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Linden Lab's New CEO

BK Linden


I’m happy to announce some very exciting news today: Rod Humble is Linden Lab’s new CEO. Our press release is here. You’ll hear from Rod himself after he starts in mid-January, but in the meantime, we wanted to share a brief introduction.

Rod has an impressive depth of experience in developing and leading fun, immersive entertainment experiences that have been great successes. As a 20-year veteran of game development, he’s worked on more than 200 games, and last year, the gaming magazine Edge named him #2 on their annual list of Hot 100 Game Developers. Rod is coming to Linden Lab from Electronic Arts, where he was Executive Vice President and led EA Play, including the best-selling PC game franchise of all time, The Sims. Prior to EA, he was a VP of Product Development at Sony Online Entertainment, where he led the EverQuest Studio.

Rod has a deep appreciation for what makes Second Life special. He’s already been exploring and experimenting inworld to familiarize himself with the pluses and minuses of our product and the successes and challenges faced by our Residents. He’ll officially start at the Lab in mid-January, and I’m excited for us to begin 2011 with fresh perspective, renewed energy, and creativity.

To give you a sense for Rod’s creativity, personality, and perspective, here are few links to his personal creations and a couple of press interviews he’s given:

Art games Rod has created in his ‘spare’ time:

Press interviews with Rod:

Happy holidays to you all from Linden Lab! We wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year -- it’s going to be a great one for Second Life!

Rod's bio:

Rod Humble is Chief Executive Officer at Linden Lab, and he leads the company’s strategy and the development of Second Life. Humble’s 20-year career in the game development industry has included work on more than 200 games. He joined Linden Lab from Electronic Arts, where, in his role as Executive Vice President, he led the EA Play label, which includes the best-selling PC game franchise of all time, The Sims. In 2009, he was ranked #2 on the annual list of the Hot 100 Game Developers from gaming publication Edge. Prior to his work at Electronic Arts, Humble served as Vice President of Product Development at Sony Online Entertainment for the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) EverQuest.


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Yay..a fellow Brit! ....Welcome onboard Rod....it's comforting to  know you have a background in Gaming development and maybe a deeper  understanding for what is required for SL

I'm sure under your own  steam, you'll make a fine CEO. Don't let those  VC's pull your strings  like they did with your predecessor...they partly the  reason of why so  many things went wrong in SL over the last 2+ years...with one bad  strategy after another!

Hopefully this time they'll stay out of  your hair and allow you some time to rebuild , re-vamp and market Second  Life to the masses!

I wish you good luck and a Merry Christmas!

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Dec 24, 2010 1:06 PM Vixen Quandry  says in response to Holocluck Henly:

Holo, I agree. For some, it's valid as a game (tho I'd like to know what those who think it a game consider as the goal).

The goal is the same as evry other game ever invented........TO HAVE FUN!

Welcome Rod, a bit more info on what the team is up to would be good and what is coming so we can prepare for new feaures

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wow, will you get thru all the welcome messages!?

may i add my 'welcome to SL' for you, SL is FUN! and ........... well............ have a partay!

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Welcome. One thing I hope you will do in your explorations is FLY AN AEROPLANE. Do some high speed descending turns at altitude and then pull the nose up slowly...and feel yourself suddenly sucked under the sea (or into outer space) as the server loses your vehicle and avatar. You will learn first hand about the hoplessness of sim crossings, lag, the mess that mainland is, and the other limitations of vehicle use in SL, which will also illuminate the basic things that are broken. FIX THE GRID. MAKE IT WORK.

Nobody asked for mesh, viewer 2, media on a prim, voice morphing, new marketplace...we do NOT want more REGRESSIVE features...but they were forced upon us. You have no idea how many will leave SL if the Viewer 2 UI becomes mandatory. Stop that train now before it crashes!

And kids on the grid....my my what a tangled web LL has woven for you...so many things have been Broken before you arrived....

SL's future is in danger. Don't believe the corporate hype they feed you. I hope you see that. I hope you save it.

I hope you take a lesson from the airlines. Present customers are more important than new ones. Losing them has a much more negative affect than gaining new ones. Keeping old ones costs LESS than finding new ones.

Good luck with it.

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Its a great shame that you didnt' get somone with some experience that could of been of some use. It might be an impressive resume but counts for diddly sqwatt and sounds like no expereince where it counts. It just goes to show how out of touch Linden labs is getting.

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Indeed yes!

Listen to the ones who pay for sims, and who build, and who manage events. The ones that blog often have too much time on their hands.

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Hello Rod and welcome to SecondLife. Can l urge you to make a key priority in 2011 to establish a governance system that includes residents in decision making. We have had a big focus on technology (which needs to be continued) but now we need to promote involvement in developing strategies and policies that involve residents. Please remember the foundation of democracy in the USA - the Boston tea party - no taxation without representation! I would urge you to establish Resident Councils that represent creators, shopowners, clubowners, landlords and general residents. Now is the time to take SL to the next level. I wish you well and invite you to visit our mainland community whenever you want. Merry Xmas and all the best for 2011. Please spend time in SL and get to know our concerns and issues.

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Hmm, somebody who has had a large part in making certain games popular. Yes, this is promising. The more customers my store can get, the better.

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As this world is a biiiig playground, I hope you'll share some enjoyment although you're undertaking a tough job. All in all, we're not asking for the moon...just some smooth basic way to make the most of this great idea which is SL. After all, it's OUR world as the advertisement goes... Welcome in it

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Dear Rod:  I actually got someone in Live Chat who cared enough to solve my problem; I am a hostess; been one for over a year at the same club; post on SL Event Calendar but as of one week ago, can't because the region does not come up as a "location " on the Event Calendar posting page. The LL representative told me it was because the club owner had to renew my "permission" to post.  I told him that had been down, AGAIN.  He said that the club owner had to go to the groups Roles section and click on the SL Event Calendar permission.  I told him there was no such category.  He then asked me what viewer I was using; I told him the old viewer as I am way too busy to learn how to use the very complicated Viewer2.  Ahhh he said, that category is in group's Roles list on Viewer2 not on alternate viewers or the old viewer! One way or the other LL is going to force us to use the crappy Viewer2.

But Rod, someone at LL is not thinking:  club owners rent space or own the land where their club is. So someone is paying Tiers; yup Rod, RL money which supports the bottom line of LL. So why would LL make it hard for club owners in SL from attracting people to their club who make club donations, which then the club owner uses to help pay rent to the owner of the sim WHO PAYS Tiers or if the club owner owns the land, PAYS TIERS.

Hope you can change this mentality, Rod! When people are happy in SL and things WORK right, we spend lindens; more lindens we spend, the better LL does financially!

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Welcome Rod to SL.  I humbly suggest that you take off the SL rose-colored glasses and get into the nitty-gritty about what is real about being in-world.  Experience SL as we do, not as a "developer" but as a customer.  For most of us, we are more interested in platform stability, features that actually work and forethought about the implications of enhancements and changes than about cool new features.

One thing on which to focus though, first and foremost...customer service.  LL doesn't get it, do you?  I hope so.  And the second - SL needs to be safe and fun for everyone both in-world and IRL.  Let me know if you want to talk more about safety in SL.

Best of luck in your new endeavor,

Pauv Evanier

CEO, SafeAssist, LLC

Have Fun. Be Safe.™

SL's largest security and investigation firm ensuring residents and business owners live out their fantasies free from harm and fear

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