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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. Yes, all floater generating functions should be key based and a function llCloseFloater(key floater_key) could be used to close them.
  2. The function llOpenFloater() was just announced. See the following thread to discuss it there.
  3. As long as there is an exposed viewer setting to turn automatic website loading by url off. Even though you're confining it to experience use now, that doesn't mean there aren't direct/sneaky ways to abuse it, let alone definitely abuse it outside of an experience. I'd rather not elaborate on the whens, wheres and hows.
  4. Would be nice if SLB also offered Adult regions so we could offer adult exhibits. 😉
  5. Would help to see your edit menu settings, like if Snap was checked or not. Would help to know what Grid Options settings you have checked. Would help to know what your reference is, World, Local or Reference. Would also help to know what your draw distance is and how far away from your avatar the object is.
  6. WhosYour Daddy ImYour Daddy ListenToYour Daddy ObeyYour Daddy Sugar Daddy MyBabys Daddy Bone Daddy IssuesWith Daddy JokeFactory Daddy LongLegged Daddy Mac Daddy DayCare Daddy Deadbeat Dad Big Papa Johns Papa LukeIAmYour Father IHaveNo Father TheGod Father LikeSonLike Father
  7. I'd love BoM more if there was Animesh support for it. Still waiting on Animesh to get body shape, physics and attach point support, too. 🙏
  8. Now llName2Key() finally shows a key for Your Mama. Curious why it wasn't showing a key while I tried to claim that name which I was told was not available.
  9. They purposely made that name unavailable it seems.
  10. Going by how much the "average" person makes doing AFK, those rates are through the roof. Maybe L$1 an hour, but I'd have to think about it, heh.
  11. Infohubs are closer. I've never been routed to London City when logging on to a region that is down.
  12. And it would also be a nexus for trolling/spamming/lagging/crashing on a scale 1000x bigger than infohubs and LL isn't going to moderate it.
  13. LL recently updated their jelly dolls protocol. The problem with both jellydolls and even impostors is that all data for the mesh those users wear is still being downloaded, rigged and calculated. So if I go to an event with a max non-impostors of 1 & max complexity of 20k and I see literally 50 impostored avatars, they eventually start turning into jelly dolls because their mesh is being downloaded, rigged and complexity calculated while they are all rendered in sprite form. That downloading, rigging, calculating and finally jellydolling consumes ram and lags me just as much as if I had half of them fully rendered from the start. There is also an issue with the viewer seeing agents far outside your draw distance and still downloading their mesh, etc as well. LL needs to block downloading of attachments for impostored agents and honor draw distance and not process data for agents and their attachments outside of it.
  14. Just an FYI in case your app is animesh. Animesh orientates models on the local forward X axis of the root link.
  15. Because the teleport protocol routes people to the nearest accessible parcel if they are not allowed at the destination they initially tried. I wish LL would change that to just give a message that you're not allowed at the location, otherwise it just aids griefers with re-entry to another location in a region without them having to manually try finding one themself, not to mention, routes bots as well.
  16. There's a 2021-04-27.###### version on aditi, but I didn't see anything interesting with it like, say, new LSL functions. 😕
  17. We don't need both Wear and Add. I think "Wear" needs to finally go bye bye or remove Add and replace Wear's funcitonality with Add's. Also, why was Drop and Inspect removed? Are we slowly going to strip out all the lesser used UI features and not offer any way to use their functionality? Is the LL viewer UI going to end up like Sansar's barren and boring viewer UI?
  18. Why does landmarking a place put the landmark in the My Favorites folder instead of, idk, the Landmarks folder? 🤔
  19. Except you did it again TODAY a few hours after this comment! 🙄 Out of the blue starting an OP in an anime group talking about a truck, how much you want one and posting a marketplace link... I think your behavior is quite intentional.
  20. I've caught you bringing up products, business and locations in unrelated groups many times before, except you like to do it indirectly like, "Has anyone tried <insert product here> before? I like it! You will like it too!" or "Has anyone been to <insert business location here> before? I like them. You will like them too!" just like when you used unrelated groups to show us how much you "liked" a certain ship girl RP sim or a certain aircraft maker's planes or a certain freight game system and depot. And you even IM people that already replied in disinterest in the group chat and keep talking to them about it. Something tells me you pissed off enough/wrong people, heh.
  21. Unless it's a temp attachment and the user hasn't changed their group after it attached. By "temp", I mean attached via llAttachToAvatarTemp().
  22. I just saw someone wearing this today. It was called "-MUSU- Bloomers Shorts Blue (Legacy)" created by MIstahMoose.
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