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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. I predict another year of wasted opportunity, broken promises, stagnating projects/features and 20 more Content Creation meetings of "Alrighty then...".
  2. Translation: Linden Vacation Hell has started early. 😉
  3. "Lindencoin is coming! Are your 'wallets' ready?"
  4. Maybe it's Ebbe's golden parachute. 🙄
  5. Some would say it should include an industrial sized tube of KY jelly too. 😆
  6. We really need the map tile generation service to create temporary/replaceable UUIDs that can be accessed via the LSL function llGetEnv("region_map_image") and not have to wait for a third party service to release them 3 days later, which gridsurvey does. It would also be nice to have the map tile generation triggered when a new navmesh is baked and that region map tile image updated and available immediately if not after a minimum of 1 hour to deter possible bot/idiot actions.
  7. Until you look at the particle eyes from an obtuse or vertical angle or at close distance, then you'll see eye sockets or empty space and you'll be weirded out instead, heh.
  8. It will also make them just as much of a laughing stock as Sansar was without competitive gaming features, let alone lack of competitive content creation features other "sandbox" MMO's offer.
  9. Including LL recommending the top # popular brands by name with landmarks and/or marketplace store urls to new users searching for <insert product category here>? What about offering youtube tutorials on buying/wearing mesh heads, mesh bodies, skins/makeup & clothing and all the pitfalls involved?
  10. It's been brought up in the Server meetings weekly. Most of the developers don't read the forums. They read the jiras.
  11. Oz said in a TPV meeting almost two years ago that the majority of the group chat traffic was the user online/offline messages being sent to everyone and proposed culling those to make group chat better.
  12. We need controllable IK's via script so bad...
  13. I like the scent of Purex Mountain Breeze. No, I'm not a redneck or a hillbilly. I don't even like Mountain Dew.
  14. That's a detriment, IMO. Skewed stats lead to equally skewed business decisions.
  15. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  16. Am I the only one that thought "State Farm" when reading the title?
  17. If the post helped someone else, the embarrassment suffered should be worth it, heh.
  18. Because deadlines at LL are like power levels in DBZ?
  19. Wait until parcels in-world can be bought with Lindencoinâ„¢.
  20. The change was a LONG time coming as it was first disussed almost 2 whole years ago.
  21. if llRequestSimulatorData() returns "down", the region is down. If llEdgeOfWorld() returns TRUE and llRequestSimulatorData() returns "up", the region is either is suffering from significantly low FPS due to a lag source or is suffering from capacities failure. A detailed, but cumbersome alternative explanation if llEdgeOfWorld() returns FALSE and llRequestSimulatorData() returns "up" is as follows: If you earlier directly teleported into the region while not already being a child agent of it, left the region as to no longer be a main or child agent of it for a period of time such as 30 minutes and during that time, direct teleported into other regions, then finally came back to a region adjacent to it, you might see this, too. This is a bug seen by some, including myself as of the move to AWS and is mentioned here. If you try to directly teleport into the region, the attempt will time out with a disconnect. If you log in to the region, you won't be affect by this bug until the next time you remote teleport into it and repeat the process mentioned above again. I ruled out Idle status as you are looking into where the region should be, which would make you a child agent of that region and cause it to no longer be in Idle status.
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