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I'm endlessly frustraited with my shape.


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2 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I doubt you really want it  But you asked  

Increase body thickness slightly, then increase shoulder width until they are 2 to 2.5 head heights wide 

Books are fine  Maybe adjust for a little more gravity  

Slim the hips by say half at least half  Saddle bags too.  That will change the torso and waist a lot so you may need to tweak the love handles to smoothe out  the lines.

Move the body fat up, up, up until you have the body type you want  Finish off with tweaking the muscles for torso and legs.  

Finally, stop being a twaatwaffle  to those trying to help.  If you don't actually want advice as given, stop asking  

I have the right to throw away advice if i've already tried it and it didn't work :) thats just life. you're not automatically right just because you gave an advice. it has to be quality advice.


also no i'm not gonna follow that advice just because you're being smarmy about it.


sorry i don't wanna be a tiny titted anorexic conservative teenybopper but thats my choice.

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It's your hips throwing the look off. Since you desire to have proportions that are more closer to an extreme than an average, having average range boobs is going to be difficult on the eye. The eye is naturally drawn to your out of proportion hips. I do understand that's probably something you desire, it's your style, and you may not wish to change it, but it's *precisely what's throwing off your visuals. The boobs aren't remotely boxy, cover your bottom half and then look with fresh eyes, you'll see they're not bad looking. but when you look at the whole picture, the proportions are going to cause you to second guess and second, triple look at everything else, because it's throwing you of visually. 

I have that same body, I assure you, the boobs are far from boxy, lol. But, my hips are proportioned to my shoulders, and the rest of my body, so, visually, one gets a similar, umm, not sure what word to use here, I guess pattern or style, looking both up and down the entire body. It's the proportions throwing you off, nothing more, nothing less.

I'm not knocking your style, or your shape choices..they;re yours to have and to love...but, you're not going to get the look you desire with ANY body, or ANY shape, when proportions are that off. Your boobs simply don't match your hips in style, size, shape, proportion, etc.... You're going to keep struggling with how it looks. It's something a LOT of people(most) have when they choose those kinds of proportions. Some don't care, it doesn't bother them, and they're content with how it looks. You're not one of those people, you've expressed it repeatedly. So you can either take the suggestions offered(all very good mind you, and no one is required to help, so might want to take the snark down a few notches when asking for help) and at least try them...or, you can simply accept that with the style, proportions and shape(s) you've chosen, you're going to continue to struggle with the same problem. No matter what mesh body you use, unless the boobs and hips are *designed by default, to be that far out of proportion from one another...you'll find the same problem. It's not because the bodies are made wrong, off, or are somehow not right. It's because what you want can't easily be achieved due to the fact that it throws you off visually.

Take that all with a grain of salt, it's just my opinion, but judging by your pictures, the boobs are fine, your hips however, are not, and it throws the entire thing way off. 


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As someone who spent hours upon hours creating my own shape, I can relate to your Frustration - however, I have to agree with Rhonda and Tari: You don't make it easy to *want* to help you.

With that out of the way, I second Tari's opinion, that the hips of your Avatar shape are way out of Proportion. You don't have to have an hourglass figure if you don't want, but this extremely pear-shaped shape in the first Picture set doesn't look plausible either

. I mean, if the Body fat slider and arm thickness mirrored your hip width, I wouldn't mind, because *then* your shape would most probably be within "normal" proportions again (you just would look somewhat overweight, which is fine with me). But as it is, that extremely wide hip and the  pear-shaped silhouette from the front (unlike the view from the side) lets your Avatar look like a Kind of caricature of herself, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that.

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My honest opinion is to start over again with the default body. If you like your face as it is then make notes of all the facial settings beforehand.

Body shape is all subjective. I think the body shown in the OP looks awful and nothing like any human being I've ever seen, but that's just me.

Have a look at the following webpage (A Matter of Proportion), it might help you to get the basics right before twiddling in preferences.




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I wanted to add something, that might help explain what I mean. Also, looking at the bra in the pic, it may well be that design that's forcing you to see boxy, by that I mean the line down the front of it, it's a pretty design, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure it's helping you. I know you said it looks the same nude as it does in the bra, but that bra was throwing me off.  I'm fairly certain that it's just my visual limitations doing that, so I logged in, and wanted to show you something. This is the maitreya body with my shape, the bra and panties come standard with the body, so they're nothing uber special here... but...these boobs are perfectly boob shaped..and by that I mean, they look how boobs tend to look, somewhere in the circular/ovular family...definitely not boxy in the least. They're not pointing to the sky, they're not pointing to the ground(heh, the visual I get on that), and they're not poking someone's eye out.  Even my own proportions aren't perfect, and of course I'm biased since I took ages to get my shape how I wanted it too(don't we all?), but, it looks more, even(I don't want the word I use here to sound condescending, my apologies if it does, it's not intentional) or, rather, no one point takes focus away from others, thereby throwing my visuals way off. I've had shapes like that too(I've always made my own shapes, this one I've had since 2010). It can definitely throw the eyes(eye in my case) off. I have issues with things being visually appealing, since my vision is terribly limited, I have no depth perception at all, and can generally get way off base on measurements at times. So, I get the frustration when something doesn't look right, I really do, I struggle with it every minute of every day of my life-sl and rl.  That said...they're not huge boobs, but they're not tiny, and I don't look like an anorexic teenybopper. 

Anyway..here...see..no box boobs :D I promise, it's not the body itself :) (ignore the windlight setting, kinda makes my necklace look like a glowing nightmare)





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Anyways.. a couple of thoughts:  A wise, successful creator once had in her profile, a whole rant about people making their arms too short.  She explained in impressive detail, how the arms can be that -one- thing that you're unhappy about with your shape, but you can't figure it out.  She went on to say that they are often best at close to 90%.  I thought that was crazy, but when I changed mine, it made quite a huge difference!  I note that your arms are a bit small in proportion to the rest of you, so maybe give it a try?

If you'd like larger breasts, then don't forget the gravity.  Big ones don't float unless you're in the water, haha.  I have gotten to where I keep mine sort of large, but natural looking with some gravity, then if I'm wearing a corset, or some other sort of binding garment, then I pop the cleavage option on with my skin applier.

You kind of have a pear shape happening.  While, if you're going for a pretty drastic hip width, you're not going to have shoulders that are in proportion to it, but I do think yours could widen a little.

I just have dealt with these things with my shape also.  You probably have all this figured out already, 'cause you've had really wise individuals speaking to you about it.  Either way, I hope you end up happy with yourself very soon!  You can always get a mod shape that you like the looks of, and making sure it's 'mod', make a copy, and put your own face shape on it, and tweak the body a little.  It might help?

Edited by Pixie Ringo
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10 hours ago, MaggiJin said:

5: go to any mirror, turn to the side, and look. breasts don't become torpedos, boxy or point strait up when they're an adult womans chest size. they're *****in round. ovular even depending on if they're larger and sag more. THAT is my problem. the maitreyas chest looks weird. unattractive even.

If you go to the same mirror you'll also find that a woman's thigh isn't the same width as her collarbone, but that doesn't stop people from making them  that way in Second Life.

If you're really particular about how you look there's one sure way to fix that:


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1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

If you go to the same mirror you'll also find that a woman's thigh isn't the same width as her collarbone, but that doesn't stop people from making them  that way in Second Life.

If you're really particular about how you look there's one sure way to fix that:


*giggles*  That's not true of everyone in RL.   :ph34r:  But I'LL NEVER TELL!!  Wait.. do you mean just one collarbone?

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First of all, I'm a dude, so I know next to nothing about editing breast shapes. But, secondly, I'm a gay dude, so I'm kind of ambivalent about boobs anyway. In short: objective outsider's viewpoint coming up ;)

Maggi, I saw that you posted this on the first page of the thread:


Mine used to be smaller to, but then i got like 3 people messeging me saying that they don't allow teen avatars, so i had to make them bigger.

I find it hard to believe that three people told someone who has hips as broad as yours that you are a teenager ('stereotypical teenager' tends to equate with either 'short' or 'skinny beanpole' [or a mixture of both] in many peoples' minds), so I suspect you also widened your hips in response to that. And - if you did - I get where you're coming from with it, as per the following images:


Ancient fertility goddesses: the very symbols of adult womanhood. Tiny shoulders and wide hips. "I can't be a teenaged girl with hips this wide!"

However, it's that selfsame hip-to-shoulder ratio that - while a symbol of adult womanhood in ancient statues - does not work with the SL sliders. Certain SL sliders affect certain other SL sliders in ways that make no sense at all, so when people are telling you to decrease hips and broaden shoulders in order to remove the 'blocky boob' effect I suggest listening to them instead of dismissing them because they're "smarmy" or because you think their advice will make you look like "a tiny titted anorexic conservative teenybopper". (I fail to see what political leanings have to do with body shape, but hey-ho...)

If you want an example of how sliders affect other sliders, I dug up a recent IM conversation I had with a woman who helped me tremendously with the Signature body. I added it to my collection of male mesh bodies purely because I blog a lot of clothing, and a lot of clothing is now made specifically for that body, so I needed to have it. However, I really disliked having on Skell the specific 'bracketed arms' look that so many guys wearing that body have. Skell has a swimmer's torso: broad-shouldered, but long and lean; he's not a gymbunny! The way the upper arms on the Signature body stand out from the torso while being so bulgingly-muscular drove me crazy, and I'd spent hours fiddling with muscle and shoulder width sliders, trying to reduce it, but I was completely wrong in going for the sliders that I did.

Here is the log, with names redacted. You can see that I was crotchety, whiny, and grumpy as hell by the time I spoke to her, but nonetheless she was humour and patience itself with me. And I apologised to her for being such a grouchy ass, because it turns out that her seemingly-crazy advice was absolutely correct. I've bolded her suggestions, which - at the time - made no sense to me:


Me: Oh, speaking of Signature. I picked up the demo.
Me: *sigh* I spent a while playing around with my shape. I have to say it: I *hate* that body.
Her: try to zero all muscle and increase height
Me: I have to skinny the hell down to get my arms looking normal, and even when I do that, the arms hang out to my sides. I really really dislike it. I tried, I really did.
Me: It's the angle of the arms.
Me: They're rigged for muscle, so they go out, like brackets
Me: It's just not for me
Her: hmm I think I got arms next to my sides
Me: It's great for those that like it, but I just can't live with it
Her: they even cut into body a bit....I need to look for you
Her: also zero shoulders and pecs then move up
Me: ZERO shoulders? Holy sh*t, no.
Me: /me sighs. Okay, I shouldn't dismiss advice out of hand. Hang on, I'll put the damn thing back on. Apologies.
Her: it works :) but zero then slide up
Me: Zero shoulders look terrible
Me: What I'm seeing with normal shoulders is a GAP in the armpit. It's built to be muscled and it looks wrong without that muscle
Her: no slide up
Me: Slide *what* up?
Her: zero torso muscle, pecs and shoulders...the slide up numbers in small units
Me: Ok, I see what you mean. Arms are a little closer to the body, but now I have sloped shoulders
Me: Skell is *broad*
Her: now shorten neck a tiny and widen shoulders by small units
Her: hmm I think three are a cpl other sliders also
Me: Jeez, I am so whiny tonight. I'm sorry :-/
Me: OK, I've got the shoulders looking halfway decent, but I now have that potbellied pear-shape all the hipster boys love >.<
Her: hahah just enlarge yer bum
Her: ohh and really big feet :) that can be distraction from pear shape
Me: My butt is already 48, thank you :P
Her: :-D
Me: I never gave a damn about the 'coin purse' but I like some booty on Skell ;-)
Me: Fine, fine. I'll buy the damn thing. *mutters and heads off to the Catwa store to get it from the vendor there*

I didn't think that zeroing the shoulders and pectorals until I looked like a skinny waif and then nudging the sliders up a bit at a time would work to remove that 'bracket shoulder stance' while reducing the muscles and bringing my upper arms closer to my sides, but it did. So why not try what Rhonda and others have suggested, and see if it works, rather than saying you're not even going to bother because you didn't like the way they phrased their advice?

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I don't think I am seeing the boxiness you are seeing, but I know the shoulder size affects the shape of the breasts and your shoulders are incredibly small and I think that is possibly the cause of the problem you are seeing. Try increasing shoulder width and seeing how that affects them.

i too have problems with getting my shoulders right and I am always tweaking them back and forwards. What seems good from the front looks weird from the back, but i would never go anywhere near as small as your shoulders.

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I think a lot of girls are attempting to copy this look (not saying you are, just speaking in general).  I'm pear shaped, so I tend to be a bit bottom heavy; I suspect a lot of women in SL are, but  get a bit heavy handed with the sliders when trying to achieve the "curvy" look.

I keep my shoulder width slightly smaller than my thigh width. If I go any larger, my shape tends to look a bit uneven. SL shapes are kind of weird in that the shoulders can look normal from the front, but too small or too big from the back, so I adjust them according to my outfit.

As for the breasts issue - I've had better luck with the Hourglass body and setting the breast size to a nice mid range that isn't too large or small and adjusting the buoyancy to reflect the size and weight. It seems a lot of the mesh bodies have plus and minuses about each of them, so the key is finding one that you can get the most benefit from and be happy with.



Wide hips.jpg

pear shaped.jpg


Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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The Tonic body and demos are available at the Tonic store. The Fine is very close to the Maitreya. I personally find that the Maitreya breasts are a little flat/squished. I use the Tonic fine most of the time with minimal problems. The Maitreya size in clothing fits the Tonic Fine with just a bit of alpha tweaking. There is also the curvy that is a bit fuller figured. Grab the demos and try.

Edited by Bobbie Faulds
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OP's boobs are set large which is look strange because they are small compared to the hips. When you slide the boobs to over 70 they start to hang away from the body like cradling a pair of volleyballs. You can hold the volleyballs high/low or push them together/apart and they still look like volleyballs on your chest. The mesh of the breasts use the same number of polygons whatever the size so bigger breasts also get more angular. I'd try setting the chest smaller, not flat, but there is a middle ground where the breasts look adult but don't hang away from the body that much. I can see how making the chest smaller on this body type would end up looking child-like because of the breast to width ratio. The way around that would be to narrow the hips slightly as the breasts are made smaller. You get the same proportion but use smaller breasts. Another thing to do is set the 'body thickness' slider to a wider setting. Body thickness is not a slider that makes the avatar fatter, it makes the entire body more human looking and opens up more options on changing proportions. This actually makes your arms and legs thinner in proportion to the the body by reducing the arm/leg muscle sliders.

I think the Belezza Isis has much more natural looking breasts than Maitreya or Slink. The nipples point outward more naturally and the breasts look more natural when set to higher gravity. The Maitreya and Slink look better when made smaller and pushed up, so in clothes, they look better than the Isis. OP's shape actually seems more suited to the Belezza Freya or Slink Hourglass body shapes. They ccould be set closer to OP's intended shape without deforming the mesh polygons too much. 

Edited by Bree Giffen
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4 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

OP's shape actually seems more suited to the Belezza Freya or Slink Hourglass body shapes. They ccould be set closer to OP's intended shape without deforming the mesh polygons too much. 

Yes, but she's tried those already and she doesn't like them and has thrown in the towel. already. :P


Demo, demo! The shape you are wearing went through a HUGE popularity phase a couple of years ago. I know there are still ladies rockin' this look, so it is entirely doable. Just remember that you have to mess around with your body before you find that perfect fit. :) It can be very frustrating, and it's easy to tell that you're there and beyond. Take a deep breath. It will be okay! 

Edited by norajulian
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On 26-12-2017 at 3:00 AM, MaggiJin said:

also no i'm not gonna follow that advice just because you're being smarmy about it.


sorry i don't wanna be a tiny titted anorexic conservative teenybopper but thats my choice.

I am surprised that after this there still have been so many helpful answers.

Throwing away what is probably the best advise, and insulting small breasted woman while you are at it, way to go!

(And you actually choose smaller breast but made them big because some people thought you being a teen avatar, so there is no logic in your reasoning either...)

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I think most real life females using female avatars by expecting the attention from men. The problem is most female shapes designed by women and women have no idea what kind of female shape attracted for men. Also its different in each mens view but most guys told me most of the female avatars are not their type. Here is one of the best avatar shape I ever see in SL and I couldn't resist to kiss her :D



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Just now, Yasojith said:

I think most real life females using female avatars by expecting the attention from men. The problem is most female shapes designed by women and women have no idea what kind of female shape attracted for men. Also its different in each mens view but most guys told me most of the female avatars are not their type. Here is one of the best avatar shape I ever see in SL and I couldn't resist to hug her :D



wow she could almost be my twin.

Yet another proof that I'm perfect. Thank you


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1 minute ago, Yasojith said:

I think most real life females using female avatars by expecting the attention from men. The problem is most female shapes designed by women and women have no idea what kind of female shape attracted for men. Also its different in each mens view but most guys told me most of the female avatars are not their type. Here is one of the best avatar shape I ever see in SL and I couldn't resist to hug her :D




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