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Goodbye Cruel World!! ~ Stupid Mayans

Lori Paramour

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Well good folks, it's now almost 23.00 20 December 2012 and we're preparing to face our DOOOOOOM!!!   Ok, I'll admit I'm very skeptical and not rushing out to any end of the world parties tonight.   First off, if they're right what the heck can I do about it now.   But how can you trust the predictions of a race of people that couldn't even foretell their own demise?

Then there's the whole time sequencing thing.  I've read that it's supposed to begin at midnight, at 11.11, at 12.21.   But what time zone?   These have already passed in New Zealand, I talked to a couple friends there and they're just fine.

I mean, for a bunch of people that we supposed to be such astronomical geniuses, you'd think the could have at at least figured out time zones and been a little more specific.   But nooooo!

Well, at this time tomorrow if we're all still here, we'll all know the Mayans we're just a bunch of crackpots like all the other end of worlders.   But if I ever meet someone who claims to be of Mayan decent, I'm going to take great pleasure in giving then a good swift kick in the crotch for their ancestors stirring up all the hubb-bubb.

And if we're not still here, see you on the other side :smileywink:


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The dumbest thing about it all is that as far as I know, the Mayans didn't even "predict" anything at all. People just blew the fact that their calendar ends on the 21st horribly out of proportion and decided that it meant the apocalypse. I don't care how hard anyone tries, unless it is digital there will never be an infinite calendar. It has to end somewhere. Does the world end when our calendars end on Dec. 31st every year? No. We get a new calendar for the new year and if the Mayans were still here that's what they would be doing-- Making a new calendar that ends another few thousand years into the future.

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Where I live, indeed in most of the world, right now it is already 12/21/2012 and there has been no world ending here.

The Mayan calendar ended 12/20.  That doesn't mean the world ends anymore than it will when our calendars end on 12/31/2012 at 11:59:59 pm.  You just tack up a new calendar. This is what the Mayans actually believed in too. The end of the world prediction was used  to sell more tabloids to gullible people.

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Add the letter N and T, and you've got yourself a production company.


Nothing will happen.


The economy will stay the same, Jobs will stay the same, and Politics will keep on Partying. 5 star and caviar, for the privileged, and babies for the poor; wally mart needs those low skilled laborers.


The Mayans knew the intersect point, for the polar and equatorial rotations on the Sun. If you choose to dismiss that knowledge; I'm sure the government will sell you a patent, and we can all then begin to believe under threat of Law, that you calculated the intersect point. Stupid Mayans forgot to Patent it!


The thousands of Publishers, and fear mongers, will not feel the least bit guilty, and they certainly won't return any of the proceeds from their actions.

The answer to 9 out of 10 question in Life, will be money.

Nobody knows, what the one instance is, in which money is not the answer.


Happy 14th Baktun, and to another 144,000 days of usury, slavery, and indifference!




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Every Year, in celebration of New Year's eve, America has a Party.

People in almost every City, gather to watch a ceremony, that is called "The Ball Drop".

Then, things don't work out, and we all try to find out; "who dropped the ball"?

The irony. 


successional sparkling spheres

Better yet, motion creates standing waves of light, which will naturally form spherical harmonics (balls, to the layperson).

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Lori Paramour wrote:

Well good folks, it's now almost 23.00 20 December 2012 and we're preparing to face our DOOOOOOM!!!   Ok, I'll admit I'm very skeptical and not rushing out to any end of the world parties tonight.   First off, if they're right what the heck can I do about it now.   But how can you trust the predictions of a race of people that couldn't even foretell their own demise?

Then there's the whole time sequencing thing.  I've read that it's supposed to begin at midnight, at 11.11
, at 12.21.   But what time zone?   These have already passed in New Zealand, I talked to a couple friends there and they're just fine.

I mean, for a bunch o
f people that we supposed to be such astronomical geniuses, you
'd think the could have at at least figured out time zones and been a little more specific.   But nooooo!

Well, at this time tomorrow if we're all still here, we'll all know the Mayans we're just a bunch of crackpots like all the other end of worlders.   But if I ever meet someone
who claims to be of Mayan decent, I'm going to take great pleasure in giving then a good swift kick in the crotch for their ancestors stirring up all the hubb

And if we're not still here, see you on the other side :smileywink:

the latest I heard is this....it was not supposed to be at the moment of the solstace (I know spelled wrong, sorry), but possibly around noon today...or (and this is the newest one I just heard) someone may not have read the calendar correctly and it might actuallly happen on Sunday.

"Fasten your seatbelts...it's going to be a bumpy flight"

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Lori, unfortunately you are barking at the wrong tree.  If you did your homework well and studied the facts you would know that the Mayans did not predict the end of the world.

It is the people who started to invent their own false interpretations what the end of one Mayan calendar cycle would mean.  For the Mayans it is just the end of one calendar cycle and the beginning of a new calendar cycle.

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Nooo we are all going to get Flared to death


Fact is no one seems to know exactly when it is going to end but a lot of people think of the calendar, and times as on a 24 hour period when its not all 100% accurate based on the Maya I am sure winks.

Not saying the world is going to end today never know when that will happen we could all just be sitting here and our sun might explode, or giant solar flares might head our way fry all our computers which btw is why I stick my hard discs in a metal trash can shield them from EMP when not in use.

Maybe some UFO's will come to earth and decide to start blowing stuff up, or the government will do something stupid like in those Syfy movies who knows winks its all possible, oh wait Zombies are fake? Well I enjoy zombies, but who knows unti lthe time comes if they are real or not ;)

World could end at any time folks no one really has an exact date that I know of, then again you got the conspiracies ;)

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I was convinced that the world was going to end today so I opened all the remaining doors on my advent calendar and scoffed all the chocolates in one glutinous mouthful before going to work. Just my luck, the world didn't end and now I have no chocolates left for the next 3 DAYS!  

I directly blame Hollywood for my impending lack of advent chocolate excitement, they have ruined Christmas for me. :smileymad:

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