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4 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

That's pathetically low, honestly. The only thing holding up SL are fashion events. Take those out and the grid would be pretty much dead.

Ah, so there was a fashion event yesterday? Funny, it wasn't listed on the Destination Guide.. Also, please show me one other virtual world with the capabilities SL has that has 40K online at any given moment. I'll be sipping my coffee while I wait. 

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27 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Ah, so there was a fashion event yesterday? Funny, it wasn't listed on the Destination Guide.. Also, please show me one other virtual world with the capabilities SL has that has 40K online at any given moment. I'll be sipping my coffee while I wait. 

Can I have a cup of coffee too?

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4 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

Nobody wants to see unedited pics in poor image formats. When you upload any image file into SL, it compresses it and it loses quality. FB does that too. Which is why BOTH SL and FB users use Flickr. I have no idea why you're so hardcore against it. I mean, if anything, you've got people PROMOTING Second Life. 

Sit down.

I love seeing unedited pics taken in SL & I also love taking them. If you frame a shot well & make a nice custom windlight to suit the scene & have all the graphics shiny enabled, you can get some beautiful shots from SL without any post processing. I love seeing what image effects I can get using only the tools available in the viewer.

You can upload pretty large images to the feed too.

Couple of example unedited shots I've posted to my feed.



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48 minutes ago, Chrismaky said:

What the hell is your freaking problem, lady? People can log into SL on mobile if they want. Who the bloody hell are you to dictate how people can log into the grid? I log in from mobile when I'm on the road or at work because it's convenient. You insisting that people stop doing that...well...good luck.

To be honest, if I had a say at LL, there would be not a single mobile phone client anymore allowed to log into SL. Neither Pocket Metaverse (which is pretty much dead, thankfully), nor Lumiya, nor LittleSight, nor Mobile Grid Client, nor any other smartphone app I don't know about yet. In other words: If you want to log into SL, you would have no other opportunity to log in than to use a computer (or laptop, if you're "on the road"). SL is, after all, an entire virtual world, and not just a simple chat app. B|

Such a phone screen is way too small to show SL anyways (I even consider the 10" screen of a reasonable tablet as way too small for that), so using a smartphone to log into SL is pretty moot, imo. :P

Edited by eighthdwarf Checchinato
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36 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

I love seeing unedited pics taken in SL







This is my typical post processing done in Microsoft Photos. Besides cropping I use the "Enhance your photo" tool but turn it way down from what it wants to apply.  Then add a little Clarity and occasionally I will play with vignette to make the picture look brighter or darker. Finally I open it in Paint to resize it for upload if it goes on a web page.  There is probably a way to do that in Photos too but I haven't looked hard enough to find it. 

Basically I am just putting back what you loose from scaling down.
Even the raw photo is squished when uploaded here and it doesn't look the same as when it was taken :(

Edited by Rhonda Huntress
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6 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

There's tons of scripters saying the LSL needs to be badly updated. 

Why would scripters want a bad update to LSL? LSL has been extended to handle new features as they arrive. LL doesn't have the resources to update/rewrite LSL in such a way that old content isn't broken. That's a huge job with a small payoff. Anyone wanting a nice new scripting language (though C# isn't new) can try Sansar, but scripting isn't finished yet.

I've been scripting in LSL for almost 11 years; I do know something about it.

BTW, "tons of scripters" - did you ask scripters who complained about LSL what they weigh, then add the weights? Even if you meant quantity, I doubt you know more than a small percentage of LSL scripters. Nobody does.

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I do not like The Gimp at all.  Probably because I used Photoshop first.  I don't have a current version of Photoshop but I do use Corel's Paint Shop if I need to do any serious editing which is like never any more.  Besides, I can crop, sharpen and resize in Window's tools faster that waiting for The Gimp to load.

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4 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

What the hell is your freaking problem, lady?

My problerm is that you fraudulently claimed that the feeds were "tiny square pictures with horrible quality in a crappy file format, with lossy compression" and every single thing that you claimed on that regard was technically and factually wrong.

My problem is you are constantly posting about how crap that SL is, because its used by people over 30, with computers, and how it doesn't have the latest smartphone friendly "all bad style, no good function" web-formatting, and how it's user base is "low" compared to some console game or 20 something internet dating site, and how it's all "so last decade" and how it's going to "die with your generation", as you said to me in another thread.

You keep insisting that the web-feed isn't suitable for posting in-world photos because it's an... in-world photo feed.

Nothing you've said about SL in any of your posts seems to a) make any damn sense, and in most cases b) have any basis in reality.

I asked before but you didn't answer so I'll ask again.

If SL is so old and crap and badly designed and ugly and slow and so "last decade over 30 dead people friendly" WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE and "can @Rhonda Huntress haz ur stuffs wen ur gon"?

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3 hours ago, Parhelion Palou said:

BTW, "tons of scripters" - did you ask scripters who complained about LSL what they weigh, then add the weights?

Hmm, based off those 'average weight per passenger' safe loading signs in elevators, "tons of scripters" could be as low as, ohhh, 16 scripters?

I'm sure if you asked around you could find 16 people who might want improvements to lsl, but that's not the same as "destroy it completely and replace with some Java/C/Whatever smartphone friendly hybrid that's nowhere near ready yet". ;) 

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4 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

I love seeing unedited pics taken in SL & I also love taking them. If you frame a shot well & make a nice custom windlight to suit the scene & have all the graphics shiny enabled, you can get some beautiful shots from SL without any post processing. I love seeing what image effects I can get using only the tools available in the viewer.

You can upload pretty large images to the feed too.

Couple of example unedited shots I've posted to my feed.



Totally agree.Anyone can make a crappy pic into a work of art by using photoshop but its harder to achieve good looking pics by only using in game available tools. i love to play with those myself too and still learning a new thing everytime.

Edited by Jeny Howlett
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10 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

Nobody wants to see unedited pics in poor image formats.

The only editing I ever do with my SL pics is sometimes cropping them - I don't even touch up the SL pics as I would many RL pictures.  I don't use the SL Profile Feed, nor do I upload the pictures into SL.  All of my pics are either put to Flickr or posted here in the forums.

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7 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Ah, so there was a fashion event yesterday? Funny, it wasn't listed on the Destination Guide.. Also, please show me one other virtual world with the capabilities SL has that has 40K online at any given moment. I'll be sipping my coffee while I wait. 

Thats because events are not promoted by Linden Labs since they are are not technically "destinations" since their destinations are only open during a certain time frame. Ive been to quite a few places in that destination guide and most are DEAD.

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7 hours ago, Chrismaky said:

No, but I'd say a good chunk of sl people have a Flickr. But we all know nothing beats a fashion and shoes event lol

What if you're a weirdo, like me, and don't necessarily take part in either of those?

I know it might seem like the fashion and photography areas take up a huge chunk of the user base...but I think that assumption is a bit off.  Well, at least on the photography front. Yes there are lots of them(I like to look at others' photos, for example, don't necessarily take all too many of my own-just some here and there) but it's not this huge group of residents that all participate. It's probably about as even with other groups of residents with a same interest.

Fashion and fashion related things are probably a beast all on their own..and yes, lots of people like those things too. They may well make up a larger chunk of the population. I don't think "doing away with it" would necessarily dwindle down sl to non-existence, but, it would have an impact. That's not a whole hell of a lot different than rl though..where fashion, makeup, how people look, etc. takes up a large portion of the "interests" column for the human species. The main difference between sl and rl, in this capacity, is that some of the things people are interested in, in rl, don't necessarily pan out the same way in sl. Take sports for example, a *huge* interest in rl...it's just not the same in sl as it is in rl...people still like it, still participate, still watch..but it's not the same. Fashion, and all things related, kinda holds it's own in any world..I don't think a virtual world would ever be an exception to that. None that I have ever seen, worked on, participated in, have been an exception to this. Hell even MMORPG and MMRPG, etc.. games have *some link to "looks", like obtaining not only weaponry but armor/clothing, etc.. too (that would fall under fashion and all things related, regardless of how fashionable these things are lol)

(ftr...not knocking others' interests, or fashion and all things related...just making an observation here, lol...may not be my cup of tea..but it is some people's and I'm cool with that :D

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7 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Ah, so there was a fashion event yesterday? Funny, it wasn't listed on the Destination Guide.. Also, please show me one other virtual world with the capabilities SL has that has 40K online at any given moment. I'll be sipping my coffee while I wait. 

The destination guide is a corporate supported piece of BS where you can only get on it if you are suggested and are approved by Linden Lab itself.


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The only editing I ever do with my SL pics is sometimes cropping them - I don't even touch up the SL pics as I would many RL pictures.  I don't use the SL Profile Feed, nor do I upload the pictures into SL.  All of my pics are either put to Flickr or posted here in the forums.

But do you use windlight?

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6 minutes ago, Chrismaky said:

But do you use windlight?

Windlight isn't an external program used for enhancing/fixing photos, though. In fact, it's primary use has nothing at all to do with photography itself. I'm not sure it matters here. You were, after all, complaining that people use external programs for photography. 

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Just now, Tari Landar said:

Windlight isn't an external program used for enhancing/fixing photos, though. In fact, it's primary use has nothing at all to do with photography itself. I'm not sure it matters here. You were, after all, complaining that people use external programs for photography. 

Um, no. Nowhere on this forum have I ever complained about people using external programs for photography. Klytyna however, has been raging against them like a crazy lady. Windlight is an internal function in firestorm primarily used for photography. I don't use the official viewer. Who even uses that?

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Windlight is the name for the upgrades to the lighting and shader engine within the main SL code made sometime around 2009. It is not to be confused with the later Advanced Lighting Model which added shadows, projectors and laid the ground work for Materials. While it is quite handy for photography that is far from its intended or even primary use.

The Firestorm feature you are thinking of is the quick access floater for a large number of graphics related settings called Photo Tools.

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27 minutes ago, Chrismaky said:

Um, no. Nowhere on this forum have I ever complained about people using external programs for photography. Klytyna however, has been raging against them like a crazy lady. Windlight is an internal function in firestorm primarily used for photography. I don't use the official viewer. Who even uses that?

How long have you been in sl? Honest curiosity here, not being snarky..you seem to come across very inexperienced with what second life used to be, used to look like, used to include. It may well project out into what you think of sl today versus what you think it should be-especially compared to other things...so, really, honest curiosity. It's hard to try and see another's perspective when it may well be skewed by some small details..(and I try to see perspectives, whether or not I agree with them..yes, I'm weird, we established that ages ago, lol) 

Windlight's intended purpose had nothing to do with photography, btw :) I was here when it was first introduced..but Solar describes it much better than I(and has likely been here far longer than I, and pays far more attention to such things than I once did too, lol). Oh, and it's not a firestorm only thing, never was, never will be. :D  (and I don't like the LL viewer either, most folks don't, even LL will tell you that, lol) 

Edited by Tari Landar
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26 minutes ago, Chrismaky said:

Um, no. Nowhere on this forum have I ever complained about people using external programs for photography. Klytyna however, has been raging against them like a crazy lady. Windlight is an internal function in firestorm primarily used for photography. I don't use the official viewer. Who even uses that?

Windlight is available in any viewer as it was a feature rolled out by LL, not by a third party viewer.

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