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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. There's this with Facebook -- the kind of thing I complained about some months ago when I explained that my posts using the Postcard from inworld to Typepad weren't working. Then finally it was fixed somewhat. And now that problem is back again -- where only about half the time do the photos post along with the text and SLURL. So that lets me know the problem isn't Typepad, who also couldn't see what could be wrong on their end when I filed tickets -- but something in the way LL is doing this. Meanwhile, Postcard is working fine with Twitter.
  2. IM me, I will send you several free ones that do that.
  3. This is a good little book to start your path of realization of why uravnilovka -- "levelling," as the Soviets called it in the Soviet system, does not work. https://www.amazon.com/Communism-History-Modern-Library-Chronicles/dp/0679640509/ref=mt_hardcover?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid= You don't have to be a "right winger" to oppose socialist net neutrality -- I vote Democrat and have no use for Trump.
  4. The original post referred to the group tools. Group tools are in...groups. It cut and pasted from the Linden liner notes: More Effective Group Information Everything in that paste-up from their notes is about groups. A reference to search is obviously inside the group, not in the general search. The problem with all this is that Whirly Fizzle understand the original post, filed a JIRA, which was difficult as she said (God bless her) and never complained about anything being not clear. Lack of good will and bad faith always hamper reading comprehension.
  5. @Phil Deakins the original post is about THE GROUP TOOLS and it stated as much. It's not about general search. Reading comprehension and context are your friends. I never even heard the term "Group Floater" and that's common, Lindens and their helpers and friends have a certain lingo about the viewer and the tools and the rest of us don't know it/don't use it. That doesn't work. It's not about accuracy, it's just about your general spleen, and your specific grudges against me. It doesn't matter. I make posts to see answers from people of good will, as they are often helpful. That would not be you.
  6. In most cases, i.e. if it is not a newbie innocently just asking a question in the group who hasn't read the rule asking people not to do that and IM me directly, I don't ban them or eject them, I just IM them and explain. But a person spamming, having a rage fit, etc. I obviously BAN and not just eject. It does not work to keep them out of the group until they relog. Happy to test when you're inworld.
  7. We've been over this, as you know. The search does not work for any kind of paste, regardless of what time of name it is, prokofy.neva or Newbie Resident. When you paste, you do not capture prokofy.neva The end. The point is about WORKING WHEN PASTING. If it works "when you type prokofy.neva" that doesn't matter because then I can type the first few letters, and then pick out the name.
  8. No, it doesn't work. Works on My Machine isn't a solution. That's why I report that it doesn't work as I have to do this action dozens of times a day.
  9. So, I'm reading the liner notes on the latest viewer release: Maintenance: Pálinka Pálinka is a traditional fruit brandy in Central Europe with origins from the Hungarian Carpathian Basin, known under several names, and invented in the Middle Ages. Protected as a geographical indication of the European Union, only fruit spirits mashed, distilled, matured and bottled in Hungary and similar apricot spirits from four provinces of Austria can be called "pálinka". Törkölypálinka, a different product in the legal sense, is a similarly protected pomace brandy that is commonly included with pálinka. While pálinka may be made of any locally grown fruit, the most common ones are plums, apricots, apples, pears, and cherries. Similar products exist in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia known as Pálenka as well as in Romania under the name Pălincă. This is some kind of in joke, who knows what it means... More Effective Group Information Group chat notify toasts ignores IRC-like formatting Fields for new group notice disappears immediately after appearing "Share" checkbox becomes gray after sharing the object (no modify) for the group The 'You are being invited into the group's role: Officers.' text is shifted behind buttons in the 'Notifications' floater when an empty string is present in the group description Group notice edit field is missing inventory icon Group-floater invite description Group Role Permission "Eject Members from this Group" Is Poorly Described Group icon is broken on the Group tab in the Profile if select icon through 'Local' These are all things I've never noticed, and don't matter -- they remind me of avatar foot shadows. There are far more important things that never get addressed. One is how ejection or ban from a group doesn't take effect on an avatar during that log-in session, so if he is spamming the group and he is ejected or even banned, he can keep on bothering the group until he logs out, which may be hours. This should take effect immediately. Another big annoyance is that pasting in a name to the search box simply does not work. The search produces "0" as a result. You are forced to type in letters one at a time to make it search at least around that name, and pick it out. But if you pasted a name from chat or a profile, to give an invitation or change a role, you're out of luck, as cut and paste into the group menu to serve simply won't work. And so on. There's more. But apparently "IRC formatting" is more important (!)/.
  10. So Donald Trump was elected by an absolute majority of voters. So I guess there's no reason to complain about him? Alrighty. They need to get market feedback that will persuade them to stop this idiotic, unjustified behavior of putting items in "no-mod". I'm here to give it to them. Certain items, especially if you are making a themed build with very specific items needed for it, have to be purchased as is. They may be very pretty or appropriate or whatever. But no mod is just unnecessary. I think that many people who do this have the mistaken idea that it helps prevent copyright theft. That if no one can put their item in edit, they can't steal their design. Of course that's daft, as rogue viewers that copy things override all permissions. I have no more ability to copy a thing because I can shrink its size or change its colour. Some people think "no mod" is about "artistic vision". They don't want customers to ruin their vision and don't want to see But I truly think that is not it -- I think the mistaken notion that "mod" enables copyright theft is at the back of a lot of no-mod decisions. There's also another practical concern -- some merchants fear that they will get "more" or "too much" customer service if they put a mesh item in mod, somebody enlarges it, and suddenly its land impact increases, sometimes dramatically, and they blame the creator. Of course that's fixed by a note in an info card or just a generic sign in a shop but the fear is what is driving this irrational decision. Quite a few people make things that are not proportionate to the environment because they really aren't living in SL and making furnished rooms and such, they're just pursuing an idea and making it. So mod is vital to overcome that disproportion. It's hard to believe an "artistic vision" is destroyed because a pink couch is made a little smaller to fit into a nook and turned green to match other furniture. Truly, it is. So they get a point off. Some of them start putting things in mod then. I'm not the only one who does this.
  11. I would estimate that this happens more than 60% of the time. The worst is when there is NO store at all, which makes you wonder if the product should be purchased. The only way to stop this bad behavior is to pledge that any merchant who has an outdated SLURL on their product listing will find that a potential buyer simply will not purchase their item. Another option is to buy the item if you must, but then take a star off automatically for that problem, in the review. I automatically take a star off for any item not put in "mod". If enough people pledge this, perhaps merchants will update their SLURLs.
  12. Socialists love government intervention when it makes land cheaper or devalues it all together (the system of abandonment, which, of course, could be ended at any time under "code as law" and changed to a system of sale for $1 or sale for any price. Socialists like it less when their business suffers because the price of land and the value of the currency goes down, too, if it leads to their own business suffering or the cost of currency going up or taxes going up (which is EXACTLY what just happened in SL with the price of land falling!) to compensate.
  13. It is a government, however, and one like China or Russia -- authoritarian, arbitrary, and not transparent. Normally governments do not sell for a low price or give away land in such large quantities. Except in a place like Russia, and in a place like Chechnya, where they give to their friends, insiders, people who do favours, etc. Unfortunately, the Linden dispersal of abandoned land still has that feature of discretionary power to it. They decide whether or not to sell it or put it on the auction. In the latter action, they can be spiting you, forcing you to pay high sums to keep the view, and possibly rewarding their friends, land barons with high tier. Among the reasons we cannot tell what is going on and the extent of this discretionary power is the lack of transparency on the auction. We do not know who bids or who wins and buys. We used to have that information. The government "deciding to sell everything for one dollar" is not a normal practice even for a communist government. It's an artifice of a virtual world run by a company. Even so, it bears more resemblance to an authoritarian state with a socialist or communist believe system in spiking any attempts at capitalism (except for its own state capitalism), more than anything else. There's always someone to come forward and justify the authoritarianism and socialism of Linden Lab, even in the name of capitalism, as they are a company in the free market of America. But it's more than fine to call this out, because it's not a model for the whole Metaverse, not a viable plan for the future, any more than the Soviet Union was.
  14. The smarter land flippers will still make a profit, however, as they will scout out cheap land to flip, their costs will be lower, they may have to sell for a lower price, but they will still make the same profit.
  15. I have found that even 50 breedables on a Mainland sim with less than 10 avatars regularly on it does not cause lag and does not affect the statistics. The problem is you don't know that the scripts come from the horses only. Maybe 80 is causing lag where 40 or 50 didn't, but what else is on that sim? You can't see. Only the Lindens can see. So the spare time hit may be caused not by the horses. Numbers of scripts are also a factor, I think once it gets up above 3000-4000 it can become a problem. But if the "lag meter" and the control-shift-1 aren't showing poor numbers, then the lag is on the user's side with things like packet loss or graphic card setting. And even if bad numbers do show, you can't be 100% sure it's the horses. As noted, it could be an unskilled scripted item or just a bed with 600 positions or something like that. BUT now that I have studied your screenshot, I don't think those numbers are the bad things claimed here. Time Dilation of .996 is ok -- the norm is 99. Sim FPS of 44.8 is a little less than optimal which is 45. Script time at 22.275 is not the horror implied here. I'm on a sim now with no lag, 7000 scripts, and it's time is exactly that. Active scripts is 11601. That's pretty outrageous. But find out how many scripts actually are the horses. And it's not THAT there is a script, but if they eat up script time.
  16. No, dear. I get how a simple concept of supply and demand work. What you don't get -- because you don't apparently log in, talk to a wide variety of customers, or have a business where you offer rentals for tier donations, is that *people do not use this tier, don't understand it, or use half of it only*. I find this is common. They have a 512 Linden House and don't get that they have another 512 to use now. To be sure, there are those who get it -- hey, look at all those people in the Linden Houses! Oh, and that's the point. People get the premiums, they get that they can use the "land credit" for a Linden House -- and they get it, the end. They don't venture out to buy Mainland because too many people have scared them about doing that. Obviously LL would rather drive them into Linden Assisted Living where they--and the parcels--are more manageable than on the "Madlands" as Klyta calls it. There are now MORE people buying Lindens Houses, which means MORE Mainland going UNSOLD to those who might have bought parcels on the Mainland, not Linden House lots. That's obvious point number one. That drives down prices. But much more to the point: The idea that there is "no evidence that the Lab is actively cutting and selling the SMALL lots" is preposterous. That's exactly what IS happening. I see it all around. I used my own additional premium tier in just that way but so did quite a few others. Not some huge drove of people but certainly a visible number that is making prices go down. I know, because I fly around, see lots of parcels, and buy them rarely, but sometimes if I need prim land and they go real cheap. Which is the case now. The reason I say the glut of 1024s from new premium allowances should drive DOWN THE PRICE is because -- wait for it -- there is now more cheap land on the market! Hello! People are buying more land that they get from the Lindens as abandoned land and either flipping it, or getting tired of it and selling it. Or some people are moving, now that they have 1024 tier to play with, and making quick sales or even abandoning land all over again. But they have to lower their prices from before, when there were less people doing that, less land for sale, and more abandoned land! More land = lower price. Again, read what I wrote, which is a fact observable in world and documented by people on the forums: " Lindens are giving away more abandoned land at a fixed $1/m as a result." They are giving it away at one dollar a meter. Not five or seven or ten. One. That means cheaper land enters the market when people's purchase costs were low, and they can then resell it for less. People seeing the opportunity now of getting a) free tier from the Lindens they didn't have before it was raised b) one-dollar-meter land from Lindens who were more chary about giving it up before = more flips, sales, and particularly quick sales. $1.7 is a profit obviously. $3 even more. You don't have to put it at $7 and wait months and pay tier. To understand this, you need not just "be a capitalist" -- which in my case means that I do not oppose but in fact support the system of capitalism, even though I am not a rich person in RL or SL -- you just need to have common sense and *watch what really happens inworld*.
  17. SL viewer and I have probably dozens of #Name hanging from Objects, which I thought was the advice to avoid loss, rather than fresh new folders at the top level.
  18. 1. Autoreturn one minute 2. Everyone can build UNchecked 3. Everyone scripts UNchecked 4. Avatars can see me UNchecked 5. Object entry unchecked If you have a build that has not used up all your prims, use what I call a prim soaker. Put out some high-prim item that uses up all the prims, like a crown or piece of jewelry or old school furniture. You can bury it in the ground, just don't forget you did that. The purpose of the prim soaker is that no griefer can then put a self-replicating prim on or near your land on physics, whereby it will come and take up all your prims. There will simply be no room for him to do that. The times when your own items get forced back into inventory is when a griefer or simply clueless newb puts out a whole bunch of prims on your land. There is supposed to be a rule whereby non-group prims return first. But a recurring bug means this doesn't happen. I just saw it not happen that way yet again. Why *my* prims and not the offending non-group prims are returning makes no sense and wasn't set up that way but it happens. Finally, the best deterrent against griefing is not to live in fear of griefing. It is not that common. It is fixable using "return" or if worse comes to worse, taking your returned items from Lost & Found and putting them back out.
  19. You can't infer from one anecdotal situation what the whole market is doing. The glut of 1024s from new premium allowances should have driven DOWN the price of land, not increased it given that the Lindens are giving away more abandoned land at a fixed $1/m as a result. But maybe it has passed the equilibrium point. The thing is, we don't know that until we get Tyche Shepherd's report and see just how much land has sold, i.e. left Linden hands and gone into resident hands, and what the average sale price is.
  20. I disagree. It's not a "forced" buy as you are not "forced" to play the auctions. The world doesn't owe you a bid a week or a bid an hour. You should play the auctions within your means as all of us should and not have a venture that involves being forced to buy more money -- again, no one forces this but you shouldn't create a business situation that forces you by overbidding when you don't have the funds on hand. I think the Lindens had to move to this change for obvious reasons -- that people play the auctions way too widely, like yourself, without the funds to back up their adventures. This forces land barons to stop bidding on so many items that merely drives the price up, to their advantage, not the world's or the economy's. That is what is so unnatural about these "free market" auctions that are not like a RL auction where people are constrained by the size of their bank account. Even for someone only bidding on one parcel, they may not have the amount in their account -- I know that has happened to me if suddenly there is a large refund or something. And that means then LL has to wait for that payment to come in -- it could be hours or even days and yet they allow that land to be purchased "on credit" as it were. They shouldn't. They can't instantly bill your credit card for an auction held in Linden dollars. Letting your account go negative is also not an option because then you simply might never pay. The worst thing about the delayed payments is that unscrupulous land barons then flip land. While they are "on credit" they could offer existing land they have for sale, then when it sells, use that cash to pay for the new buy. But they shouldn't be able to do that, it means they are overextended. Again, this isn't a free market, it's a distorted game market. Ultimately, this move should drive down the price of land on the auctions, and that isn't the worst thing. It's a natural development that should have been done ago in LL's interests. Now if only they had used this opportunity to restore the RECORD of everyone who bid, and the winner. I think they should also be doing this to deter bad behaviour and the driving up of prices merely to artificially inflate a land baron's wins. Again, that is not a free market but a game.
  21. I thought we had decided that to hang sub-folders after the hard-set systems folders was safer. It was when I had the personal folders before that I lost the 15,000 items. I don't think I have that many things in any one folder. So as subsets to OBJECTS I have #Desks #Candles things like that. Yes, I do open each and every folder, absolutely. I only mention the second window as a thing happening when the folders went to trash in case it was a trigger or related but it could be unrelated of course.
  22. Yes only the SL viewer. I don't see how the viewer would be related to perceiving land settings out of whack but apparently that's possible.
  23. I can't find my old threads on inventory loss -- I will when I'm less tired -- but honestly, here we go again. The only good thing is that this time I caught it. So I'm flying around, buying some urns to put flowers in, placing the urns, looking for the flowers and then...wait a minute, where have all the flowers gone? Just like the sad song. I search, and I find individual flower things, but not the folder called "#Flowers" in Objects with most of my flowers for decoration of rentals and commons areas. Now that's odd, I say. I keep searching. I clear cache. I relog. I hunt for very specific flowers I know I have by name of flower or merchant name. They aren't there. Why? Since searches when in "Recent" mode don't turn up what might be in Trash, I go down and manually go through Trash. There I find not only the entire folder #Flowers but #Food also, for good measure. Usually, they are next to each other under Objects. Now they are both in the Trash. I did not put them there. I do not drag entire folders into Trash. No one could even accidentally do this. How? You can delete something, perhaps inworld, or even in a folder in inventory you're searching. But move an entire folder -- two folders -- into Trash? How? I would have no reason to do that, nor is it possible I would do that accidentally. Thank God THIS time I caught this and saved literally thousands of items. Why does this happen? I wondered this time if it is related to having a second inventory opened, so as to do things like move items out of Lost and Found into a topic folder. Here it's an issue of whether the mere act of opening a second inventory window could force folders into trash. Because again, I'm not putting them in trash.
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