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Inventory to Mesh Cleanup Thoughts?

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So I'm currently 100% mesh...however I have all my old system body painted & standard sized mesh clothing/makeups/shoes/shapes/etc.

In an attempt to clean out my inventory I've been repacking all system/standard mesh clothing into boxes and then packing those boxes into a box named after the store/creator so that I can compress everything down. My thought was that I don't want to just trash everything because I did pay for them, and they hold memories. Recently though I've been questioning myself like...why keep them...your never going to wear them...what's the point...

So here I come to the community...what would you/have you done in this situation (being 100% mesh and dealing with all system body stuffs) ?

Should I just trash everything and get over it? Should I save a few memorable outfits/looks and trash the rest? Or keep packing them up for safe keeping even though I'll probably never touch them again?

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I started to clear all my older stuff out,then found out what they are working on for the future..Bakes on Mesh..

So I am holding off on it for now to see what comes of it..I know a lot of the stuff that I did get rid of was really old..

My tattoos and skins and other things like that, I'm gonna wait on and some of the things I really don't want to toss..Just to see how they look later when this goes live..

From what she is saying in here..We will have up to 62 system layers to play with for makeups and tattoos and skins and clothes  and so on..

So I'm gonna wait and see..:)

here is the feedback thread if you want to look in there..

Bakes on Mesh Feedback Thread



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I did see this and even tried it out briefly on a beta viewer, however even with this feature...honestly I don't really see wearing older painted on clothing even as an "applier or bake on" just for the simple fact of styles change and get old and sometimes newer is better =p

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The standard sizing mesh is still usable on a mesh body you might need to alpha some stuff out on your body HUD though, the only standard sizing i'd toss is anything you can't get to work on your on your mesh body chances are you're never going to go back to the system body to wear them. System layer stuff i'd keep hold of everything you like seeing as bakes on mesh is coming 

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3 minutes ago, Summer Logan said:

I did see this and even tried it out briefly on a beta viewer, however even with this feature...honestly I don't really see wearing older painted on clothing even as an "applier or bake on" just for the simple fact of styles change and get old and sometimes newer is better =p

Yea,I'm in the same mindset..I just want to test out my older things to see what I may want to keep..

I have a bunch of the Dutch Touch skins and other really nice skins that I really don't want to throw away until I see if they will work or not for me..

Tattoos and makeups especially..

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I box and folder everything old. I've thrown some stuff away, but, since I rarely shop for clothing anyway, and some of it has sentimental value(it does too, so there :P ) I keep it, just boxed. Those boxes usually get boxed and/or foldered, depending on what it is.

I do the same with loads of stuff in my inventory, otherwise my inventory would be over 1mil, lol.  When I can keep it under 200k, I'm doing good :) 


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I tossed most everything (trying on standard sizing one by one but only a few fit) when I got my Maitreya body maybe 3 years ago.  I haven't regretted it. I have a LOT of stuff (well actually I blog and toss a lot just keeping my favorites and niche items that might come in handy in the future).

I DID keep my ten year old Calla hair and I think I still have a bunny suit from a store I don't remember the name of but think "Heaven" was in there somewhere.  Those for memories sake.

Honestly in general things just keep getting better and we can only wear so much.

I am currently going through my Home and Garden (other people's stuff) folders and while I am on day two and only partway through 2013 (my oldest folder) I am down a few thousand items as well as being MUCH more organized.  I pitched anything with "bad" LODs (lots) as well as some that had textures that were very marginal. Happily there were plenty  of items that were worth keeping and using.

In my book if you aren't going to use it there is no reason to keep it. 

Some applier clothing works well, some not. So I am on the fence and waiting to see so far as the Bakes on Mesh newness. I honestly can't think of much that I would want back even if it would work soon :D 

It really just depends on how YOU feel about letting go of things. I am very much a minimalist in the corporeal world. I have had folks come to my house and asked when the rest of my stuff was arriving --- now THAT'S minimalist LOL.

Good luck and enjoy the process of reliving old times. 

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1 hour ago, Summer Logan said:

So I'm currently 100% mesh...however I have all my old system body painted & standard sized mesh clothing/makeups/shoes/shapes/etc.

In an attempt to clean out my inventory I've been repacking all system/standard mesh clothing into boxes and then packing those boxes into a box named after the store/creator so that I can compress everything down. My thought was that I don't want to just trash everything because I did pay for them, and they hold memories. Recently though I've been questioning myself like...why keep them...your never going to wear them...what's the point...

So here I come to the community...what would you/have you done in this situation (being 100% mesh and dealing with all system body stuffs) ?

Should I just trash everything and get over it? Should I save a few memorable outfits/looks and trash the rest? Or keep packing them up for safe keeping even though I'll probably never touch them again?

trash it all, you'll never go back anyway

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I was packing everything, thinking about how much I spent over time on my inventory.  Then I developed a philosophy that's helped me dump a lot.  If I can eat a dinner costing $50 USD and not worry about the cost, saving the remains, or saving the future results of the meal, then I can easily toss a pixel dress that cost me 25 cents to a couple dollars.

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I keep most of my system layers that are well painted. Recently I tested some layers using the Bakes on Mesh beta viewer and I got satisfied with the results in general, except for the skins, which result may vary a lot depending on the mesh I was wearing.
So, with Bakes on Mesh coming, I think that it worth keep some layers, mostly tattoos, lingeries, hairbases and makeups, and see how they will work. And about the standard sized mesh clothing, it depends a lot on the use we still give to them. Personally, I rarely use them, but I keep most of those clothes in memory of some looks.

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I dumped all my old prim and system clothing not long after I started wearing mesh. 

I have also dumped almost all of my "Standard Sizing" clothes once rigging became widely available.

As has been mentioned, Bakes On Mesh will breath new life into the old system items.  For me the only thing I regret tossing are my old Garden of Ku tattoos,  Other than those I would not be wearing any of the old stuff again anyway unless there was an "I Love the 90's" costume party or something. I may not be the best to offer advice though since I believe rules were meant to be broken, money is meant to be spent and bridges were meant to be burned.

Anyway ...  you might want to keep the boxes of boxes if there is something you wish you had as an applier today.  Old fashion that doesn't look all that great can be tossed like old rayon paint suits.

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You have no idea how much makeup tattoo layers I have deleted. A whole folder, it was makeups from the first time SL introduced tattoo layers. Packs upon packs. And I regret it!!

On the bright side.... since I am not keeping my inventory "neat" I found I still have a lot of makeup that was not sorted inside that folder. Including my dear Laura Fauna freckles and dimples. I can not wait until I can layer makeup again. So being sloppy was to my benefit here! xD

And I have two boxes with skins that I have boxed up. Hopefully I have some treasures there. I can't remember all I had.

When it comes to clothes: leggings, tops under jackets and underwear, this is going to be awesome for layering. (My fatpack of Zaara classic leggings can beat any appliers :x) I am not going back to adjusting prim or sculpt parts, and the crotch flap is dead and never coming back!

Up through the years I must have trashed several hundred thousand items from my inventory. Only all the notecards and landmarks must be a hundred thousand.

So I guess boxing up can never be BAD.... it can backfire to delete. That LL will introduce bake on mesh sounds too good to be true. Keeping my mesh body and use system layers on it? Newer in my wildest dreams could I imagine this.

Not that I miss all my Gurl6 hair that I deleted... some things are just outdated.



Edited by Marianne Little
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9 hours ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

Ok I finally managed to REALLY fiddle around with it and... well... YEEEEY


I´d NEVER delete every-pre mesh^^ I´m dying to finally wear MY tattoo again (plus I need it for char pics desperately^^) and I can layer again *-*



So umm, if I download the Bakes on mesh viewer, get the Omega relay for this, and apply all the system layers, I see myself correct.... BUT will OTHER avatars who is on different viewers see me the same way?

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

So umm, if I download the Bakes on mesh viewer, get the Omega relay for this, and apply all the system layers, I see myself correct.... BUT will OTHER avatars who is on different viewers see me the same way?

No - not yet.  If I remember correctly, you have to log into the other grid (the Beta one, whatever it is called), to even see them yourself with the test viewer.


Since I shop and hunt so much, I pretty much never wear the same thing a second time anyway.  Thus, I didn't really have a problem with deleting most of my pre-mesh inventory -- though it is not all gone yet, just because I'm too lazy for that much inventory work.  I have saved a few outfits from pre-mesh and early-mesh days, mostly for nostalgia.

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I am cautious about this bake on mesh thing, I will save all my painted on stuff just to see if it's going to look good and work decently, there is one tattoo I desperately miss I wouldn't mind trying but then again maybe it just looks better in my memory...I might try it on and be like, uh what was I thinking? lol...but I've come to the conclusion that all the standard sized mesh if I don't have a real close memory with it I think I might just dump it all. Even though some stuff I know can be worn with a mesh body...I always hate having to adjust my shape and trying to figure out what spots to hide and what spots not to hide to make it look right...plus all the standard sized mesh has small boobies ROFL.

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On 7/14/2018 at 7:22 AM, CoffeeDujour said:

Just be aware than putting all your stuff in nested boxes is not a good technical solution to inventory management. 

Inventory loss is super rare, but that doesn't mean it wont or can't happen.


AND if you are going to "box" items make sure it is a newly rezzed cube. I once boxed a bunch of things inside a book stack to save on prims as I wanted to keep it rezzed for safe keeping -- and the book stack reverted to its earlier form BEFORE adding the inventory and so it was all gone.  This happened to a friend too. So move carefully.  

The inventory is a very tricky place (for the devs too from their comments) so best not to get too attached.   



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