, but then again my Demonic form is ultra sexy, and I've had clients want that!!! The realistic feathered wings, horns, and glowing eyes make it clear that part of me isn't human though lol!!!

I came into SL with no preconceived notions or prejudices, and I don't chat about booze or drugs, and my friends don't either (I have 177). We don't chat about sex (clients excepted). We discuss Escorting in IM, but only to help each other, not for fun.

As far as I'm concerned we're in SL to have fun, and whatever form anyone takes is fine with me!!!

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8 hours ago, animats said:


Keeping it real

nah its called being anti-furry because they are furry phobes. there are a lot of people who cannot stand having furrys around them. it has nothing to do with realism or immersion for in the real world there are furries.. and they have clubs and go to events and do things like any normal real person.

Its the social stigma against furries why a lot of places are furry exclusionary. its because they dont want to be associated with furries and what is believed in how all furries act. that furries are in to having sex with animals or that they are morally or ethically corrupt, that furries only want to yiff everything they see.

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16 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

But, it is far more creative being a tiny or other.  

So, just because you (the general you, not you per se) is a tiny, that makes you automatically more creative than anyone wearing a human avatar? It has nothing to do with personalities at all? 

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9 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

nah its called being anti-furry because they are furry phobes. there are a lot of people who cannot ....  morally or ethically corrupt, that furries only want to yiff everything they see.

Furrys are fine, 5 years in the Rentals business never and i do mean never had any issues with tenants who were furrys. (coming from any part of the world)

Actually most of them had a good sense of humor too, were respectful towards my business and the Region covenant.

Usually most of the tenant to tenant(and their guests) drama, stalking, cursing, harassment  etc  that i was asked to deal with regional bans (according to security logs and provided IM's) was from human looking avatar users having a tantrum, lack of any ego control and other mental issues.

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   I think that any form of generalisation of mentality, kindness or behaviour based on how you chose to represent your avatar in SL is to walk on thin ice. Don't judge a book by its cover.

   . . . Well unless someone i dressed in a KKK getup, or wears a swastika armband, or has a Che Guevara shirt on, then you can assume they're an idiot. 

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oh a little interesting fact, one that was not known at the time of my post is that the place in the picture is ran by a furry and has a club where they allow furries. It was their attempt at being a joke. Which not everyone would get if they had not actually been to place to know this.

That is why not all jokes are jokes to everyone else. If you dont know it was meant to be a joke it may be seen as a rude or obnoxious prank instead. Or as being anti furry.. human elitist..

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Lets be real: If a place bans non-human avatars because of "realism" and thats the only point in the entire concept where any attempt in giving a realistic experiance is made... then its just "I hate non human avatars" disguised as "realism".

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6 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Lets be real: If a place bans non-human avatars because of "realism" and thats the only point in the entire concept where any attempt in giving a realistic experiance is made... then its just "I hate non human avatars" disguised as "realism".

I have a great deal more respect for people when they just say "look, I don't like fantasy avs and stuff and don't want them at my club." than if they dish out the bullcrap excuses. Everyone being a 2 meter supermodel isn't realistic either.

It's mostly about furries, in my experience. Places that say that crap never had a problem with my elf ears. 

Edited by Sukubia Scarmon
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11 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I have a great deal more respect for people when they just say "look, I don't like fantasy avs and stuff and don't want them at my club." than if they dish out the bullcrap excuses. Everyone being a 2 meter supermodel isn't realistic either.

Yes, at least they have the balls to say how it is. Two meter tall supermodels isn't even the worst. Remember when everyone was running around with a gap between their legs, wide enough to park a car inbetween?

13 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

It's mostly about furries, in my experience. Places that say that crap never had a problem with my elf ears. 

Elf ears are quite subtile and have had their small "fashinable" phases, too. But I doubt those places would be comfortable with my male alt, for example.

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32 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I have a great deal more respect for people when they just say "look, I don't like fantasy avs ...

Exactly, you can have a female humans only land, or a furrys only land, or a sci-fi avatars only land or gor only or whatever, i understand that because it's your money that pay the bill so it's up to your likes / business plan just leave the bull aside, theres no need to discriminate others based on nonsense.

Regarding realistic well i better not analyze that.. my male human avatar is 2.25m.. and sometimes it looks a lot shorter than other human avatars.. there goes the realistic part.


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30 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

When you put it like that, they seem a lot like everyone else.

Not everyone is a super horn dog ready to jump anything or anyone they see... yet that is how most furries are seen by most furry phobes.

@Lyssa Greymoon wanna yiff.. come on you know you want too. :P

they want to think they are superior by only letting hoomans in their club/sim. That anything non human is of a lower life form in their eyes and has no right to be around the superior hooman.

but yet as others have said.. amazonian avatars or everyone looking like a runway model or supermodel is totally realistic and immersive.. total bs.

If it was a specific themed rp sim such as a 50's themed based around gangstas and such, I can maybe see requesting others to be ic and look the part while they are rp'ing. but when out of character it should not matter how they look.

Just create a rp section and a non rp section. anyone not in the rp going on at that moment stays in the non rp section.

Have separate groups one for ic and one for ooc and moderate them appropriately.

and make sure everyone understands and is told this when joining or entering.. but a lot of sim mods/owners are lazy and dont think they should have too.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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17 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

Not everyone is a super horn dog ready to jump anything or anyone they see... yet that is how most furries are seen by most furry phobes.

Maybe i should feel bad that when i first joined SL back in 2009 (left SL after a while and came back years later) i used to look around so i also went to furry lands and nobody ever dry humped my human avatars legs? Hahaha it's funny what kind of excuses people figure out to appear "logical".... in a game.

Seriously now, nobody ever banned me or even send me an IM regardless if it was a sandbox or gathering/chat place saying that my avatar was human so not fitting for their land and was ruining their "SL experience".

(I got a very good memory and remember one of those lands was a mostly german people, furry sim.)

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On 6/28/2020 at 7:04 AM, Panteleeva said:

lol i miss this era )


@Dakota Linden Any chance we could see those or something as equally non-human like them come back?


I do wish we had more non-humans about these days. It would be more interesting. Plus... the quality non-human mesh bodies (like Regalia) are a lot less laggy... 😛


I'm hoping they do a Linden Home theme that is some extreme genre that encourages a whole lot of people to get 'themed avatars' and make something different popular. But I don't expect it because those places are designed to cater to as many preferences as possible.


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