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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. How long any of us have been in SL is irrelevant; how long any of us have paid for Premium is irrelevant. The technical answer to your question is that they are available now. The true question is "when will a new new one become available or existing once become vacant". The answer to the former part is "weekly" and the answer to the latter part is "almost daily". I know this because I'm continuously checking in readiness for a Csamper and I am seeing several homes and at least a couple houseboats every day. It's a matter of timing. You must check your LL Home page often. Many are refreshing the page every minute or so.
  2. Well, being as they hold real keys to the L$ bank (God mode on all objects and item son the grid,) I'm not surprised LOL
  3. It was introduced a couple versions ago. When you launch SL it launches the version-checker, if your version is current then it launches the SL app proper. Otherwise it initiates a download of any new version then launches the SL app proper. If you are still using an old Alias or Shortcut that launches the SL app proper you may be getting an error or continuously getting update notifications. Use any Alias (Mac) or Shortcut (Windows) that the installer creates for you from now on and you'll be all set.
  4. Sometimes it doesn't make the sound or light-up the icon at all for me. So I've adapted in the way I go through them. If it shows how many (which can be wrong, there may be more) I start CTRL-clicking at the top to open in a new browser tab, and go down the list until I have all the newest ones (by time) and then one more for good measure. Then I go to the most recent tap opened and go through them working my way back to the home page (So I can do them oldest-to-newest). For me they've been screwy for a few months, at least.
  5. Have you tried creating a new shape? Not just new numbers, but actually creating a brand new shape (right-click a folder then choose New Body Parts->New Shape)?
  6. I'm not sure that registering as a Trademark is a necessary or feasible step unless you plan to use it in trade in RL. Either way, it's pretty easy to file a DMCA takedown with LL. Go to marketplace, flag any listing as "Violates my copyright" - any will do because you cannot actually flag anything this way, but rather it will give you links to the SL Wiki page that describes what you need to do and how to do it. You will need to give a lot of detailed information (which is why you want to have the take-down on the my.seecondlife profile page because that is a publicly-facing web page.) As long as you are the legal owner or authorized agent regarding that work you can make the file. I've done it before and Linden Lab is no BS about it - they will take it down within hours; they don't play games because it is very serious stuff. On the flip side of the coin you had better be the owner or legal agent because if not you can be sued and penalized up to $10,000 U.S. (plus damages). Either way, only you can place a value on that work, not I or anyone else. If it's important enough to you, then proceed, otherwise, as has been suggested, just let it go as it really is, in my mind, a minor infraction with minimal damages at best. Obviously, you (as the owner of the work) will feel differently.
  7. Okay-doky - I admit it's now been some time since I purchased mainland from another person Since the new Bellisseria I've only sold off what I've had and picked it clean beforehand. Though I'm sure you're aware the trepidation of the OP's question. Nail-biter for sure.
  8. Because they demand attention; it's all about what they like or dislike. The issue that you have is the warping of time in your mind. Though these projects are for objects inside SL, they are created by real people outside SL and real life does not move at the speed of Second Life; patience is a virtue. Think in Hawaiian time: It will be here when they get here, no sooner and no later. I also will add: I am anxiously awaiting for a Trailer LL Home, myself, so I relate to your plight. Just relax, they will come. And unlike the rolling-release of current themes, @Patch Linden did say that he *will* make an announcement when the Trailers are initially released. So if you are not already, be sure to follow his announcement thread.
  9. If you create an image and upload it into SL you still own that copyright. If you Rez a cube in-world, you own the copyright on that cube, it's stated as such in the TOS. I was with the impression that the OP created that image. If that's the case then they have a legal right to demand a DMCA takedown. And DMCA is not only for copyright, it's for Trademark as well., albeit a Trademark must be registered with the USTPO, a copyright does not.
  10. As a Mole with special powers that may be the case. However, when setting land to sell you are asked: if you want to "Include objects..." - even if you say yes, if the objects are no copy they will be returned because when someone buys the parcel, ownership of all objects left on the land will transfer to them, no-transfer items will be automatically returned. This is the issue, I understood, the OP is trying to prevent. Also, what you are referring to happens when land is abandoned - all object will remain until a Linden manually returns them (I've experimented with this a couple time, once it was two weeks before they were returned)
  11. Yes - as long as it is *obvious* that is the a derivative and cannot be mistaken for an original or as being produced by the original creator. You apparently skipped over all my comments. Yes, though Creative Commons license you are referring to would be attribution, not contribution, I suspect. This means that in all cases you must include the statement that the image is "by author name" - either on the image or elsewhere where it can be seen along with the image. Apologies for my late replies, folks - no one quoted me or tagged me so I didn't't know there were replies. I found the thread again after someone taged a Thank you on one of my comments.
  12. House Boat (I can see all the unsuccessful LL Home seekers cringing right now)
  13. Where I role-play my Apache character on my alt. Search world map for Mexico - you will see Sonora Mexico region and Chihuahua Region - those are souther-most regions of that mini-continent. Throw on an observer tag or your best Texas fringes and tin star and go have a look-see. Now imagine riding on horseback through those regions and you'll see what I mean about "implementation" - it's horrible. No, wait... it's deplorable. LOL
  14. Okay, now... I'm beginning to think a motel room is in order here. Bahahaha!
  15. Select "Mac" tab in each version: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/doku.php?id=downloads
  16. It was just an excuse for Tammy to fan-rave about Firestorm, no other reason as the problem still exists and yet they have contributed nothing useful, whatsoever.
  17. Yus. I'm pretty sure someone put forth this theory when that square first appeared. As for anything choo-coo and SLRR, it could just be thematic decoration, etc. It would be fun to have tracks we could drive our trains on, but the truth is that there already is a great railroad in Heterocera and, more importantly, en entire mini-continent of wild western role-play is ruined because they have created a giant railroad network throughout the majority of the sims (not ruins because of the railroad, but the implementation) - I mention that to mention this: No one uses it. I think it was used often for the first week or two, then nothing. So this is also something I am sure the LDPW is considering with regard to anything of the sort regarding a usable SLRR: would the time and effort to plan and build and having the needed resources (space and required LI) be justified based on actual everyday usage demand? //just being real
  18. But how much is it for the FS Bridge? The main problem with the FS AO, which is a good idea outright, is the major delay in having an animation animate; going from a stand to a walk, for example - especially when there are other avatars in the area, the more then the longer the delay. The main feature I like about the FS AO is the cycling of all categories, not just stands. Though, I now use the 4D AO system which also does this and has more features, like random animated gestures, etc. - but mostly because the main drawback of FS AO is that you have no AO when using another viewer (which I do often). I did just buy a new Tuty's (mostly for the new stands) and it is one of the newer ones (within the last six months or so) and she's still using the Zhao II system, and the (as far as I know) *newer* Akeyo (blank) HUD I got a little while ago appears to be around five years old. I'm mostly just curious by "most new AO's" you mention. Even the newest ones seem to be using old scripts, etc. Oh, and on topic (if if that old): The 4D AO is amazing and has features that no other AO I have ever seen even come close to. Perfect for your own mix-and-match.
  19. I have many, many of these type HUDs, and among all of them, this one is the absolute best: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sparx-Land-HUD/12128802 I find giant swaths of privately-owned land that is empty and set to rez with zero-auto-return all over the grid. It's actually amazing to me. And great for avoiding ban-lines to-boot.
  20. I don't care why people are opposed to necroposting. LOL If I run across content or want to throw input into a particular subject, I will actually do a forums search to find the right thread to plop it into, even if that thread is five years old; I couldn't care less about the thread date. Just to avoid creating *another* ~rolls eyes~ new thread on an existing subject. I only create a new thread if I am sure my subject is (relatively) original or fresh. The "down with necro-posts" people are a kin to "Down with Guns" and "Down with religion" and "down with offending me in any way, shape, or form" types. //satire for the snowflakes who don't get it and points to her forum title.
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