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Second Life Forums Feedback

Lexie Linden

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Ossian wrote:

While it does show recently CREATED threads, it would be useful to be able to see threads that have new posts.

Agree with Ossian on the above. Also:


  1. light gray text on white background is too hard to read.
  2. No way to tell who a poster is responding to if they don't the post in their reply. Either need a link to the post being replied to like Jive had, or a threaded view in order to follow discussions.
  3. I would like a GD forum, and I'm disappointed to see that threads noting the lack of a GD forum and trying to identify alternate locations for posts have already been locked or deleted by moderators.
  4. The smileys are AWFUL. Can we get better ones?

Some things I like so far:


  1. private messages
  2. The ability to bookmark posts
  3. The ability to float threads to the top
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Seems great so far.  I believe that creating a compelling 2D portal is an essential part of building the SL community.

I saw that kudos are currently not working, but suspect you guys are already on that one.

I'd also like to see the profiles here leverage the new SL web profiles, make things one big happy portal for SL residents.

It might be a pipe dream, but it would also be great to have resident blogs/comments at some point. Either as a feature for premium members or open to the masses, it would be a great way for people to stay connected and engaged with other residents, even when they're not able to get in-world.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

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*taps on Screen  realy  realy annoyingly,  and huffs*  WHerE's  The  General Discussion Gone ( AKA  GD ),..!!

*gasps*  O My    has Redzone  given it the  death Ray..! With it's  IP  matching....

*Gulps*    Sheesh  are  we all, now  part of the  same   Alt Cluster    OMG   Run!!   Hide!!!


Now  Seriously, how  can the   focal point of the Forums  be  Taken away, When was this  discussed, did  I miss that discussion.??  when  did the  Memo    fly  across   my desk..??      Lexie  can you please  Note   that,  in  Lindens endevor to make things  better  they  have removed the focal  point  of  much of the Forum itself,   the  Centre  where  Gossip  and Rumor  is propergated,  The Center  where  Broken Hearts  are  Mended,  Where Hearts  Meet,  Souls  are    soothed,  AND   The Center that advice  is  offered,  Given and  expected    from the smallest issue  to the greatest World  stopping  Incedent or  Issue  that SL residents have ever seen, whether you  want advice or  Not it will be  Given......   Where  all  solutions  to,  if  not solved  within the General Decussion  (aka GD)    are  farmed out  to  appropriate more  specific   Solution providers  Where the    most   Geekest Geek in the  Techno Section    to the  Dreamy' est  Creator  in the  Building   Forum,   and   if  we cant   help in the  GD ( aka General  Decussion)    a  resident  to   get  ther AV to  walk    like  Gumby .   well  you  know   we  send them  to the  choreographers of  our SL's  the  animators......  Lexie  the   GD  is  a  HUB   can you please   make an attempt  at  getting the   General Discussion    Back...... :smileywink:

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These new forums are really terrible. Not only because there is no General forum for threads that don't fit in any of the extremely narrow(minded) catefories provided,  but because you can't even start threads in the feedback forum.

I mean do you really expect anyone to believe you will read thousands of replies to a single post? of course not.

It's become pretty clear LL really does not want to engage their customer base, nor do they want their customers to be able to communicate to each other.


And the fonts are way too small. It's really hard on the eyes.

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I am deeply saddened to read that not only was GD excised, but any such threads created will also be closed by overzealous moderators.

I will be the first to say that a number of hate-filled threads were unnecessary here, but most of us are adult enough to be able to walk away, close the browser or react as WE wish.  The point is... we have that choice.

Now we have no choice.  The Official SL forums will become sterile and any camaraderie that would have normally occurred outside of the negativity will be very difficult, if not impossible, to flourish in this new environment.

In any event, please put down my vote for a much needed GD Subforum.

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There is nowhere to discuss the philosophical questions that trouble the great majority of residents, the questions of gender and sexuality, the moral problems of relationships, the exploration of BDSM and the humour of Gorean chauvinists. If you are not going to have a General Dump to ghettoise the freethinkers which are the historic lifeblood of the forums then put your thinking caps on and create a few more relevant topical subforums before this place dies on its feet and all you have left are sycophants and n00bs complaining about their feet being stuck up their arses.


Tonight I had the chicken korma that has been in the slow cooker since this morning since I didn;t want to waste any time cooking when Villa are on the tele. I;ll put a couple of keema nans in the toaster to have with it.


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While it helps some to be able to change the font size in preferences, grey text on white is still a bad idea. I also don't like that this board software ignores Firefox's built-in spellchecker in favor of its own.

A real problem, though, is that even though I set my privacy settings so that I don't show as being logged in, I still see my login listed on the front page of the forums. I'm hoping that changes when I log in again.

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Over all, I like it. But...

Unlike some, I do not care for threaded view, but the inability to click a link back to see who someone has replied to is showstopper. Unless someone includes a quote from the post they're replying to, there is no way to tell what they're talking about half the time.

The lack of a GD forum is quite unfortunate. I've noticed a number of threads already pulled because people were trying to discuss this. (This leads me to believe that these forums will be moderated to strictly curtail any criticism of LL and their usual, bad decision making ability... as in getting rid of the GD forum.) That being said I'm trying to remain optimistic.:smileyhappy:

Btw, I see black on white not gray like some are saying... I am on Firefox. Still, it would be nice to have some options in coloring.

Oh, and yes... bigger avatar pics as well.

I'm sure there's more, but I have the best pizza in town waiting for me to pick it up. :smileyvery-happy:


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Elric Anatine wrote:

I am deeply saddened to read that not only was GD excised, but any such threads created will also be closed by overzealous moderators.

Now we have no choice.  The Official SL forums will become sterile and any camaraderie that would have normally occurred outside of the negativity will be very difficult, if not impossible, to flourish in this new environment.

In any event, please put down my vote for a much needed GD Subforum.



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by Community ManagerAmanda Linden on 03-02-2011 01:41 PM

Hey all, I wanted to address the "General Discussion" Forum question that has come up. Our goal with the Forums is to keep them as focused and constructive as possible. Although General Discussion no longer exists, we're always happy to create new Forums when the need comes up. That's where the Forum Feedback section is critical. We'll be watching it closely and adding new topic-specific Forums over time.


Looks like you are gonna need to throw together a General Discussion forum damn quick.

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1. NO, GD? REALLY dissapointed but I'll accept the fact that GD is gone... :womanmad:...

2. Aesthetic factors of the layout? A little bit man-ish don't you think? Professional looking, No Doubt. I'm sure there will be plenty of neuro surgeons who will come and join the forums in the future. Certainly my kind of people to argue why Endoscopic Transphenoidal Hypophysectomy is an expensive approach for pituitary tumor resection.

3. English Language version? Only US. Not good if I have to argue my points with the Brits since most Americans will be sleeping at my time of the day.

4. Threaded View? I've tried to look for the setting in My Setting.. is it named differently? Because I can't find it. I surely prefer Threaded View and I'd like it to be an option here. Right now I'm reading the post and without anyone quoting anyone.. I'm not even sure who is replying to who. Very confusing, really.

5. Spell Check? Need more vocabs in it. Endoscopic is a word and those neuro surgeons will laugh at me like hyenas in heat if I can't even spell my arguments right. But, if this is Lithium's limitation and there is nothing you can do about it, then hey.. it's Lithium's fault not yours. I understand.

6. Grammerers? Oh well.. with or without it, I'll probably be executed anyway. Still a good option to have, IMO.

7. Kudo system? Nice but do we have the option to un-kudo the person we kudo'ed? I am known for my fickleness... I don't vote in RL.

8. What if we put another Reply to topic at the bottom of page? I had to scroll up again to reply.


ETA: Kudo System can be revoked. Good



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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Community Manager
01:41 PM

Hey all, I wanted to address the "General Discussion" Forum question that has come up. Our goal with the Forums is to keep them as focused and constructive as possible.
Although General Discussion no longer exists, we're always happy to create new Forums when the need comes up.
That's where the Forum Feedback section is critical. We'll be watching it closely and adding new topic-specific Forums over time.


Looks like you are gonna need to throw together a General Discussion forum damn quick.

I happen to agree, we've always had one and it let's members know alot of what is going on and sometimes they get help there and it's a place we're we can come and shoot the **bleep** with each other at.


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Hello Lexie and all the Lindens

First, I was born in a country where we were told how to think what to say and what NOT to say or we were removed. This new forum strongly reminds me of that place.  Its pretty sad. I didn't agree with everything I saw or read in the old forum but I respected every person's opinon and right to express themselves.

Second, I'm not as computer savvy as a lot of people on here. Many times I didn't even know what question to ask if I had a problem, let alone go searching for the proper area to ask. I came to the General area and I was always directed to the right place.

And third, at least half of what I learned over the last 3+ years here has been through the General area. Its wonderful for people who don't know what to ask but recognize useful information when they see it.

Thank you for your attention

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I'm loving the new forums, but the land for sale section is going to become one mixed up bunch of ads for mainland, private estate land, homesteads all mixed in together.

Very hard for people to find the type of land they are looking for, especially for newer people who don't know there are different types.

Would it be possible to have sub sections in ths Buy and Sell Land section so that ads can be grouped by type? something like the following, or whatever would work:

Mainland Parcels

Private Estate Parcels

Homestead Parcels

Full Sims


        Private Estate


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The esthetics of the new forums doesn't worry me too much. Like most new things, it's just a case of getting used to them.

The two suggestions I have boil down to a strategic and a technical one.

(a) There's a need for some kind of "General Discussion" forum that allows for people to interact concerning things that don't fit into the pre-assigned categories. Chopping the world up into the 5 categories of Second Life, Content Creation, Technology, Commerce, and International is rather artificial and somewhat naive. Life, First or Second, is not compartmentalised and many topics of conversation just don't fit! So, I'm with the folks promoting the need for the "General Discussion" - which, frankly, is where interesting interactions can go on.

(b) Some sort of threading structure would make reading and following posts easier. I've changed to the "view latest post" option but am still having a hard time knowing who has said what in reply to whom! A conversation without the turn-taking marked by threading becomes a sequence of random comments, which might work for poetry but not for prose.

Otherwise it's nice to see the Forums back. I'll be commenting on next week's "MBC News." Why, I may even do another piece for the "Alphaville Herald" ;)

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I would like my Second Life display name to be shown in the forums. :smileytongue:

There's a place for us to enter a custom First and Last name on the forums, and I'm happy using that, but even though I've set my display name manually there, my name is still showing on the left of my posts as my "Account Name"


P.S. Where did the "Kudos" buttons go? They WERE here earlier.

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one thing has been accomplished, the sterilization of the forms, why not just call it a wiki? Ive been here over 7 years and thi is the most disappoint load of crap Ive seen in a long time, cngrats I will no longer bothger reading this...., you winn LL you've castrated the forums

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Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Throw me in the threaded view camp. So far, the options appear to be reading older to newer or newer to older, but all in flat view. Threaded view gives you the actual flow of conversation and makes it easier to follow a string. I'd also argue that flat view leads to more argumentative threads, because people don't have the option of avoiding an argument all together like they can in threaded view. 

I would prefer a threaded view as well for exactly the same reasons Nathaniel states above.  Also, even though I checked "Jump To First Unread Post" in Linear Layout Settings, it always takes me to the very first post in the topic.  Page 1, post 1.  Ugh.


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Marcus Hancroft wrote:


Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Throw me in the threaded view camp. So far, the options appear to be reading older to newer or newer to older, but all in flat view. Threaded view gives you the actual flow of conversation and makes it easier to follow a string. I'd also argue that flat view leads to more argumentative threads, because people don't have the option of avoiding an argument all together like they can in threaded view. 

I would prefer a threaded view as well for exactly the same reasons Nathaniel states above.  Also, even though I checked "Jump To First Unread Post" in Linear Layout Settings, it always takes me to the very first post in the topic.  Page 1, post 1.  Ugh.



Ah, but you see by not having a threaded view it makes it harder for a real conversation to develop, thus keeping us on the very narrow path LL wants us on.  I suspect inhibiting true dialog is precisely the point.

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