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Edit: Looking for spiritual practitioners interested in connecting with other practitioners (e.g. creativity, witchcraft, magic(k), art, divination, intention, and many more options)

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I'm a witch, energy witch, like everyone is I think but anyway. I'm looking for witches who know they are witches. Not people who are role-playing. 

But people who wish to create spells for maximum effect. Let me know in forum inworld or in private message where you are



Edit for clarity:

I should have been more clear about things I guess when I wrote.

Clarity is important, so here goes.

The existence of atoms and blablabla seems to be very flexible.

I'm looking to connect with beings who are interested in using words as spells that are spelled with the spelling they use.

The linguistic root of magic is 'to be able', I'm looking for people who are looking to utilise that which they are able to do in creative ways.

Interested to connect with those who are interested in being conscious creators with their reality using their own form of magic (witchcraft [experimental or traditional], art, connection to Source, anything).

I'm interested in those who are looking to use their own form of magic for the highest individual and collective good, but that can, of course, also include daemons.

Private message or message in world if interested.



Edit #2 for expanding on the sort of connections I am looking to make:

The edit for 'clarity' was a little tongue in cheek.

I'll try again..

I'm inviting to connect with me people who are spiritual practitioners of any kind and/or those who use forms of divination, a cultural/traditional/inherited magic(k)al practice, an experimental art form, dance, kindness, writing, automatic writing, meditation, card-reading, crystal work, philosophy, astral projection, spells (in the magical exaggerated sense of spellcasting, or in the simple sense of words being 'spelled' a certain way with letters), music-making, textile work, basically anything,

anything that has some kind of intention for creation rooted in some kind of spiritual perspective is what interests me at the moment.

The fact that I am being so vague is because I don't personally prescribe to a particular tradition of spiritual practice, and I know that there is a large variety of ways to have that kind of connection to Spirit/non-physical/etc. worlds.

I know personally, for me, that there is a connection to the forces outside of me, whether I see that as scientifically with the forces of nature/physics/e.g. gravity etc., or more esoterically with the way that vibrations of thought and feeling could potentially be linked to these forces of nature, or other forces like social, interpersonal, intrapersonal, etc.

I'm not talking about movie-style superpowers in the Hollywood sense per se, but I do think that those representations are exaggerations based on some truths such as seeing the future as the power of meditative foresight, or telekenises as the potential to be guided by intuition to move quickly towards a destination. Just my opinion, just a potential, just an analysis.

The way I see these things will probably change for me in the future, but it is something that I think has a potential for interesting exploration in the simulation-reality of Second Life and its relationship to the simulation-reality of Social Life.

Obviously these perspectives are quite out there, and I am still learning how to express these things.

Ultimately I am interested in fun, playfulness, wellbeing, health, joy, smiles, connection, experimentation.


Edited by KasiaAleksa
Edit #1: editing for clarity; Edit #2: editing for expansion
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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I was kind of thinking the same, but it was started over an hour ago......... and still no takers.

When I was in my early 20s, a friend and I decided to become witches. It seemed wonderfully cool and edgy at the time. We found a little patchouli-scented bookstore and bought all the books (I think I still have them somewhere) and did all the rituals for becoming a witch ( don't remember exactly... I think it involved reading the Lord's Prayer backwards at midnight or something). Being the utter heathen I am, I took it with a grain of salt - I just wanted to be cool and edgy. My friend took it a bit more seriously and starting doing things like leaving little weird altars and talismans and burning things on the porches and cars of her ex-boyfriends.

I stepped away and went back to being a plain old garden variety heathen. 

Not to diminish people who truly practice Wicca. It's as valid and real as any other religion. 

My point was really just that I didn't know what the hell I was doing. 

...I still don't...

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3 hours ago, KasiaAleksa said:



I'm a witch, energy witch, like everyone is I think but anyway. I'm looking for witches who know they are witches. Not people who are role-playing. 

But people who wish to create spells for maximum effect. Let me know in forum inworld or in private message where you are 



Why does where I am matter?  You going to think a spell and send it my way? If so, please do the money spell thing. thanks XOXO

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5 hours ago, KasiaAleksa said:

Edit for clarity:


I should have been more clear about things I guess when I wrote.

Clarity is important, so here goes.

The existence of atoms and blablabla seems to be very flexible.

I'm looking to connect with beings who are interested in using words as spells that are spelled with the spelling they use.

The linguistic root of magic is 'to be able', I'm looking for people who are looking to utilise that which they are able to do in creative ways.

Interested to connect with those who are interested in being conscious creators with their reality using their own form of magic (witchcraft [experimental or traditional], art, connection to Source, anything).

I'm interested in those who are looking to use their own form of magic for the highest individual and collective good, but that can, of course, also include daemons.

It's not clear what you actually want and the clarifications just make it less clear. As it stands, it looks like you want people who are like movie witches. In real life, it's a religious/spiritual thing and nobody is actually going all Doctor Strange in the middle of a city.

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7 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

As it stands, it looks like you want people who are like movie witches. In real life, it's a religious/spiritual thing and nobody is actually going all Doctor Strange in the middle of a city.

I don't know much about Wicca, so I'm very open to correction. My understanding is that its followers believe an energy runs through everything on earth, including people, and the "spells" are about channelling that energy, perhaps through visualisation and meditation, for desirable outcomes rather than hocus-pocus, laws-of-physics-impossible stuff. Actually I thought they usually spelled it "magick" to differentiate it from that. 


Edited by Amina Sopwith
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18 hours ago, KasiaAleksa said:

I'm not talking about movie-style superpowers in the Hollywood sense per se

But. Yet. This implies that you wouldn't object to a wicked witch of the west-type of green lady with a big wart on her nose per se then either?

You're in luck. There's plenty of those around in SL, mostly during Halloween.

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This actually inspired me to do some research on witches and so on. Apparently there are some in my local area and they'll perform love spells for me at £25 a pop. Wealth spells are a bit dearer, which actually makes sense.

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Chorus: Who were the witches? Where did they come from? Maybe your great, great grandmother was one. Witches were wise, wise women they say. And there’s a little witch in every woman today!

Witches knew all about flowers and weeds. How to use all their roots and their leaves and  their seeds. When people grew weary from hard-workin’ days, They made ’em feel better in so many ways.

 When women had babies the witches were there To hold them and help them and give them care. Witches knew stories of how life began. Don’t you wish you could be one? Well, maybe  you can!

 Some people thought that the witches were bad. Some people were scared of the power they had. But power to help and to heal and to care Isn’t something to fear, it’s a treasure to share. (chorus)



Edited by Luna Bliss
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"A witch is someone who has dedicated her life to learning about the connections between things. She studies the different cycles and her place in them. She learns how to use the energy in herself and in the world to make changes. And most of all, she tries to make the world a better place for herself and other people.” -- Isobel Bird

"When life becomes too depressing there is something deeply satisfying about learning to improve our surroundings without succumbing to the popular theories and movements of the times. One that is built off increasing our own positive energy so that we can help others improve their own lives."

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