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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. Like, "Let's be the millionth company to chase after VR! Who cares if my pipe dream causes massive layoffs and wastes millions of dollars and eventually causes the company to be sold to the sharks? I'll still have a job after it all blows up anyway and my boy can have fun playing mini-me!". 😆
  2. The issue with listings with store names and/or seller names matching search terms has been brought up in the Web meetings, but no bug report has been filed on it yet.
  3. I've never seen that functionality with llDie() before nor do I see it now.
  4. Do you not pay utility bills? Do you not pay medical bills? Do you not pay for gas for a vehicle and car/truck payments? Do you not have a checking account with a bank? Do you not have a credit card? Do you not have a cell phone? Do you not buy food or products? Do you not have a Netflix or a Steam account? Do you not play games/MMOs that offer tokens, DLC, loot boxes, a marketplace and/or account types? The world and/or life is highway robbery these days. ☚ī¸
  5. Also, what about the memory leaks with the mesh cache and physics? Those still haven't been ironed out after all these years and I imagine lag their respective components thus impact their respective timings.
  6. This is one of many examples why we need procedural animation capability.
  7. I indirectly monitor almost 1000 regions and many were showing "stopping" status throughout yesterday and even today. A region with such status shouldn't have crashed but instead went down on its own.
  8. That's why with the furniture engine I created, I added animation preloading capability. It helped cut down on the need to resynch animations. AFAIK, I'm the only one in SL doing that. Animations still need global start reference, though, so anyone entering a region and/or bringing avatars/animesh into their FOV/interest list see them correctly between couples or groups. This, among other animation parameters that we also need the ability to control/override.
  9. The kemono body alone is flat, but can be made to look curvy and you can even buy mods to make it more curvy/thicc to convey a mature body. Here is me wearing the kemono body with ABC Bouncy Boobs and M4 Chibi head: https://gyazo.com/c8af59a86a579dd74319f1e5f0cdf971 Here is me wearing the kemono body with the fitted torso mod and ASR Aeon head: https://gyazo.com/b9aadb806ab1bdba5f37199092db1377 I've seen people use the Maitreya Lara body as a child avatar and child clothing with slider usage to explicitly give that look, so the door can swing both ways with some bodies.
  10. Do you use Malwarebytes? If so, see this bug report and its recommended workaround.
  11. I say we go all in and offer custom skeleton capability, rag doll physics, colliders, etc. (like any UN/UR backed MMO) and offer a new animation protocol that works only with that form factor and not with the older static bone layout bento skeleton. Over time, people would transition to all new content using the newer standard. The platform would support both models for a period of time, then cull the old standard. LL will establish life expectancies for ALL features where a new standard WILL replace the old one at some designated point in the future with announcement of any impending change(s) years in advance. Users will finally understand that their content and/or its functionality/support is finite regardless if they spent $1, $10, $100, $1000 or more for it over the years. Madness, I know. One of the biggest banes of SL evolution is this ridiculous facet of maintaining support for all content ever created and all features implemented forever. FOREVER... Content and feature standards NEED to be finite and evolve or die. Period.
  12. "lower part" Sure... Also, why does the icon in the intro look like Crunchy Roll's?
  13. Because llGetEnv("region_image_terrain"), llGetEnv("region_image_objects") & llGetEnv("region_image_parcel") don't exist yet. There is neither a llRequestSimulatorData() or World API means to get them remotely either. The UUIDs are being generated by LL's map service, though. Problem with many/most third party sites is they do not poll/save that data daily. Girdsurvey does it every 3 days. I've brought this issue up at the server meetings a few times and @Rider Linden has stated he'd like to offer access via LSL at some point in the future.
  14. UUID flipping mesh is no longer possible. It was possible during the beta period and allegedly the first week it was released on agni, but it was stopped as it easily facilitated IP theft. There have been requests to bring it back in a controlled environment but developers do not like the potential impact it could have on the asset servers, the CDN service and the physics engine.
  15. The money spent on that photo shoot could have been better spent prying open @Rider Linden's schedule to work on script features that would make existing content more efficient and/or allow creators to offer completely new content, both of which would pay back the initial investment n-fold. If LL wants to attract new users they need to start offering content creation features competitive to other MMOs because what we have available in SL has been severely lacking for years.
  16. I turned off cookies so it didn't go to my account. Didn't want to have to log out then back in.
  17. Curious which landlords are now offering such payment options. Also, curious how long before LL changes their ToS to try and deter it, heh.
  18. I'm grateful for a world map that is slowly populating map tiles again. Can't wait for group chat to be working again. I would like to be thankful for some script function additions too, but I'm pushing my luck there.
  19. These days it costs far more to buy a mesh head, body, skin, makeup, clothing & accessories than to just hire a RL actress in cosplay to take a pic? 😆
  20. Anyone else watching the snow fall on their freshly cut grass? I've mowed it several times this season already, too...
  21. There have been several requests and threads over the need to evolve the dated animation protocol. It's been brought up in the Content Creation meetings many times as well. Vir Linden is not sure how to introduce a new protocol without breaking the older one nor how to run both in tandem or allow priority of one over the other.
  22. Would be great if group chat could be fixed during this week of nothing happening, heh.
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