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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I have never seen this in SL before, and now that it has happened twice, I have to ask if others had it happen. You know what they say in "Moscow Rules": "Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is an enemy action." So some of you may recall I lost 15,000 items from inventory in what I firmly believe is a "trash bug" but which of course Lindens and friends tend to think is a "user error". No matter. Those puppies are gone. Very sad, given those rare gatchas. So I have this giant block that forms the base of my office in Alston. I do editing of other things on it often because as a prim, it doesn't "bounce" like mesh. My main error with it is to pull things from inventory that I don't realize are a texture and then the entire thing is re-textured and has to be done over. ANYWAY! All of this is by way of saying sure, I could make a mistake and put another object inside this giant block by mistake. Sure, maybe it could even be a folder. But I discovered there are hundreds -- thousands? -- of objects inside this block. It takes minutes to load. And no, they aren't in a folder or folders. And no, they don't appear to be my lost inventory -- there aren't 15,000 items, although there are some single-copy gatchas I don't have in inventory -- maybe it is part of my lost inventory? But my lost inventory was in multiple folders, and there are no folders showing in this big block. Weird, eh? How did that happen? I tried deleting the items or moving them to inventory and a little lock appears on them -- they won't move. I try relogging; I try taking the block back into inventory and putting it out again, nothing. OK, One of Those Things. Then it happens AGAIN. I had a furnished room with the iSpy gatcha set and the customer didn't want all the items. I put them back in inventory. Then they moved on and it was time to re-furnish it. I take the desk out, which is a single-copy item. As this set had little tricky things in it (even a kind of puzzle to solve), I wondered if the desk had something that opened or "did something" as it seemed like a hand formed over it, which happens when you can click on something because there's a script in it. (As it happens, no it doesn't, and it was another item that did that, the coins.) So I look in the contents, and inside this desk object are...dozens of vacuum cleaners. They're all those different coloured RC Cluster vacuum cleaners, no transfer. Huh? There is NO WAY I put those in there. I had never even examined the item before. The vacuum cleaners I once took out, but on another sim, and unrelated to these MadPea iSpy items. I had never even looked at the desk before, literally it was put out once, taken from its package, then put back in inventory. Again, I couldn't have possibly put dozens of vacuum cleaners inside of it, it makes no sense. They don't even dispense -- to me, even. It's just plain WEIRD. So what this means is that items somehow get intermingled in inventory. How or why I have no idea. These aren't even the same creators or even in the same folders or even related in any way. But they are in my inventory, even if in different folders, so maybe that is all that it takes for a "mix-up". Maybe a sim gets re-set, there's a jumble? This time, I could get the vacuum cleaners deleted out of the desk (!) but there weren't that many, i.e. not hundreds like in the big deck. So, weird, huh?
  2. Ok, I didn't know that about "die". I'm glad "die" isn't used very often. So long story short, my single-copy rare gatcha has "died" now. What can you do... And more to the point, I don't have to worry about sim pile-up. What I'm now trying to do is to change the textures so there are different shapes and colours, and I don't understand why it "doesn't look like the original," i.e. last as long, even though I renamed them exactly, to avoid trying to put new names in the script.
  3. No, I didn't say the 60 second timer wasn't it; I said that the script as animat wrote it, which addressed more than the timing issue, *didn't work*. So I tried taking out the 60 seconds at the second appearance, and it seems to work now. But I have to keep testing it because in my experience, if you leave the sim and come back, the annoyance can start up again.
  4. Thanks! So lldie() makes things disappear? Because the pixels are erased? Or what happens?
  5. So I don't know if you've ever experimented with this item called "Firework launcher (drag to ground)" It was actually made by our illustrious leader, Philip Linden. The notecard on it says this: Rocket Launcher --------------- Click on the base to load and fire a new rocket. For extra dangerous fun, aim the rocket by rotating it before firing. It's a fascinating device, as instead of using particles, or the old "light on object," it has orange and red colored prims that appear and disappear as the "light". So with the scripts and the little rocket inside this thing, you can launch a little rocket. The reason I even bothered with this item was I was trying to find something free or cheap that would enable me to have something I was making explode and fire up and smoke. Except for my "Soviet Matches" product, I'm not one to enjoy weapons and things that explode, it's not my thing. So I don't know anything about how they work. My first concern was that if I made a thing like this, it would lead to all kinds of build up up shot rockets all over the place from people visiting the site where I was putting this. But it seemed as if one shot, the rocket disappeared, like a temp-on-rez prim, although it didn't seem to be temp-on-rez; it seemed pretty solid and seemed to "stay there". Maybe it was lost in the bushes somewhere, so I went to a Linden sandbox that was completely empty and shot the rocket and sure enough, it completely disappeared. So while I was struggling with the different elements to this thing, different scripts, sound files, prims, and sure enough, I mixed them up, and put the script that is supposed to go only in the rocket inside the launcher, the radiation device I was making out of an expensive rare gatcha. Oops, that made it launch -- and disappear. So the question is: Where did it go? How does a prim get "unmade"? What is the principle at work here? Go and look at the script inside the rocket called "Rocket Booster" if you want, it has things like "status physics TRUE" and "status physics FALSE" which may be involved in its disappearance. What I also liked about this device is that it runs through 5 sound files with orders for "prelaunch sound" right in that script, not another sound script (I find sound scripts are always so bulky, they buffer, etc., and this one worked great, so I am going to try other sounds on it -- but then I'm stuck with the thing exploding at the end).
  6. No, that doesn't work at all and makes the whole script not work, as you'd know if you had actually tested it.
  7. So I've known about this annoyance of Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set for more than a decade, it's been on the forums frequently, i.e. as in this old thread from 2009 I can't find right now or this old thread and I get it -- it's a bug, or it isn't a bug, but it's about bad scripting, or whatever, it's a thing. I don't don't need to know why it happens as this has been described endlessly. What I'd like to know are two things: 1. Why does this script I am using do this? It has a line "stop anim". So what's up? Why isn't that happening? default { touch_start(integer detected) { llRequestPermissions(llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("warm hands by fire"); llOwnerSay("Радиационная процедура идет"); llSetTimerEvent(15.0); } } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(60.0); llStopAnimation("warm hands by fire"); } } 2. What would be a script that DOES NOT do this or the added line that would stop it doing this? And please, let's have none of this "go to jobs forum" etc. That forum never works, and those who do respond there aren't qualified. Yes, I'm able to hire scripters, I have some I've hired regularly and it's not a problem to hire them. But this is for the SL Public Land Preserve, open to the public, so I think, why aren't free scripts available that do this right? I've found that it's really hard to get this working in general. I don't want a script that only animates me. That's not a challenge. What I want is one that has the ability to animate others when they come to a site I've developed. BTW the various scripts that promise to "Stop All Animations" work if you add them to yourself, and sometimes if you click on them -- but not always! So that's really vital to find, too. The funny thing is, just testing on alts, I'm seeing they ARE NOT getting this annoying message. So I suppose I could just block the object and forget about it, but I'm tired of it. I want this to work and it should, given that it's a fairly trivial proposition -- animate an animation that is in inventory, either by just taking whatever is in inventory not by name, or by name and then STOPPING if you've put a time limit on it. I have a bunch of these animation scripts, some free, some paid for, and even paid a lot for. And it's funny how some of them do odd things like move the avatar up in the air after seemingly first putting him in the right position. And some have this error, and some don't.
  8. I'm older than some Lindens -- and most of the Lindens I knew in the early years are gone. I actually came to Second Life in May 2004 but I couldn't get it to work because my graphics card wasn't good enough. So I then made the account "Prokofy" in September 2004 when I got a better computer. That makes me 13 years, 7 months old.
  9. Peut-être que les objets ont été retirés du statut de "partage"? Ou peut-être qu'il ne vous a pas donné d'autorisations sur la carte d'appel?
  10. There's this statement by Grumpity on the town hall thread answering a user question -- which is now closed: So what I wonder is: why isn't Second Life "as is," I mean the old legacy SL, not Sansar, considered "Virtual Reality"? It always seemed like it was to me. It seemed the closest thing to the Snowcrash world and even Ebbe Linden said SL is the "closest thing on the planet" to the world in Ready Player One. (Or maybe he only meant Sansar?) Is there some rule that in order for a thing to qualify as "virtual reality" it has to have a goggle that covers your eyes? Or you have to get into some kind of rig? Most of what I've seen of Virtual Reality (trying the goggles at fairs and conventions) just doesn't seem like all that to me because you can't really manipulate the environment. The things I've seen from AR or that have those 3D panoramic movies of things which my son has done for work -- they also just don't seem as good as SL for me, because again, I'm made a passive viewer and/or I have to have something covering my eyes so I will stumble if I start walking. So what IS the official criteria?
  11. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience, or it is just idiosyncratic or incomplete on my part. In the early glory days of the first appearance of the Convex Hull miracle, you could toggle to this option on "feature" on the item menu, from "prims," and it would significantly reduce prims in a prim object. This didn't work so well on houses or buildings with doors and certain other things, where it would then block your entry. But for something like an old-school piece of heavy-prim furniture, or let's say a utility belt that you put out inworld instead of wearing, it would cut the prims in half or more. It seemed many things would reduce. I and others gloried in going around sims and reducing everything -- this was in the days before more prims were added, but it's still relevant. You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many prims. But in the last few months I've noticed that the Convex Hull magic just never works. It either "does nothing" or worse, it ADDS to prims so you back out of that fast. It rarely ever works. Although I did discover with constant efforts that sometimes, while a prim count will appear to remain the same, the convex hull bit will reduce the LAND IMPACT, which is usually the same as prims, but can be a bit different, not by much. For this, you have to know what your whole sim or parcel's prims were before doing this, and watch to see if it jumps UP, i.e. making MORE land impact available. So that happens now, but still, not as much as the original magic. I don't know why convex hull does this but it may be that it has changed.
  12. Thank you, Chic. The selling of abandoned land, and its ways and means, isn't a technical question but a policy question. So I guess they just didn't feel it rose to the test of being important enough for the town hall. Hintsworn's comment is ridiculous, because there isn't anything special or complicated about the question TOPIC I put here, and it doesn't require going through four pages of a thread or the difficult-to-follow transcript. It just requires having followed it and answering, yes or no. But it's ok, such behavior self-discredits, keep it coming.
  13. I used to do that, but the risk there is that your entire "My Objects" folder can be accidentally put in trash. So while it is more clicks, it's worth putting that folder under the system folder Objects.
  14. Ever since I lost 15,000 items from inventory due to the "overflowing trash bug" (yes, it was a bug, and the Lindens have put in failsafes against this without capturing the bug), I have made sure not to make a zillion folders hang off one non-system folder as I used to. I think that could be a problem because obviously that entire folder can end up in trash. Obviously I didn't deliberately pull a folder with a hundred sub-folders into trash, but there it is, it happened. So now I put those sub-folders off "object" which is a system folder you cannot put in trash. And I hope that's "better" but I don't know. Like this: Objects Art & Sculpture Bars Chairs Desk & Tables If I'm in a hurry, I put objects in "Notecard" where they will stick out and force me to move them. I try to unpack each purchase or gift immediately and put it in its folders. My inventory is pushing 100,000, so I keep trying to eliminate things. An obvious thing is all those duplicates of calling cards, also a bug, but landmarks and random commercial notecards are also items. Opening up two copies of the inventory menu is the most helpful as you can drag all the unsorted things into folders. MARKETPLACE is the most important sorting folder! There you can SELL the transferable items. Even after I have run out of duplicate gachas, if something is selling, I sell even my own last copy, since obviously it's more important to somebody else willing to pay for it than to me, where it has sat in inventory for a year. Whenever there is some event round with freebies, I give them a hard look and delete them if I really don't think I like them or will use them. When I catch items, especially freebies and cheapies, that I haven't even looked at in a year, I delete them. There isn't a way to manage inventory in SL because they haven't created one. Things like Catnip are good but that's a third-party viewer and I won't use those. There are only a few methods to minimize the chaos. I keep doing searches on things like "chairs" or on creator names and then sorting the unsorted, and deleting the ugly. I also make sure "lost and found" is always empty. Trash, too. Yes, if you see "500 items" it's worth cursing through to see if it's a bug again. But by emptying it regularly you can stay on top of it. I also have put some holiday or little-used "legacy" items in file boxes that you can buy, they're just prims with textures you can label, I don't think that inventory management devices in SL are anything more than that. I stash them around in my inworld offices or hangouts. Of course that runs the risk those items could be lost, too. But I've had more cases of inventory lost from inside my inventory than inworld so I will take my chances.
  15. Um, I asked a question on the forums for the Town Hall in more detail. But IN FACT there's nothing vague about the statement above *re abandoned land*. Only someone with contrayian and vicious aims would claim otherwise. Abandoned land is abandoned land. It is not the whole world of Second Life or the US dollar. Your posts like this help you self-discredit, so keep them coming.
  16. Yes, skewed by the poster Hintswen obviously, because he's not willing to open his poll up to the general public and publicize it normally. I am. If anything, if your thesis about "easily skewed" was correct, my poll, advertised on the forums here where a tiny bunch are for spam cars, would be skewed. But it wasn't. Because there were still enough random passers-by on the road plus my tenants in the area to come along and without prompting, express their dissent against spam cars. That's the moral of the story. It doesn't matter if polls are not perfect in SL, as they are imperfect anywhere on the Internet or indeed in general without all kinds of measures like geographical distribution and weighting. What they show is that the beliefs of the tiny cadres on the forums have many dissenters in world. That's what matters.
  17. No one else can delete your objects. But returning transfer objects does run the risk of getting lost. Keep in mind objects are returned in bunches, and you have to take out the cluster of objects returned at once to see what all is in it. You could also just pick up your own objects if you had notice.
  18. I think you should look for other mainland with texture you like. Or use something like JVTEK to add your own texture on a sculpty, it looks very good. Or rent a homestead and if you don't like it, leave. I don't have any openings on mine, but what I did was put up mountains so that the tenants would each have a 1/3 of the homestead, let's say, or divided further, depending on how many tenants there are. So find a homestead landscaped without a view of neighbors.
  19. I looked through Inara Pey's helpful transcript but didn't see anything. But maybe I missed something, perhaps someone will know.
  20. You didn't publicize where your land is so that people could come and vote besides yourself.
  21. You should change your description literally to "barren rock surrounded by abandoned land" -- that might literally sell it. It is quite stark but likely that abandoned land won't go soon, and in any event, someone might want it for a skybox. Currently you have it for sale to yourself, so no one can buy it. You'd have to put it to say for "anyone". I think probably $500 is as much as you could expect.
  22. Two sims is a lot -- that's $390 a month real cash. That's like renting...something in RL. A parking space? Or paying for a student loan or something. Maybe you could have just kept a 4096 or even a 512? I understand that sometimes you just want to be done with it. Land flipping isn't banned -- how could it be? It's a free market. As for land bots, not sure they are banned.
  23. They're not occasional. They come constantly. If you actually log in and stand on a sim, you'll concede that. They often go up in the air -- yes, the pods do that, too and get stuck. Hintswen is an old story and isn't innocent on this one.
  24. Perhaps you got your friends to vote, plus you don't say 100% of WHAT. I openly advertised my poll on the forums, knowing that this might lead to forums obsessives on this subject to come and flash mob the vote. But EVEN WITH that factor, I still have MORE people voting AGAINST the spam vehicles, or at least for making it an AR'able offense if they pile up, than saying they should be allowed freedom. Very interesting! Come and vote here at Flamingo Court Garage.
  25. Then go and make your own poll. Any number of responses even way under 100 that show that the prevailing "wisdom" of the forums' gang is false is all to the good. And that's what this poll does. There is more opposition to spam cars than admitted. This isn't about scientific sociology and interviewers, it's about a poll that you click on with questions that interest people. You can't waste space on "no opinion" when there are already so many aspects of the issue. Your rules aren't necessarily true, much less true for this situation. I get polls even from scientists at universities who ask leading questions, it's done all the time.
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