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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. That is the Love Me Render 5 release candidate viewer, a collection of graphics fixes. File a bug report with as much information as possible.
  2. It would have less abandoned land than any other continent, too.
  3. I have a similar gripe when it comes to "furniture" animations meant for avatars that already use either a deformer animation or an embedded deform in the worn mesh itself. I see this mostly with "furniture" meant for horses or dragons, but also with canines. This unnecessary bone translation used in the animations limits the "furniture" being used by other similar species or body types. Another abuse is unnecessary high priority values, though. This is why we need animation reform so all products can play animations at user specified values. It would also be great if with said reform we could also specify bones to be ignored/unexercised in an animation.
  4. Starting an animation that is already playing doesn't start it again. You have to explicitly stop it and it be removed from the animation list before it can start again.
  5. I think this is some corrupted/unintended unexposed viewer setting that might have got changed during a dirty install. Have you tried doing a complete settings wipe and/or uninstall and clean install without then doing a backup to see if it repros on default settings?
  6. It's Magika - Break, an older sculpted hair. Look in their "The Massive Sculpted Hair Pack" which is/was only sold in-world AFAIK.
  7. Yes and with matching your settings I still can't repro. 😕 Since it also repros on SL's viewer, I would file a ticket with support and reference this thread.
  8. Under Advanced, what is the status of your "Limit Select Distance" & "Disable Camera Constraints" settings? Can you take a pic of your Build > Options settings?
  9. Can you take a pic of your Grid Options settings? The arrow next to Snap.
  10. Wili, stop promoting your pryamid scheme, sheesh...
  11. They also created their account yesterday and are already savvy enough to know about the forums and decide of all topics to talk about to start one on fishing for L$. Definitely sounds suspicious.
  12. That is great, but the majority of the people mentioning problems in that bug report later confirmed that they run Malwarebytes and that adding the viewer executable to the Allowed list solved their issues of crashing when trying to return to a region they visited on the same session.
  13. Sadly, that doesn't seem to allow native resolutions. Only really seems to allow 320x240 for anything.
  14. This has been requested many times. See this feature request and its related requests. Every time someone brings it up in the server user meeting, LL has stated they don't want to offer scripted access because they think it will aid those that use sim restarts to duplicate no-copy objects. This is a strawman argument when you consider the mass amount of controlled abuse of this vector over the years that has been committed by EM's/EO's as well as sim crashers who do not need to rely on knowing if/when a region is going to restart. For everyone else, they don't wait for a region to be in countdown mode before engaging in this vector to begin with because if they did, there is a good chance they will lose anything they're wanting to dupe because sim state saves most times do not happen at shut down time. So thanks to LL not fixing said vectors and believing that anyone abusing them actually relies on the countdown phase, we can't have nice things such as HUDs that allow the wearer to drop landmarks in to set up teleport routing to regions of their choice if they are AFK and the region they're in is about to restart. Singularity has this feature, but it's limited in that you cannot specify alternative regions if the destination region or an alternate region is down or also in countdown. We also have this annoying bug that prevents your attachments & scripts from loading if your viewer is minimized and you get teleported to a different region.
  15. Do you use Malwarebytes? If so, see this bug report and its recommended workaround.
  16. I'm willing to bet money Slick Wili is the OP.
  17. Indeed. My use of "results" certainly didn't mean on the user's end, but on the provider's end, heh.
  18. Right, there is definitely a need for buildable CSS/userforms/HTML by script as well as a scriptable UI. Either would be a huge project, though, one LL won't invest in for the sake of the new user experience at this time. Opening a floater and loading a webpage is the easiest/soonest way to get results.
  19. This happens when LL doesn't engage with the community at storyboard phase, but instead, does so at rough draft phase. It's called "Linden Knows Best" syndrome and it's been the ruin of most major features in the last 8 years. It's resulted in Vir Linden saying each time, "We'll do it in a follow-up." only for years to go by with nothing happening, but talk of the next major feature that will also be half-implemented.
  20. Yeah, animated HUD floaters would have been neat. Too bad we can't get userform support at the minimum.
  21. When I originally proposed the feature that became Animesh, one of the use cases was "personal assistant mascots". Clippy comes to mind, even though I'd prefer the cat. To bad we can't attach animesh to HUD slots. A whole market was passed over.
  22. An experience that can force you to join/allow it without giving you a choice nor will it let you disallow/forget/block it. Most of them in the wild are Linden owned.
  23. LL(after seeing the push back): "I mean.......auto-allowing experiences only will use it! Yeah! Did we not specify that already? Silly us!" BTW, there are plenty of resident owned, land scope, auto-allowing experiences out there and some of them have been hijacked in the past and/or have been abused in the wrong hands. There are SECs and ARs filed over this already.
  24. Yes, all floater generating functions should be key based and a function llCloseFloater(key floater_key) could be used to close them.
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