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Lexie Linden

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I'm thinking the color scheme is not such a bad idea with all the color in the avatar badges and the signatures.  Just getting started there is already quite a bit of stuff on the page.  Some of the badges and signatures contain animation.  It may get real busy.

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I'd swear the off topic forum vanished for a while.  Now it's back.  In the midst of tabbing around I saw a "Sign In" at the top of the screen when I was certainly signed in already. This was right after noticing the Off Topic forum was gone. Then after tabbing around a bit, without signing in, my name showed again, like it should, then more tabbing, and the Off Topic forum was back where had been.


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Good morning Lindens...is it possible to have another set of icons uploaded?  Something that has more choices, more colors?  I'm considering uploading a ton to my profile so that I may use something different than the God-awful ones here, but I'm concerned about taking up my photo space in the profile :smileysurprised:  :smileysad:

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I just tried to respond to one the the posts in this thread (the one about having to click sign-in after logging into the dashboard) and I got an error that said: "An error has occurred.  Please try again."

Then when I tried to post it again, I got THIS error message:


Please correct the highlighted errors and try again.

  • Post flooding detected (community got posts of a unique message more than 1 times within 3,600 seconds)
There were no highlighted areas to correct and when I tried again, the same Post Flooding error message came up a second and then third time.  :smileysad:
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The session management does seem a little odd.   It looks to me like I am more-or-less logged in until I explicitly sign out, although I never told it to 'remember me'.

> login, close browser
> 12 hours pass, during which computer is shut down
> go to forums site, I do not appear to be logged in
> touch login button, poof! I am, without entering anything, automagically logged into the same account I was when I closed the browser

If the forum login is going to be persistent by default, then when you come to the website it should show you as logged in.

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It seems to me that certain forums like Land For Sale or Items For Sale should be "read only" with the ability to make comments disabled?

Here's some examples where someone is trying to sell a whole sim and there is a guy commenting on the price... claming it's too high and trying to offer less money. If I was the OP I would be kinda upset


and again here

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

It's supposed to be a discussion about selling land, not a listing of land for sale.

posts should say stuff like: 
What would be a good way to market my 1/4 sim with good views and low lag?

I have 1/4 sim with good views and low lag for sale


See the difference?

Yes I do see the difference, and you are right, on second look it does apear that the section was set up to be a "talk about selling land" forum, however nobody is using it that way.  It is full of land for sale postings, wich is understandable because the OLD old forums (and I think the more recent Blogrums) had a place to post land for sale.


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Regarding Daduchus's comment below:


A real problem, though, is that even though I set my privacy settings so that I don't show as being logged in, I still see my login listed on the front page of the forums. I'm hoping that changes when I log in again.


Go to Settings > Preferences > Privacy  . .. and select the "No one" radio button in the "Show Online Status" section and click Save.  By doing this, no one else in the community will be able to see you online. 

Please note that you and you only will still be able to see your name in the "Users Online" side-widget.  But, no one else will be able to see your name here.  Hope that helps!

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In the settings page, under the social connect tab, there is a section dedicated to setting up your profile badge.

There appear to be two panels to this section - "Badge Settings" and "Profile Badge" - however, clicking either of these selections shows exactly the same choices.

I can't help but think that there is a missing panel that would let us choose the text size, colors, background alpha and such for the overlay on the background image.

Is this shut off intentionally, or just a feature that they haven't gotten working yet?

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(Cross-posted from Off-Topic by request...)

Now that we're all getting used to this new Community Platform, one old habit from Jive days has outlived its usefulness ... that is the habit of Replying without quoting the original message/post.

In Jive, it was possible to click the little up arrow to reference the post that inspired the reply. When the reply was oblique and made no sense, you could at least go find the original message/post and get a sense of what the reply meant.

But with Lithium there is no such method to "link back" to the prior message/post, so many times a reply that *might* make sense is ignored ... or receives the wrong interpretation. (And yes, I know Torley has shown how to change to Threaded view. But have you LOOKED at that? *insert nauseous emoticon here*)

So please, when replying to a message/post, make sure to use the Quote button then edit the quoted text to JUST the part you are replying to. At the very least it will get your reply a much better reception and may spare you some time spent defending yourself.

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