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Why is it suggested that to reduce lag in a busy shopping event you are advised to chose "show friends only"?

People in this thread seem to be saying it makes no difference for your computer if you let everything load, or only let the essential elements load.

I myself always see  benefits when derendering unessentials in a scene.

You know one of my biggest beefs in SL? You go  to a store and you are immediately told by a sensor that you have too many scrips and your arc is to high, so please do something about it because you are degrading sim performance. Meanwhile there is a lag sink water fountain running, and dozens of little cute animals bouncing around, not to mention the giant rotating searchlights.

Animesh, as I said before, when it finally shows up on the main grid... derender. It's another of those wonderful SL "improvements" that will drag us deeper into the pit of unusability. At least if's attached to a person, it will already be jellied

Jellydolls... with some of the messes I see running around SL, jellydolls are a big improvement. 



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This discussion has largely focused on avatar rendering, but can we also please talk about all the frills and folderols, knick-knacks and whatnots that store and event owners rez around their locations for decorative purposes? (Images behind the spoiler tag.)


This is the location of a popular mesh body and head store in SL that some of you may be familiar with (although I've derendered their name sign for the purposes of posting here) -


Doesn't it look beautifully verdant, tucked away in its tree-lined cave?

This is my FPS here with draw distance at 176m (so I could take a screenshot of it all; I usually run at 96m) and Show Friends Only enabled (since this location currently has two free full mesh bodies available and it's pretty busy) -


(BTW, that's an average ping for me, since I live in the UK.)

Now let's get to work. Round one of Derendering With Extreme Prejudice: all the green stuff on the ground level. I missed a few bits, since there was so much overlapping, but this is most of it:


My FPS after derendering all of that:


Round two of Derendering With Extreme Prejudice: all the green stuff on the upper level:


My FPS after derendering all of that:


That's about average FPS for me. While I do have a water-cooled gaming rig, and I'm running a 1060 GTX, that rig is still six years old. It's getting long in the tooth, and - despite my replacing several parts of it - I'm now at the point where more expensive parts will soon need replacing, so I may as well get a new one altogether.

And, just for reference, this is my FPS in a skybox at 1500m:


The above location with all its verdant greenery dragged my FPS down from around 70 to 17, and it's not alone in doing that. Up until fairly recently, the landing point at a location that hosts two popular concurrent events featured an open truck with a cloth awning and DJ booth. Just three items, with a combined display weight of around 250,000. One of the other big events has some fancy decor items rezzed out, to the tune of hundreds of thousands more display weight. So I do derender a lot more these days than I used to.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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21 hours ago, Magnek Fang said:

30K? Are you joking? I've been doing my damndest to keep myself below 100k with a Kemono or Kuroo with what I've accumulated over the years. You think I can do 30k with a more mainstream body?

It's perfectly possible to come close to 30k with a more mainstream body than Kemono or Kuroo. 30k itself is pretty low, but I have a lot of outfits that are around 35k, and most of the ones that I wear on a day-to-day basis are around 50k at most. I wear mesh bodies and mesh heads all the time, and I don't skimp on accessorising. Granted, you may have different avatar customisation requirements than I do, especially if you wear animated tails, ears, wings, etc, but - by 'mainstream body' I've taken your meaning as 'a mainstream human male avatar look', and have written the below post accordingly.

Three outfits below. (Apologies for the low quality, since I was just doing print screens in order to capture the name tag info, rather than my usual 5000px high-res snapshots.)

From left to right:

1. Signature Gianni (male bodies don't come more mainstream than that) and Catwa Skell. Mesh pierced ears,  Bento face piercing (with most of the piercings hidden), long and detailed necklace, mesh sunglasses, mesh shoes with lettering detail, mesh hair, plus a full and detailed suit = 38,241

2. Slink Physique and Catwa Skell. Mesh pierced ears, Bento face piercing (again, with most of the piercings hidden), mesh hair, and an outfit that's a lot simpler and less-accessorised, but it still looks good = 29,998. (So I'm just under that 30k mark for this one.)

3. Slink Physique (which, yes I know, I didn't even need to be wearing for this one!) and Catwa Daniel. Detailed mesh suit and shoes, plus long hair and some old sculpted glasses that still look good. (Well, they look good when I'm not taking distant low-res print screens so I can show the text above my head, at any rate!) = 45,834. This one edges under 50k, but it's those old sculped glasses taking it higher. If I remove those the complexity drops to 40,910. If I take off the body, it drops to 38,256.


And these are 'onion-skin' heads and bodies, each with multiple layers.

While it could be argued that male avatars are less likely to have a higher complexity because they don't accessorise as much as female avatars do, I can just mention one thing that happened yesterday: while helping a male avi sort out a neck-matching issue that he had between his mesh head and body, I teleported to him at the Catwa store. Since I normally have my jellydoll limit set reasonably low (around 120,000) he was just a pixellated blue blob to me. I maxed out my settings so that he'd rez and I could see the problem he was having, and I realised he was only wearing a Slink body, a Catwa head, a simple pair of jeans... and a short-ish flexi hair that was rocketing his complexity up past 250,000.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

This discussion has largely focused on avatar rendering, but can we also please talk about all the frills and folderols, knick-knacks and whatnots that store and event owners rez around their locations for decorative purposes? (Images behind the spoiler tag.

Well, of course. If you fill up an entire scene with high poly vegetation, you do get serious lag issues. That goes without saying - you'd have to be an SL user not to understand that. :P

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14 hours ago, Phorumities said:

so should i let everything render and basically lock up or selectively derender unnecessary stuff and have a bearable experience?

i would think anything you derender decreases the work your computer has to do.

No, but your solution to combating lag is about as effective as filling a bowl halfway with salt, sticking a scented candle in it,  placing it upon your computer case and chanting to the machine gods for better performance. You can't just pick a random feature, decide THAT feature is what's causing your performance issues, while ignoring what actually is causing you all that lag.


Let me expand on this because you deserve a better answer. Here's an example of what I mean: There are people who think mesh, any mesh, is laggy. They think by derendering or banning mesh from their sims they can improve performance. Meanwhile they load their sims up with sculpts, blended alpha textures, vendors that will load dozens of 1024x1024 textures at a time, and so on. Stuff that REALLY kills their performance.

Yes, badly made, bloated mesh can be a framerate killer. But it's the bloat that's the problem, not the existence of mesh itself. Well made, optimized mesh is far better for performance than the sculpts and whatnot these people fill their sims with. If they knew that, they could enjoy the benefits of mesh, while avoiding the pitfalls of badly made mesh. And if LL gave them the proper tools, they could do this without even needing to understand the distinction.

Does that make sense?

There may very well be laggy, framerate killing animesh in the future. Sure. But animesh itself will not necessarily be the problem. If you go around derendering all the animesh you see, you could very well be derendering perfectly fine content that is not hurting your framerates or lagging you down, while ignoring the content that actually is.

10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

The REASON we got it into our heads that you and your running mate are "talking harsh and difficult to meet caps", and more importantly "harsh fascist enforcement" of those caps is because...

Hey, I can only speak for myself.

10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

My point is that if you plan to use NUMBERS to prove your point, do NOT just make up numbers and claim them as facts.  You want us to see your viewpoint?

Telling LIES, closes our eyes...

I'm not just making up numbers and claiming them as facts. I made a small math error, copped to it when it was pointed out, and even upon correcting it the point I was making still holds up.

10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

YOU and your running mate state I shouldn't be allowed to wear my rope set ever again...

 No, that's not at all what I've been saying. I've been saying LL should be giving the content creators you buy your rope sets from the incentive to make said rope less of a framerate killer. So you can wear them and enjoy them without having to worry about any of this. 

10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

I'd hesitate to call telling every mesh clothing and/or body wearer in SL that they can throw away EVERYTHING they bought in the last 4 years, and MOST of what they will buy over the coming year "a few bumps".

Again, a straw man. Point to anywhere in this thread where I've suggested any such thing. Instead you'll find that I've been very clear, and if anything overly repetitive,  in saying that this is not what LL should do. You'll find I've been clear in saying that old content naturally gets phased out most of the time as people stop wearing content they picked up 5 years ago in favour of new content they picked up in the past year or so. You'll find I've repeatedly said a lot of unoptimized content could easily be made performance friendly with simple updates, and giving content creators a heads up, the tools and info they need, and a lengthy time period to make such updates will result in a lot of content creators doing exactly that. 

10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

And what exactly is a suitable "grace period"

I've been saying about 2-3 years AFTER all of the necessary tools, documentation, and groundwork has been laid out, which itself would take years, during which you'd already see content creators releasing optimization updates and producing better optimized content. But I'd also agree that it should take as long as necessary to make it go as smoothly as possible. SL isn't going anywhere any time soon. Even if LL fails to fix anything, there's still years and years of life in the Grid. As long as it retains a core userbase putting enough money in for LL to sign their staff's paycheques. 

And allow me to repeat again that not all content will be affected. A lot of people won't notice any change besides higher framerates and less lag, that's the goal of laying the groundwork and giving enough time for a smooth transition. Like I keep saying, LL only needs to curb the worst habits to make SL run substantially better for most of its userbase and potential new users.


Edited by Penny Patton
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3 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

The above location with all its verdant greenery dragged my FPS down from around 70 to 17

You might already know this, but for anyone who doesn't, derendering the sculpted prim foliage and the foliage covered in blended alpha textures (shows up red in Highlight Transparent, as opposed to the blue masked alpha) will have the biggest effect in raising FPS, likely allowing you to keep a lot of the lower poly mesh and masked alpha foliage around while still enjoying a higher framerate.

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On 8/16/2018 at 6:19 AM, Phorumities said:

I guess this is a noob question but what exactly is the default system avatar "made of" if its not a mesh . I'm pretty sure its not made of prims.

It is a fair enough question. The mesh versus prim thing is just SL jargon. Everything in SL is mesh. We call it a prim (primitive) if the mesh is built into the viewer and does not have to download. What is downloaded is a set of parameters that tells the viewer how to deform the built-in mesh. So, you can twist a cube or 'shape' and avatar. Prior to sculpties and mesh SL was a parametric world... one set of parameters rule them all.

We call the avatar built into the viewer the classic or system avatar. Whichever, that 7,000+ polygon mesh does not have to download.

In our jargon 'mesh' isn't the literal mesh the entire SL world is made of. It is the editable list of vertices that make up the item which we uploaded to SL. So, whether body parts, clothes, or buildings we refer to those items as 'mesh'. 

Technically what we call mesh is just a special type of primitive. It is fair to say everything is a primitive. With mesh-prims we can control the vertex list as another parameter. 

Stay technically precise greatly complicates conversation and many wouldn't understand anyway. So, we have jargon to simplify things. But, then that jargon has to be explained too. Thus, giving rise to your question.

The Lindens have an aversion to breaking legacy content that is second only to the users' aversion. At various points in time the Lab has broken stuff. The blow back from users is huge and ugly. The times that stuff was broken were usually in areas the Lindens thought it wouldn't matter all that much. Wrong! So, now they are extremely cautious. Some think too cautious. But, using unsupported features steps outside the realm of 'legacy is not to be broken' motto and is fair game for a break.

The result is the Lab has so far refused to change the classic avatar.

Most professionally designed and optimized avatars use ~5,000 to 10,000 polygons. So, the current mesh bodies (only some) using a million polys are considered excessive. So, we see things like Bakes-On-Mesh and ARCTan in development to hopefully counter the trend. I stress 'hopeful' in relation to BoM as I'm doubtful.


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48 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

No, but your solution to combating lag is about as effective as filling a bowl halfway with salt, sticking a scented candle in it,  placing it upon your computer case and chanting to the machine gods for better performance.

Works for me

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1 hour ago, Nalates Urriah said:

.... So, we see things like Bakes-On-Mesh and ARCTan in development to hopefully counter the trend. I stress 'hopeful' in relation to BoM as I'm doubtful.

The entire point of BoM is an attempt to make onion skins irrelevant, and for most use cases it does.

Sadly there are specific edge cases involving materials with enough vocal support that a worst of all worlds end result is on the cards.

One such edge case is abusing specular highlighting with a flat white texture in lieu of any diffuse texture map to create a latex effect, admittedly walking around with a dynamic deep gloss car paint job does look better than a static texture and I do have the odd outfit that employs this trick, but it's certainly not cheap to render, especially as when taken to extremes requires the use of a worn local lighting rig painting the avatar with 4 projected textures as a substitute environmental cube map (no lights, no highlights).

There are of course better techniques to making more realistic catsuits than applying it to the body like a coat of paint, but different creative communities move at differing speeds.


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12 hours ago, ChinRey said:

I think you both are right and that's one of the Catch 22's the Lab has to face. They depend so much on that revenue stream yet the complexity of mesh bodies is one of the key factors that keep new users away.

I think its more the pricing of mesh bodies and heads thats keeping new users away, heh.

12 hours ago, Phorumities said:

Animesh, as I said before, when it finally shows up on the main grid... derender. It's another of those wonderful SL "improvements" that will drag us deeper into the pit of unusability. At least if's attached to a person, it will already be jellied

At least Animesh count toward impostored agents if in your FoV whether rezzed or worn. They also use the jelly dolls protocol as well and have their own complexity calc.

9 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

1. Signature Gianni (male bodies don't come more mainstream than that) and Catwa Skell. Mesh pierced ears,  Bento face piercing (with most of the piercings hidden), long and detailed necklace, mesh sunglasses, mesh shoes with lettering detail, mesh hair, plus a full and detailed suit = 38,241

2. Slink Physique and Catwa Skell. Mesh pierced ears, Bento face piercing (again, with most of the piercings hidden), mesh hair, and an outfit that's a lot simpler and less-accessorised, but it still looks good = 29,998. (So I'm just under that 30k mark for this one.)

3. Slink Physique (which, yes I know, I didn't even need to be wearing for this one!) and Catwa Daniel. Detailed mesh suit and shoes, plus long hair and some old sculpted glasses that still look good. (Well, they look good when I'm not taking distant low-res print screens so I can show the text above my head, at any rate!) = 45,834. This one edges under 50k, but it's those old sculped glasses taking it higher. If I remove those the complexity drops to 40,910. If I take off the body, it drops to 38,256.

When Animesh received its complexity calc change, my characters, whom were mostly kemono based, but with various hairstyles, clothing and accessories, had an average increase of 60% to their complexity. I'm curious if we will see this much of an increase when LL applies a chance to avatar complexity.

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On 8/14/2018 at 12:19 AM, Klytyna said:

We already have a situation in SL where a significant percentage of the SL population are technically, 10-15 percent below the human average in terms of IQ

I wouldn't say that is entirely true, in fact in my experience far from it. Plus I don't really like measuring peoples intelligence in terms of IQ. I much prefer this proposed model of intelligence https://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html

It recognises that people are intelligent in more ways than just math, word association and logic

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13 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

The Lindens have an aversion to breaking legacy content that is second only to the users' aversion. At various points in time the Lab has broken stuff. The blow back from users is huge and ugly. The times that stuff was broken were usually in areas the Lindens thought it wouldn't matter all that much. Wrong! So, now they are extremely cautious. Some think too cautious. But, using unsupported features steps outside the realm of 'legacy is not to be broken' motto and is fair game for a break.

The result is the Lab has so far refused to change the classic avatar.

I've always favoured the introduction of a new set of system avatars, separate from the old. Allowing people to toggle between a newer, modern avatar, and the original "classic" system avatar. It's the best of both worlds.

 Even better, it would allow LL to take things further in improving the SL avatar. They could re-weight all of the shape sliders when using the new avatar, without breaking content that relies on the old slider weighting. This would mean that while using the new avatar (even if it's hidden and replaced with a mesh body of any kind) you could achieve proper, or even exaggerated, proportions at all sizes. As it stands, LL weighted arm length on women shorter than men's arms. It's one of the reasons (but not the only reason) you see so many women with such short arms. If you're around 6 feet or taller, you need that arm slider maxed out just to have properly proportioned arms. You need it between like 70-90 on the slider just with an average 5'7" sized shape.  That's not intuitive so most people naturally assume higher numbers are an extreme, not in proportion, so they end up with unnaturally short arms and are reluctant to press the slider higher.

 In addition, man or woman, you cannot have proper proportions with avatars shorter than about 5' tall, or taller than about 6'5", despite the fact that avatar height can go as short as about 4' and as tall as nearly 9'. To stay proportionate, you need to keep within a relatively narrow size range. LL doesn't want to fix this because it would mean breaking existing content that relies on the sliders as they are now, but if switching to an updated system avatar would mean new weighting only when toggling to that new avatar, then they'd be free to fix this without worrying about breaking anything.

Edited by Penny Patton
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Once in a while I do read quoted bits of posts of those I have chosen to ignore because of the drivel they post, and this is one such time.

The quoted statement is that "We already have a situation in SL where a significant percentage of the SL population are [sic] technically, 10-15 percent below the human average in terms of IQ".

The rest of us know that approximately half of the human population is below the human average in terms of IQ, which means, of course, that a significant percentage of the RL population is (not 'are') technically below the human average in terms of IQ. Perhaps it requires an average IQ to understand complicated things like this :)


Edited by Phil Deakins
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On 8/18/2018 at 3:12 PM, Skell Dagger said:

This discussion has largely focused on avatar rendering, but can we also please talk about all the frills and folderols, knick-knacks and whatnots that store and event owners rez around their locations for decorative purposes?

Maybe I shouldn't reopen this thread now that it's finally been dormant for a few days but I think Skell's post needs a more detailed response.

Render load is render load and it doesn't really matter if it's caused by the environment or the avatars of course. But there is one significant difference.

A laggy landscape like the one in Skell's pictures is caused by an ignorant, reckless, thoughtless and heavy-handed landscaper using meshes by ignorant, reckless, thoughtless and heavy-handed content creators. It wouldn't be too difficult to make a similar landscape with fairly low lag. We can do something about that problem and it's mainly up to us content creators.

Mesh avatar lag, however, is mainly caused by a bug. There's not much we can do about it as users. And there may not be much Linden Lab can do about it either - not without effectively breaking practically all existing fitted mesh.

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On 8/19/2018 at 5:39 PM, Phil Deakins said:

The quoted statement is that "We already have a situation in SL where a significant percentage of the SL population are [sic] technically, 10-15 percent below the human average in terms of IQ".

What percentage is significant? 40%, 50%, 75%, 80% - can't be quantified. Although I like to think "significant" is more then 20% and less then 40%. That's just me though.

On 8/19/2018 at 5:39 PM, Phil Deakins said:

The rest of us know that approximately half of the human population is below the human average in terms of IQ

Average or median? The median is 100, the average range of intelligence based on percentile is 90ish to 110ish. While half are less then the median, far less then half are below the average range.

A person with an IQ of 80 - 90 would be trained, but not making descisions. Cashier, physical labor, truck driver. A person on the other side 110-120 would be professional - teacher, manager, programmer etc.


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1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

 A person with an IQ of 80 - 90 would be trained, but not making descisions. Cashier, physical labor, truck driver. A person on the other side 110-120 would be professional - teacher, manager, programmer etc.  

Does not fit my empirical observations... university is full of idiots who would starve to death if left unguided... they are just trained to solve mathematical equations, they often lack the creativity to solve new problems... 

Do not equal education with intelligence, modern schooling substituted creativity and genius with tedious learning tasks long ago. Nowadays a bright but lazy person will never get as far as a diligent idiot, sad but true. (No I do not reccomend letting the lazy get away, but the idiots should be weeded out as well).

back to topic:

But SL is something competely different, you do not have to be creative and think up new ways of scripting or building things to have fun here. The neccesary skillset to successfully move around in SL is something almost everyone can learn, of course provided they want to learn at all. Keep in mind this won't give you the skills to successfully run a business or to dress up to win an outfit competition, but those skills are not SL exclusive, they are the same as in RL in those cases. 

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  • 10 months later...

I just been back in SL for two hours June 2019, and promptly uninstalled it again. main reason, Just empty of avators,  the Bots in stores instead of real people have contributed to the lack of social interaction Once seen, even on shopping trips, used to pick up a couple of new friends to hang out with. I see shopping is mostly done by only one person, yet in 2010 pairs were the norm. sandboxes, once  busy were empty. Blakes seas were unusually quite, with most of the old Airports that used to be full devoid or decayed of any activity.

With me, I last spent a linden$ back in 2016....I..haven't spent any since then , because  For me June 2016 was great, I was getting 1.49$ to my 1 GBP. I could afford to rent land and not be financially pushed as an OAP.

 But, since our  Brexit nightmare, its only 1.26$ to one GBP. now.   In real terms, it would  add almost £10 a week to my tier, of any large land or Homestead. Plus large purchases on market Street have had to be put on hold. I still dont understand why Second Life uses in game currency linked to real time financial markets. With UK players its a serious problem, and many have gone on to play other games with steady fixed buys or payments, that are not linked to any market. Over the years, the rise and fall of countries currency have taken a real hit, in what expendable income one is limited to. If the UK does go out on October the 1st with no deal, the pound as I know it, I believe will just crash further and lead to a recession , and  for many who, like have been in SL for 10 years or more, UK  veterans who literally helped built SL you see today will no choice than to spend on basics of energy overpriced fuel and food and clothing, rather than gaming.

I would like SL to realise that still floating L$ on dramatically changing real time markets is now an outdated policy, and is only helping to lower the spending rates of  residents in the same position as me, on fixed  pension  incomes, and no room for increasing spending power. As using European time zone, Im quite shocked by the emptiness of nearly every sim I went to on my bookmarks from 2016. What is your experience returning after a three year Break be interesting to here.

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32 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

I just been back in SL for two hours June 2019, and promptly uninstalled it again. main reason, Just empty of avators,  the Bots in stores instead of real people have contributed to the lack of social interaction Once seen, even on shopping trips, used to pick up a couple of new friends to hang out with. I see shopping is mostly done by only one person, yet in 2010 pairs were the norm. sandboxes, once  busy were empty. Blakes seas were unusually quite, with most of the old Airports that used to be full devoid or decayed of any activity.

i think you should have a second look, do not use old landmarks but search... Shopping and creating have changed a bit... most creating is done offline, not longer in sandboxes, and shopping is often done at MP, or eventpages, and hop in/jop out shopping.

All after the first 4,5 lines i ignore in my response, rl political choices can't be blamed on LL or SL, you really have to be at the houses of Parlement.

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51 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

I still dont understand why Second Life uses in game currency linked to real time financial markets. With UK players its a serious problem, and many have gone on to play other games with steady fixed buys or payments, that are not linked to any market.

How would having to pay real dollars change your problem of a changing value? Linden Lab has to pay it's employees in dollars so charging pounds would shift the risk to them in a totally unnescessary manner. My guess is that they also would have to employ at least 2 more people with the sole job of monitoring foreign currency fluctuations and adapting the fees in those foreign currencies when needed... and in the end you still would have to pay relatively more than before, just with 1 or 2 days of delay (or temporary inavailability of service if fluctuations get too gross).

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1 hour ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

If the UK does go out on October the 1st with no deal, the pound as I know it, I believe will just crash further and lead to a recession , and  for many who, like have been in SL for 10 years or more, UK  veterans who literally helped built SL you see today will no choice than to spend on basics of energy overpriced fuel and food and clothing, rather than gaming.

You're right, of course, but you may as well stay in the game. Even Gor is going to be better than our green and pleasant land once we've crashed out with no deal. They're ruled by psychotic six foot tall golden alien insects. We're going to have Boris.

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23 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

You're right, of course, but you may as well stay in the game. Even Gor is going to be better than our green and pleasant land once we've crashed out with no deal. They're ruled by psychotic six foot tall golden alien insects. We're going to have Boris.


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I had to look that gif up, I've not seen Men in Black 3. Ok, so according to the wiki: "Boris is an intergalactic criminal and the last known member of the Boglodite race." So I looked up Boglodites: "The Boglodites were a species of parasitic aliens. In order to survive they had to continuously devour planet after planet, to avoid their species' starvation. After their invasion of Earth was blocked by the establishment of the Arc Net Shield, the entire species went extinct, except for Boris The Animal."

Total fiction, of course. The Tories and Brexit Party still crawl the earth, so the species is clearly not extinct. 

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