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The "We know it so well we think others know it" Thread

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You know how it goes. Some of us have been in SL for so long we tend to take it for granted others know what we know when the reality is they don't. The little, simple things that we do every day without even really thinking about it. It's become habit for us. A case of "we know it so well we think others know it".

So, this is a thread for those who haven't developed those habits yet.

Alyona will start us off. 😇

  On 12/8/2018 at 9:58 AM, Alyona Su said:

And for other readers' edification: a reminder to always slow down and be patient, always read pop-ups carefully when leaving a group of your own making, deleting the floor of your skybox instead on the rezzed unpacker box, and... you know, stuff like that. 



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When passing a risque picture to someone, it is best to right click it and share to their name from your invent instead of trying to drag it to their avatar as sometimes especially in confined spaces you might let go too soon. Especially if its a public place where you have mod rights or own the building.    (don't ask me how I know this)

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When logging in, you can type a sim name where you select "last log out" or "home" and it will take you there.  If the sim name you typed is not a real sim, it will drop you off at an info hub.  This is useful if you last logged off at home and for some reason that sim is down or you are having other problems logging in.



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1. When typing a response to your partner's naughty IM, check and double-check the name at the top of the IM box before you click 'send', to ensure that a group chat containing several hundred people hasn't just popped up ahead of your IM session and is about to be very entertained. (Experience: never happened to me, but I'm a mod in a very busy group and oh boy does that cause some giggles when it happens.)

2. Edit your home (assuming it's editable) and select 'locked' under the options. You'll thank me later when you accidentally try to delete it after unpacking something. (Experience: accidentally took my entire store into inventory during a busy hunt, leaving me standing on a single rug, surrounded by ad boards floating in mid-air while I frantically tried to re-rez the store before arriving hunt visitors plummeted to the ground.)

3. If you need to contact a creator, always read their profile first to find out their preferred method of contact. Following on from that, always be polite and patient when requesting help from a creator and/or their support personnel. (Experience: moderating a large group, and being a store owner myself. Start off on the right foot and don't piss off the people you're asking for help.)

4. When wearing anything from your inventory, always choose 'add' and not 'wear'. (Experience: losing my pants in a busy store when my hand slipped on the mouse...)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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Skell's post landed while I was getting a picture. I'd meant to offer his Suggestion #2 (which is also addressed in the @Alyona Su quote that started this off). Find the 'Locked' button, and use it, anytime you're working at home.  I can't tell you how many times I've gotten busy unpacking and trying things only to get a little careless during cleanup, miss the shopping bag I'm aiming at there on the floor, and delete my entire house (less of course any unlinked pictures and the like) on the spot.

If you use Firestorm the Locked button is right here:



Edited by Dillon Levenque
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On a more serious note:

If you wear or rez something and suddenly get a yellow popup in your viewer, PAY ATTENTION TO IT. It will be asking if you want to grant it permission to debit your account. There are very few legitimate reasons why this may happen, such as a vendor that you're rezzing that might need to take L$ from your account to refund a shopper in your store, or a shopping HUD that you're adding to browse through and buy from in the comfort of your SL home.

If the yellow popup happens after you've rezzed or worn a "Bento mesh head update" or a "free mesh body" that somebody has given you - BE DOUBLY CAREFUL, especially if it arrived out of the blue without your requesting any kind of update or delivery. Check the profile of the avatar who gave it to you. Chances are they will be a one-day-old newb and you're being scammed. Simply delete the item and move on.

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“It’s just a dance” = it’ll be way more than that
“I’m unpartnered” = in this alt
“Do you like fun?” = he’d rather not pay for it
“Of course you can tell me in full confidence” = it’ll be in SLWhisperer blog 15 minutes later
“Would you be interested in amazing prospects of professional advancement?” = he needs more unpaid pole dancers for his crappy new club
“Interesting profile...” = bored and ready to troll

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12 minutes ago, Laoise Rumsford said:

The one I've noticed most...

"If you are a Newbie, don't touch me, and don't talk to me until you're 100% mesh!!"

So many people are being pushed away from locations AND PERHAPS SL ITSELF because of the above.

Yeah, that's in a lot of profiles.

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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

2. Edit your home (assuming it's editable) and select 'locked' under the options. You'll thank me later when you accidentally try to delete it after unpacking something. (Experience: accidentally took my entire store into inventory during a busy hunt, leaving me standing on a single rug, surrounded by ad boards floating in mid-air while I frantically tried to re-rez the store before arriving hunt visitors plummeted to the ground.)


On 12/8/2018 at 10:58 AM, Alyona Su said:

And for other readers' edification: a reminder to always slow down and be patient, always read pop-ups carefully 


And even after locking your home/store/whatever, be sure to follow Alyona's advice so that you don't accidentally answer YES to the pop-up box telling you the item is locked and asking if you really want to delete it.    (me is always in way too big of a hurry with pop-up boxes)


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Check and double check those links in group messages https://marketplacesecondlife.altervista.scammed is not a real link, click it and you will lose your account.

(That one goes to google.com, but seriously, DON'T click them without reading carefully, k?)


2 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

When logging in, you can type a sim name where you select "last log out" or "home" and it will take you there.  If the sim name you typed is not a real sim, it will drop you off at an info hub.  This is useful if you last logged off at home and for some reason that sim is down or you are having other problems logging in.

Just be careful if you last logged out or crashed in a previously (ahem) naked state due to adult activites.

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1 hour ago, Ren Toxx said:

“It’s just a dance” = it’ll be way more than that
“I’m unpartnered” = in this alt
“Do you like fun?” = he’d rather not pay for it
“Of course you can tell me in full confidence” = it’ll be in SLWhisperer blog 15 minutes later
“Would you be interested in amazing prospects of professional advancement?” = he needs more unpaid pole dancers for his crappy new club
“Interesting profile...” = bored and ready to troll

Not really what I had in mind for this thread but.... ok. ^_^

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Don’t eat yellow snow.

Don't get into a snowball fight with people who have blue names...

On 11/21/2018 at 3:58 AM, Patch Linden said:

Just to be clear, we were not sleeping, but rather talking in voice on Discord, making fun of all of you standing there, making fun of us, while throwing yellow snowballs at you.


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3 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

check and double-check the name at the top of the IM box before you click 'send', to ensure that a group chat containing several hundred people hasn't just popped up ahead of your IM session and is about to be very entertained

PRO TIP: If an IM box (group or private) has gone silent for a while then CLOSE IT. This way you also won't accidentally embarrass yourself when swapping tabs and returning to the one you *thought* you wanted, blasting through the keyboard and banging enter, then realizing...

No, this NEVER HAPPENED TO ME EVER! But I am thinking ahead for the rest of you. ~cough, cough~

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3 hours ago, Laoise Rumsford said:

The one I've noticed most...

"If you are a Newbie, don't touch me, and don't talk to me until you're 100% mesh!!"

So many people are being pushed away from locations AND PERHAPS SL ITSELF because of the above.

It is actully profiles like these for whyy I have filled out my entire in-world profile with happy thoughts! Yes, really! And now I have to live up to my world. So I am always HAPPY whether I like it or not! /me giggle-snorts like a half-bred donkey-frog

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Can I add this one? It's okay if anyone plonks me on it:

When you see a brand-shiny-NEWBIE: Be nice, friendly, and polite. Yes, maybe it's an alt, so what? There are *still* genuine newbies coming into SL. I love to meet them and I'll even drop whatever I''m doing if I'm able, to chat with them and even offer advice if they ask. I think everyone is really a "nice guy (or gal)" if you give them a chance to be (even those whom you dare not touch unless you're all meshy and stuffs).

Because I *always* try to remember that I was new once. I remember some guy selling me a folder of scripts for L$10 once. I said okay. What do I do with them? He said "You put them in stuff" and I said okay, I'll buy them. I didn't have a clue what that meant! LOLOLOL I think it was another three weeks before I even opened the EDIT box. :)

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Ok here is one.  It really helps save you from a ban if you read the signs in a store and don't just get naked and start using the furniture.   Or take a moment when arriving somewhere to check the region rules if there are any.  Dress code.  Region ratings.  

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If you go to a sim that has damage enabled, you hit a bad/rough sim crossing, the sim you're n goes down, someone uses some kind of weaponry on you, you hit a security orb that boots ya in the butt....whatever have you, the end result is typically that you go

A-flying to the 0.0.0 point (I call it the trash corner...years ago, lots of things used ot end up there when things went wonky on a sim), or at least the edge of the sim-sometimes you get stuck, sometimes you don't (I love watching people flail at this point, most especially myself)


B-Home, or to whatever your home is set to (infohub if you have none, I believe)


Phew! I run into this one a lot, especially in sandboxes, doesn't even matter the av's age newbies and oldbies alike freak out at things like this. I promise, you'll be ok, even if you're angry, frustrated, ready to throat punch someone, whatever your reaction is. I tend to tell people to laugh it off, because it's probably not going to be the last time that happens.

Laugh at your misfortunes or drown in the tears you shed worrying over them. In sl, this is a no brainer...it's friggen comedic gold most of the time :D



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