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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. There is a tool you can get on marketplace that scans a region and points out abandoned parcels. I've never used it, so I don't know how well it works. There may be other tools, as well. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ArtiZan-Abandoned-Land-Finder-Automatic-parcel-scanner-sends-IM-and-email-reports-HUD-rezzable/21533770
  2. I had to get a new face because the perpetual pucker of my last face drove me nuts. I am open to suggestions and advice. My most important goal was to look like an adult. I am using an EvoX head for the first time, so I have to learn something new. Sharing my pain because misery loves company: The feet are still white even though the skin should cover both the maitreya body and the head (a note has been sent to customer service for assistance with this.) I wish the eyes were bigger, but it makes the avatar look too young. The eyes show through the eyelids just a little when she blinks. If I look closely the eye lashes don't seem to be attached to the eye lid, but floating just out front. It took me forever to realize there were special appliers for both the regular ears and the elf ears. One of the skins I got that I liked in a demo did not have matching ear skins for either ear shape. The nose isn't quite right yet. Good stuff: I like the eyebrows after layering two kinds to get the look I wanted. The lips are decently shaped. I don't look 12.
  3. What kinds of things are you into? Music? Dancing? Exploring? Gaming? What time of day are you in SL?
  4. Try looking in the Lifestyles and Relationships subforum or in Roleplay if you like cooking your friends. Usually when we lay out a spread of food to share the plates don't contain pieces of roasted friends, but maybe we can find an alternative like a Beyond Human burger or The Impossible Human sausage. Would you settle for bacon? 🥓
  5. Once again, thank goodness for the wide variety of ideal looks. I enjoy seeing the differences. Well done gents, sirs, men, fellows, misters, boys, and guys! I am uncomfortable with the mean criticisms designed only for shock value and they aren't even directed at me. I'm sure we can suggest shape edits/hair colors in much kinder ways while keeping in mind that each person posting probably likes their shape. I know - public forum... thick skin... get over it... they asked for it... blah blah blah
  6. I don't personally care if someone wants to role play as a child. I regularly interact with "kids" in SecondLife and enjoy the company. I do, however, have a line that makes me very uncomfortable. I do not interact with babies and toddlers. I've never seen anyone able to role-playing one in a way I wanted to interact with, so I just ignore them or as a last resort block the baby talk and gestures.
  7. Fantasy Region Gaunt Ring appears to have been released. Putting a corner water side on 2 bridges back in a minute.
  8. I got this abandon in several months ago and have been decorating, undecorating, changing things around, trying on add-ons. Trads are my least favorite home style because everything seems so cookie cutter and manicured. Then I caught this. The only way to get to it is climbing some switchbacks and stairs. It has no square hedges. I had to add fences and bushes to save myself from walking off the cliffs. I think I managed to make the parcel fairly wild looking and made use of the cliffs for a waterfall. It's hard to get a good photo because the sight lines are really tight. This parcel changed my mind about this house style.
  9. Catch and release of a nicely placed stilt on pier. it is at the end and located right on the channel between logland and the rest of the stilts. The logland side of the channel is at the end of the rail line and has a rez zone for boats. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westley/35/228/23 Releasing at 12:30pm SLT
  10. Moles are busy in all 4 of the community regions in Fantaserria. The rock circles underwater in mirror pond are fun. This is Toad Pool. I wonder if the green coloring is what we'll have in spring. The other 2 regions appear to be water with roads and bridges. Very pretty. I don't see an area for gatherings like Campwich or Die Betrunken Maus.
  11. The lookout is a fun idea! Love all the autumn colors ❤️
  12. Looks like Cobbleside in the Fantasy region has been released. Putting a corner lot with water one two sides and bridge back. Al other lots were either claimed today or owned by Governor Linden. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cobbleside/195/80/23
  13. Putting this Trad back in the pool at 10am SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wavecrest/240/100/0 Edited to add: Won't be 10am SLT. I am one of the lucky ones who can't log in right now. "Identified - We are aware that some Residents are having trouble logging into the viewer, resulting in an error message citing inventory issues. We have identified the issue and are in the process of implementing a fix for. Residents may be unable to log in in the interim. We very much appreciate your patience. Please follow this blog for updates.Sep 23, 09:58 PDT"
  14. Not my usual style of music, but I liked the message. Found going down a rabbit hole of random links. I usually just listen to the radio.
  15. Eloras Garden has been re-released. I guess enough old homes were taken to open it back up again. I will release this cute parcel with a small rustic dock and a little island view at 7pm SLT unless someone wants to try for it at a specific time. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eloras Garden/115/124/21
  16. I landed a Fantasy Home that only ticked off only one of my boxes for "that perfect parcel" - directly on the water not across the street. I wanted a great view out the back yard since I usually ignore the front. I wanted a view of an island in the waterway. I wanted the lushest landscape for that deep forest feel. I wanted a view of a bridge. I didn't want a house that was sideways to the water. Not deal breaker, but a backyard view of one of the community areas would be nice if they put trees on them. So much for what I thought I wanted. My 1 hopper got this instead. It is right on the water. I had to change all my decorating ideas to adjust for a front view instead of one out the back. The house is mostly sideways to the water, but I have a view of a waterfall. There is a rez zone near by. I hadn't really thought about the need for one of those. The landscaping is not lush, but the sunrise view is worth it. I liked it enough to abandon my parcel in Ancient Magic. ( I refuse to keep more than one of a theme for myself.) It's lovely and I think I will keep it for a while. Here it is at moonset:
  17. It appears that Dracon has been released - At least the homes I see have all been taken today. Someone (a couple moles) appears to have left some boxes behind. 😄
  18. I really enjoy seeing the wide variety of each individual's ideal looks. There truly is something out there for everyone. Well done all you beautiful people ❤ Live your dreams!
  19. Thank you, Josephine. It all looks so go I don't know where to start. Just to be safe I'll start with all the coffee.
  20. I don't think it's possible, but I do love to play along. I will insist that your magic resizing script only shrink my dance partner to fit with my normal human proportions instead of turning me into Gigantor to fit with his. Since I choose to be human, I'll need that partner of mine with the horse head to have it squished down for kissing animations. Also, if I send in my .25 sized avatar, I'll need that werewolf shrunken to ferocious puppy size for reasons.
  21. I've been getting the same 5 or 6 fantasy parcels over and over for a couple weeks. GOH is not as much fun as usual at the moment.
  22. Potřebujeme víc informací. Ve Druhém životě se můžou pokazit miliony věcí. Kdy se zobrazí chybová zpráva? Už jsi ve hře? Snažíte se přihlásit? Už jste se někdy mohli přihlásit? Zkoušíte to poprvé?
  23. In Horizons I believe you have to buy the parcel from another resident like you would on the mainland. It is not considered a Linden Home that you get just for being premium.
  24. I made some areas for my petite alt. The room was really big and I didn't want walls, so I made different floor levels instead to break the room into smaller sections. There's even an outside area for her. Furniture for petites is heavy on the land impact, so she only gets one room. Petites (and giants) are welcome to stop by for a thimble of wine anytime, so paddle around Ancient Magic and find us. Land and house are set to public use. The rest of the house isn't done, yet, because I am waiting for the houses with fewer walls. I may only decorate 1 upstairs room. I like the balcony.
  25. I'm glad you got it sorted out. That must have been frustrating. Happy shopping!
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