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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I haven't seen any of that, but I have had a few instances of another thing -- people claiming that group-set prims are returning; things ending up in the air although they weren't put there. Once I found years ago that sometimes after rolling re-starts; once an entire sim's furnishings would all go in the air. I was going to laboriously take them all down but then I convinced a Linden to reset the sim even though it was Mainland. That hasn't happened in awhile. But now I see this "up in the air" stuff again. Things seem to rubber band out more. There's another really persistent mystery to me: 'enable voice' keeps dropping out all over. I can't believe tenants are deliberately going and unchecking 'enable voice'. I find there are a lot less people using voice than some imagine, but regardless, they aren't going to bother to fiddle with settings to "enable" or have "only on this parcel" or whatever most of the time. So WHY is that constantly dropping out?! Even when I have gone in and fixed it myself -- over and over. I see it on land even that I know no one was on such as to have changed it. Basically, there are some seams coming loose. I have felt this for awhile. I used to think the land settings were set in stone, that they didn't bug out, or change unless you changed them, or a tenant with permissions did. Now I see them getting knocked galley west. Why?
  2. The only way you could move that furniture around is if your landlord puts it on "share" -- you can't move or edit other people's objects in SL unless they grant you permissions to do so, and that is rare, it is generally used only for builders who collaborate or perhaps couples, but a landlord wouldn't do it that way. The problem with putting items in share is that it can open them up to griefing, depending on other factors, whether the group is open, whether other people in that group, even if closed, are trustworthy, as they may be able to do things like return from the sim, bury, or put up in the sky an item meaning that it will seem "lost". They can't take it, but they can just annoy you. It depends on the group set-up. Generally, what I do is supply the "share" option on the furniture for awhile while the tenant moves in and moves things around, or perhaps returns some items he doesn't want, then come can take out of share -- because again, you have to be careful with this option because returning things always risks them never arriving back at "Lost & Found" folder. A lot of rentals have a prim count you get which enables you to put out your own furniture, depending on the set-up, set to the landlord's land group or perhaps you'll make your own group on an island. I think there are probably more rentals unfurnished than not, for the simple reason that tenants often want to decorate themselves, it's one of the fun things of SL. A lot of bargains can be had if you go around to the sales and the group gifts and the 50L gatchas and that is part of the fun for some, too, decorating their place on a shoestring. Or, conversely, going out and spending even a lot of real money on a villa and antiques and such. So long story short, there are so many options in SL that you should either find an unfurnished place if you want to put in your own stuff, or ask the landlord if he can remove some of his stuff to put in yours. In my rentals, they are either empty or if furnished, they can be removed for a one-time 25L fee, and then people can also swap in things from the warehouse.
  3. I often thought it was a good idea. I used to even run something called "16M court" which, while not backed by any elected government or army, would at least give judicial rulings on land disputes and charges of extortion to force people to "buy the view" as a kind of moral protest, a means of publicity. The problem is that no one wants to do the work of government, which is why there isn't government. Including the Lindens, first and foremost. They don't like being in the governance business as there is no profit or gain in it, only loss. That's why they tell you in their TOS at least two ways that they do not get involved in resident disputes. You are outlining the basics of a fair trial under international law and most liberal democracies and even some authoritarian countries. But SL is like Russia. So you only have blogs for publicizing your case, naming and shaving, or boycott movements or whatever. There is no other recourse. You would want to think twice about player governance anyway because most of the power groupings in SL would be unjust and serve their own, as we saw many times when groups would start "Better Business Bureaus" or coordinating bannings. So in SL, there is this: start your own group. It's only $100 and you need one other person or an alt.
  4. Not true. I go to all the merchants' events, where people go to see and be seen and dress up in their greatest costumes, often. Especially We <> RP. I explore all kinds of places on SL and maintain several listserves of places to see. And I just haven't seen it. Because it is rare.
  5. Is there another one besides Omidyar? Omidyar is named for Pierre Omidyar, a founding board member of Second Life and of course famous for founding e-bay. He used to come into SL on an alt some times, I met him once and also talked to him on Twitter. He used to passionately believe in SL as some sort of Better World machine. He had a chief of staff who used to be a Linden and they ran this organization and forums for non-profits I used to take part in. All of it is long gone now. I think he has totally moved on from SL and I don't believe he's even on the board any more. The sea with his name and the hand was likely because he was an early venture capitalist for SL.
  6. It's interesting that they buried those underground. I remember when they were above ground. Occasionally Philip would hold meetings on his land and you could go and see that obelisk which he did make. When the grid was down, which is used to be much more in the old days, the Lindens had a graphic showing monkeys waving bones as in the opening scenes of 2001: a Space Odyssey.
  7. // SoloFlight // by Solo Mornington // This script is based on the HC-1 flight script by illume Skallagrimson // but VERY HEAVILY MODIFIED. :-) // we only have a position for the sit target, no rotation. it is assumed that // this script is in the root prim of a zero-rotation object. vector gSitTarget = <0.23684, -0.01822, 0.94395>; string gSitText = "Fly away"; // Text to show in the pie menu for sitting string gAnimationName; // this will be the first animation in inventory string gLoopSound = "Steamship-engine2"; // the sound to loop during flying. key gPilot = NULL_KEY; // who's flying? (distinct from passengers) // these are values for the vehicle motors // they'd more properly be state-scope variable for state flying. // https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3297 vector linear; vector angular; float water_offset = 0.6; // Defining the Parameters of the normal driving camera. // This will let us follow behind with a loose camera. list gDriveCam =[ CAMERA_ACTIVE, TRUE, CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 0.0, CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.5, CAMERA_DISTANCE, 6.0, CAMERA_PITCH, 10.0, CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.05, CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, FALSE, CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.5, CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, FALSE, CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <0,0,0>]; // lists of which prims are legs and wings, so we can do special effects list gWingPrims; list gLegPrims; setVehicle() { llCollisionSound("", 0.0); llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE); // linear friction llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <100.0, 100.0, 100.0>); // uniform angular friction llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 1.0); // linear motor llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, .5); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 1.0); // angular motor llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, .2); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 2.0); // hover llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 350.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 1.0); // linear deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 1.0); // angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.25); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 100.0); // vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.75); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1.0); // banking llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 1.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 360.0); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam(VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0>); // removed vehicle flags llRemoveVehicleFlags(VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY); // set vehicle flags llSetVehicleFlags(VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT); } loadLegAndWingPrims() { gWingPrims = []; gLegPrims = []; integer i; list params; // use llGetObjectPrimCount() so we don't include seated avatars. integer count = llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey()); for (i=1; i<=count; ++i) { params = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_DESC]); string desc = llList2String(params, 0); if (desc == "leg") gLegPrims += [i]; if (desc == "wing") gWingPrims += [i]; } } newAnimationCheck() { // we might have a new animation in inventory // and if we do, stop the old one and play the new one. if (gPilot != NULL_KEY) { llStopAnimation(gAnimationName); gAnimationName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0); llStartAnimation(gAnimationName); return; } gAnimationName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0); } primAlpha(list prims, float alpha) { // set prims to be transparent integer i; integer count = llGetListLength(prims); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { llSetLinkAlpha(llList2Integer(prims, i), alpha, ALL_SIDES); } } wingFlapAlpha() { integer i; integer count = llGetListLength(gWingPrims); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { if (llFrand(1.0) > 0.5) llSetLinkAlpha(llList2Integer(gWingPrims, i), 0.7, ALL_SIDES); else llSetLinkAlpha(llList2Integer(gWingPrims, i), 0.3, ALL_SIDES); } } default { state_entry() { // load up the exception prims loadLegAndWingPrims(); // some basic initializations gPilot = NULL_KEY; newAnimationCheck(); llSitTarget(gSitTarget, ZERO_ROTATION); llSetSitText(gSitText); state atRest; } } state atRest { // state atRest is the state we should be in when the vehicle is at rest // just sitting there, as in we just rezzed it, or the avatar stood up from it. // mainly this state is responsible for starting the flying sequence when // the owner sits on the vehicle. state_entry() { // nobody flying the thing... gPilot = NULL_KEY; // hide the wings and show the legs primAlpha(gWingPrims, 0.0); primAlpha(gLegPrims, 1.0); // turn off vehicle stuff. llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); // TODO: make the vehicle right itself. // let the whole object know we're at rest. } changed(integer what) { // Whenever an av sits on or stands up from an object, it is treated as if it // were being linked or unlinked. // Unfortunately, there are a whole bunch of other things that cause CHANGED_LINK // as well, so we have to allow for them. // Things that can cause CHANGED_LINK: 1) linking in new prims, 2) unlinking prims // 3) avatars sitting, 4) avatars unsitting if (what & CHANGED_LINK) { // are there *any* seated avatars? if (llGetNumberOfPrims() != llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey())) { // we have seated avs, so let's find the sit target one key agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); // same as the owner? if (agent == llGetOwner()) { // store pilot key... gPilot = agent; // ask politely for permission do to stuff. // These will be automatically granted. llRequestPermissions(agent, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA | PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA); } else // sit target agent is not the owner { llUnSit(agent); llWhisper(0,"Only the owner can drive this vehicle."); } } else // there are no seated avatars... { if (gPilot != NULL_KEY) { // since there are no seated avs, but we still know about // the pilot, they must have just stood up. // we need to release controls and do other cleanup llSetTimerEvent(0); llReleaseControls(); llClearCameraParams(); llStopLookAt(); llStopAnimation(gAnimationName); gPilot = NULL_KEY; llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, "stop", NULL_KEY); } } } if (what & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { // someone might have dropped in a new animation newAnimationCheck(); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { // to be correct, we really should check the perms and make sure we // got the ones we need. but this will usually work: if (perm) state flying; } on_rez(integer foo) { state default; } } state flying { // state flying assumes we have permission to take controls, run animations, // and control the camera. state_entry() { // hide the legs, show the wings... primAlpha(gLegPrims, 0.0); wingFlapAlpha(); // play the flying sound llLoopSound(gLoopSound, 1.0); llSetTimerEvent(0.05); llTakeControls( CONTROL_FWD | CONTROL_BACK | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_ROT_LEFT | CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT | CONTROL_UP | CONTROL_DOWN | CONTROL_LBUTTON | CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); setVehicle(); llSetCameraParams(gDriveCam); llStartAnimation(gAnimationName); vector current_pos = llGetPos(); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, current_pos.z); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // let the rest of the object know we're flying llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, "flying", NULL_KEY); } changed(integer what) { // Whenever an av sits on or stands up from an object, it is treated as if it // were being linked or unlinked. // Unfortunately, there are a whole bunch of other things that cause CHANGED_LINK // as well, so we have to allow for them. // Things that can cause CHANGED_LINK: 1) linking in new prims, 2) unlinking prims // 3) avatars sitting, 4) avatars unsitting if (what & CHANGED_LINK) { // are there *any* seated avatars? if (llGetNumberOfPrims() == llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey())) { // there are no seated avatars... if (gPilot != NULL_KEY) { // since there are no seated avs, but we still know about // the pilot, they must have just stood up, so let's rest. state atRest; } } } if (what & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { newAnimationCheck(); } } // The control event is what we get when the user mashed down the keys // we asked about in llTakeControls(). control(key id, integer levels, integer edges) { if(llGetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS)!=TRUE) llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_UP)) { linear.z += 12.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_UP)) { linear.z -= 12.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_DOWN)) { linear.z -= 12.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_DOWN)) { linear.z += 12.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_FWD)) { linear.x += 14.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_FWD)) { linear.x -= 14.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_BACK)) { linear.x -= 14.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_BACK)) { linear.x += 14.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_LEFT)) { linear.y += 8.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_LEFT)) { linear.y -= 8.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_RIGHT)) { linear.y -= 8.0; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_RIGHT)) { linear.y += 8.0;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_ROT_LEFT)) { angular.z += (PI / 180) * 55.0; angular.x -= PI * 4; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_ROT_LEFT)) { angular.z -= (PI / 180) * 55.0; angular.x += PI * 4;} if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT)) { angular.z -= (PI / 180) * 55.0; angular.x += PI * 4; } else if ((edges & ~levels & CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT)) { angular.z += (PI / 180) * 55.0; angular.x -= PI * 4; } if ((edges & levels & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON)) { llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, "fire", NULL_KEY); } } timer() { wingFlapAlpha(); if (llGetAgentInfo(gPilot) & AGENT_MOUSELOOK) { vector rot = llRot2Euler(llGetCameraRot()); llRotLookAt(llEuler2Rot(<0,0,rot.z>),0.1,1); } else { llStopLookAt(); } vector vel = llGetVel(); float water = llWater(vel * 0.05); float ground = llGround(vel * 0.05); if (water > ground) { // above water vector MahPos = llGetPos(); if (MahPos.z < water+water_offset){ llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.5); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 0.1); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, water + water_offset); } else { llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 350.0); } } else { // above ground llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.0); llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 350.0); } llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, linear); llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, angular); } state_exit() { // we need to release controls and do other cleanup llStopSound(); llSetTimerEvent(0); llStopLookAt(); llReleaseControls(); llClearCameraParams(); llStopAnimation(gAnimationName); llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, "stop", NULL_KEY); } on_rez(integer foo) { state default; } } So I made this Mortar and Pestle with a fuel core, sort of like Baba Yaga, thinking I'll just float through the sky but when I use this script it zooms off so fast you can't control it and you crash into somebody's ban lines next thing you know and get unseated. I can't see what number to change to slow it down.
  8. Oh, that reminds me, I went to see AF and nothing rezzed so I quit. I will try again. Thanks.
  9. "Set Home to Here" is by role powers in the group, not an automatic. So you have to make sure each role you create in the group, like "tenant" or "officer" has "set home to here" -- if you want them to have that. It's a check off box under "roles" on the group menu, so you have to make sure it is checked off.
  10. Hi, you don't need to be a premium member to rent. If you have a premium account but haven't use all or some of the tier, you can apply it to the cost of a rental in my system. I believe renting is better than buying because it is cheaper and you have more flexibility. But having your own land can be worth the price as you fully control it -- until you want to sell it and no one wants to buy it. So rent! I believe my Bed & Breakfast system allows you both the option to "be on the ground" and socialize to some extent but also have an attached skybox for privacy. Then you can do the activities on the sims nearby like boating or exploring and also have the option for privacy. But "socializing" can be a catch-as-catch can thing in SL. People are on different time zones, or they want to retreat to their skyboxes or whatever. "Socializing" can mean meeting someone and then offering to go somewhere else with them -- but it is good to have a half-way place that isn't home but still nice and not a club that is crowded and laggy. What I feel my system does is enable people to make friends and have things to do without the stress of feeling they are immediately inviting them home to a skybox where the sex bed seems the only option for the evening. Some people would rather take things slower in dating or just be friends. I also have empty lots where you can place your own buildings which also have hangouts nearby.
  11. I don't think the Lindens will do this because it's an expense of time and money. But there's a halfway house -- at least put some voides around the edges that now have a "hard stop" and make the "Linden Sea" impossible to sale on. There are some very, very narrow (and sometimes not navigable places) that they could round off on the outer edges of continents and improve sailing at least to the extent of one void sim.
  12. I disagree. I have happy tenants on boardwalk stalls or malls who make sales, not because of traffic, but because of search/places inworld which many people use, or due to flybys and word of mouth. Not everyone wants something sight unseen from the MP. They want to see it inworld or even if it is in a vendor, they make an impulse buy or they feel they can IM the maker and get answers faster inworld sometimes.
  13. This is why I: 1) Don't use Casper, but use an open source rental system (get it from my store in Ross) 2) Have an open group that anyone can join to set prims. No, griefing happens rarely because most people are decent. 3) After you pay and set up you IM me to get a higher role in the group that enables you to turn off "everyone build", turn on media, etc. That way you can at least set up without waiting for me to wake up if you are on a different time zone. 4) Have refunds, if anyone gets frustrated. 5) Have rules to keep things nice, and as on my blog, have an additional policy not to rent to those who repeatedly violate the simple rules or cause me damages.
  14. I was going to skip it unless they had home & garden? I don't want avatar stuff.
  15. Media works in SL? I never see it work (I just had this experience at an event yesterday). The organizers said to go outside on Vimeo where they also had the stream. Doesn't everybody do that? I only have one product that has youtube search that works every time, and everything else doesn't. My problem with SLB15 was different. The sims wouldn't load, but oh well, I'm used to that, too. There were some very nice builds I did finally see. My problem was that the freebies with the exception of a few top names were HIDEOUS. I mean, I haven't seen such bad freebies since I was a newbie in '04 at Yadni's, and even Yadni would have tossed these as not up to his grade. I realized that none of the big merchants you see time and again at events were in the builds or events. They just don't have time or can't be bothered, and that was sort of sad. The birthday just left me not feeling well. But I did remember some really great past birthdays, like the time you could make a science fiction story on a parcel. I hope they do something like that again.
  16. The inventory on my main account is over 100,000 and it definitely has WAY slowly load time on log-in and other problems. My alts with with under 10,000 load much faster and have less problems. This is a fact. It's an important corrective to your blanket claims.
  17. And if you are, too, you may spend a needless half hour at the airport in Bay City trying to get this latest Linden gift Hint, there is no "luggage" desk as they say. The "Bookikngs" desk isn't a luggage desk but it's the wrong thing anyway. Thanks to Fnord Link and friend who finally got me headed in the right direction on this one. BTW I spent a very torturous several days trying to get the Mountain Rose hunt and finally got through it if you want some hints.
  18. 161 prims is lot for a skybox these days. Most skyboxes of that size, if they are mesh, are more like 40-60-80 at the most. I will try the prim gambit, good idea. UPDATE: Rezzing a prim floor over the mesh doesn't do a thing to change the rocking, sadly.
  19. I'm getting so I take off a point on a review just for a product having no-mod. It really is pointless. It's not like putting it on "no-mod" deters copybotting. I think that's a psychological belief of some creators, because I think they care more about being ripped off than having a newb destroy their "creative vision". It's too bad this crystal box isn't on mod. Because the first thing I'd do is change its colours now and then. Maybe in a future pack the Lindens will have strobe lights that do it. Actually I have various fairly lights that will do this, too. I will say that the "owner only entry" is actually a very brilliant idea. I don't think I've ever seen that before.One of the problems with rezzing a skybox if you haven't figured the numbers exactly in advance is that it can rez in the sky with you outside it, and with the mesh bouncing annoyance, it can be hard to rez a chair inside it to sit into it. So that little plug on the button to catapault you in is a great idea. It's also good if you put up a skybox but then a customer blocks the teleport or something. The other thing I will say is the daemon is very realistic. He hovers near you and looks at you with these big blue eyes. I kept thinking he might be like an AI or do something but I guess other than sparkle and "poof" he doesn't do anything. You can sort of ride him but I don't think he likes that. Again, in the future the Lindens may have this little guy get smarter.
  20. I have found that even after a person drops out of the "People" list, i.e. they didn't pay their premium account or they cancelled their account, they can still be showing in the group. They can also have the group in the profile yet not be in the group anymore. You should look at the log-in date on the group. Join the groups they were members of and see if you see a current log-in date or not. Groups do not work 100%. I sometimes see old log-in dates of past years and expel people and come to find out that in fact they are logging in regularly. It may be that they didn't use that group tag regularly, however, so the old date is retained.
  21. You know, I am loving my 800-pound, er 800-prim tree. I can cut it down a tad by smushing the top if I need like 250 extra prims, but for now I'll just leave it until the new rental fills up. It really is a nice build. It has the "rockies" problem which I HATE which some house makers just refuse to understand (something about the mesh or its physics or SOMETHING makes the avatar rock up and down as he walks across the floor, damaging immersion and camera angles). But it's a spacious enough build that you aren't too bothered by it. As for this crystal skybox, I have a crystal cabin out of a gatcha that people love to rent, but then the skybox I put with it which was from another maker and also called crystal something was not liked. I tried another one -- still didn't like. Had even a third one, very high prim and pretty but really, I couldn't justify prims like that in a rental, who will pay for them? So I was thinking great, this new Linden crystal skybox may work. I did rent out their treehouse, people liked it although I personally felt it wasn't super on the issues of avatar movement around it. My own feeling about it is that it is too "cartoony". Certain things in SL work as "cartoony" or drawn or painted, if the rest of the sim is that way. Otherwise, not. I feel like the Lindens are to us as I was with my children when I bought them Pokemon cards by habit when they had already started to outgrow them. We're not in a game. Most of us are not playing games within a game (that whole Linden Realms thing really turns me off, everything about it). So they should make nice, normal stuff. And BTW, unless they've given up their open source/copyleftist roots, all Linden and Mole content should be on all perms. There's always this prudish fear that people will sell Linden content. But when it's on all perms and everywhere, that doesn't happen so much and if it does, so what? It's not like anyone can sell a Linden lamp from the library for more than a dollar. I just paid 5L for Alberto Linden's Corbusier couch that isn't in the Library but which is a staple at my motel. And I was happy to pay 5L (I lost it in a big inventory loss), it's worth it. The thing about the crystal box that is unfortunate is that I can't change it over to another person. It's not just that it's no-transfer, it's that I can't set the daemon to work for another, like you can on other things in SL (i.e. options for OWNER, GROUP, EVERYONE, LIST). If that's the case with the teleporter, I'll have to junk it. That leaves the koi pond which was ok but gets a little busy after awhile. As for this new fabulous system to put up skyboxes -- huh? Other makers have had this system. And since time immemorial, we have learned to first sit on a board ourselves, then change the numbers to make the board shoot up into the sky with our avatars on it. That's what I still do. Or rather, first I scout out the sky by typing 4096 into the world map and then falling through the air, to find a good level not already taken as the skies can be very crowded or have eyesores just like the ground. Then I type "30" to get myself down to the ground after memorizing the location on the map, then I shoot the rez-faux up into the sky and then I follow it by typing that level into the map, or sitting on the rez box if that works.
  22. That is so well said, if you don't mind, I'm going to link your post in my inworld tutorial about jobs at the Moth Temple infohub. In RL, the Mechanical Turk on Amazon is hella hard to do, very very difficult to break into to earn anything approximating real money. Maybe in third-world countries this is worth it, but not in the West, your electricity and Internet bill costs more than you can make. That's what these "earn money" schemes on SL remind me of. I'm surprised people aren't mentioning land sales and rentals. This does take some study and some initial cash to get started, but really, you can start very small and it's fun and interesting. What I tell customers is, get two less of the Crown Royale Cold Foam Cascara Cold Brews at Starbuck's this month, which costs about $4.50 plus tax each, and instead, buy 2500 Lindens for about $10.50 US and feel like a big spender.
  23. I don't know what you're talking about, really. That is, yes, in the abstract, maybe there are large fleets of bots performing some abstract functions that don't "need to be anywhere". But the lion's share of bots that one can see stacked up on dozens of infohubs are definitely in sim-related tasks: o traffic boosters -- pretend "helpers" -- some may issue group invites, but given that you can also click once on a prim and then again on a link in chat to join a group, why use up resources on a bot? o sex clubs -- they dance or whatever o greeters at other venues All of these types of bots need to be on specific sims, in specific venues or businesses or non-profits, not somewhere else. That their minders don't miss them is because a) they are lazy and don't log on really, much like forums dwellers; b) their businesses aren't all that, or are actually failing (some bots are labelled with names or groups that you can trace back to lots with hardly any traffic on it; c) or conversely, they have so many bots that they don't miss a few, say, in a sex club. Bots should not collect at infohubs.
  24. Yeah, I have "remember me," too. But it doesn't work. For some reason, I'm always forced to type it out. I use Opera. Yeah, you can put "Ahern 128,128,0 or whatever, but a bot wouldn't know what to put that would be a good option. Sims do not take 10 minutes on rolling restarts. Do you log into SL and do you have sims on the mainland? If it is not time critical, why does the bot hurry to log back in NOT TO ITS HOME but to random infohubs, which it junks up with its presence? The lion's share of bots in SL are used for traffic boosting. All you have to do is look at all the bots stacked up on infohubs and see where they come from. The next large group is various sex businesses. If there is some educational use like a museum, that's nice, but it's a tiny, tiny use case. I haven't met the "famous" chat bot so I guess he is't so famous. Since I'm maintaining sims with tutorials and freebies near three infohubs, one of which is a resident-run Linden infohub, I care about the bot issue and that's the right thing to do. Once again, they take up avatar slots, which are sometimes scarce on busy sims; they lag sims; they confuse people; they are annoying. The Lindens need to have their wranglers behave better with them. The end.
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