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Huge Packaging Annoyances

Prokofy Neva

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@Scylla Rhiadrathat was really weird. It has not happened to me, but the closest I can think of is when I got skin demos. When I have the demos in my inventory, I am expecting a hud to show up on the screen where I can click. Instead, when I clicked "add" on the box symbol in my inventory, the skin was applied, but no hud visible. It was really annoying, because the skin had terrible, angry, big, black eyebrows*, I wanted to see if it had a no brows version with the demo.

So obviously objects can interact with our avatars, but to permanently discolor a part? Really scary. The merchant should be told. It is not such a problem as long as we wear copy-able items, but it is annoying and it can't be meant to do that.

*Brows (almost) like this: 😆


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7 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

@Scylla Rhiadrathat was really weird. It has not happened to me, but the closest I can think of is when I got skin demos. When I have the demos in my inventory, I am expecting a hud to show up on the screen where I can click. Instead, when I clicked "add" on the box symbol in my inventory, the skin was applied, but no hud visible. It was really annoying, because the skin had terrible, angry, big, black eyebrows*, I wanted to see if it had a no brows version with the demo.

So obviously objects can interact with our avatars, but to permanently discolor a part? Really scary. The merchant should be told. It is not such a problem as long as we wear copy-able items, but it is annoying and it can't be meant to do that.

*Brows (almost) like this: 😆


Well, probably someone more knowledgeable than I will pop up in a minute to tell me that I must be mistaken, and that whatever happened to my hands couldn't have been caused by the packaging. I have no idea, myself, but I'll admit that even I don't understand how one could have caused the other. All I know is that it sure looked like cause and effect.

And the brows are very stylish! Big angry brows seem to be the fashion these days . . . the red fuzzy feathers, maybe less so!

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1 hour ago, chibiusa Ling said:

I do have a question for you actually whirly. Something iv always wondered. In Firestorm you can mute individual group IM's from showing up. Is that a feature added by the Firestorm team and requires coding or is that something that can be done by modding one of the viewer files.

It's a Firestorm feature, originally a feature from Exodus viewer.
The LL viewer doesn't have this feature & it requires code changes.

The original code commit is here: https://hg.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix-firestorm-lgpl/rev/b71d9fa783f8

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OP posts in a public forum then tries to police who responds ....

Reminder: Anyone can respond in a public forum. Don't want that? Don't post in a public forum.

Signal boost anyone - seeing as OP places everyone that dares to disagree with them (and refuses to dance to their tune) on Ignore?

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, I had this sort of weird thing happen to me recently with packaging.

i bought a demo and, as per the instructions on the attachment, "wore" it. It ended up being one of those animated things where you suddenly find yourself holding a huge stack of be-ribboned boxed and packages, while the attachment loads the contents into a folder in your inventory. Kind of cute, actually, if really unnecessary.

BUT after I detached the packages, I discovered that it had discoloured my Slink hands: suddenly they were a sort of nondescript tan colour. And reapplying my skin didn't fix it: they were stuck that way. I'm not even sure how an animation and attachment could do this: maybe it was something else that just coincidentally happened at the same moment? But those copies of my hands were definitely permanently corrupted.

It was no biggy: after a few attempts to fix it, I simply tossed them and attached new copies of the hands, and they were fine. But it has made me a bit more wary about blindly attaching packages I've bought.

Did you try washing your hands?

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59 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, I had this sort of weird thing happen to me recently with packaging.

I'd expected a much different weird thing to happen to you as a result of animated packaging, possibly the strangest SL bug I've ever seen because it's a mystery what the programmer could even have been trying to do. Anyway, that bug will create havoc (albeit not the Lady Macbeth thing you experienced), and is plenty reason enough to avoid animations in worn packaging.

FWIW, I've unexpectedly become a fan of HUDs as packaging, and consider some of them to be quite good commercial art -- in a new genre that may become a very significant form of advertising in our Augmented Reality futures.

That said, I prefer they not unpack until I click to indicate I'm ready for delivery. It's an extra click, kinda, but usually the delivery HUD has other tricks from which to choose (not that I'll ever want to Facegram from a product delivery HUD -- does anybody, ever?).

Also, I'm pretty happy with Catznip's way of suggesting a likely Inventory folder to put the delivery, although I've never investigated just what rules it follows.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, I had this sort of weird thing happen to me recently with packaging.

i bought a demo and, as per the instructions on the attachment, "wore" it. It ended up being one of those animated things where you suddenly find yourself holding a huge stack of be-ribboned boxed and packages, while the attachment loads the contents into a folder in your inventory. Kind of cute, actually, if really unnecessary.

BUT after I detached the packages, I discovered that it had discoloured my Slink hands: suddenly they were a sort of nondescript tan colour. And reapplying my skin didn't fix it: they were stuck that way. I'm not even sure how an animation and attachment could do this: maybe it was something else that just coincidentally happened at the same moment? But those copies of my hands were definitely permanently corrupted.

It was no biggy: after a few attempts to fix it, I simply tossed them and attached new copies of the hands, and they were fine. But it has made me a bit more wary about blindly attaching packages I've bought.

Depending on the body you are using there should be a reset button on the HUD that should have taken care of that problem. Key word being should. I'm using the non update-able Ebody on a couple of alts and had that issue a few days ago. It took a bit for the reset to take effect because lag. I think the sim needs a reset, too.

Reset buttons. :x


I do prefer the packaging that is a HUD over the ones you have to attach. But I'm still in the habit of going home and rezzing boxes. ¬¬

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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48 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Also, starting a thread off with “If you don’t agree with me you’re a big doodie-head” pretty much guarantees nobody’s going to agree with you.

"Pretty much" is code for "not really" (a lot like the double-negative) - which is true. I do agree with the general concepts of what the OP proclaims, though I must say that such a rant about it is absolutely fine entertainment because I love to laugh. Not at the subject (because I generally agree,) but rather at the apparent self-important reasons for ranting, to begin with.

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, janetosilio said:

Also, starting a thread off with “If you don’t agree with me you’re a big doodie-head” pretty much guarantees nobody’s going to agree with you.

What did you expect from somebody who accused ME of being a "russian hacker" because SHE used a russian hacker website to bypass the privacy settings on my LL Web profile?

Who stated that I knew nothing about RL business practice and must be a "Commie", because I said that RL businesses try to take each others market share, stage hostile takeovers, or put each other out of business.

Who openly accuses anyone who has any SL or computer related tech skills of being part of a conspiracy, to delete her stuff from her inventory, including "thousands of valuable gachas".

Consistancy? Logic?


This thread is a simple repeat of the one she started last year, same self important demands, same pathetic excuse reasons...

The holding a box anim wastes resources (unlike the anims in thousands of crappy old furniture items).

All the boxes throw script errors because the hold a box anim is missing (so if the anims missing it isnt wasting resources right?).

Finding & moving a folder that's delivered automatically is SOOOOOO much harder than moving one with EXACTLY THE SAME NAME that's created when you right click and choose "copy to inventory", which is harder than MAKING a folder and manually dragging items to it (does this person actually have any clue how to use a viewers inventory system?).

The list of un-reasons goes on and on and on, and when not if, WHEN, rational people urinate from a great height on all the un-reasons, she'll invent more, even more ridiculous reasons.

And for daring to disagree, we'll all be Russian hacker techno commie conspirators in league with the lefties at LL, which stands for Leftist Labs, because they are on the West Coast and hate business and voted Demopublican...

Go figure...

*rolls eyes*


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5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Opening two inventory windows doesn't require skill or a special viewer. But it's laggy, like so many other things and -- why? The issue is I don't items in world that I didn't ask to dump on me to start dumping. So I can pull them out and sort them at will. It's a normal request and the responses in this thread indicate that.

Pardon me for trying to help.  I should have known better.  You did after all go about calling me a Socialist because I gave free spaces in a tiny shopping mall (back in 2005). 

Prok off.

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3 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

"Pretty much" is code for "not really" (a lot like the double-negative) - which is true.

Let me put it another way. Those phrases are not the same.

If I’m in a room with two doors with two guys standing next to them. One says “behind this door you’re pretty much guaranteed to find a million dollars” and the other one says “you’re not really going to find a million dollars behind this door”. Guess which door I’m taking.

And I was “not really” making fun of you!

I was pointing out that you’re the “pretty much” in the statement since everybody else pretty much disagrees.


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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The "dragging up through hundreds of folders" isn't a norm that I want or do -- it's what you would have to do if you just allow boxes to automatically unpack and accept them, so that it goes to the top of "objects" -- but then *from there* attempt to get it into the right folder -- without opening a second inventory window.

I have a question about this part (and I'm not being a smartass, I'm curious actually).

When I get a box, and it is auto-open, plus I have auto-accept turned on, those items do not go to my objects folder, they go into a folder named after the object I opened (auto or not, really). I never have boxes unpack into the objects folder in my inventory. Is this a viewer specific thing, some kind of bug, or?..I honestly don't know.  Heck even if the object that is unpacking is called object, it still unpacks into a folder named after the object name. 

Are things you unpack actually sent directly to your objects folder? I am wondering because that seems, to me anyway, to indicate something has gone bonkers, I don't think that's normal at all. 

Or am I just reading and interpreting that entirely wrong? (again, being serious, not just a snotty smartass, I promise)

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6 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

they go into a folder named after the object

The box is using a script with the command “llGiveInventoryFolder”, I think. That should work the same on all viewers, but some viewers may highlight the folder in your inventory as “new” or “recent”.

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Objects you create go into the Objects folder. Objects you buy (such as boxes that need to be unpacked) go to the Objects folder if you bought them "in world" whereas Objects bought over the Marketplace go to your Received folder.

Yes, there is a script function that can create folders (as Love mentioned above) but by and large an Object Opened (not Edited) will dump its contents into a folder it creates in your inventory.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

The box is using a script with the command “llGiveInventoryFolder”, I think. That should work the same on all viewers, but some viewers may highlight the folder in your inventory as “new” or “recent”.

Yeah, that's what I assumed all boxes do, or at least have done for years anyway. I can honestly say I don't remember ever opening a box in sl and the contents went into my objects folder. That doesn't mean it didn't used to be that way years ago and I'm simply not remembering (entirely possible, I opened hella boxes in the early years), of course. 

I really only remember box contents going into inventory in a folder named after the object being opened-regardless of its name. It seems quite counterproductive to have a box empty into the objects folder. I can only imagine the outcry if that's what actually happens. Hence my honest curiosity

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1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

Objects you create go into the Objects folder. Objects you buy (such as boxes that need to be unpacked) go to the Objects folder if you bought them "in world" whereas Objects bought over the Marketplace go to your Received folder.

Yes, that much I got, well, get, lol. I know that the object which needs to be opened can go into the Objects folder(and anything you create, pick up, etc)  I was referring to the actual contents of boxes being opened (by automatic means or not) being dumped into the Objects folder. I have never seen that, or don't remember it having ever done that.  

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Just now, Tari Landar said:

Yes, that much I got, well, get, lol. I know that the object which needs to be opened can go into the Objects folder(and anything you create, pick up, etc)  I was referring to the actual contents of boxes being opened (by automatic means or not) being dumped into the Objects folder. I have never seen that, or don't remember it having ever done that.  

See my post above - that is answered/covered.

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