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My land lady is ok with perving?


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Hey! Just wanted to say that I thought this was creepy as hell. I think the best thing you can do if you witness yourself being perved on in SL is just to leave immediately, go somewhere else, and return when the griefer is gone.

As for why everyone in these forums is using apparently multiple posts from your account to shame you, I have no clue and I find really weird.

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>> I rent one of these 'skybox' things. Is that a total newb thing to be doing?
Not at all.  Many people use them.  Even people who have been here for years use them.

>> Do I have privacy in one of those?
Not really.  It is secluded and less likely to have wanderers but people can still find you.

>> I guess they would need to know the exact coords to teleport to, am i right? It's in the sky.
A curious person could just as easily see your dot as an arrow  on a mini-map and fly up to find out what is there.

>> Do most people own their own place / land?
I do not have any hard data on this but I am going to say no, they do not.  This is just a guess but I think most people rent their homes.  Some people do not have any land rented or otherwise.

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Just a note:

Pretty good privacy can be achieved if you can set one of the land options. It's the one that allows people to see avatars that are on the parcel. Turning that off prevents anyone from seeing in and camming in. It also prevents you from seeing outside, but a radar can handle that. It doesn't prevent anyone from coming onto the parcel though. Other methods can handle that. So, if the 'home' is high in the sky, and the option to allow people to see avatars inside is turned off, and an orb is used to immediately eject anyone who trespasses (not recommended), some pretty good privacy can be achieved.

On the other hand, why bother? There's nothing to see except some pixels, and, if private chat is used, there's nothing to hear either.


Edited by Phil Deakins
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50 minutes ago, Lada Charlton said:

I think the best thing you can do if you witness yourself being perved on in SL is just to leave immediately, go somewhere else, and return when the griefer is gone.

you'd be teleporting without end... not even have enough time to click fast enough on your landmarks....

and... someone who looks isn't a griefer...

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7 minutes ago, Lada Charlton said:

everyone in these forums

All generalizations are false. 

I do not appreciate your lies about my behavior.  If you have a problem with someone's posts, why not mention them directly?  I would also like to see what you think is an attempt to shame Jenny.  By the way, Jenny is also part of "everyone in these forums" that you accuse of shaming Jenny herself.

To sum up the thread for those who are not following what's happening.

Jenny: I can't eject pervs and my landlord doesn't care.  Is that weird? Is it OK that I left because of that?
Lillith: The last time we talked you were looking at buying.  Looks like you settled on renting.  You only get the permissions the owner gives.  There is not any real privacy in SL but you can find places with more permissions for you.
Jenny: Right.  I was renting and wondered if buying was a better optio for security.
Alwin: Good job on getting out.
Pam (to Lilith about the no privacy statement): SL is not set up to accommodate the very modest.
Akasha: I need security options if I rent. (to Pam): If my modest ass is seen it should be my choice.
Jenny: Exactly!
Jenny: The landlord and I are still friends and they have no hard feelings.
Jenny laughs at Pam's modesty comment.
Alwin: If all is good.  Why bring it up?
Jenny: Wanted to know if I was being rude.
Cindy posts a meme about confusion.  (My take is, why would Jenny think it was rude to leave where she was not comfortable.)
Jenny laughs: Just making sure.  It's 4:20 here ...
Love makes sarcastic comment about landlady.
Tari: Glad it worked out.
Jenny: Is Love serious?
Jenny, Lilith Qie and Chic talk about land ownership. Alwin makes a psudo-grumpy comment.
Talli supports Jenny. Love the 2nd and Callum engage in off topic flirts with Talli.
Lil teases Alwin about the not really grumpy comment.
Chase asks about the guy in original post and sides with Jenny
Jenny: He was just some dude.
[more off topic banter]
Ceka posts a rocking fantasy pic with dragons!
Chase: If you want to rent, I can recommend a few places with what you are wanting.

00TK: you are all a bunch of trolls.

Lillith: ??

It kind of winds out of control from there.   Accusations based on misinterpretations and people asking where the accusations are coming from leads us to here.


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14 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

To sum up the thread for those who are not following what's happening.

<good summation>

It kind of winds out of control from there.   Accusations based on misinterpretations and people asking where the accusations are coming from leads us to here.


Nice - you should teach a class on 'How to understand Forum talk - for Newbies'

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19 hours ago, zoelamb said:

Is that a total newb thing to be doing?


19 hours ago, zoelamb said:

Do I have privacy in one of those?

It depends on the permissions you've up there but you can set some good privacy rules :

Under About Land>Options

-disallow other residents to fly,

-disallow residents on other parcels to see and chat,

Under About Land>Access

-Allow Group Access : if you can not, there are some good security orbs available on the MP.

20 hours ago, zoelamb said:

Is is possible for other people to just turn up there?

If you disallow fly, no they can not. And anyway, don't forget that you still can kick them and add them to the Land ban list if they insist.

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28 minutes ago, Morgan Rosenstar said:

If you disallow fly, no they can not.

Not necessarily true.  If I am flying already when I come to the location, then I can continue to fly until I land.  Even then, if I have the 'fly override' turned on, I can fly again.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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48 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Not necessarily true.  If I am flying already when I come to the location, then I can continue to fly until I land.  Even then, if I have the 'fly override' turned on, I can fly again.

Hence I said "And anyway, don't forget that you still can kick them and add them to the Land ban list if they insist."

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On 8/31/2017 at 1:59 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

All generalizations are false. 

I do not appreciate your lies about my behavior.  If you have a problem with someone's posts, why not mention them directly?  I would also like to see what you think is an attempt to shame Jenny.  By the way, Jenny is also part of "everyone in these forums" that you accuse of shaming Jenny herself.

To sum up the thread for those who are not following what's happening.

Jenny: I can't eject pervs and my landlord doesn't care.  Is that weird? Is it OK that I left because of that?
Lillith: The last time we talked you were looking at buying.  Looks like you settled on renting.  You only get the permissions the owner gives.  There is not any real privacy in SL but you can find places with more permissions for you.
Jenny: Right.  I was renting and wondered if buying was a better optio for security.
Alwin: Good job on getting out.
Pam (to Lilith about the no privacy statement): SL is not set up to accommodate the very modest.
Akasha: I need security options if I rent. (to Pam): If my modest ass is seen it should be my choice.
Jenny: Exactly!
Jenny: The landlord and I are still friends and they have no hard feelings.
Jenny laughs at Pam's modesty comment.
Alwin: If all is good.  Why bring it up?
Jenny: Wanted to know if I was being rude.
Cindy posts a meme about confusion.  (My take is, why would Jenny think it was rude to leave where she was not comfortable.)
Jenny laughs: Just making sure.  It's 4:20 here ...
Love makes sarcastic comment about landlady.
Tari: Glad it worked out.
Jenny: Is Love serious?
Jenny, Lilith Qie and Chic talk about land ownership. Alwin makes a psudo-grumpy comment.
Talli supports Jenny. Love the 2nd and Callum engage in off topic flirts with Talli.
Lil teases Alwin about the not really grumpy comment.
Chase asks about the guy in original post and sides with Jenny
Jenny: He was just some dude.
[more off topic banter]
Ceka posts a rocking fantasy pic with dragons!
Chase: If you want to rent, I can recommend a few places with what you are wanting.

00TK: you are all a bunch of trolls.

Lillith: ??

It kind of winds out of control from there.   Accusations based on misinterpretations and people asking where the accusations are coming from leads us to here.


This entire post was *****ing fantastic.

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22 hours ago, zoelamb said:

@Rhonda Huntress + @Morgan Rosenstar Thanks so much for the advice :)

I will look into land permissions. I'm guessing as a tenant (not an owner) that I don't have permissions to change them, but I will look.

If you rent in a community, you'll probably have limited changes to permissions -which makes sense, I believe, as renters are part of a community.

If you rent a private parcel/skybox from a Land Rental Agency, you should be able to change the permissions. The covenant usually set what you can do : residential, commercial, breedable, club but it should give you freedom to set what kind of privacy you want.


On 01/09/2017 at 3:29 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

If I am flying already when I come to the location, then I can continue to fly until I land.  Even then, if I have the 'fly override' turned on, I can fly again.

Oh btw, I believe you'll love this story. Once I had neighbors who found a different way to land on my skybox. They were not flying from the parcel next to me nor using a fly everywhere HUD, they were dropping from above. How? The skybox next to me was rented by a club owner and I had naked customers falling on my skybox. "It's raining naked noobs... lalalala..." True story. I think I still have some snapshots somewhere.

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On 9/1/2017 at 9:29 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Not necessarily true.  If I am flying already when I come to the location, then I can continue to fly until I land.  Even then, if I have the 'fly override' turned on, I can fly again.

You can also fly if you have something like the old Valkyrie Wings on and the parcel/sim is set to allow all scripts to run. The reason for this has to do with the way they handle 'flight' using an impulse script to mimic wing physics.

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4 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

You can also fly if you have something like the old Valkyrie Wings on and the parcel/sim is set to allow all scripts to run. The reason for this has to do with the way they handle 'flight' using an impulse script to mimic wing physics.

Thank goodness, those who are using tricks to bypass fly protection to fly at 1500+ meters above the ground are very rare. I've not met one.

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11 minutes ago, Morgan Rosenstar said:

Thank goodness, those who are using tricks to bypass fly protection to fly at 1500+ meters above the ground are very rare. I've not met one.

I use it to make navigating stores easier. I've never understood the logic of 'no flying' in a store - at least if it isn't a themed area.

I've also got my options set to "always fly on teleport" because I find it easier to quickly get out of a crowd by just flying up and away a tiny bit after a teleport.

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47 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I use it to make navigating stores easier. I've never understood the logic of 'no flying' in a store - at least if it isn't a themed area.

I've also got my options set to "always fly on teleport" because I find it easier to quickly get out of a crowd by just flying up and away a tiny bit after a teleport.

Agreed -- when I teleport in I end up above people's heads rather than standing on them. I usually go up and off to the side somewhere and shop by cam.

7 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

My store is set up for flyers. I almost never get inquiries about where to find something, although the store is four regions full of stuff.

I enjoy shopping at your store. I fly over the section I'm interested in, then cam around. It's easy to see everything from above or to change my view without hitting ceilings or a bunch of walls.

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2 hours ago, Morgan Rosenstar said:

Thank goodness, those who are using tricks to bypass fly protection to fly at 1500+ meters above the ground are very rare. I've not met one.

Outside of the product type I've mentioned you would never know if you had unless you caught them doing so.

Even then you have no way of knowing if someone is wearing something with a similar script to the wings in it.

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44 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Outside of the product type I've mentioned you would never know if you had unless you caught them doing so.

Even then you have no way of knowing if someone is wearing something with a similar script to the wings in it.

at 1800+ meters above the ground with fly disabled? Yeh I think he'll be busted rather fast.

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There are so many things that enable people to fly above the fly level..

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a standard feature in most AO's..

I took off my misty hud which I forgot I had on after all these years and could still fly above the fly zone..So I must have it in my AO I'm guessing..

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