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How to make a fraud leave second life forever?

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I did end up forgetting something.

If you are truly serious about trying to name and shame then you really ought to look for a third party forum or make a blog post about it somewhere although I do have to warn you that most of the third party forums out there will require you to have a rather thick skin.

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54 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

I did end up forgetting something.

If you are truly serious about trying to name and shame then you really ought to look for a third party forum or make a blog post about it somewhere although I do have to warn you that most of the third party forums out there will require you to have a rather thick skin.

I suggest SLU

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it was a dishonest and low move by the escort to pretend to truly love someone in a romantic way to get financial support.

if she wanted financial support in exchange of sex and didn't have any romantic feelings towards @ashlynkilane, she should have said so from the beginning and if @ashlynkilane would have agreed, when they part ways there shouldn't be any problem, they both would knew exactly what they want, what to expect, with all the expectations of the relationship clear there would be no reason for disappointments.

offering an agreement that you don't plan to comply with, enticing the other person to agree hiding information from them, obtaining a huge amount of money from them and leave, only for the other person to find out afterwards that the first person didn't comply with the agreement, is fraud.

I don't know if Linden Lab would have a form of coming down on that type of fraud, but if there isn't...

@ashlynkilane don't make that bad experience the center of your life. it sucks, it sucks really big, but don't let the shockwaves of that bad experience damage you more, if you are going to be remembering and remembering, it will cause you more harm psychologically and emotionally than losing so much money.

don't give her too much importance in your life, get rid of all her memories, clean yourself from her, and if she comes back some day asking for money and pretending that she loves you, then it will be your time for revenge. she may come, because she may need to buy some things and you loved her. if she doesn't, erase her from your life and prove her how much unnecessary she was in your life and how you are capable of being happy without her, maybe start a new relationship, but this time with your lesson learned, if you give this new relationship money, consider it a gift, money that will not come back, a gift is something that comes out from the appreciation of your heart, not something that you are giving in exchange of something, if you expect something in return then its buying, in some way, expecting gratefulness from your gifts it's like buying her love, love should be to provide for that person because we want their well being, in a romantic relationship where we are more sensible we sometimes can't help to expect some kind of gratefulness for what we done for others, in that way, I understand your pain, in your next relationship don't give gifts to expect something, give it as a sign of your love and because you want her to feel better.

don't go back again and again on this unworthy person, she doesn't deserve so much importance from you, bury her in the past, and be happy and grateful for the lesson you learned and that you don't have that leech in your life.

Edited by Canoro Philipp
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45 minutes ago, Canoro Philipp said:

offering an agreement that you don't plan to comply with, enticing the other person to agree hiding information from them, obtaining a huge amount of money from them and leave, only for the other person to find out afterwards that the first person didn't comply with the agreement, is fraud.

I don't think there was any actual 'agreement' between the parties.  She asked for money and he gave it to her.  Claiming to love someone does not make an agreement.  

I can tell all sorts of guys in SL that I love them and ask them for money.  If they give it to me, there still is no 'agreement' between us and I can walk away at any time, from any or all of them.  

Truly, that is the same as RL.  I can tell any Joe out there that I love him and ask for money, not really giving anything in return.

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FWIW, I spent that much last month on random gifts to people that I don't even know.  All I expected was for some one to say thanks, that was nice. 

I suspect it is not about the money; ashlynkilane but your heart that you gave her.  Love is unique.  You can give it all away and never have any less to give.  However the only way to get love is to be given it by someone else.  You can not take it, demand it or steal it.  You gave her a precious gift that money can not buy and she wasted it.  Don't let it harden your heart.  You still have love to give and it is still as valuable and priceless as ever.  Do not let her deny the next person in your life the love that they deserve.  There will be another person who needs it; I swear.  Be ready when you find them and do not let this last person hurt you or them any more.



Edited by Maybie Nightfire
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1 hour ago, Maybie Nightfire said:

FWIW, I spent that much last month on random gifts to people that I don't even know.  All I expected was for some one to say thanks, that was nice.

I do this off and on.  I actually had a lady the other day simply reply with 'OMG'.  I decided it was close enough to a 'thank you'.

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Thanks for all your replies, I feel better, I was a little out of my head yesterday, I now know there's no way to banish her from second life


I appreciate all your suggestion and I've changed my profile info already.


Today I have done my best to stop eight guys/girls from trusting her and her crook team, and it turned out this girl has been seeking every possibility to take lindens from other people, because all these eight people either talked to that girl or she/her other members talked to them.


I know some people may laugh at me for persuading others, but I'll continue my fight against, at least in SL, online crooks. As long as I do my best, I know there will be less victims.

Edited by ashlynkilane
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9 hours ago, Maybie Nightfire said:

FWIW, I spent that much last month on random gifts to people that I don't even know.  All I expected was for some one to say thanks, that was nice. 

I suspect it is not about the money; ashlynkilane but your heart that you gave her.  Love is unique.  You can give it all away and never have any less to give.  However the only way to get love is to be given it by someone else.  You can not take it, demand it or steal it.  You gave her a precious gift that money can not buy and she wasted it.  Don't let it harden your heart.  You still have love to give and it is still as valuable and priceless as ever.  Do not let her deny the next person in your life the love that they deserve.  There will be another person who needs it; I swear.  Be ready when you find them and do not let this last person hurt you or them any more.



Thank you Maybie, I'm feeling better, I do overreact a little sometimes, but I'm doing all I can to stop her fooling with other people.

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Although you are rationalising your actions as doing something good you are in fact just hurting yourself. It would be far more productive to your well being, to your peace, and to your account if you put the matter behind you, move on, and look for a brighter, more noble path for yourself.

Vigilantism always ends in pain, and all-to-often it also ends in bans. You are already headed down a path of harrasment, and being new in SL, you could easily cross an unknown line in the TOS/CS that sees you exiled from this shared world of ours.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Abe Lincoln

and another

“By doing this you are like a man who wants to hit another and picks up excrement in his hand and so makes himself stink.” - Visuddhimagga IX, 23. "

Edited by Callum Meriman
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I think there is something here you might not want to realize, but probably do by now...she is an escort, her alts are all escorts, even her "partner" is. 

Escorts take money/gifts for their services. Often times, people feel a bit duped after having sent said money/gifts for their services. It's a lot easier for some folks to justify it by saying "well she duped me", instead of "well I paid for..services...and now I kinda regret doing that".  Had some friends, good friends, intelligent friends, one of them a rl friend I have known since I was a child, have similar experiences.....services kinda turn them into idiots, at times, lol. (ok, they probably do that to a lot of us, sometimes) I can honestly say the friends I have talked to(I know this seems an odd subject for friends to discuss, but we're an odd bunch, so..), after the initial "I was an idiot, I fell for her" moments, realized they were really simply paying for an escort, couple of them let "feelings" get in the way, and, wrongly, accused said escorts of duping them. It's not all that difficult to let "feelings" get in the way of smart decision making. It happens. That doesn't mean an escort, that prides his/her self on the services he/she offers, enjoys the work...is *always duping people, though. It's usually an after effect when someone later regrets paying for services. Of course, some folks are just downright cruel to others, but it's bad to always assume they are...and lots and lots of others aren't shady at all(far greater in number than those that are)

I keep using the word services, because honestly, it's not always just sex, sometimes it's simple companionship, and unless folks have a very specific discussion about what is being "paid for"...feelings might creep in..and when it ends, negative feelings creep in. 

Not always the case, probably not the case in your situation, but quite likely it's the case for others you think you are warning. Lots of people are well aware that what they're getting into is some kind of, erm, relationship, with an escort(again, not always about sex) where they exchange stuff/money for services., whether they want to admit they are or not. But after the fact, or when someone confronts them with "information" about the other person..they jump to the "omg I was being fooled, thank you for helping me not be fooled" mode, instead of "Well that wasn't very smart of me", or "Yeah, I knew what I was doing, even if I regret it now" mode.

Shrugs..just take it into consideration while you're out there pretending to be a vigilante. Not everyone you're "preventing from being fooled by her", is really being fooled at all, except by their own selves/desires 



Edited by Tari Landar
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If she delivered services to you, then its NOT FRAUD or SCAM as you call it. You got the entertainment you paid for. If you keep this up , she can easily report you for DEFAMATION. Its not her fault you developed some sort of feelings for her, despite knowing who she was right from the start. 

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37 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:

Question to the group...

If replying to long-dormant threads is "necro-posting".....

....is replying to a thread that's going to be deleted "casket posting"???


5 hours ago, ashlynkilane said:

Thanks for all your replies, I feel better, I was a little out of my head yesterday, I now know there's no way to banish her from second life


I appreciate all your suggestion and I've changed my profile info already.


Today I have done my best to stop eight guys/girls from trusting her and her crook team, and it turned out this girl has been seeking every possibility to take lindens from other people, because all these eight people either talked to that girl or she/her other members talked to them.


I know some people may laugh at me for persuading others, but I'll continue my fight against, at least in SL, online crooks. As long as I do my best, I know there will be less victims.


1. Your profile STILL has her name in it detailing what she "did" to you. 

2. By stalking her and stopping 8 people from "trusting her and her team" you are breaking the ToS and can be ARed and possibly banned from SL. 

3. Just stop. Put her behind you and move on. You got played. It happens to us all at some point in SL to some degree. I got played for $30,000 L. In my case it was an actual sale on the MP, well several at once, but i digress. Same result from LL.. They dont get involved with user to user disputes. 

As the weak minded stormtrooper says.. ""Move along."

move along.gif

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There is one sure fired way to prevent getting your heart broken in SL, do not let your heart into SL. If you cannot do SL, and leave your heart in RL, then maybe this isn't the place for you, cause this isn't a safe place for hearts.

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6 hours ago, ashlynkilane said:

I'm doing all I can to stop her fooling with other people.

Is this really the hill you want to die on?

Stop obsessing over her!  It's not good for YOU to be doing this and at most a minor inconvenience for her. You will never heal your own heart until you can get past this vindictive anger. Just mute her, stop stalking her and move on.  Find somewhere else to be.

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10 hours ago, ashlynkilane said:

Today I have done my best to stop eight guys/girls from trusting her and her crook team, and it turned out this girl has been seeking every possibility to take lindens from other people, because all these eight people either talked to that girl or she/her other members talked to them.

What bad has she done? Do you expect her, to stop talking to other people? And the more intersting question: Why do you know how and who is is talking to? Besides not being helpful to getting over her, this sounds like you are stalking her. Are you at her workplace? She is an escort, its part of the job to get people to pay.


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Either OP has more than one account, or OP is just butthurt at paying for an escort that doesn't want to love him, lol.

His rez date is June...of this year...and that's not 6 months ago, lol

I felt a lil bad at first, just because I've seen loads of people get hurt online(not just sl) over the years and I know how hard that can be to deal with.

I don't feel bad, however, for folks that lie, and are just butthurt, so they're trying to just hurt someone else for no reason.

I highly recommend taking the advice of others and removing your slanderous picks, moving on..and not lying to people to garner sympathy..that's not cool dude, not cool at all. 

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Catfishing...  it has its own term?  

You learn something new every day, it's not exactly a new or slight thing, most of my female friends...  How should I word this...  are... opaque and or... inventive...  yes, that's a good way to say it when it comes to their RL online, hell, some of them aren't women in RL.  

I keep it painfully simple, tell the truth and watch them run far far away cause, the wrong half of my thirties, married, with a 4yo, is a turn off.  

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