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Are you your avatar's age?


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that is a very interesting question and one I hadn't considered. BRAVO!!

I would say that Tex and I are about the same age....late 40's. He dresses maturely, not outlandish, always in the same kind of clothes....

I do, however, have an alt that I play once in a very long while and this one is considerably younger than I am. I would think late 20's, maybe early 30's.

So that probably doesn't answer your question at all. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


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Ricky40 wrote:

Just curious about what age most people make there avatars? Is the way you dress and play your avatar the same age as you in Real life or younger? Especially I guess I'm the fashion sense I am wondering.

This topic comes up every year.

No, my avatar is not the same age as her operator, she also has a different haircolour, elf-ears which her operator does not have and wears very tight and short skirts that would probably be illegal in reallife.

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Ricky40 wrote:

Just curious about what age most people make there avatars? Is the way you
your avatar the same age as you in Real life or younger? Especially I guess I'm the fashion sense I am wondering.

You'll have to take my word for it, but I dress my avatar about the way I dress my 43 year old RL body, or how I would if I weren't working in the yard. I do not drive my RL tractor in dress pants and a gorgeous sweater as shown at the moment in my forum badge, but I would buy a new tractor wearing that kind of outfit.

As for whether I play my age? No. It seems I don't do that in RL either.

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My avatar is about pretty close to what I look like in RL. I chose to leave out the few fine laugh lines on my face though.  However she doesn't look like a young girl which seems to be the trend in avi's now days.  I dress her pretty much as I do in RL most of the time, but when I go out she dresses her more daring than I can in RL as I live in a pretty conservative placed.

I am not one to 'act my age' in RL or SL life.  I am not crazy like I was in my 20's, but most people that know me think I'm a lot younger than my real age and are surprised when they find out I'm actually middle age by the common standards..  I come from families on both sides where reaching 100 or more has been pretty standard for at least the last four generations prior to mine and feel I'll probably follow suit. One grandmother made 110+ and had a mind sharp as a tack to the day she died.  She also was a nurse that had a career and didn't marry until she was 30 and didn't retire until she was about 80.  Even after that she still did some private duty nursing well into her 90's.  So going by that standard, I'm still young. I keep an open mind, have no problem with accepting new things and refuse to let my brain calcify in attitude as I get older.

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Hum, tricky question. You see, despite being almost 23, most people who meet me or look at me thik I'm around 18. I've had one old lady say I was 16 once. -_-

So yeah, my avatar looks around 18-19. Only other differences are my big dolly eyes, blue instead of RL green and my hair longer. I roleplay a dolly look. But I look preatty much my age. It's nice to be young! ^.^

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My avatar looks a few or a few more years younger than i am in RL. Body shape and hair aren´t very close.

My job dictates the clothes i usually wear but i´d like to wear my SL clothes. So he´s wearing my style but not my clothes, sounds weird hmmm ....


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Orca is and always will be a very mature and grumpy 21 y/o independent, not very rich but well settled spoiled brat with her heads in the clouds. She always dreams of a new society. Her operator is a 46 y/o immature and grumpy academic/housewife. She gave up dreaming long ago.

So, yes, basically we're exactly the same. :smileyvery-happy:

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My main (human) avi is about my age. He's the wrong nationality but he's more or less similar to me in build and face. at first I dressed him to match my esthetics, but I noticed my 'jeans and tshirt' ideals were rather boring, so I got a little more creative. Funny thing about that, I started to like my avatar's clothing choices more and eventually over the years I catch myself shopping for similar clothing IRL. xD

My Furry avi is molded from the one above, so build is the same, but I would clock him a touch older.

I have a girl avi who is about 24 or so.

And an alt that is 26/27.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

What is a "wrong nationality"? And if there was such a thing why did you make him a citizen of that wrong nation?

It hink your reading drama where there is none. I'm pretty sure they meant that the person was a diffrent nationality to themsleves not that there's a wrong nationality.

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I have three accounts in SL. One is a fairy who looks similar to me besides my lack of wings in rl. One is an elf who resembles nothing of me. Windsie here looks like me the most. I'm very petite height and stature wise in rl and I've made my avatar to reflect that here. I dress her a lot like I do in real life and have made her around the age I look. Although I'm in my early thirties, people always think I'm ten to fifteen years younger than I actually am in rl. So of course I made Windsie fit how old I look, not the age I actually am. :)



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