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SL vs Social media

chardonay Babii

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I try to stay as far away from social media as I can..Especially since the past year. Politics has invaded it more than I care for,along with a lot of entertainment as well..

For me SL is a much friendlier atmosphere..I mean you can find the same stuff  that social media has,if you go digging for it..But that's the nice thing,having to go digging for it rather than it being pushed in your face.

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30 minutes ago, chardonay Babii said:

Which do you prefer

I wouldn't touch Arsebook and Splatter with the wet end of somebody else's 10 ft cesspit stirring stick.

I'm not a member of the "Typ wid ur fums" Not-So-Smartphone console gamer generation

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14 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I try to stay as far away from social media as I can..Especially since the past year. Politics has invaded it more than I care for,along with a lot of entertainment as well..

For me SL is a much friendlier atmosphere..I mean you can find the same stuff  that social media has,if you go digging for it..But that's the nice thing,having to go digging for it rather than it being pushed in your face.

In SL I get called sweetie, hun and other nice things and find it much friendlier and people tend to take less offense at things. An attitude of wanting to help each other seems to be prevalent as well also. SM seems to me all about getting your point across and being right so often and I cant be bothered with that so I favour spending spare time in SL.

Edited by chardonay Babii
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24 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I do use modern communication tools like IM, Skype, Face Time, etc. I just prefer direct communication.  The closest thing to wide open social media I use is The Forum Cartel group chat.


wait ... do these forums count as social media?
OMG!  I'm a millennial! 

Nah, there's no ads, pointless memes, profile pics containg your kids or photos of your dinner or cake you made here..

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15 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I do use modern communication tools like IM, Skype, Face Time, etc. I just prefer direct communication.  The closest thing to wide open social media I use is The Forum Cartel group chat.


wait ... do these forums count as social media?
OMG!  I'm a millennial! 

Myself,I think they are different..

Social medias are more like about subjects that get brought up here and there and anywhere..Can be on this site or that site or the one way over there or even go viral..

usually they have comment sections or place for 200 characters for short replies..things like that..hehehehe

Forums are usually more community based and more out of the public eye..and way more room to respond or post up..usually you have to be logged in and a member of the community to post up..

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You know how SL can be very different depending on what you do, where you go and who you spend time with? Social media is the same way. It's not hard to avoid the stuff you don't want to see (whether it's dinner pics or political arguments) if you're careful who you follow, friend or like. Does help if you choose a name that RL people won't find you on too. :SwingingFriends: But it doesn't have to be the equivalent of hanging out at a griefer sandbox.

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35 minutes ago, chardonay Babii said:

In SL I get called sweetie, hun and other nice things and find it much friendlier and people tend to take less offense at things. An attitude of wanting to help each other seems to be prevalent as well also. SM seems to me all about getting your point across and being right so often and I cant be bothered with that so I favour spending spare time in SL.

At our house,we went as far as getting rid of our cable because,it seemed like even entertainment was getting really bad with political things..Entertainment used to be a nice escape also,but not anymore..

I used to love the daily show with John Stewart.. Now it's the Trevor Noah, one dimensional, how many ways can I kick The Trump, horse show..

Trevor used to have such a wider range of material and was so funny..Now he's on that show and just some guy doing the same routine every night, like he was playing Vegas..

I'm not a trump fan, but I'm also not obsessed with him like all the medias have gotten..


We ended up getting one of those Roku boxes which now,we don't get commercials and can watch 11 seasons of Frasier in a row if we felt like it.. hehehehe

Heck I didn't even know there were 10 different Native American channels  out there until a couple of months ago.. it's always adding new channels each month as well..

So between SL and our roku..we can cut them off pretty good..hehehehe


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9 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

You know how SL can be very different depending on what you do, where you go and who you spend time with? Social media is the same way. It's not hard to avoid the stuff you don't want to see (whether it's dinner pics or political arguments) if you're careful who you follow, friend or like. Does help if you choose a name that RL people won't find you on too. :SwingingFriends: But it doesn't have to be the equivalent of hanging out at a griefer sandbox.

The thing I don't like is,like with my youtube..

I can watch a zillion different things I like and my home page will put those on my home page for me..

Just Glimpse at a political video and I get all kinds of crap that I have to clean off there..Antifa this or Trump that,Hillary this,Barry doesn't speak about Hillary dissing him..


I really wish Google and all the sites would stop trying to tell me what they think I would like to be watching and go back to,oh you are searching for this? ok we'll try to find you everything on that subject..

Instead it.s ,search term,Hills of Tennessee.. I get 100 pages of news articles of what's trending with Hillary..



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Not sure I'd say I "prefer" Twitter, but I do find it an irreplaceable information source. That usage probably doesn't qualify as "social media", though, because none of my Twitter interactions are friend- or family-directed.

Twitter includes a host of different overlapping interest communities, so a bit like SL in that way.

I never touch Facebook except when forced -- it's way too creepy!

For what I think you mean by "social" I far prefer SL. Or forums. 

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I log in to Facebook usually once every day or two to check in on what my kids are up to.  They'll often post something about their job or life that I want to see.  Otherwise, I pretty much don't care about anything else that people post there.  

I have a Twitter account, but I cannot remember when I last looked at it and I've never posted to it.

I don't even have an Instagram account and have no desire to create one.

I created a Snapchat account, at my daughter's request, but I never log in to that either.

So, yeah, for me it is just SL and these forums and some inworld group chats.

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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

At our house,we went as far as getting rid of our cable because,it seemed like even entertainment was getting really bad with political things..Entertainment used to be a nice escape also,but not anymore..

I used to love the daily show with John Stewart.. Now it's the Trevor Noah, one dimensional, how many ways can I kick The Trump, horse show..

Trevor used to have such a wider range of material and was so funny..Now he's on that show and just some guy doing the same routine every night, like he was playing Vegas..

I'm not a trump fan, but I'm also not obsessed with him like all the medias have gotten..


We ended up getting one of those Roku boxes which now,we don't get commercials and can watch 11 seasons of Frasier in a row if we felt like it.. hehehehe

Heck I didn't even know there were 10 different Native American channels  out there until a couple of months ago.. it's always adding new channels each month as well..

So between SL and our roku..we can cut them off pretty good..hehehehe


Actually I forgot about TV for years when I discovered Virtual worlds and got addicted to that. I only got interested in it again when I was able to Netflix binge cool shows. LOL the bulk of free to air TV personally I wont watch but it keeps the kids amused.

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I don't really prefer one or the other. There is a multitude of social media sites and many more places to interact with other people either anonymously or with verified identities. It's all pretty much the same to me. Enjoy the good people and ignore the bad and you will find bliss. 

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1 hour ago, chardonay Babii said:

Actually I forgot about TV for years when I discovered Virtual worlds and got addicted to that. I only got interested in it again when I was able to Netflix binge cool shows. LOL the bulk of free to air TV personally I wont watch but it keeps the kids amused.

I used to like the channels that used to be educational..Science channel and Discovery and Nat Geo,things like that..Then they all went and turned everything into scripted reality tv shows..

The science channel showed, How it's made, just about every time I would check to see if ,How the universe works, was on..

Now I get to pick and choose what's on and can get as much science or whatever I'm wanting to watch..

My Roku ,I have netflix ,hulu,youtube,Amazon or whatever channels I choose to add or take off..Plus can scroll the news and watch the parts that interest me,so that's kind of nice in itself..hehehe

I don't watch TV much,but when I do,I like that I don't have to settle for what's on and having to sit for half the time through commercials..:)

Another plus is ,We got to tell AT&T to take a hike..That was pretty good feeling as much as they were hiking their prices for the crap they were giving in return.. hehehehe

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I tend to believe that people find what they are looking for, whether or not they know they're looking for it, and regardless of where they look.

In that right social media, virtual worlds, forums, online games, rl groups..really anywhere people gather together to share thoughts, opinions, words, whatever have you...they all have similarities. 

I don't necessarily find that any are preferable over others. I find that they all have their uses, at least in my life. Others' mileage may differ. 

As for the whole "I don't like what I see" stuff, ie political issues, news we aren't really fond of, arguments, or really anything unpleasant, again I believe that's something(things?) people can find just about anywhere. You can't really escape it, no matter how much you try. You can ignore unpleasant things, you can do whatever you wish to avoid it, but it's not going away. I happen to believe that despite not being able to fully avoid things, we can change how they impact us, or rather the type of impact they have on us, and what we do with that information. I don't ignore unpleasant things all the time, some of the time I do, but other times, I simply adjust the type of impact I allow them to have on me, my life, my experiences in my life, etc. In the times that I cannot necessarily adjust, or control that impact, I just do my best in the damage control department and go with that. I'm not always successful.

I don't find that sl, is any less unpleasant an experience than social media, because I am able to recognize that I have a lot more control over my own environment than others might think they do. I don't find that social media is a worse environment due to the unpleasant nature of, well, humans(because that's what it boils down to). I have found that others seem to avoid places that they dislike in sl, which lends(I believe) a lot to why they might think sl and places like it are more pleasant. It's not that they ARE more pleasant, it's that people are allowing themselves more control over the environment and its impact on them. On social media, people tend to not allow themselves that control-I don't know why, I've never understood why, I probably never will. That said, even these forums will show that SOME people, lack this ability to have ANY control at all. While, again like I said, we can't control everything, there is a lot more some people could do in the damage control department. Some folks seem to be drama magnets in sl, for example, and they'll come here and complain about this, that and the other, when, if they'd simply avoided a situation that was unpleasant, or at least walked away from it when it began being unpleasant, they'd have a lot less to complain about. Those kinds of posts give me the "dafuq" thought..as in "dafuq you sticking around in a place/situation you don't like for". I find the same exists on social media, forums..everywhere really. The same kind of people that don't walk away from unpleasantness in sl, are the same kind of folks that don't walk away from it on social media. No different, regardless of the differences in the environment, people are still at the very core, and people aren't all that different just because they're in a different environment-even when they try to be. 

All that to say...TLDR; I don't prefer one over the other, I don't find that they have nearly as many differences as some, and I do my best at damage control no matter where I might find myself experiencing life at any given moment in time :D

(you should see how some of the online discussions in my courses flow....oooh boy, you want to meet some unpleasantness and people that lack the capability to deal with it....that's the place, nowhere I've found holds a candle to it, lol)

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On 9/14/2017 at 9:40 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

Plus can scroll the news and watch the parts that interest me,so that's kind of nice in itself..hehehe

I wonder, what are you using for that? have you tried Haystack TV ? It takes a few sessions of fine-tuning which items you like watching -- sorta like training Spotify -- after which I find it generates a remarkably well-curated feed of short news-item videos. I drive it from my Android phone or iPad to display on whichever Chromecast is nearby, so it must be possible to get it on your much more sophisticated hardware. (I somehow accumulated a bunch of Chromecasts over the years.)

Edited by Qie Niangao
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I'm on SL for a couple of hours every day, and my RL profession prompts me to maintain contact with my much-younger co-workers - and the best way to do that is to use the social media platforms they spend so much time on  (Voice calls and work-emails may or may not be answered, but everyone's chatty on social media).  

I would place SL and social media as "about equal" when it comes to how people behave.

Both have small contingents of people who try to use the alleged "anonymity of the internet" to behave badly and both have been invaded by political activism - it just depends on where you go on either platform.

I WILL say that SL is the easier place to ditch the Trolls (unless you have a sophisticated Stalker after you, in which case all bets are off), just by going somewhere else and muting people or leaving Groups in which the obnoxious and the "I'm gonna elevate your political awareness" types hang out.

Some people see SL as just another platform to advance "whatever personal crusade" they're into, but for me its my vacation from RL. I try to keep it that way :-)


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I don't see Second Life in the same realm or classification as most social media platforms. Its not really a substitute relationship between Second Life and services like Facebook, at least for me. I use both, but not for the same thing and I'm not interacting with the same people. Nobody in SL knows my real name and almost nobody outside of SL knows that I'm here. Second Life is...I don't know, kind of a creative, social dollhouse (I shop too much...:$). I come here to relax and my real life doesn't matter much and I talk to so many random people.

In contrast, I use Facebook to keep in touch with people I know and engage in groups that deal with hobbies and interests I have.

And overall, I have to say people are people. They don't behave that much different.


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Social Media is a useful communication tool for my RL, a handy way to let my parents see their grandchildren, and keep up with what is going on with the cousins and nieces and nephews. SL is an escape from that RL, to keep me sane enough to not start screaming over what I see the cousins, nieces and nephews doing on social media.

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