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Linden Lab is destroying Second Life (PLEASE READ!)

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Linden Lab destroys Second Life:


Many of you have heard by now that Ebbe Linden (CEO @ LL) slipped news at Friday’s Third Party Viewer Meeting that LL is moving resources to developing a new platform, a next-generation platform built “in the spirit of Second Life.” I will provide links to related media and articles at the bottom of this post, and I highly encourage you to read them to form your own opinions. But for now, here are a few facts as we know them.


  • The current plan is that the new platform will not be open source at least initially. (This means there will be no Third Party Viewer alternatives at least initially, and there will be a new viewer built by LL.) This could change over the course of time.
  • LL intends to continue maintaining and developing Second Life while they develop the new platform and will operate them in parallel even after the new platform is launched. SL will remain as long as it is profitable for LL to continue operating it.
  • The new platform will be built “in the spirit of Second Life” and will put focus on content creators as the primary customer. LL wants to make it so good SL users will want to migrate to it.
  • Assets (inventory) from Second Life will “likely” not be transferable because they do not want to constrain what is possible by maintaing backwards compatibility. This wasn’t said with complete certainty, though, which suggests some content may be permitted.
  • Second Life will continue to be improved, albeit on a smaller scale. Oz Linden is now Technical Director and in charge of a small team who will keep development in SL going.
  • This new platform is still in very early stages, and it is unlikely even a beta will be seen before next year.


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May you should change your title to "don't panic LL is not destroying SL it will be around for years"

Even when this new world finally dose come out it won't be the end of SL it will be the end of LL only having one world.


Got to run I'm late for an other false dooms day celebration :)

I hear that when the new SL rolls out the old SL will become  post-apoplectic SL and all the object inwold will start to rot and decay, motorcycle gangs will roam the main land looking for prims and killing any one that gets in there way, the economy will be booming for people selling sawed off shot guns and the last of the V8 interceptors.

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People die at their dinner tables. They die in their beds. They die squatting over their chamber pots. Everybody dies sooner or later. So don’t worry about the death of SL. Worry about your second life. Take charge of your second life for as long as it lasts.

The beta of SL 2.0 or whatever it will be called is not until 2015, with the full release at least a year later, maybe more. Even if they shut down SL as it is now, it most likely won't be for a couple of years after the new one goes live.

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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:


I hear that when the new SL rolls out the old SL will become  post-apoplectic SL and all the object inwold will start to rot and decay, motorcycle gangs will roam the main land looking for prims and killing any one that gets in there way, the economy will be booming for people selling sawed off shot guns and the last of the V8 interceptors.


Awesome. I'm gonna change the oil on the Camaro, check the tire pressure, and buff up the grenade launchers. Finally I'm going to make some money from this place!

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I think... the point of these dooms day posts isn't the fact that SL has the real chance of disappearing and taking 'investments/stuff' with it. Maybe... And this is just me, but it's not the 'stuff' it's memories. I have tons of good memories. I've got things that I never paid a dime for that have memories attached to them. I can scroll through my inventory and see an item and go 'That came from the very first hunt that I met my now bf of 2 years.' We live together now, but we love going through inventory and picking out those special little things. The first bear he got me, the guitar I got him. The builds we built together. 90% of my inventory is dispensable, but there is that handful that I'd probably cry if I lost, simply because of the memory attached to it, and the fact that I couldn't just go and pick up another in a new grid because it was an item that isn't made anymore.

It's memories. Precious and warm. Yeah, they're just a bunch of pixels, but so is that photo album sitting on the shelf that have the only remaining pictures of my deceased parents in existance. People are afraid of losing what's familiar and attached, and unique.

I know SL isn't going anywhere for at least 2 years. Hell I just bought the new UTI avatar yesterday and created a new skin for my bf so we could recreate a favorite picture of ours. SL is our fun and entertainment. It's also the reason we're together in the first place. 

I am wondering though -why- Ebbe let it 'slip' this early. Sure he says it's not going anywhere, but what's the quickest way to get people to quit investing something that you -want- to die. Same thing with the stock market. Rumors govern money. If investors pull out because they're afraid. The cash cow is suddenly gone... why keep it open. 'You're going to WANT to go, it'll be SL but BETTER!!' If enough people quit spending 'hobby/entertainment money' because they're afraid it'll be shut down, then it WILL be. If it was a calculated slip, it was a pretty low move.

But, I'm a cynical **bleep** anyway. That's just me. Hopeful... but cynical.

I'm going to be in SL until it shuts down, I'll keep spending my little hobby money until there is no more SL. Because this is where I love to be when the outside world is too painful; here I can run, jump, climb mountains, fly if I want to.

I'll keep making memories until they pull the plug. But at least now we know why the last 2 years has gotten steadily worse in the way of maintenence. They've had a big new toy hidden behind the scenes. 'SL, but better!' 

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Aeromia wrote:

But at least now we know why the last 2 years has gotten steadily worse in the way of maintenence.

Huh? Pleeez, SL did improve leaps and bounds over the last 2 years. Who cares about social nonsense like failing group chat and stuff when the most important part of our world, sim crossings,  became so much better? When we got mesh? When new scripts made our lifes so much easier and less laggy? I don't know where you see any "steadily gotten worse". SL was bad in 07, 08, and in 09 it became a lot better, and since then it grows better and stronger ... slowly but steadily.

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LL ist not destroying SL, its their most valueable moneymaker right now. But Stagnation is regression. They have to move on sometime. Ebbe said something along the lines of, if LL will not deliver a "next gen virtual world" someone else will, and i think he is right on that.

Everything that has a beginning has and end. SL is a masterpiece of tech. But it is just old. LL cant just keep appyling bandaids and hacks to the codes, while keeping the grid afloat with duct tape and WD 40 forever, at least not in a efficient way.

And yet, SL will be around for several more years, id say we will celebrate its 15. birthday in 2018 :)

A week ago nobody could have been sure. SL could habe been shut down in a week, or the next day (where is the wisdowm in investing into that kind of enviroment?). At least now we a kind of a timeframe. And a looong transsition period, which is the best thing LL could have done.

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SL is not going to die.  SL1 Will exist along side SL2 until they prove that SL2 is what people want.   I really wish people would stop fear mongering and start reading what is being said, direct words come from the CEO of the Lab.  So relying on information obtained by word of mouth some a friend of a friend of a sister of a brother is fail. 



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Yesterday is gone,Tomorrow may never come,live life now.

Spend your life being worried about the past and the future and before you know it,life has passed by without really living it..

creators creating,that is living in the moment..

imagination alive and brain signals going haywire from it,,that is life being lived in the moment..

laughing hard and making others laugh hard with you..that is living..


being worried about the past and the future..that is distracting from the now..

it makes hairs gray and causes wrinkles and you get sickly..

relax and enjoy life and take the red pill hehehehe


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Im absolutely not spending money in Second Life anymore dont know if you heard but Linden Lab will pull the plug and stop broadcasting the grid when it becomes unprofitable, In my opinion it allready goes down the hill since 2011. Lately since the news is out people massifly abandoning sims and mainland prices are because of that low to buy in L$.

I have zero faith Second Life will make it to SL12B "Second Life 12th Birthday" next year, As Linden Lab will start to work on some sort of new failure grid that would be as they say way better then it ever will be for Second Life.

Either your keeping faith and put money in a deadbleeding concept or be smart and dont spend a dollar/Euro anylonger keeping fait and think things will be ok would be the same as you using drugs.

Second Life will die face it, it is just a mather of when can be tomorrow can be next year when SL2 is released!

I was lucky to have my sim sold befor this news came out otherwise im sure nobody would buy it from me so at the end im laughing Linden Lab in the face, You guys dont hurt me anymore with stupid releases and silly news!


Im off to real life now:)

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Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

Im absolutely not spending money in Second Life anymore dont know if you heard but Linden Lab will pull the plug and stop broadcasting the grid when it becomes unprofitable, In my opinion it allready goes down the hill since 2011. Lately since the news is out people massifly abandoning sims and mainland prices are because of that low to buy in L$.

I have zero faith Second Life will make it to SL12B "Second Life 12th Birthday" next year, As Linden Lab will start to work on some sort of new failure grid that would be as they say way better then it ever will be for Second Life.

Either your keeping faith and put money in a deadbleeding concept or be smart and dont spend a dollar/Euro anylonger keeping fait and think things will be ok would be the same as you using drugs.

Second Life will die face it, it is just a mather of when can be tomorrow can be next year when SL2 is released!

I was lucky to have my sim sold befor this news came out otherwise im sure nobody would buy it from me so at the end im laughing Linden Lab in the face, You guys dont hurt me anymore with stupid releases and silly news!


Im off to real life now:)

can i have your stuff?

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

Im absolutely not spending money in Second Life anymore dont know if you heard but Linden Lab will pull the plug and stop broadcasting the grid when it becomes unprofitable, In my opinion it allready goes down the hill since 2011. Lately since the news is out people massifly abandoning sims and mainland prices are because of that low to buy in L$.

I have zero faith Second Life will make it to SL12B "Second Life 12th Birthday" next year, As Linden Lab will start to work on some sort of new failure grid that would be as they say way better then it ever will be for Second Life.

Either your keeping faith and put money in a deadbleeding concept or be smart and dont spend a dollar/Euro anylonger keeping fait and think things will be ok would be the same as you using drugs.

Second Life will die face it, it is just a mather of when can be tomorrow can be next year when SL2 is released!

I was lucky to have my sim sold befor this news came out otherwise im sure nobody would buy it from me so at the end im laughing Linden Lab in the face, You guys dont hurt me anymore with stupid releases and silly news!


Im off to real life now:)

can i have your stuff?

Are you sure you'd want it?

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I suggest you go back and read what Ebbe actually said.  The world is not coming to an end anytime soon.

Not so sure about that. What if ppl heard tomorrow that the real world only had 2 years to go?! I bet ppl would consider that *extremely* close. :P

Just because SL is a virtual world doesn't mean 2 years isn't equally near. 

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