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1 hour ago, Kayden Oconnell said:

Looks great! There isn't much info on the kitchen at Dust Bunny. How heavy is the LI? What is all included? I see they offer an additional "decor purchase". 

thanks , unfortunately the LI is a little heavy on this side, range from 3 to 11 LI, you can choose a bigger cupboard instead of 2 smaller cupboard, but you can mod like Mirabella mentioned, the kitchen is comes all the cupboard, fridge, oven, microwave, fitted inside, island, sink, but never come with stool

decor comes with all the plates, cups, glass, mixer, toasts, stool, shelf[with decor], knifes, block, tray, stool, pots, the decor packs a punch of different 3-5 cups where it is 1 LI each,

kitchen have 25 objects while decor have 64 objects for decoration, it took some time for me to decor that out so lol

Edited by sceneris
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Added some side mesh awnings i've made, the cloth render quite nicely with the big awning (last picture), and the look & size of the wooden pillars match well the houseboat.

With the dock, it give some nice space around the house, you can see the original houseboat un-modified on the right :)




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I have not liked the Houseboats so much, because I have always been "blocked in". But when I got this location, I had to take it. One of the sides has no other boat, and the add-on made by @Nando Yiphappen to have the large windows turned in that direction. I have always struggled to fill decks on the houseboats. Much better to have a room, and a smaller deck. The Wallover does not have doors out front either.

Disclaimer: I have messed with this add-on. I installed other doors and added a new window (so it is one on each side of the door). Plus textures. I always do something with textures. The dark contast wall makes the windows pop, and the window over the sofa almost look like a painting. I like that the add-on was cheap, I can edit it, so a few things I want to change is just making it more personal.

But Marianne, you say, the door is not center and the windows have a different size,  why is that? The Wallover has a vertical beam on that side. So that's why. I do not think it is too bad to look at. Maybe I change it later, turning the whole wall into glass and another beam.

I have not started on downstairs, and I will also make some kind of dock in front.





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6 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Não gostei tanto das casas flutuantes, porque sempre fui "bloqueado". Mas quando cheguei neste local, tive que levá-lo. Um dos lados não tem outro barco, e o complemento feito por@Nando YipAcontece que as grandes janelas estão viradas nessa direção. Eu sempre lutei para encher os conveses das casas flutuantes. Muito melhor ter um quarto e um deck menor. O Wallover também não tem portas na frente.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Eu brinquei com este complemento. Instalei outras portas e adicionei uma nova janela (por isso é uma de cada lado da porta). Mais texturas. Eu sempre faço algo com texturas. A parede escura de contornos faz as janelas estourarem, e a janela sobre o sofá quase parece uma pintura. Gosto que o complemento seja barato, posso editá-lo, então algumas coisas que quero mudar estão apenas tornando-o mais pessoal.

Mas Marianne, você diz, a porta não é central e as janelas têm um tamanho diferente, por que isso? O Wallover tem um feixe vertical nesse lado. Entao e por isso. Eu não acho tão ruim de se olhar. Talvez eu mude mais tarde, transformando a parede inteira em vidro e outra viga.

Ainda não comecei a descer as escadas e também farei algum tipo de cais na frente.





I am happy that you are having fun with the complement, it looks beautiful in the photos the adaptations you made, I really admire your talent in the decoration of the houses.

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One more... it show the different windows. I added a string light over the low window. It is blinds in the windows on the long side, but I wonder if I shall take them off. I only use blinds if I will block the window with furniture.

I have a lighthouse model, it is working too. :)



Edited by Marianne Little
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I scored this lovely abandoned houseboat a week or so ago and have been having a fun time decorating it. It has gorgeous sunset views and there are no neighbors either side, just some behind me which suits me just fine. I don't think I will be able to give it up even for the new beach homes...

Also, starter homes? You will have to evict me to make me leave. 🤣





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