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Embarrassing moments in your SL

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Back in 2007, I was attending a 'best in red' club event. I was pretty proud of the outfit I'd bought for the event with its long flowing flexi prims..and I felt sure I stood a very good chance of winning the 500L$ prize. Then after 2 hours the club DJ announced the winner and it wasn't me never mind... then...my so called 'friends' sent me some snapshots. I'd been well and truely 'ruthed' since my arrival....

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9 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

More like heartbreaking, and mortifying at the time...

I was building something for a charity event, it was beautiful (imo, and the opinion of those I was working with on it). It actually took me weeks to perfect, as it spans over two sims, this was pre-today's mesh days. of course. It was entirely regular prims with a few sculpties in it(mostly regular prims). I was so damn proud of it. Fast forward to the event...it was going well, dozens and dozens of people there, dozens more on the sim next to it( we could only allow so many avs on each sim, so, multiple sims). As I wandered around looking at the few contributions others had made, I was paying attention to local-which I don't always do, while waiting for hubby to get online. All I kept hearing from people were things like "who even built this?", "it's so uneven", "I could have done so much better", "is the damn creator blind?", "the prims are only barely off, but it's enough to notice"...and it only got worse from there, which I won't relay. Many people knew who the creator was, it's not like my name wasn't on it. As I walked around tears just welled up in my eyes, it wasn't the first time someone had said something nasty about something I'd made, I think it was the culmination of ALL the commentary(and the fact that this was a damn charity event at that, which I'd spent so much time, money, and way too many tears trying to create)..the wretched feeling n my stomach was horrid and quickly turned to me feeling mortified because..."how could I? This subject is so near and dear to me(and it really was, it hit home hard, for reason I need not go in here)". Someone there started going around in local and IMs telling everyone who created it, why I shouldn't have been able to, etc.. etc.. The conversation only got worse in the group chat associated with it. To be honest, most of them weren't even being truthful. They saw one or two flaws and pushed them downhill, they only gained momentum as they fell, as these things do. I never built for that group again. The two flaws that DID exist was one prim was ever so slightly askew from the other it was to be touching. Had they been the same color, it would have been near impossible for most to even tell. The other mistake was one column that had gotten moved downward slightly, I'm still not even sure if I did that or someone in the group did, but either way. there was a sliver of space between it and the ceiling(which you'd have to cam up 20m in the air to even see)

Being legally blind, and otherwise visually impaired as well, screws up a lot of things, including one's ability to create. The lack of depth perception can, easily, throw things off. I try my best, but discouragements like that are not only embarrassing, but, damaging. I still build, I still create..but the vast majority of what I make never sees the light of day outside of wherever it is I am building it. Because...people can be jerks of epic magnitude, and unless they're also visually impaired, they aren't likely to understand how difficult it truly is. It's easier to not set myself up for certain failure and embarrassment, at times. There are plenty of times when I *have* to face these things, like when I get made fun of for being a grown adult that can't drive and never will(I know how, legally, I cannot), but in a world chock full of vastly more prepared and visually equipped creators..I avoid it whenever I can. 

Some people are mean just to try and make themselves look better..

Moments like those really suck at the time..But what I've learned from my own experiences is, those kinds of things are launching points..For me nothing is more inspiring than those that tell me I can't do something or that I need to go back to the drawing board or to just give it up already..

I always had my own passion to create things but would stumble on how to bring them to reality..But it seemed like every time someone decided to be down right mean,it brought out this really focused passion to prove them wrong and I would go beyond what even I thought I could do..


I remember the first thing I ever made in second life..It was because someone told me I would never be anything but some dime a dozen dancer..maybe because it was a friend that turned enemy that made it stick so hard,but it made me focus with big passion to prove them wrong..

I remember they made this hand out of sculpties and I remember people saying how hands are really hard to do..So I looked at the hand she had made and said,I'm gonna blow that hand away!!

There was something about that hand that I just didn't like anyways..it was kind of creepy..hehehe

Anyways,I had six sims to play with at the time,so I took a couple of them and made this theme of giants imprisoned in the ground by the gods..Then just build everything else around these arms sticking out of the ground everywhere..

This is my very first thing I ever made back in 2009.. It's not the best hand especially compared to anything today..But it made me feel much better and turned everything that that person said to me into something a bit more empowering..Plus it was a way better hand than theirs was..hehehehe



That kind of led into these,which these are the only images I have left from back then that I could find..




I just remember after that,all I wanted to do was create things..

Anything that popped into my head I was trying to make it..

Although,I never liked doing custom work for others..

I just liked creating my own things...

Either way,if that person would have never pissed me off I probably wouldn't have did too much building..










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9 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

And I've always been in awe of your ability to find and liberate ghosts. Whatever you lack in colouring skills, you make up for with your quirky sense of humor.

Sweet of you to say, Maddie. Even my blush isn't staying within the lines of my face O.o

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9 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

O.o Damn,been ruthed the whole time!!


I got myself in the habit of turning the camera on myself after a TP and keeping it there until I rezzed properly in my viewer.  Though I found out later that I could look great to myself and others could still see me as Ruth - that totally sucked.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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18 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

I was so damn proud of it.

   It sounds awesome. I wish I'd seen it.

7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I just liked creating my own things...

   This is the most important thing.


   You are both amazing and creative and courageous. I should have said "hi" much earlier.

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Being ruthed like some others said. No one seems to take you seriously with full facial hair, hairy chest and breasts.

First piece of mainland I bought as a noob sight unseen. Probably the most unbuild-able piece of land in SL on a steep cliff.

Poseballs: I learned to hate them. Being stuck floating in the air and not being able to stop the animation. I think they were stray poseballs from a sex bed.

Coded a chat relay system and forgot about it. Next thing I know I'm having a private conversation and broadcasting it to everyone on the other side of the sim.

Related to poseballs, someone said to try clicking on a rather hideous looking creature. I don't remember who created those things. More on this I will not say.

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I was goofing off in a club one day and went to click to change an outfit to one featuring a dress with moving flames. Unfortunately I had somehow deleted said dress so ended up with half the club watching me as I danced in just a pair of shoes. Another time I somehow managed to have my hair attached to my crotch rather than my head, ponytail merkin anyone?

I have accidentally shouted when I meant to whisper but managed to laugh it off, the other person is used to my sarcasm and laughed too, phew.

First time I deleted part of my house by accident was mortifying, I felt better when most of my friends told me how they have done it loads of times and how it is easy to click a button and put it back in place. Dumb boyfriend insisted I delete the entire house and rez another one, moving it in place to line up with the décor.

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At the most recent SLb(whatever number, I forgot already, lmao) There was a, I'll call her lady(definitely not new to sl in the least), duck walking around completely nude. I thought for sure it was just on my end, so I asked someone else I was there with, and she too saw her completely nude. She was indeed, not wearing anything other than her attached bits bouncing with some VERY overzealous physics, and the required parts(hair base, eyes, skin, shape, etc.).

I im'd her, as I always do when someone seems to be lacking apparel, in case she didn't realize, we all know that happens. Be nice and inform is my policy, since most of the time, it's definitely not intentional, lol.

Her response..."I kno, wish you guys stop bitching at me, its my sl, been years, bleep off"


Some people are weirder than I am, and that's saying a lot 

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1 hour ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I got naked at this years SLB too.  Opened my invent and accidentally double clicked something that removed my dress.  I recovered fast and nobody noticed.

That darn 'double click' is mighty dangerous sometimes.  :D

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most embarrassing would be when I ventured to make a webbing platform using an auto rez script with web textures (semi transparent) textured torus as a platform. The idea is sound enough, but not when you accidentally enter into the parameters 400000, instead of 40 for the approximated sides and don't catch the error and state the rez command , spewing millions of faces since the original source is torus. then the immediate phone call I had to make pleading with Lee Linden to come help because suddenly no resident or linden on hand in the sandbox I was doing this in, could move, let alone stay logged in.

all public sandboxes and vehicle sims rolled back 9 hours and atleast 20 people losing project builds along with reciprocating IMs from fellow sandbox users , a stern yelling at (over the phone mind you) and warning never to use alpha in a rezzer and not without a die or stop command was enough to prompt me to not to pursue any wild ideas for atleast week when I felt it might be safe to come out again.

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1 hour ago, Hunter Stern said:

most embarrassing would be when I ventured to make a webbing platform using an auto rez script with web textures (semi transparent) textured torus as a platform. The idea is sound enough, but not when you accidentally enter into the parameters 400000, instead of 40 for the approximated sides and don't catch the error and state the rez command , spewing millions of faces since the original source is torus. then the immediate phone call I had to make pleading with Lee Linden to come help because suddenly no resident or linden on hand in the sandbox I was doing this in, could move, let alone stay logged in.

all public sandboxes and vehicle sims rolled back 9 hours and atleast 20 people losing project builds along with reciprocating IMs from fellow sandbox users , a stern yelling at (over the phone mind you) and warning never to use alpha in a rezzer and not without a die or stop command was enough to prompt me to not to pursue any wild ideas for atleast week when I felt it might be safe to come out again.

Ooo, you just reminded me of something....

Picture it..2008, a sandbox sim with 3 or 4 other people building to their heart's content...Me, a relative noob in the "let's play with scripts" field...on a platform 150m up in the air...

I was playing with a bouncy ball I'd made.  I got the bright idea to put the bouncy ball in the rezzer, because that's what you do with something that has physics you've already screwed up via the script (but don't know you've screwed it up..yet). Instead of working on the ball script I'd messed up, because, you know, us noobs we don't always know we've screwed up, I wanted to play with a rezzer instead. I put my messed up full perm 5m bouncy ball into my touch activated rezzer. Then, decided it would be neat to play with the rezzer script, changing numbers here and there, such as the "how many should I rez" section...as one does. Fast forward about fifteen minutes and one distracting IM later, I accidentally deleted my platform. Instead of picking UP the rezzer..I touched it. Down rained almost 500 5m bouncy balls below, onto unsuspecting heads, and builds..and probably a bird or two flying below me. When I tell you I messed up their physics, I mean it. Those suckers hit the ground and went FLYING all over, and kept on going, some bounced back up almost to where I was..now flying. 

I crashed the sim..and learned a valuable lesson in physics, scripts..and ignoring IMs when I'm fiddling with stuff that day....and I got a stern talking to about griefing when the sim was finally able to be brought back..I thought for sure I was going to be put in the damn corn field (though it wasn't the least bit embarrassing, it was absolutely hilarious to me...not so much LL, or the folks below)

Fun times :D


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3 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Ooo, you just reminded me of something....

Picture it..2008, a sandbox sim with 3 or 4 other people building to their heart's content...Me, a relative noob in the "let's play with scripts" field...on a platform 150m up in the air...

I was playing with a bouncy ball I'd made.  I got the bright idea to put the bouncy ball in the rezzer, because that's what you do with something that has physics you've already screwed up via the script (but don't know you've screwed it up..yet). Instead of working on the ball script I'd messed up, because, you know, us noobs we don't always know we've screwed up, I wanted to play with a rezzer instead. I put my messed up full perm 5m bouncy ball into my touch activated rezzer. Then, decided it would be neat to play with the rezzer script, changing numbers here and there, such as the "how many should I rez" section...as one does. Fast forward about fifteen minutes and one distracting IM later, I accidentally deleted my platform. Instead of picking UP the rezzer..I touched it. Down rained almost 500 5m bouncy balls below, onto unsuspecting heads, and builds..and probably a bird or two flying below me. When I tell you I messed up their physics, I mean it. Those suckers hit the ground and went FLYING all over, and kept on going, some bounced back up almost to where I was..now flying. 

I crashed the sim..and learned a valuable lesson in physics, scripts..and ignoring IMs when I'm fiddling with stuff that day....and I got a stern talking to about griefing when the sim was finally able to be brought back..I thought for sure I was going to be put in the damn corn field (though it wasn't the least bit embarrassing, it was absolutely hilarious to me...not so much LL, or the folks below)

Fun times :D


   Oh the power you wielded on that day.

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   This one was very recent. I had gone to a new-to-me sim to listen to my friendly neighborhood DJ and do some dancing. While I was there, dancing on the patio, she asked me if I had any formal gowns because she wanted to dance with me (squee!). I had been meaning to get some new gowns for the body I am now using. I probably set a new personal best for least amount of time spent going to the MP, selecting something from a renowned creator, and unpacking it.

   I put the gown on and was all set to cut a rug, but I noticed that putting on the gown had turned off all my alpha layers. My hud wasn't working. I checked if the land allowed scripts. I detached and reattached the hud "Why isn't the hud working? Why are all my alphas turned off?"

   I took me way too long to realize that wearing the gown had simply replaced my body. I felt more embarrassed than I probably should have. But someone was waiting for my hand.

   And now I am reminded of another discussion from way back. The things you can hear or say in SL that are never said about life in real space.

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I was going through my inventory thismorning and came passed this hud I used to wear..It's one of those gadgets where you can put funny tags over peoples heads,but also has like griefer battle weapons in there as well..

Me and a friend used to grief each other in my sim all the time for fun..she would give me flee's or cage me or push me in the ground..I would hit yer with my gopher that would grab her and take her down so far that she had to relog to get back..one time I turned her into a sparkle and she thought I wrecked her avatar for good.. lol

She actually started to cry..I told her,relog I can't do something like that to anyone..

Anyways,My sim was located in a community of sims that had one of the sims as a night club where we could go and hang out with everyone and dance and talk with the other sim owners and whoever else dropped in from the search..I forget the name of it..


Anyways,I was putting tags over peoples heads and people were getting a kick out of it and asking me for tags..

We must have had about 60 people in there at the time..I went to put a tag on someone and lag hit really hard and hit the nuke button..

All of a sudden this big mushroom cloud  showed up..The only one  left standing was me at ground zero..

It took a second for me to ever realized what I had done..then it took another to catch my breath to yell Holy Sh^T what did I Hit!!?


Right away I  got in group channel and started to say I was sorry and lag made me hit the wrng button..IM me i'll port you all back if it takes me all night..omg I'm soooo sorry..

A lot of them were actually laughing,but I still felt bad..once we got everyone back,I just went home from feeling so bad for nuking them..

I didn't even feel like I deserved to be there anymore..I just hate doing stuff to people that are having so much fun..

Hate to be the party wrecker..

The next day it was better though,because people were giving me crap for it in a fun way..so I started to feel better about it..

Was back there dancing and NOT giving out tags that night..

fun times




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I had some naughty fun then jumped off my PC and logged onto Lumiya in my birthday suit before I went to bed. Well I wake up the next morning with an insane amount of IMs from people because the sim restarted and I spend hours naked at an info hub >< That's happened more times than I'd care admit. :ph34r:

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