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Security/Privacy and New Linden Homes

Constantine Linden
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I know some of you say why do you need to keep people away from your land...well sometimes you get stalkers and sometimes you just don't want people coming into your home unwelcomed. If I am on at night I do not want people just entering my home. It is like you leaving your front door open in real life. You have a home for your privacy otherwise we could just go and be in a sandbox. 

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23 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:


If security orbs only ever punted to the border then no one would ever be upset over them.

If you want greater privacy, freedom and independence, then maybe living in a managed community isn't a great idea. It's not like there aren't a staggering number of cheap M rated plots for sale, many of which would only have you sharing a region with a couple of other people at the most.

Otherwise it all feels a bit ... I wanna live where I can see people ... just not where people can see me.

If you can't deal with individual rights and how to use those inside a community, then maybe SL isn't for you!

How does that feel? Who are you to tell me where and where not I would be better suited to live? Seriously!

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19 minutes ago, Aleciaa Daffyd said:

I know some of you say why do you need to keep people away from your land...well sometimes you get stalkers and sometimes you just don't want people coming into your home unwelcomed. If I am on at night I do not want people just entering my home. It is like you leaving your front door open in real life. You have a home for your privacy otherwise we could just go and be in a sandbox. 

A security orb would easily take care of that.

As would adding such person to your ban list. That way, he/she would never, ever, be able to do that again.

And it would take mere seconds to do so. But still, to some (and, mind you, I am in no way implying that you happen to be one of those) those seconds are more important than the well being of the SL community as a whole. Or, at the very least, a not insignificant part of it.

Edited by Marsellus Walcott
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My objecting to pilots buzzing rooftops is not anti-community. I love how friendly neighbors are and the overall out and about way people are acting. I'm talking about simple manners. Buzz rooftops in that other world and a pilot will get their license pulled.

Edited by Blush Bravin
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33 minutes ago, Abnor Mole said:

I think it helps if people look at Linden Homes not as something that is owed to residents as part of premium membership and more as an option. If you want land with very little restrictions or rules and being part of a community with the people around you is not something that really interests you, then Linden Homes most likely isn't for you. You'll probably be happier on mainland. Linden Homes is connected to mainland, but is definitely is not mainland in scope or purpose.

And this is why I love the Moles so much.  Very well said Abnor and the perfect explanation for those who are having issues with the ban lines going away.  Thank you and btw, you guys did a fantastic job on the new continent!  It is both highly appreciated and being fully enjoyed by many of us.

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6 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

My objecting to pilots buzzing rooftops is not anti-community. I love how friendly neighbors are and the overall out and about way people are acting. I'm talking about simple manners. Buzz rooftops in that other world and a pilot will get their license pulled.

I would agree. Part of this is the necessity of teaching travelers a standard code of operation. That's all part of the "working together" aspect. I've never been /for/ people's privacy being taken completely. I am just FOR people working together for the betterment of the community. Travelers and homeowners alike. It's a WE thing. Not an Us VS. Them thing. Ya know?

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9 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

My objecting to pilots buzzing rooftops is not anti-community. I love how friendly neighbors are and the overall out and about way people are acting. I'm talking about simple manners. 

Flying objects have one thing in common - most have to land, on land.  If someone happens to have a helicopter pad on his/her land, and it is close to your land, you are going to ban them for trying to go home, which requires descending to their landing spot, on THEIR land?  What if I am allergic to those flowers in your garden and they are pollinating?  I stick  you on my ban list?  What about those noisy polluting tour buses driving on a public road near your house?  Do you ban all the tourists, or just the driver?  



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7 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Flying objects have one thing in common - most have to land, on land.  If someone happens to have a helicopter pad on his/her land, and it is close to your land, you are going to ban them for trying to go home, which requires descending to their landing spot, on THEIR land?  What if I am allergic to those flowers in your garden and they are pollinating?  I stick  you on my ban list?  What about those noisy polluting tour buses driving on a public road near your house?  Do you ban all the tourists, or just the driver?  



This person was not traveling. The person was hovering just outside my parcel and not moving. My father was a pilot. I've flown a lot. I know what it looks like to be landing. That was not the case. This was a case of someone sightseeing from a chopper. That's not the way you sightsee in the suburbs. 

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1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:


If security orbs only ever punted to the border then no one would ever be upset over them.

If you want greater privacy, freedom and independence, then maybe living in a managed community isn't a great idea. It's not like there aren't a staggering number of cheap M rated plots for sale, many of which would only have you sharing a region with a couple of other people at the most.

Otherwise it all feels a bit ... I wanna live where I can see people ... just not where people can see me.

And if this is the kind of response I get because I said I would use the ban hammer if someone is annoying me, then what's next? Are they going to call for the removal of the ban completely? 

I'm going to explain my objection to low flying aircraft that hovers. I don't mind a person standing on the street and looking in my house all the want for as long as they want. What I object to is the noise pollution. Sure I can turn off all sounds outside my parcel but then I miss the sounds I should be hearing like a horses hooves, people conversing as they walk or run down the street, a car passing on the way to their destination or even my own radio in my home. The only reason I knew that chopper was there was because of the noise. I said oh well they'll move on so no biggie .. but the person didn't move on for a good while. Part of the reason, beyond simply safety issues for minimum height requirements in aviation is due to noise pollution. So again, if we are going to maintain a sense of community then everyone needs to work at it including those who abuse the privilege of flying.

Edited by Blush Bravin
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59 minutes ago, WillowTenage said:

Even though I had used my ban line recently, for a few hours, I am not opposed to seeing them removed.  I am happier to see security orbs are going to give people time to fly through parcels, I wish that were to become universal because compared to banlines, zero second security orbs are impossible to avoid at any altitude.  

Now, for my question to all of you veteran SL members.  I saw this pretty funny security item on the market place, it is not a security orb, rather it is a beehive that will spawn bees and push people around.  I think it is hilarious, but I can have a warped sense of humor at times.  Do you think this is an acceptable way to secure my property, when I want some privacy, or is it taking things too far?  Also, do you know if this would damage other people's vehicles, or cause problems for them?  While I find it funny, I don't want to cause other people problems while they are just exploring the area on their vehicles. 





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21 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

This person was not traveling. The person was hovering just outside my parcel and not moving. My father was a pilot. I've flown a lot. I know what it looks like to be landing. That was not the case. This was a case of someone sightseeing from a chopper. That's not the way you sightsee in the suburbs. 

Well Helicopters are used for sightseeing - every city has pilots and businesses that will fly you over new housing developments, or movie star homes, for a price.  And I am sure they hover when they see something interesting.  The don't hover at 10 m in your back yard though, if that's what you mean by annoying.  If you do see a black helicopter with lights hovering over your house, flush the drugs down the toilet quickly, it's a raid !

I took a short tour of the continent in my helio (a tiny open frame design) and stayed at 105 meters elevation so I could still see the new areas, and avoid the ban lines.  I probably annoyed someone for 30 secs, but that's the life of pilots.  You can't fly anywhere on this densely built continent without passing over someone's land.  And to make it clear, people flying, running and walking outside are ok, but attached to a vehicle are not?


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I thought I mentioned cars traveling .. perhaps I didn't. I have no trouble with cars .. I don't have trouble with choppers that are moving. Keep going. Don't hover or if you must hover turn the volumn down. Those things are crazy loud!!!!!!


I did add some to that response .. perhaps you responded before you read the additional stuff.

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Arbor I take it that banlines will still be allowed on the mainland. They just removed them from linden homes. Does this include the old linden homes? And how about some rez areas? Also how about eliminating orbs ability to tp people home? Just let them eject from parcel.

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1 minute ago, Blush Bravin said:

I thought I mentioned cars traveling .. perhaps I didn't. I have no trouble with cars .. I don't have trouble with choppers that are moving. Keep going. Don't hover or if you must hover turn the volumn down. Those things are crazy loud!!!!!!

Which is why this checkbox doing the exact opposite of what it should is frustrating ... (it prevents sound escaping a parcel, not entering it from another), at the very least flipping this, or better yet, adding an additional one to block sound entering would be really awesome (not specifically for these new homes either, been on my wish list as a builder for years).


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Just now, CoffeeDujour said:

Which is why this checkbox doing the exact opposite of what it should is frustrating ... (it prevents sound escaping a parcel, not entering it from another), at the very least flipping this, or better yet, adding an additional one to block sound entering would be really awesome (not specifically for these new homes either, been on my wish list as a builder for years).


I guess you have trouble reading. Why don't you read the whole reason I gave for not wanting to do that. It's community, right???? So I'd like to hear and converse with my neighbors without being drummed out by a chopper or too low flying aircraft. This is simple manners. 

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20 minutes ago, Cougar Sangria said:


I've run into a bee "alarm" they followed me across the region. I advised region owner who had store with home rentals, she had them removed.  I think they are harassment , it goes on and on with them following. I filed an abuse report on them also, it is like griefing

It was just nasty. Not one bit funny. If being alone is that important move your hive to a skybox.

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3 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I guess you have trouble reading. Why don't you read the whole reason I gave for not wanting to do that. It's community, right???? So I'd like to hear and converse with my neighbors without being drummed out by a chopper or too low flying aircraft. This is simple manners. 

being able to effectively silence external gesture or object sounds would not impact your ability to do that.

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1 minute ago, Blush Bravin said:

I guess you have trouble reading. Why don't you read the whole reason I gave for not wanting to do that. It's community, right???? So I'd like to hear and converse with my neighbors without being drummed out by a chopper or too low flying aircraft. This is simple manners. 

Motorboats can be pretty loud. So can jetskis. Cars can too (especially muscle ones, or sports). So can trucks and the likes. Motorcycles can be especially loud as well (choppers).

Truth be told, I've heard AVies carrying so much sound scripts in them that would make a helicopter pale in comparison.

So why just focus on flying objects?

In the end, this is, before anything else, a community. So compromises will have to be made. On both sides.

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When I first entered SL, it was almost 13 years ago. At that time, there were griefers and squatters everywhere. Back then, a lot of people held little respect for other people's things, even in a virtual world. I got really tired of returning home or logging on to people on my land messing up my scripted things. To be building and have someone just waltz right on through my build and steal a copy. Or griefers prim bombing. I also had a serious stalker (RL ex that monitored me in RL, SL and MMORPGs). When I had a private plot or island, I have used orbs. Usually to keep an eye on my building platform in the sky and my residence/personal space because water sports are fun!  Closing land down to private or group only just became a habit of convenience in the old linden homes where your land was the shape of your house and the less lag/scripts the better. No one had a  valid reason to step into your home uninvited.

When I got my new linden home, I just set the privacy to group only out of habit while I was decorating and sorting the black hole that is my inventory. Was I upset today while I was decorating  and watched my settings change? Yes. I thought that it was a bug at first. A google search brought me here. I can see both sides. While I like my privacy when I want it, I have also never really liked how ban lines go all the way up. Especially after the ceiling in SL was raised. It was just something I used out of convenience in the old linden homes. I will probably just put up tracking to see if anyone is repeatedly entering my house or backyard. Not really concerned about neighbors or people driving their cars around catching the corner. Hopefully the griefers and squatters of the past are no longer here.


Currently, my biggest issue is the hedges. They stop too soon. If one were to want to do a fence or continue the hedge around (because I feel really weird with my dogs in an open backyard, okay? lol) it can't be done unless you hang a copy over the property line to line up with the ones the Moles landscaped with. Other than that small issue, I am really liking the new homes/community.

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1 minute ago, Marsellus Walcott said:

So why just focus on flying objects?

Because none of the others you've mention have been an issue for me. That's my experience. I'm not going to talk about something that's not an issue for me. 

My whole point was that though we won't have banlines .. I'm actually glad about that, and though we really have no idea at this point whether the supplied orbs will do the job for us, that we do still have the ban hammer. So for those of us who want to use it .. it's still there. So there's no need to panic, except that when I get accused of not wanting to be social or part of the community because I would have the nerve to use the ban on someone who is annoying me. 

It's really crazy that I would get attacked, and that's what it feels like when I'm basically told I don't belong and that I should leave because I will use the ban if necessary. 

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4 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Because none of the others you've mention have been an issue for me. That's my experience. I'm not going to talk about something that's not an issue for me. 

My whole point was that though we won't have banlines .. I'm actually glad about that, and though we really have no idea at this point whether the supplied orbs will do the job for us, that we do still have the ban hammer. So for those of us who want to use it .. it's still there. So there's no need to panic, except that when I get accused of not wanting to be social or part of the community because I would have the nerve to use the ban on someone who is annoying me. 

It's really crazy that I would get attacked, and that's what it feels like when I'm basically told I don't belong and that I should leave because I will use the ban if necessary. 

Makes sense. And you're completely right. Ban lists are a necessity. It's the right tool (along with ignore) for us to limit who we wish to interact with.

But, truth be told, I don't ever remember people complaining about ban lists. Just ban lines.

Edited by Marsellus Walcott
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1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:

If you want greater privacy, freedom and independence, then maybe living in a managed community isn't a great idea. It's not like there aren't a staggering number of cheap M rated plots for sale, many of which would only have you sharing a region with a couple of other people at the most.

Then how do you interpret that?

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