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I forgot how toxic this community can be!

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There are plenty of sims that are pretty open to random people having sex. I find it hard to imagine you cannot find some place where you can take these girls to do your thing without anyone complaining. 

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49 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

I often wonder if smartphones are making people less and less able to communicate effectively.

That's another fine question to add to the list that includes...

"Does slicing the top of your head open with a shovel and replacing your brain with a velvet lined dish antenna tuned to Radio Stupid, decrease intellectual capacity"

Never mind assuming people in SL read profiles, why are people assuming people in SL can read at all.

Remember that LL introduced an improvement to viewers some time back called 'CHUI', (chat user interface) that moved local chat into the im window, and replaced all those silly buttons like 'offer teleport', 'pay', 'add friend', etc., and the mini profile, with a new 'kewl' ui that mainly emphasised the "redirect Voice-Spam to current conversation window'.

The official message seems clear, SL is supposed to be illiterates on mobile phone viewers screaming at each other in Voice-Spam. 

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1 hour ago, Gadget Portal said:

I often wonder if smartphones are making people less and less able to communicate effectively.

I am actually beginning to get a little worried about stuff like that. I think you're right about it. I mean, smartphone tech is incredible and there's more capability being added all the time, but: living in your phone is kinda weird and that's pretty much what's going on.

I happen to live in what is probably thought of as "a destination". On Monterey Bay in California. I mean, I don't actually live on the beach or anything but I'm a couple miles from the beach and when I go from home to other places I frequently am almost ON the beach. As in for instance, Monterey, a city that is on the edge of the Bay. There's a walk/bike trail that runs for miles parallel to the coastline all the way around the whole populated arc of Monterey Bay. It's paved, and wide enough for two walkers or cyclists to pass two other walkers or cyclists traveling in the opposite direction. Very cool. As it approaches Monterey it runs right ON the beach, then through the historic Custom House Plaza, on past the entrance to Fisherman's Wharf and out onto Cannery Row, where it runs right through the center. It's a treasure.

And every single time I look, I see a couple of people walking along with the waves foaming just a few feet to the side, boats anchored in the harbor, birds all around, and the walkers are staring straight into their god damned smartphones. They aren't even talking to each other, much less absorbing the life around them.

How the hell can anyone LIVE like that?

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13 minutes ago, Dillon Levenque said:

I am actually beginning to get a little worried about stuff like that. I think you're right about it. I mean, smartphone tech is incredible and there's more capability being added all the time, but: living in your phone is kinda weird and that's pretty much what's going on.

It was the same when Sat-Nav became common place, people stopped being able to read 'normal' maps, in fact, official statistics showed that MORE people got lost while driving with Sat-Nav than without it, out of date mapping databases telling people to 'take the next left' when that was now the exit for a supermarket carpark, or driving to the other end of the country because they typed the name of a town in Wales, 20 miles away into the English Sat-Nav search engine and were then directed to some village with the same name, 200 miles away.


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3 hours ago, Reaos Heartsdale said:

Timezones help but when its with out a skybox, thats when its hard to keep any of them because of so many trolls trying to block you. 

When you say "trolls", are you referring to males trying to cut in on the women and cut you out?

When I think of Trolls in SL, I think of People blasting hate or trying to stir conflict in general.

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I put this in my profile,which I will be changing soon enough..



"My husband say's I shop way too much..
That's from just the shopping he knows about..

What he doesn't know won't hurt him..


From that people thought I was somehow  talking about cheating on my husbandxD

I went to Maitreya the other day to update some Items and kept getting all kinds of IM's from guys wanting the ole Sexo..Each one made some comment about if my husband knew I was there..

I don't mind a little flirting in a club or something..But when I'm shopping? No no.

That's in the zone time..


So I have to change it up some..

I think it's easy for people to misunderstand things on our profiles sometimes as meaning something else..


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6 hours ago, Dillon Levenque said:

I am actually beginning to get a little worried about stuff like that. I think you're right about it


and the walkers are staring straight into their god damned smartphones. They aren't even talking to each other, much less absorbing the life around them.

How the hell can anyone LIVE like that?

This !!   I'm amazed at the number of people that seem oblivious to the world around them when they are out and about - especially folks on vacation and at touristy locations.  

A few years back my husband and I took our young adult kids on a final 'parents pay family vacation'.  Since we were paying, I had a few rules regarding phones:  Absolutely no phones out at dinner other than the occasional photo and when we were out together wandering the city, phones were only used for directions and photos rather than constantly surfing, texting, and checking email.  They still had plenty of time for checking their phones, though surprisingly they kept that activity to a real minimum.  Nobody complained and we all had a fabulous vacation together.

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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:


I think it's easy for people to misunderstand things on our profiles sometimes as meaning something else..


People read what they want into things all the time - especially the folks in SL that just always want more SLex

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This !!   I'm amazed at the number of people that seem oblivious to the world around them when they are out and about - especially folks on vacation and at touristy locations.  

A few years back my husband and I took our young adult kids on a final 'parents pay family vacation'.  Since we were paying, I had a few rules regarding phones:  Absolutely no phones out at dinner other than the occasional photo and when we were out together wandering the city, phones were only used for directions and photos rather than constantly surfing, texting, and checking email.  They still had plenty of time for checking their phones, though surprisingly they kept that activity to a real minimum.  Nobody complained and we all had a fabulous vacation together.

I just got one of those smartphones like a week ago.. I still can't see what has people so glued to them to the point that they will risk losing their job just to sneak in a few,whatever it is they are doing..

I'll check the weather on mine or listen to music or use it for what it's really meant for,which is basically A phone..

How people can zombie out on them is beyond me..

Maybe it's because I was already on the internet for a good bit  before phones were or something..

I actually feel like I wasted my money on this thing and should have seen if there is just a regular cell phone around or something..

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I just got one of those smartphones like a week ago.. I still can't see what has people so glued to them to the point that they will risk losing their job just to sneak in a few,whatever it is they are doing..

I can undertsand it. I don't do it, but I can understand it.

In my time, I've been so immersed in some social things as to being almost addicted. One was a MUG called Shades in the late 80s - early 90s. Later it was SL. It was the social aspects of them that hooked me and made me want to be in them massive amounts of time. I see mobile phones the same way - texting between friends is social, and I can understand why people get hooked on it. I have a mobile for emergencies only. I don't even know its number, and I'm not inclined to text anyone. Maybe this forum keeps me away from getting into texting :)

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15 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I can undertsand it. I don't do it, but I can understand it.

In my time, I've been so immersed in some social things as to being almost addicted. One was a MUG called Shades in the late 80s - early 90s. Later it was SL. It was the social aspects of them that hooked me and made me want to be in them massive amounts of time. I see mobile phones the same way - texting between friends is social, and I can understand why people get hooked on it. I have a mobile for emergencies only. I don't even know its number, and I'm not inclined to text anyone. Maybe this forum keeps me away from getting into texting :)

people get written up all the time at work because of not doing their jobs while being on their phones..

Two guys got fired only minutes after being written up..

The first guy was texting,The supervisor told him..Ok last time,I'm writing you up..

So He goes in and fills out the paperwork,gives me my copies to hand in,then goes to give the employee his..

He say's to the employee,here ya go.. The employee turns around while looking at his phone and texting then looks up at the supervisor with what he said,was the most busted look he'd ever seen on someones face..


The second guy was pretty similar..He texted someone to tell them he had just gotten written up.. The next text he sent was,he got fired for texting again.. lol

I was friends with his wife and she showed me the text.. we both laughed about..

She said ,it's funny now,because he had another job by the time she showed me..But really sucked when it happened.. hehehehe


I guess that's the part I really don't understand..and so many still do it knowing the same thing can easily happen to them..

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12 hours ago, Reaos Heartsdale said:

Amanda, I do have at least 3 girls that i am regular with, and meet occasionally others. Timezones help but when its with out a skybox, thats when its hard to keep any of them because of so many trolls trying to block you. Hell, alot of the trolls that i ran across even messaged my partner, and went to such lengths to try to create a rift. Thankfully she didn't take any of them seriously and hopefully understands that this happens like that sometimes with out a skybox, but at the same time, you guys now kinda see my point? 

Your whole life fell apart because u can't afford a $ 60 L a week skybox? IM me inworld, I'll let you use my skybox to take your girls to.

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6 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:
19 hours ago, Reaos Heartsdale said:

Hi all! I have been trying to go with out a skybox for a week now and all it seems i run into are people who want to start drama and cause chaos.

So why keep trying? Get yourself a skybox again. Problem solved.

Or get girls that have their own skyboxes!

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On 7/13/2017 at 4:29 PM, Alwin Alcott said:


most people don't put things in their profile that are nobody elses business.. putting it there makes it theirs.. or at least subject to respond to.

I agree with Alwin.


On 7/13/2017 at 5:24 PM, Reaos Heartsdale said:

Well most people should, honestly its easier to tell them to read a profile first then have to tell 20 people exactly what i do over and over lol

Why does that even need to be in your public profile? For simplicity? You're in an open relationship, its pretty self explanatory. Need I say more?




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16 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

There are loads of $10L-$30L(a week) skyboxes out there There are even loads of FREE places you can take your current guest(s), where you won't be bothered.

Hell, theres a sim with a one time 100 L$ join fee, that allows you to use any of their themed skyboxes for assignations whenever you want, and no worries about what the other people think, because they are doing exactly the same.

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On 7/13/2017 at 9:05 PM, Reaos Heartsdale said:

Hi all! I have been trying to go with out a skybox for a week now and all it seems i run into are people who want to start drama and cause chaos. I don't know whats going on with people these days, but I'm in a open relationship and have updated my profile to blast that as loud as i can over a loud speaker, but for some reason people just love to throw around loose accusations when ever I'm with a girlfriend of mine! 

What the hell is the problem with people these days? Can they not read? Can they not understand that I don't get in there business, they shouldn't get in mine?  Imean come on. Its a wonder I haven't taken a break from sl because of just the small gas cloud of ***** that just hit me the last few days. 

Maybe I'm missing the point, but why on earth do you feel the need to advertise in your profile the fact you're in an open relationship?   Most people who encounter you and your various companions aren't going to know who any of you are and aren't particularly interested, I would have thought.   If they do know you, they're presumably friends of yours who know about the set-up anyway.


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On 7/14/2017 at 7:57 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

People read what they want into things all the time - especially the folks in SL that just always want more SLex

I am really, really strange.  

I DJ and Host here in SL, so Flirting is an occupational skill with me.  But...profile-perving to see who should NOT be flirted-up is kind of a sub-skill. Anyone with a Partner listed does not get the "high voltage treatment" (still made welcome tho), same for anyone who is obviously dancing with someone special. That's not drama-avoidance, that's me being respectful of something that *should* be special.

SL isn't the same thing to everyone, neither are SL relationships (mine is considered strange by some) - so we all just navigate that minefield as best we can..

...just like Real Life :-)


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11 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

I DJ and Host here in SL, so Flirting is an occupational skill with me.  But...profile-perving to see who should NOT be flirted-up is kind of a sub-skill. Anyone with a Partner listed does not get the "high voltage treatment" (still made welcome tho), same for anyone who is obviously dancing with someone special. That's not drama-avoidance, that's me being respectful of something that *should* be special.


And yet... there's guys with a partner and a declaration of undying love and affection to their one and only, totally committed to, sexually exclusive wife, constantly showing up at the escort sim I work at, looking for sex.

I always say "Hi there, there looking for a present to bring home for the wife?"

One married guy that said he was too poor to pay my rates, I told him his wife needs to give him a bigger allowance.


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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2 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

And yet... there's guys with a partner and a declaration of undying love and affection to their one and only, totally committed to, sexually exclusive wife, constantly showing up at the escort sim I work at, looking for sex.

.....and the lovely profile pics of their home and prim babies when they show up using the facilities in my store with their new week old friend.  Getting a shock when I ask them to dress and leave the store to shoppers.

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