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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. ALWAYS open a persons PROFILE and pay them through that profile. ALWAYS.
  2. This is true, though the former does not work on the forums and in either case I consider those the last resort. I am fortunate to have only rarely felt the need to reached that level, myself.
  3. If you cannot figure it out then I will be blunt: your comment was offensive to me and my race. Stop it. There, serious enough? I can show you a video of an American anything and call it Chinese and vice-versa. So, no excuse there. As for rain dances or anything else, multiple cultures perform those, etc. I don't "slum" on any specific race or culture, period. Specific people, maybe, but not the entire race or culture; It's too broad a brush. You *could* have said "Some escalators in China" and it would mean something entirely DIFFERENT than "Chinese escalators." Words have meaning, how they are arranged gives context to that meaning. I'm sure you meant the former and not the latter, so I am saying you need to consider the phrasing of your thoughts a lot more carefully.
  4. Likely a cultural thing. My culture finds your culture odd and vice-versa.
  5. Too many "blues", makes me think you are all always so sad. Librarian's Duties
  6. I also reiterate that this entire thread and all discussion within is moot; an excercise in theories because SL is way past the point of no return, unless everything on the grid were wiped out and we start anew.
  7. /me laughs. See the tree text that says submit a support ticket? That page you screenshot will go there automatically. if you cannot figure that out then no one here can help. Seriously.
  8. Misspelled, wrong "bloom" LOL Okay... ummm... LIGHT BLOOM
  9. I have fallen into this same "trap" myself and a three-day suspension from the forums (and in-world, even when I still feel it is unjustified) has never made me angry or even frustrated, but has felt like a firm wagging of a finger and I have always considered it a "time-out" period. Sometimes we just need to have a third-party wag a finger at us to help clear our heads. I prefer not by the Lindens, though (I am fortunate that they have never awarded me Naughty points, yet, though - so I try to be careful.) And kudos to you for owning up! I try to do that also when it's right to do and it ain't easy. So you get a big hug from me!
  10. //startrant It is because schools have been failing for years; they teach people how to read words, but not how to comprehend words and then apply context to words based on the construction of a sentence. People read word by word by word rather than sentences and after a few words they throw up their hands and skip the rest of a paragraph. It is prevalent across the Internet and these forums and this very thread highlights the visibility of this aspect more brightly and in the forefront than anywhere else in these forums. It clearly explains why there are so many "arguments" in so many threads; people are reading, but not comprehending. I believe it's not a cognizance issue, but rather a patience issue. People do not want to take the time to allow context to formulate, compounded with people using the wrong words to describe their ideas, etc. Not everyone, of course. But if you take any of this personally, then it likely applies to you, dear reader. //endrant
  11. I ARE CHINESE. I dunna' appreciate your comment as stated. Fortunately I am mature enough to not take such things personally, so I use this as an edification opportunity to ask that you be a little more sensitive when applying an idea toward entire swaths of and ethnicity. That is all.
  12. MOST animations are this way because the animator's avatar is non-standard proportions (i.e.: SL Default) - arms are too short in most cases (in bowling-pin pose, the middle finger should come to the halfway point of the thigh - SL default stops just below the hip = way to short, so if you are proper, hands go though hips, etc.). On top of that, the current SL Fad is the overweight or over-size shapes, which the animation is not designed for, so yeah, not only is avatar hight not dynamically adjustable, neither is any other part of an animation. The good news is that newer animations from Vista, Tuty's, Daiz Papp and a few others are now taking these into account: properly proportioned arms and legs and some AO kits are available in standard and "curvy" (a.k.a: overweight) shaped versions, also. I've just recently purchased a newer Tuty's because my hands rest perfectly on my hips in those stands and walks, arms don't go through my chest when raising up to fiddle with my hair and even them, my hand doesn;t go through my head. My arm length is set to 85 on the slider of my main (Belleza Venus) - on my Maitreya is has to go all the way to 100 (!) on the slider before it looks proper.
  13. /me falls over, laughing!
  14. I always chat with them, it's not always them hitting on you. Though when they do, I often throw it back in their laps: "How does [partnered person's name] feel about this? Will they be there? If they are okay with it then have them IM me and let me know. Or rather, I'll make it easy, I'll just go ahead and IM them right now and ask..." Edit your skybox and LOCK IT in place LOL Because been there, done that, not enough fingers and toes on the continent to count how many times.
  15. Go to Secondlife.com and log in. Go to your "Method of Payment" page. Add a new method of payment and when LL takes the money for the past-due amount then your account will be unlocked and you can use SL again.
  16. You can do this also in Catznip and Kokua viewers and (surprisingly) the LL Viewer now also - unless I am misremembering the LL Viewer, but pretty sure it's there, too, now.
  17. You know you've just put a hex on the system by that comment, right?
  18. A friend of mine makes these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/XeoLife-Grabber-System-Demo/11409333 (That is his demo) Though they are scripted for the Xeo-Life HUD, they work just as well with out it. My point being - you can use what he makes if you like, but also you could maybe IM him about making stuff you need.
  19. Your comment does nothing and is condescending. YOU could have simply flagged the original post and stated that it is in the wrong forum and a Linden would have moved it to a more appropriate forum, but rather than the polite, effective way of having it actually done, you felt a need to scold a stranger for a mistake. ~wags a finger~
  20. Avatar height, to my 13-years of understanding, is measured from Avatar Center (approximately the pelvis) to the bottom of feet. So unless your legs can change length dynamically, it won't happen. This also is why people with very short legs (SL Kid, for example) will appear too low (under ground) on an adult-sized pose and people with over-long legs (a.k.a. unrealistic giants) will float too high above the ground on a ground-sit, for example.
  21. Hey, even the oldest movies are still just as great the first time as they were when they were released Though the Lindens are experts at coming up with weird names, DuckDuckGo search brings nothing that is not related to SL for "Bellisseria", but they did slip on this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7513180/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_20
  22. I was born in 1987. ~cough, cough~ Wait... when I hit thirty, that's not being old!?
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