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Renewed focus on premium experience

Kat Shadow

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3 hours ago, Bengta said:

Is LL doing anything to assist long time members who have been paying month after month, for years?  I think not.  There is no loyalty, only revenue.

What assistance would you like LL to offer these long term members?     The fact they have, for a long time, been premium members must mean that (like me) they've found it worthwhile to pay for premium membership for reasons completely unrelated to Linden Homes that have been available for only a matter of weeks.

OK, here's an additional benefit to being a premium member, and one many people clearly value more highly than any of the previous benefits, but I don't think the argument that, in my case, "I've been paying premium membership for years for me and a couple of alts, initially because of the financial attractions of group owned mainland but also because I like having premium support and, more recently, being able to own an experience"  is a particularly strong reason for my automatically being given priority when it comes to the allocation of the new Linden Homes.

If anything, I'd be more sympathetic to the argument that people who joined specially to qualify for the new homes should receive priority over those of us for whom it's simply an additional perk of the premium membership we've found useful over the years.     But I don't really like that argument much, either.

What's unfair about the present system, which is essentially a lottery?   LL were clearly surprised by the demand and seem to be doing all they can to speed up the process of making more homes available, but the present system of essentially random allocation seems to be the fairest one available, given all the circumstances (e.g. since SL residents live in various different time zones, those in US-friendly time-zones will always enjoy some advantage from being awake and able to be in SL when a tranche of new houses is released).

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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Thank you for that post Innula, and I think you make some very good points I had not thought of.  Sadly you are correct that perhaps my time zone does limit my chances of getting a new linden home in this lottery they have created that clearly favors some.  At some point we all reach frustration that yes in fact we are not treated equal and then it's really a personal choice if we want to continue to pay the same amount for what is obviously a 'less' rich experience.

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4 minutes ago, Bengta said:

LL made the choice to make something available to a very small amount of premium members and not all members.  Many have tried and do not have access at this time and they can also choose to stop paying for premium benefits when they are not equal for all.  Unless you are simple and gullible you would not continue to pay in this situation ...

And when the next batch comes available, the "simple and gullible" will be eligible to claim one  in time.

Considering the posts you've made so far today, you might want to maybe avoid judgmental remarks about the intelligence of others.  Just sayin'

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8 minutes ago, Gryphon Ronas said:

And when the next batch comes available, the "simple and gullible" will be eligible to claim one  in time.

Considering the posts you've made so far today, you might want to maybe avoid judgmental remarks about the intelligence of others.  Just sayin'

By Simple & gullible, I think they mean "values the many other aspects of premium membership enough to look forward to the next batch of Linden homes, while not getting cranky"... no?  Ok  maybe not.   This is exactly why when my wife got a home in Bellisseria at first and I was not able to, I threw her into the street in a fit of envious rage. Erm, no wait... I was just happy for her because being happy for other peoples' good fortune is waaay more enjoyable.

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1 hour ago, Bengta said:

See, this is exactly what I mean.  They paid for one month to see if they could get a house boat and they did, but I have been paying the premium for almost years and can not get one.  Now how can that be if new premium members are not getting priority????   I am finding many posts saying that are waiting with credit card in hand for house boats to be released and they have no intention of paying for premium unless they see a release.  How is this fair to members that have been paying those fees for year and years?????

If new members were getting priority, how did all of us old timers get houses/houseboats?  And why do we have tons of threads by people saying that they became new members just to get a house/houseboat and are now pissed that they didn't get one?



1 hour ago, Bengta said:

I think it would be best to cancel memberships, stop paying.   Be a new premium member when they have a release....


23 minutes ago, Bengta said:

 is all a choice if we want to continue to pay premium for less benefits.  I do not.


17 minutes ago, Bengta said:

 Unless you are simple and gullible you would not continue to pay in this situation ...


6 minutes ago, Bengta said:

and yes time to cancel that membership and not to continue paying the same for less...

I think you may be on to something there - let us know how that works out for you.

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18 minutes ago, Bengta said:

LL made the choice to make something available to a very small amount of premium members and not all members.  Many have tried and do not have access at this time and they can also choose to stop paying for premium benefits when they are not equal for all.  Unless you are simple and gullible you would not continue to pay in this situation ...

Then don't pay. Whining about it to people who disagree with you isn't going to get you anywhere.  I didn't get one in the first wave.  I didn't have a strop. I just waited until the next wave.  I got one.  If I hadn't got one I would have waited or played the refresh page game but life is too short for that.  I would rather just go about enjoying my SL.

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2 minutes ago, Bengta said:

I can only hope that other members will cancel their memberships as well and not continue paying LL in this situation ..

You hope in vain! Premium accounts are up and with benefits like this they will continue to go up. You can moan and groan that you're not having luck but it's not going to stop the rest of us from enjoying the benefits of our premium accounts .. yes, accounts as plural. Not only do a great many of us have one premium, we have multiple premiums and will continue to do so. You are only hurting yourself with this poor attitude. 

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2 minutes ago, Bengta said:

I can only hope that other members will cancel their memberships as well and not continue paying LL in this situation ..

i continue to pay LL even though I actually signed up to Premium to get a new Linden Home. I decided that a ordinary mainland parcel is a better experience for me than what I originally signed up for

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21 minutes ago, Bengta said:

and yes time to cancel that membership and not to continue paying the same for less...

That's certainly your choice -- to cancel membership until more homes are available.
I chose to continue to support the development of the new continent via my Premium membership when my alt had no home, however, knowing that more homes would eventually arrive and knowing that there are reasons why they can't all manifest immediately.
There was plenty to do in the meantime -- boating, cycling, imagining how I'd decorate my new home when it arrived.

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6 minutes ago, Bengta said:

I can only hope that other members will cancel their memberships as well and not continue paying LL in this situation ..

I'm sure that many considering going premium for the next release of Linden Homes feel the same way .... fewer to compete with and more guarantee for them to get one of the houses.

As to your timezone... I'm in the same zone as you, and got my home at around 4pm on a Saturday afternoon (our time.. AFTER they had all sold out), so you're really not at a disadvantage there. The last release of houseboats were at 6pm our time... again, no disadvantage there.

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1 minute ago, Bengta said:

My posts are getting attention, good or bad, which is the point.  The more we post the more people will know that in fact not all premium members get the same benefits.  They can do what ever they like with that information.

gets a bit old by now, please come with something new and refreshing in this thread

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Just now, Bengta said:

My posts are getting attention, good or bad, which is the point.  The more we post the more people will know that in fact not all premium members get the same benefits.  They can do what ever they like with that information.

So your goal then is "attention seeking"?

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5 minutes ago, Bengta said:

My posts are getting attention, good or bad, which is the point.  The more we post the more people will know that in fact not all premium members get the same benefits.  They can do what ever they like with that information.

I think it more likely when others happen upon this thread they will ascertain that a certain someone appears to be lacking in emotional maturity.

*Blaming/scapegoating -- never a good way to deal with not getting what you want in life.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 minutes ago, Bengta said:

That's exactly right; it is the sole purpose of every blog, every forum, every social media output.  Bringing light and yes attention to a topic,  good or bad.

Any good parent knows you don't give in to a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

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1 minute ago, Bengta said:

That's exactly right; it is the sole purpose of every blog, every forum, every social media output.  Bringing light and yes attention to a topic,  good or bad.

I am starting to wonder if you are just trolling here, but giving you the benefit of the doubt... You have had a premium account for ages and ages, according to you, and obviously you got benefit from it, or why would you continue paying for so long?

So now a new additional perk comes up that you didn't get immediately, and this is suddenly a vast conspiracy against long term premium members? It's not, of course; as many people here have said, plenty of the owners of new homes have been premium for a long time (including me). I agree with you that you will be happier if you cancel your paid account. It seems that all the benefits you were pleased to pay for previously now been totally spoiled because you can't have a new pixel house. 

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