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Patch Linden plans going forward for Linden Homes...

+ Update floor plans to log cabins 
+ New multi parcel size theme for reqular premium Linden homes 
+ New Premium Plus theme 
+ New upcoming floor and themes are coming 
+ Getting started on planning for upcoming themes etc
+ Community opinion (poll) via forums 

Exciting stuff coming in the next 6-12 months. 

+ Old Linden Homes future is still under review. No timelines yet.

Watch LIVE here for the latest updates.



Edited by Daniel Voyager
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There was some talk about how occupied the homes were, with people saying most Linden Homes weren't occupied, grumble grumble. Patch responded in local for some themes. Basically, the overall stats aren't that low for the new homes (75-100% occupied in a bunch of themes). The old homes are under 20%.

Adding to this, I monitor fantasy, and the stats are stable even for quieter new themes.

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I went back in local chat to find the stats Patch Linden kindly provided. 

"Since I see some chatter about it, some occupancy stats at the tips of my fingers: Houseboats 87%, Stilts 100%, Victorian 87%, Mediterranean 97%, Newbooke 1024 85%. Newbrooke 512 47%. Sakura 1024 75%"

Old Linden Homes

"The old linden homes on average are all around sub 20% levels"

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9 hours ago, Daniel Voyager said:

New multi parcel size theme for reqular premium Linden homes 

Does this mean that there is going to be a completely new theme coming for premium members with multi size options or that we finally get 2048 campers? (will this be applied to all existing premium themes?) :)

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25 minutes ago, Chloe Bunny said:

Does this mean that there is going to be a completely new theme coming for premium members with multi size options or that we finally get 2048 campers? (will this be applied to all existing premium themes?) :)

I believe Patch clarified "multi size options" as 1024 and 512 parcels, which is separate from the premium plus new theme.


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27 minutes ago, Chloe Bunny said:

Does this mean that there is going to be a completely new theme coming for premium members with multi size options or that we finally get 2048 campers?

I've watched the "Meet the Lindens" through the link that Daniel provided, and it sounded like there will be a new premium theme (or maybe even more than one) with multiple size options. It seemed like they are reluctant to allow homes from existing themes to be rezzed on bigger parcels, because it may become out of theme.

They are planning to add more floorplans to existing themes though.

Edited by Vixen Firehart
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2 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I believe Patch clarified "multi size options" as 1024 and 512 parcels, which is separate from the premium plus new theme.


Yes the 2048 camper part was a little joke - I need to stop thinking my joviality carries well on the internet!!  I was wondering if they may add this multi size option to existing themes that don't have it as I needed a bit of clarification on the wording there - the above poster believes that it means a new premium theme altogether which looks the most likely. 

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18 hours ago, diamond Marchant said:

In my opinion, the best single region addition would be to connect Drunn to Moojigae, which would allow the Fantasseria coastlines to be used as routes. Currently, Fantasseria is one big cul-de-sac, perhaps due to some misguided idea about making this continent special via isolation.

Yes, I agree that Fantasseria should be more connected, both to Jeogeot and to Victorian regions in the north. Fantasseria is pretty, but doesn't hold my interest for too long when I visit - once you get in, you have to go back to the same place to get out. Here are the places I see as viable connection points for the Fantasy subcontinent:


– Opal Essence to Sansooyoo;

– Drunn to Moojigae;

– Les Deux Derniers can connect to any of the nearest Jeogeot water sims - Jabiwon, Byeolgwadal or Nana;

– Cuppa to Hanshin


– SSPE2731 (how come they haven't named it yet??) to Nelson Eddy;

– Eiruch to Bustle Bay.

Having multiple connection points betwen continents will make SL travel so much more enjoyable.

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1 hour ago, SanFroggy said:

misguided idea

"Misguided" is a strong word here; it's definitely deliberate and honestly rather kind, I think, to the "in theme" enforcers. When one goes to Fantasseria one is immersed in a very particular look and feel, which a modern day motorboat or Steampunk Blimp would really violate.  The Victorians or Ranches or Mediterraneans for example don't have that same kind of protection because they don't need it.

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The whole point of Fantasseria is that it's supposed  to be a hidden and an unnoticible continent to retain it's unique magical otherworldliness. Think Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Castle or Narnia.

That's why Fantasseria is surrounded by a near-complete ring of empty voids which hides it from view from the surrounding continents perspectives. It wasn't connected to the nearby continents in such a way that makes Fantasseria's presence overly obvious.  

I like it's current single region entry/exit corridor setup, which should be retained.  There are other ways of entering Fantasseria too, by finding magical portals in the surrounding continents.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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14 hours ago, Daniel Voyager said:

I went back in local chat to find the stats Patch Linden kindly provided. 

"Since I see some chatter about it, some occupancy stats at the tips of my fingers: Houseboats 87%, Stilts 100%, Victorian 87%, Mediterranean 97%, Newbooke 1024 85%. Newbrooke 512 47%. Sakura 1024 75%"

Old Linden Homes

"The old linden homes on average are all around sub 20% levels"

I have to quibble with his Stilt Home numbers.  Stilts being 3 different sub-themes complicates things.  The on Pier and on Water sub-themes are at 100%, but on Land is not.

And he may as well have reported Mediterranean at 100%.  Sometimes there is availability, but often there isn't (now being one of those times).  

It's also noticeable that he did not offer any Chalet, Log Home, or Fantasy numbers.  New floor plans for Log Homes should at least help that theme.  


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I've always assumed that void is specifically a space for unbuilt (cancelled Newbrooke) regions and held in reserve for further Newbrooke expansion.

The outer edges of the Newbrooke continent were made though, probably because water is more attractive and sells better than inland land-locked terrain.

Clearly, the numbers of Newbrooke home owners has been disappointing  to LL and no such expansion has been needed yet, so hence the void.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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1 hour ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:


The whole point of Fantasseria is that it's supposed  to be a hidden and an unnoticible continent to retain it's unique magical otherworldliness. Think Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Castle or Narnia.

That's why Fantasseria is surrounded by a near-complete ring of empty voids which hides it from view from the surrounding continents perspectives. It wasn't connected to the nearby continents in such a way that makes Fantasseria's presence overly obvious.  

I like it's current single region entry/exit corridor setup, which should be retained.  There are other ways of entering Fantasseria too, by finding magical portals in the surrounding continents.



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@Raspberry Crystal


If I were planning an Alpine Theme continent,  I'd squeeze it in to the north of both current Mediterranean and Sakura themes, between Ranch and Newbrooke too.

Alpine Theme would be about three times the total area of Sansara's Snowlands. I would envisage Alpine Theme™'s innermost central interior filled with gigantic snow-topped mountains, valleys, glaciers, icy rivers and streams, dense conifer forests, winding mountain roads full with deep snowdrifts. Maybe some hidden secret caves within the mountains for explorers (and creatures?!) too?

Houses and parcels should be built out on the less-snowy lower coastal plains encircling the central mountain ranges in Alpine Theme, a bit like how the homes around Mount Soji in Sakura have been made, but on a vastly bigger scale.

The southern edge of Alpine Theme could blend into both Mediterranean and Sakura with graduated textures of snow on the ground, a bit like the edges of the Snowlands in Sansara. Or perhaps Alpine Theme™ would be entirely separated with a river or strait of sea?

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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2 hours ago, Matthieu Quander said:

I have to quibble with his Stilt Home numbers.  Stilts being 3 different sub-themes complicates things.  The on Pier and on Water sub-themes are at 100%, but on Land is not.

And he may as well have reported Mediterranean at 100%.  Sometimes there is availability, but often there isn't (now being one of those times).  

It's also noticeable that he did not offer any Chalet, Log Home, or Fantasy numbers.  New floor plans for Log Homes should at least help that theme.  


As I mentioned, "at my fingertips" was the best my little eyes looking at a complex reporting engine quickly enough to toss some interesting numbers out is what I could do during the show.   I hope it would be understood I didn't do so with any meditated ill intent that I missed, skipped or didn't represent some specifics.  That said, here's some more fun numbers:  

Bellisseria consists of 44,734 total parcels of which the average occupancy across all themes and types is 71.80%.  The old Linden homes come in at 41,730 total parcels with an average occupancy across all of 23.07% (not a bad guess).  


Not all themes are a guaranteed success, and that's perfectly acceptable to us. Having capacity is beneficial for our future growth plans.  Log Homes, once a highly popular theme with a regular 100% occupancy rate, saw a change with the launch of Premium+.  Consequently, we are enhancing and revisiting this theme by adding more floor plans and home choices, for instance. Expect more updates soon, such as the theme poll.

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35 minutes ago, Patch Linden said:

As I mentioned, "at my fingertips" was the best my little eyes looking at a complex reporting engine quickly enough to toss some interesting numbers out is what I could do during the show.   I hope it would be understood I didn't do so with any meditated ill intent that I missed, skipped or didn't represent some specifics.  That said, here's some more fun numbers:  

Bellisseria consists of 44,734 total parcels of which the average occupancy across all themes and types is 71.80%.  The old Linden homes come in at 41,730 total parcels with an average occupancy across all of 23.07% (not a bad guess).  


Not all themes are a guaranteed success, and that's perfectly acceptable to us. Having capacity is beneficial for our future growth plans.  Log Homes, once a highly popular theme with a regular 100% occupancy rate, saw a change with the launch of Premium+.  Consequently, we are enhancing and revisiting this theme by adding more floor plans and home choices, for instance. Expect more updates soon, such as the theme poll.

Good stuff.  Thank you for the clarifications.  

I called out Stilt Homes specifically, because I am fascinated by how the "on Land" sub-theme is often ignored by home shoppers.  I can understand why people who want a home adjacent to water avoid some of the "on Land" parcels, but there are some really really nice homes being left vacant because people don't realize that "on Land" can mean "mostly on Land." 

I'm glad to hear that there are some new floor plans on the way for Log Homes.  I expect that to have a significant impact on that theme's occupancy percentage.    

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59 minutes ago, Patch Linden said:

As I mentioned, "at my fingertips" was the best my little eyes looking at a complex reporting engine quickly enough to toss some interesting numbers out is what I could do during the show.   I hope it would be understood I didn't do so with any meditated ill intent that I missed, skipped or didn't represent some specifics.  That said, here's some more fun numbers:  

Bellisseria consists of 44,734 total parcels of which the average occupancy across all themes and types is 71.80%.  The old Linden homes come in at 41,730 total parcels with an average occupancy across all of 23.07% (not a bad guess).  


Not all themes are a guaranteed success, and that's perfectly acceptable to us. Having capacity is beneficial for our future growth plans.  Log Homes, once a highly popular theme with a regular 100% occupancy rate, saw a change with the launch of Premium+.  Consequently, we are enhancing and revisiting this theme by adding more floor plans and home choices, for instance. Expect more updates soon, such as the theme poll.

Thanks Patch for these most useful stats. 

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54 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

Good stuff.  Thank you for the clarifications.  

I called out Stilt Homes specifically, because I am fascinated by how the "on Land" sub-theme is often ignored by home shoppers.  I can understand why people who want a home adjacent to water avoid some of the "on Land" parcels, but there are some really really nice homes being left vacant because people don't realize that "on Land" can mean "mostly on Land." 

I'm glad to hear that there are some new floor plans on the way for Log Homes.  I expect that to have a significant impact on that theme's occupancy percentage.    

Indeed, the allure of water-based properties, not just waterfront ones, is exceptionally high. This preference is clearly reflected in the data, as the saying goes.

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The detailed stats are interesting compared to the candy bucket experience. It was pretty obvious that chalets had low occupancy when I did the buckets. But the oddest was that Newbrooke didn't have the buckets you'd expect for the number of people living there (and less Hallowe'en decor in general). Only chalets (low occupancy) and sakura (small area) had fewer buckets. Which I guess goes to show that house stats don't always correspond with activity.

Something not mentioned yet is 512 homes for basic plus accounts was raised. It wasn't a firm no this time. If there's still a bunch after old home owners have moved, it'd be nice if plus could get them. Get people into the idea of having houses.

New floorplans are neat, but for quieter themes, a big issue is a technical one. Most houses never get offered to people, even if someone keeps rerolling in that theme for a different one. The system works fine with the churn in a theme that's almost full, but is a bit sad otherwise.

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diamond Marchant said:


Currently, Fantasseria is one big cul-de-sac, perhaps due to some misguided idea about making this continent special via isolation.


On 6/27/2024 at 5:35 AM, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

The whole point of Fantasseria is that it's supposed  to be a hidden and an unnoticible continent to retain it's unique magical otherworldliness. Think Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Castle or Narnia.

1. Ironically, it might make Fantasseria more mysterious and popular if it had more entry points (with fog, waves, and lightning) as more people might be tempted to explore.

2. Diagon Alley is protected by magic and hidden from muggles. Fantasseria is on the world map and anyone can teleport there. Not the same.

3.The interior water in Fantasseria is primarily decorative and more appropriate for smallish non-sailing vessels. The parcels do NOT have rezzable water, which discourages boat lovers from residing there. I suggest that Fantasseria residents are ambivalent concerning  boating activities. (Also, as Patch has informed us, 57% of Fantasseria residents do not even exist.)

4. There are over 50 coastal regions that ARE navigable by most boats being sailed across the grid. These regions are of interest to the general sailing community.

5. The issue is that we sailors like to sail routes, that is, from point A to B and the coastline of Fantesseria goes nowhere... it is a loop.

6. Allowing people to sail thru Fantasseria rather than just circling around it seems like a Win-Win. Linden Lab incurs expenses to support those 50 regions... why not make them useable by more residents? If more residents go to Fantasseria on boats, is that not a good thing?


Edited by diamond Marchant
usual typos
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30 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

diamond Marchant said:

1. Ironically, it might make Fantasseria more mysterious and popular if it had more entry points (with fog, waves, and lightning) as more people might be tempted to explore.

2. Diagon Alley is protected by magic and hidden from muggles. Fantasseria is on the world map and anyone can teleport there. Not the same.

3.The interior water in Fantasseria is primarily decorative and more appropriate for smallish non-sailing vessels. The parcels do NOT have rezzable water, which discourages boat lovers from residing there. I suggest that Fantasseria residents are ambivalent concerning  boating activities. (Also, as Patch has informed us, 57% of Fantasseria residents do not even exist.)

4. There are over 50 coastal regions that ARE navigable by most boats being sailed across the grid. These regions are of interest to the general sailing community.

5. The issue is that we sailors like to sail routes, that is, from point A to B and the coastline of Fantesseria goes nowhere... it is a loop.

6. Allowing people to sail thru Fantasseria rather than just circling around it seems like a Win-Win. Linden Lab incurs expenses to support those 50 regions... why not make them useable by more residents? If more residents go to Fantasseria on boats, is that not a good thing?

I hope the LDPW adds a couple more connections to Fantasseria. These should sailable, but not too easy to traverse. On the west by the little island another water region or two could connect from Old Belli, but with a whirlpool and a giant squid guarding the passage. On the east, if a Bayou or Gothic region is added there, a heavy fog could obscure the water region connecting it to Fantasseria. 

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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Seven more new coastal regions have been added to the north-west of the Ranch Homes themed continent and are visible on the world map now.

Ranch's railway line seems to be continuing it's path and has turned south down a new western coastline.  There is also a protected waterway along this new coastline which hopefully might reach all the way down to the Squishy Pickle and Itsa Fluke sim some time in the future?


New regions (7): SSPHarvest Valley, SSPOakdale Township, SSPParkers Knoll, SSPBlue Prairie County, Outta Sight, SSPMolehill Acres, SSPBarnes Wallow.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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