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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Giant Hugs, Hippie! If you need a buddy inworld, let me know. I will make time for you ♥️
  2. . Waiting for the magic to begin It's starting in the east Well worth the wait
  3. This is completely off topic, but I miss Saturday morning cartoons. I even had to raise my kids without some of those classics. It's a loss to the last 1 or 2 generations. The only thing on regular TV on weekends now is news. I can say that my (now grown up) kids love cartoons and recently discovered Thundercats, She-Ra, Voltron, and some others. I'll bring up Blackstar to see if they're interested.
  4. Have I missed a post about only having 4 house styles to choose? I am hoping for the versions with fewer walls, but only have the "brookes" available. I've tried resetting the house controller.
  5. I wonder what's in the content pack. Squeeeeeeee I can't wait to find out. Maybe tomorrow ❤️
  6. I was there a few hours ago and I'd swear all the people I saw in Hanshin had recently showered and were clean... I have no idea why such a distance would be needed 😄
  7. He's a tease, of course, but, HEY, Patch, I've had to work 19 of the last 21 days and I get tomorrow off, so feel free to press the "rain of houses" button. Please.
  8. Do what you're comfortable with. A lot of time and effort went into just putting this information together to share with us. Thank you. It is fascinating to see it all in one place. You don't have to spend even more of your time creating special emails. Enjoy your SL and thank you for what you have shared.
  9. Just a quick reminder to love and appreciate all of your SecondLife and real life friends. Life is fragile. I appreciate all of you and I am only a message away if you need someone to listen or just a hug. I might even be open to a platonic cuddle if that's what you need. ❤️ You don't even need to present as human. I will hug anyone who needs it.
  10. Here I am again for my yearly photo. I rarely dress sexy... or turn up my graphics past medium... or set up a photo by TPing somewhere... But even I get hungry sometimes and luckily as a woman hunting never takes long. Seemed a bit of a waste to spend time dressing up to lure someone in and not at least take one photo of the effort. Maybe I won't wait a year to take a pic next time (or to get a rapacious urge that requires relief )
  11. /me passes Squeaky and the other moles some ice cold water, cucumber sandwiches, and cheese (with caffeine added to all) to fuel all that hard work they are doing to get the new theme released "really very soonish"
  12. If no one pops in here to answer your question, try asking it in the Answers section. I have had this running thing happen before, but it always fixed itself after a restart.
  13. Fairystone Quarry is dark and completely wooded (ooooh spooky!) I can't tell if there are waterways or not. I wanna see it!!!!!
  14. I will definitely gravitate to the fewer walls versions - the ones ending in 'spell' and not the 'brooks' with all the walls and tiny spaces. I am thrilled they made open floor plans available. The changing color glow for the seasons is a nice touch. I am excited to try for one when they are released, so maybe it's time to release my chalet since this fantasy type house is what I really was trying to turn it into. I really hope they find a fun way to connect it to the rest of Bellisseria like a huge mist or fog wall to sail or fly through (ooooooh stormy seas! or the Bermuda Triangle!) rather than a just teleporter.
  15. I like the idea of consolidating the homes that are used into fewer regions. It would save some of the amazing and unique artwork made by moles and Lindens for the future. It could even create a tourist attraction of sorts. I am not sure if homes can be moved with all the furnishings intact, but if I understand how landmarks work, it won't break the landmarks each resident uses. The Lab would be able to reassign the landmark to a new parcel, right? Someone explained it when a few regions were moved for Bellisseria. Then no one has to move if they like what they have and it won't matter why they want to stay. A win-win for the most part.
  16. What is the benefit to the Lab of getting rid of the old Linden homes? What is gained by making them disappear and forcing a move to a new area? If it was mentioned, I missed it. Is it a big drain on resources to have them sitting there? Does it somehow negatively impact other areas to have them there? Do they take up so much space on servers or in clouds to be overly expensive to maintain? Why is this even a debate? Who cares? If a person doesn't like them or thinks they are ugly, don't choose the option and don't visit. Why does someone else's choice to have one impact anyone else? How are any of us personally injured by the fact that they exist virtually and some people might be there?
  17. Should Resident Trees Be Allowed In Bellisseria? Yes, as long as they are keeping within the covenant. The freedom to make your home and parcel unique and your own is one of the draws of getting a home in Bellisseria. I would not like to get a home where every home was a cookie cutter exact match to every other home on the virtual street. I would not be excited to have a house with only a few adornments provided to choose from and approved by the person with the lowest speed computer and graphics card. Learning how SL works and optimizing your set up and being responsible with your own decorating choices is on each resident to learn. Taking away choices from people should not be the outcome of your failures to rez. Should Each Theme Content Pack Include A Selection of Optimized Trees To Go With Theme? Sure, why not have the option of using what the moles and Lindens used if you want to take the hit on land impact. Just don't take away creativity and choices from everyone else because some trees didn't rez properly for a few people.
  18. They were previewed at the SLB 18 event. Some pics here:
  19. Still listening to the radio. Heard these 2 today:
  20. People breaking the covenant seem to be a small minority. Most everywhere I've ridden my dinosaur on the roads or taken my submarine past the houseboats and stilts has been clear of blocks and over reaching orbs. I've run into a few places with obvious trolling in parcel decorating, but not many. I've passed a few "yard sales" with people reselling gachas in their front yards. Occasionally I'll pass a breeding farm of some kind hidden in a house. Most people seem to follow the spirit of the covenant. The obvious ones and the invisible (but still in the way ones) get ARd.
  21. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Lux/150/57/3403 Muniick is having a 50% of 'almost' everything in the store July 9th-18th for their 2nd anniversary. It's still the 8th for me, but it's the 9th somewhere. I got the discount early. Make sure to Inspect Object. I got a fan from there that disappeared when I crossed the room, but other stuff is good.
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