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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. What I'm not getting about this problem is why the landlord just doesn't add it himself. That's what I do for all my tenants. It doesn't seem as if adding a tenant to the a group role with access to "about land" controls enables the adding of Experiences. That is, you can create a role in the group called "Experience Contributor" but that is the making of the Experience, not the adding of it to the land. I think the Lindens just didn't get around to putting this in groups as a "thing" although I could be wrong. While you may not be able to add Experiences unless you actually own the land or the group with group land, the owner should be able to put in in for you.
  2. My telephone company just pushed an ad to me asking if I'd like to pay more and get faster Internet speeds. Good for them! This is America. This is free enterprise. This is normal. What's *not* normal is overregulation by the state and socialism trying to "redistribute" goods and services it didn't create. No, "you didn't build that". The companies did. They pay taxes for roads. It's not the other way around. FIRST come people who create businesses with ideas and PAY TAXES, then the government builds roads. This is why Elizabeth Warren is an idiot. It's not like the government has to be supreme and build roads first before any one can do anything. A lot of the transportation and infrastructure in the US for example began as private companies. So companies ALREADY do this without any law because it's NORMAL. I can choose whether to just keep my already quite fast FIOS or go even more fast. You know, like I can choose to get a blazing fast computer rig with an expensive graphics card -- really the issue for SL "speed" -- or not, depending on my budget and means. Nobody is "holding hostage" anyone -- they are offering various levels of speed, the way other things in life work -- if I use more electricity, I pay a higher bill. Yes, broadband is a limited resource that COSTS MONEY. My cell phone company will slow down my connection if I use up all the paid-for bytes by the end of the month. So if I happened to use my phone to play YouTubes or whatever and use up the resources, it will top off and slow down my connection. And so what? I'm not a teenager or a child. I don't need to have my YouTube "right now" while out on the street doing errands. I can come home and look at them on my desk top. And so on. Techies pitch all kinds of amazingly fake stories around this, like little old ladies who only go on the Internet on Sundays to download a Bible -- and suddenly, they can't, it's too slow. Ridiculous. Telecoms have a right to exist and are a rightful and necessary part of the ecosystem -- Google is always trying to kill them off as they see them as a competitor for their MONOPOLISTIC goals. So why are we helping Google do that? Google merely wants other people to pay for the last mile on their AD BUSINESS from which they make BILLIONS. Why are we contorting legislation and other businesses to help Google? It's not like the value-add from Google is really so great, given everything -- about their products, their politics, even the way the search functions. No, there is no reason to fall for this complete hysterical illusion of "net neutrality" just like there's no reason to fall for the illusion of Communism. Businesses charging more is ok; it's done all the time everywhere else -- if I get more land in SL, I pay for more tier. And PS -- there isn't even any evidence that the current practices of a Verizon or Comcast in fact slow the Internet down in some meaningful way. PS a lot of the agida around this topic comes from Google, and is very much geocentric to San Francisco, where for various reasons, most people only have the choice of Comcast. Not the rest of the country's problem. Fix it, Google without imposing a solution on all of us. We have choices in New York City and elsewhere, even in the sticks. And quite frankly IT DOESN"T MATTER. The Internet works well enough without having to cripple capitalism, suppress innovation, kill jobs etc. because Prof. Timothy Wu has a theory he wants to impose on reality. Non pasaran! PPS as for "kneejerk reactions and socialism," the real issue here is that vast swatches of young people and Silicon Valley types in particular default to socialist and even communist ideologies without even realizing that's what they are. They haven't been educated at all to the realities of the system that in fact gave them much of what they have. It's insane.
  3. Oh, things like sleeping (sometimes I have to work nights and sleep days) or RL jobs -- so I can't be here at noon SL time when the auctions conclude, or at least many of them seem to. Also, you'd have to be already waiting on site to "catch" the owner, because sometimes they have bots or they are simply very quick at flipping. So that's not practical. You'd have to have a dedicated team of people on different time zones and so on to band together and get "on" all these purchases and make a report. And remember, this used to be done AUTOMATICALLY and PUBLICLY without all this contrivance. So you're trolling. Um, reporting on what an avatar is doing in a virtual world in a free and open public place as a violation of the GDPR?! I hardly think so.
  4. Gosh, you know just like...Obama got his way! And that's why this should be decided by Congress not as a vote about a process, but a vote about the issue itself. It would still lose, but will have more legitimacy. Of course, Silicon Valley doesn't want to give Congress legitimacy because they hate democracy.
  5. It's very good that this ill-advised socialistic proposition will be voted down, because it's not just about the issue itself, but about the manner in which the lobbyists for it go about their "advocacy" -- bullying, flashmobs, stalking, harassment of officials in person, shouting down debate, etc. The manner in which you go about having a social movement indeed matters, because it affects the nature of the society that will come after you win. And that's why these people should not win -- they are authoritarians disguising their oppression with "Better World" rhetoric. And that's after you get past the initial tactics of pretending this issue is "too technical" for ordinary people to understand, or that people like me "can't understand" anything about it and further nonsense. It's a technocratic nightmare, really. BTW "Fight for the Future" is a spin-off of other groups in which Mitch Kapor, a founder and board member of Second Life, was involved. Basically, this is an interest group trying to get its way, and it has nothing to do with concerns that people who play Second Life might face more costs or slower speeds. It's about power, and who gets to run the Internet and the government.
  6. One of the things I've noticed is that the practice of sniping is still very much alive and well on the auctions. Sometimes before that rare occasion before I bid on these auctions -- and only to "save the view" near my rentals or get prim land -- I IM some of the top land barons and tell them I'm going to bid on this land and ask them if they plan to bid themselves. And the better ones either say yes or no, but upon finding out you need it, they withdraw, because they don't need one more parcel that's been bid up on the auctions. But there are still those who crazily bid things up out of some macho posture on the land market or who knows, and after days of zero or little activity, a parcel that is not worth more than $2 and is now already at $5 seems like "no one else will bother" but just in case, you double your bid because of the sniping problem. And sure enough, literally in the last split second before you refresh the page, someone snipes and you see that last bid -- which failed this time, but another time, it doesn't fail. There's nothing to be done about this because if you had a rule that bids locked 15 seconds before the end, people would merely snipe then and not 1 second before. But there's another deterrent that the old auction system had which the Lindens dumped when they adapted this E-bay software. And that was the PUBLIC RECORD OF BIDS which I think should be restored. Then you can see the name of the avatar who does the sniping and who persistently bids up land. That helps you never to buy land from that person, ban them, boycott their products etc and helps them stop that bad behavior. Sure, they can put alts on this task, but sooner or later the alts are connected, and you had merely to go to the parcel and see them exchange the land between accounts. Now you have no idea who bid what and when. And that enables the same view to keep driving up prices through wild bid-ups and sniping.
  7. Of course, the obvious thing to point out is that the forums regs who literally spend all day long here pouncing with a "dislike" on any post people like me put up are not representative of anything. They're not even representative of the tiny 2 percent who post out of the 5 percent who use the forums -- because most posters in that tiny group aren't as vitriolic AND they even rent or own on the Mainland happily. It's hardly a case of SPECIALNESS to defend Mainland rentals, even if one is in the business because after all, we represent CUSTOMERS. You know, people who pay us to rent our land? Do you have that experience at all in SL? Do you log in? I guess it wouldn't be under the name Klytyna as there isn't such a person in the People List. Why would your putative "Madlander" have to build a 40m high "privacy wall" if his new rental on a homestead is so lovely and private? What, the owner can't turn on "avatars can't see me"?
  8. Yeah, I pay annually -- BUT MANY DON'T, I ASK MY CUSTOMERS, DO YOU?. And I just paid a month on an account for -- wait for it! -- $9.50. Gosh, $9.50 is SO DIFFERENT AND SO MUCH LOWER THAN $9.95 WOW. You're just distracting from the obvious basic point: for the average person who isn't a power player paying a year or even three months in advance. $9.50 -- GOSH NOT $9.95 WHAT A DIFFERENCE -- is what he has to add to his cost of OWNING versus RENTING land, which DOES NOT HAVE that cost. Virtually ANY Mainland rental -- unless of course there's some really rare high-end Horizons rental -- will be CHEAPER and MUCH CHEAPER than owning, i.e. US $2.00 a month instead of $9.50 with the 1024 m included.
  9. But you haven't scientifically proven that "double prim adult Horizons" is "the best deal" at $800. There might be cheaper. For example, I have extra prim mature that is way less -- and the deal for people is NOT prims -- because MOST OF THE TIME THEY DO NOT USE THEM UP! HELLO! The PRICE might be the better deal. Adult isn't for everyone, given what goes on there. You're just hawking Horizons for some obscure reason with your own highly subjective notion of what is "best" and pushing it on Redditt, of all places with a mispelled "texture" that looks like some kind of "ad". Um, are you able to add $9.95 to anything you do? Because that's the cost of a premium you would NOT pay if you rented. Hello! This shouldn't be so hard.
  10. Do you own islands and try to rent them by dumping on the Mainland as a sales gimmick? This is common. Universally, Mainland rental costs are cheaper, the end. Just look at the prices on the search and look at the ads on the forums. $800 is not a normal price for a 1024 even on a fancy private island. It's just not standard anywhere. You're entire Reddit intervention (Reddit?! Encouraging griefers to come to SL are you?)) is based on Horizons. Why on earth you think Horizons is the "best" land on the Mainland is totally beyond me and most people! I could understand if you said Bay City, Nautilus, even Shermerhorn or whatsis, the Linden sims. But Horizons? Its buildings are ugly, it is now a mess because the Lindens can't keep the theme and one wonders why anyone pays the costs there. Insane. There is nothing "daft" about renting Mainland. There are nice Mainland rentals, including some in the sky where it doesn't matter what goes on below. There are essentially "gated communities" where owners control multiple sims and "keep the view". Even rentals in places where odd things go on not so far away but the customers are still happy. None of what you are saying is based on fact of experience. If you are wealthier and can afford to pay more, get a homestead or half an island or whatever, or even an island parcel, although islands that stack up 1024 are often ugly and crowded. A 4096 division works best on islands. But many people prefer the Mainland because it's cheaper and more flexible. Or a Linden home which PS is on the Mainland.
  11. That is definitely an SL fairy tale! Congratulations! I find the Lindens will never sell me more than 512, but that's probably because I've bought a lot of their abandoned parcels over the years.
  12. Tier is spelled "tier". I don't know where you get the idea that a 1024 is rented "for $800". That's ridiculous. I don't have any 1024s for that amount (mine are $125 to $250 at the most) and I don't know any mainland owners that have an $800 cost for renting a 1024. Is this on some high priced private island perhaps? Renting is ALWAYS cheaper than buying in SL because of the cost of the premium and the tier. There are still reasons to buy for total control of the land. But you pay for that total control, most of which is given to you by rental landlords anyways.
  13. Although the OP found his dream, I'm just putting this here for others who read the thread. No, it is never worth getting an A parcel for private end use, get M which enables you still to conduct adult activity if kept behind closed doors, i.e. it's not a public venue like a bar. In buying land, look around at the neighboring parcels. Have they been there long? What are the dates they acquired their land? A stable neighbour is like gold in SL. Or do they all looked like recently flipped parcels where anything can happen. Using the advanced menu, take off "volume" and "water". Look carefully at the parcel. Are there any hidden landmines? These would include "donut holes," i.e. a hole in the land that an unscrupulous land seller leaves to then try to extort you into "buying your view". Is the parcel uneven? Are there any strange jags that, if put in "access only" or with an aggressive security orb will make it hard for you to get in and out of the land? Fly around -- any ban lines nearby that will make your life miserable? Look at the map. How many people are on it? Do you see huge piles of green dots? Is there a club that not only might lag you to death but literally may prevent you from getting home if they take up all the avatar slots on the sim. Don't assume "abandoned land" will stay that way. Don't assume if there is a build or a tree or a something nearby you don't like that you will simply ask and that owner will change it for you. Not only do most owners NOT change anything, they often retaliate with griefing and making worse builds. Look around at other land for sale on that sim and others. Maybe there's something cheaper and better? And from the other side: are people able to sell their land here so that you won't be forced to abandon it yourself if you don't want to keep the premium. It's a buyers' market, so be demanding and discriminating. Always ask the seller if he is willing to sell it for a lower amount and name a figure to him. He may accept it, or go down somewhat from his selling price.
  14. The Opera browser often spits up with these auctions I have found. I would bid on an auction, it would seem to go through and then whoops, it didn't really go through. So it's probably better to play it from Chrome.
  15. 1) we don't know that the Lindens unlisted this for spam words -- did they say so? They could unlist for the "wrong" category 2) just because they unlist for either reason doesn't mean that their decision is just -- do you behave this way with RL governments? I'll bet not! 3) the picture shows blue but if it is available in other colours, I fail to see why it is "spam" to put that in the same listing, regardless of whether you can make 10 listings with 10 different colours or not, and I'm not aware that you can do that 4) A strange notion -- that you can't criticize unjust laws even while you obey them so as to avoid penalties. Again, you're like this in RL, right? And what authoritarian regime do you live under? I also have things arbitrarily unlisted for reasons I never fathom despite good-faith attempts, which is why I protest and show solidarity with the OP
  16. Ok, thanks for explaining it. But it's no excuse. Just because the system requires a wonkier "Prokofy.Neva" with a period to separate first name from last because...it can't understand a space? (?!)...is no reason to allow that behavior. The system should enable you to search for the "wrap" of that name, "Prokofy Neva" when you paste it from *their profile* after all where it does not have a period (in the larger display), or chat, where it does not have a period in any form, or from other scripted objects. Systems have to put up more friendly and easier user interface thingies all the time. And this is just basic. Not being able to search in a group because...the system requires you to unintuitively put a period in the middle of the name for its own wonky reasons -- that's just not on. Imagine if Google worked that way, they would never have made any money and would never have fueled the Internet. Your fast loading could be a function of connection, system, speed, lack of inventory, who knows. And yes, you would think 1,000 is a nothing for a system to handle, even with land in the group too, which requires more look-ups. So I'm glad you're established that the issue is not the inability to load but this other arcane issue which I just view as thoroughly stupid. Not being able to paste from chat or a profile (from the larger-typeface instead of the smaller with the period that you don't notice first -- or from an object into a group to find a person -- what could be stupider? What could slow down commerce and socializing more!! But the mentality that insists on inflicting every back-end insanity on the user persists. Yes, the workaround I've used for years is just to type the first few letters of the name and hope that works. But with the propensity of people to use all kinds of weird fonts and numerals and whatnot in their names, it can be hard to find them unless you can paste. Rental box reports, merchants receipts, visitor logs, group joiners -- all these things that people inworld have made and scripted report to you WITHOUT THE PERIOD. And yet you can't paste from them or chat into a group to find a person. "Gasp" they figured out a way to make a "normal-looking name" come out of their chatting product without the period. Think about it.
  17. None of these are "spam words". Have the Lindens found them as such? A product called "corset" gets to have "underwear, undies, panties, lace" etc. And the reason it has other colours listed is -- wait for it! -- it comes in a variety of colours! And as far as I recall, you can't make a separate listing for each colour. Honestly, with the kind of people who file abuse reports and the Lindens own notions, it's hard to see how people can keep their products up for sale.
  18. Argumentation by wild exaggeration never works. The Lindens' categories hobble sales and cripple the uploading process. They are arcane, strange ("window treatments?" huh?), and don't reflect high sales areas. They have "furry" and "BDSM" but not "fairy" or "elf" or "wiccan" or "fantasy". That's discrimination, and just preventing more sales which is in their interests. Sub-categories are particularly weird, with no cushions, ottomans, pillows (that often have seat animations," not even a generic "seating" or "bench" but merely chairs. So it's not really "about" sub-categories. It's about not really shopping, and not even watching their own page that shows what people actually buy. I look at the last 10 or so things I bought, and I see the merchants themselves struggling, putting things like crystals into an overbroad "home and garden".
  19. Give all the obsessive attention that the Lindens give to getting an item into the "right" category, and their obsession with flagging and REMOVING items that are NOT in the right category, you would think they're fix, refine, and adjust the categories. What always AMAZES me is that there is no category called "Role-Play" or "Fantasy" where a lot of gatcha items and of course the creations that those same creators make that are not gatchas. The only thing I ever see is "staves, wands, staffs" -- ok, that's nice but what about - Elf, Elven, Witch, Wiccan, Coven, Shaman, Fairy, Fae -- you know, things like that. Then there's that hilarious category called "window treatment". Huh? Whoever uses that term? Couldn't you put in CURTAINS and SHADES guys??? No cushions are in there, so a cushion with sit animations has to be put in "chair". Same with "ottomans". Putting in categories, struggling to find them and figure them out is a huge drag on sales. It makes you not want to bother to put anything up for sale, whether you made it or are selling used gatchas, because you know that a) the ideal thing you want to put it under, like "shaman" or "elf" or whatever isn't there at all and b) you may be punished for putting it in the wrong category. I think punishment (removal) should only occur for people who persist in re-uploading after a warning IF the warning is clear. Much of the time there is no explanation. I was baffled why an ashtray with no cigarette in it was twice removed, when it was a hotel souvenir. A Linden wrote me that smoking is an activity that has to be put under "adult" like alcohol and sex beds. OK, now I know. PS "Bench" -- a very, very common item. No category with that name. So you have to risk "chair" or "sofa" or "multi-use chair".
  20. Merchants shouldn't be forced into sub-categories if they have the overall category right. That should not be a violation. The categories are a nuisance, are missing many logical categories, and they are just a brake and a drag on sales.
  21. They will be along eventually, as they were with the trash bug. I look at objects and edit them more than most people.
  22. @Whirly I think that could get to be a nuisance. And again, this event isn't about me accidentally or on purpose dragging hundreds of items in different folders into a prim. I realize that no one will believe me, but in due course, they will see it and then they will look back at this as an early report.
  23. Grey squares were not like this 12 months ago or 6 months ago. I have the same computer and the same graphics card; therefore something else changed. Two minutes is "good" for grey squares, but sometimes it's 15 minutes -- and PS, we had no grey squares a year ago. It's also not about anti-virus software, as I had the exact same AVG in place a year ago when there were no grey squares that I have now. The inability to look up a person's name by pasting it into the group search is a problem regardless of size; not finding it even with typing one letter and slow loading is with larger groups. Re: "I filed a bug report here: BUG-10415 -  [Valhalla] profiles and marketplace are asking for a login each session Why, thank you! And you might want to break this down to Klytyna who is bellowing some nonsense to me about how I need to log into the web to see a profile. Ridiculous. What happens when this leads to a crash -- it's more like a freeze/stall with eventual crash or need to force-close SL. You click on a profile to IM or pay a person; you get the round circle as it churns and churns trying to turn over; it then makes the whole screen a kind of transparency; all of SL freezes. Re: group role changes. The reason I keep bringing this up is because of I see dozens of examples of this every day, and thousands of it over the year, and I'm amazed you can't admit this. Many people use Firestorm as you know, including my tenants. And they are totally frustrated with this all the time, although most get over it after I ask them to relog. It's hard to schedule a meeting in world. Just join any of my groups. Then if you are online when I am, I'll try adding you to another role and you will INSTANTLY get it. I don't believe in third-party viewers at all as you know. My point is that this problem should be something Firestorm, in concert with LL, FIXES and not for my sake, because obviously zillions of people have this issue, and not only in rental groups but all kinds of groups. Any or all of my groups are open to join, just join them and you'll see. See, you have to use task manager, and that's what I often have to do. As always, thanks for your thoughtful attention!
  24. No, you'd know this if you actually logged into SL instead of hanging out on the forums. The normal behavior is to be able to click on a profile from "search" or on the avatar himself. Normally, you can always see an avatar's profile -- it pulls up. But every once in a while, on this or that patch, this behavior glitches up. You stop being able to see a profile normally, and you are forced from inworld to "log on" to SL again in order to see a profile. This doesn't persist -- that behavior goes away for awhile...then comes back again. Everyone knows about this and complains about it. No, the mesh isn't being rezzed on somebody else's law and it's not about line of sight. Some well-made mesh doesn't exhibit this behavior; some badly-made mesh does. Again, everyone knows this who actually works with objects all day and this has been discussed ad nauseum and many comment on this, it's not about your mesh object pulled out of inventory rezzing 65,000 plus meters away on another sim next to your sim on the Mainland that you own. Ridiculous. I wouldn't need to point out this problem of those who don't log on if I hadn't found an amazing set of facts when I began to research the loudmouths on the forums -- they often use names that in fact are not in the people list *cough*. They may own land, but when you go there, you see their build was made in like 2007 and they have 0 traffic in their "store". They show no evidence of actually being inworld more often than not. Dates of log-ons in their groups also confirm this.
  25. @Whirly still working after 3 re-logs, we'll see, although one account is crashing, my main, with the 100,000 inventory. The other one is fine.
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