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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. It is really nice to see some individuality at gatherings in Belliseria. For a while I thought there was some kind of dress code requiring short shorts and crop tops for ladies and long pants and Hawaiian shirts for guys and everyone had to be dancing the exact same dances and lined up in straight lines while doing them. Yes, I know there isn't really a dress code, but it's amazing to see the creativity of Bellisserian avatars at some of the gatherings. It makes it feel even more homelike and welcoming to all. I enjoy your videos ❤️
  2. Ugh! Decision time again. I am choosing to give up my camper. It has water on 3 sides. The water leads out to the coast and that gigantic 4-region Galaxy ship. There's only 1 other camper on the island and there are a bunch of friendly furries in the neighborhood that has stayed nicely decorated for as long as I've been here. It's a beautiful older section of Bellisseria. I hope someone loves it just as much as I have. 8:30pm SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pugwash/132/148/24
  3. They were rather hypnotic. Hey, @Madelaine McMasters do you still have those twirling pasties in your inventory? I somehow forgot about those 😄
  4. I am prudish for myself, but not for others. The problem is finding tops that don't show the top of the nipples or look like your boobs are about to explode like an alien from the low neckline. Where are the cute, stylish skirts that cover the butt cheeks? It takes more effort to find clothes that I like and am comfortable in. I'm not looking to cover up like a nun and I love stylish clothes, but it is a search each time to find the middle ground. There does not seem to be the creativity that you use to find in SL clothing. Most women look the same - booty shorts or micro-mini skirts, crop tops, and super high heels. @Madelaine McMcMasters is an exception. I've never seen her in booty shorts. 😉
  5. I usually use a normal, boring, fully-covered, unsexy, human female avatar with realistic proportions. It is actually rather boring. I am drawn to unusual or different avatars though. I like the imperfect and consider it more approachable. The absolute best friends I've made inworld were made because I found someone I could talk to about more than fashion and expensive mesh heads (I use mesh head and body that no one ever sees because I never take clothes off). I enjoy the company of happy, quirky people. Long live the misfits and artists of SL! I never would have met my partner if I had chosen to only judge him by his avatar. In fact, I would have missed out on a lot of really fun and intelligent people if I decided to only talk to those I found physically attractive by my own personal standards. So, if you ever see me in a dance venue and you're dressed as a chunky zombie tarantula with pus oozing out of your exoskeleton, I will dance with you and judge you by your personality. I hope you're witty and friendly.
  6. Perhaps hanging out around the campfire making s'mores isn't the cool and hip thing to do. /me passes @Akasha Sternberg a marshmallow and a roasting stick.
  7. I finally started my chalet decorating. It is harder to go completely rustic than I thought. No electric lights in the house or anything obvious just candles and lanterns, then I realized I had a clock on the wall and a refrigerator. Oh well, it's kind of close. After sending in an alt (a tiny fairy) to see if she had any potted plants in her inventory and then sending her over to buzz @Nando Yip while he tried to decorate while half asleep, I tried to focus on all the clutter and details that some of you are so good at. So pardon my bad graphics card, but I like it so far.
  8. This has been answered by others, but I have an alternative. I have a sound setting that lets me hear noise from the placement of my camera instead of equally from everywhere. As I get closer to things, the sound from them gets louder. I have chalet next to a windmill and I can barely hear it unless I walk right over to the base of it and it gets louder the closer I get. When I am camming around inside of it, it is fun (and less confusing) to hear only the sounds of things I am close to. I can cam around inside the windmill and stop when the sound is loudest and be close to whatever part is making the sound. I have blocked windchimes and other things when the sound of them has been turned up ridiculously high or people don't restrict the sound to their parcels.
  9. Top houses AND landscape (because its a package deal): Camper Log Victorian Chalet Stilt Houseboat (this one almost didn't make the list at all, but I rolled one with some green around it attached to land and not just a sandbar) Trad (this one doesn't even make the list because I've never found one I liked) As far as the actual structure, I usually pick the smallest, 1 level, most open floorplan in the theme I have at the moment.
  10. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drumlin Farm/24/20/0 Letting this chalet in Drumlin Farms go at 11:15am SLT. Not sure why I posted a link to a map that doesn't work. Here are some pics so you can see where it is - Region corner with small strip of undeveloped land behind it and a void region to one side. There is a very pretty pond out the front and only one neighbor so good privacy and spectacular views at the moment.
  11. This thread is not indestructible enough to handle all the personal attacks. They WILL lock it. I believe everyone is playing characters anyway. Some people are just really really good at playing jerks and then laughing about their perceived cleverness 🙂 None of this would be said to anyone face to face. It's easy to insult people you know you'll never see or meet in person. I really thought I would like the chalets, but I am at a creative loss about furnishing one. I want to go rustic and hobbity, but the interior of the houses is just so modern looking and paved roads and parks make the whole area the opposite of fantasy. I'm not giving up, yet, but I need to find some inspiration to get started. I rolled a chalet yesterday that I MIGHT keep long enough to try (but maybe not. My one hopper is itching to hop)
  12. My one roll today got me a chalet in Drumlin Farm. Every house around me is owned by Governor Linden. I am not sure if it's been released or not, but I see the large waterway nearby. Edited to add that there is 1 other owned home in the region. Just one. All others appear to be Governor Linden's real-estate.
  13. Maybe, maybe not. My "Objects" folder has disappeared, so I have no idea if I got it. Chat said it was given to me.
  14. Me, too. Since I got one quickly and I don't want to crash the servers, I'll hold on to it for a bit. Besides I have to get a content pack and cycle through all the styles, and try with and without walls. My one hopper did me some justice today.
  15. Up until a year ago I was an octopus keeper and cold water marine aquarist. Now I work exclusively with dangerous dogs in quarantine and animal neglect cases. I would whither and die if I had a desk job.
  16. @Bree Giffen How about leveling up for bragging rights? It is a move-at-your-own-pace option with no actual prizes and specific to each account to prevent gamification. Start newbies off with Open a Box and Change Your Shirt - level 1 End with take an Inworld Class on Blender and Make Something - level 2000! (or end with Become a Linden or a Mole - level 1,000,000)
  17. People that can sit online 24/7 will always have an advantage over people with limited time. Those that have purchased those teleport-hammers have another advantage. Those paying for premium accounts also have an advantage. It adds up, but that was not the point of my post. The accounts I took in did not take someone else's place. They took a place. It would appear that the solution that was chosen is working. I picked a different landmark for each account (2 premium and 2 basic with no advantages). Those regions were crowded, but not full or they wouldn't have gotten in at all. I saw 12 vendors spread over 4 different regions and there could have been more that I didn't see, the creator also added another day, and people appeared to be teleporting in, getting the item and getting out quickly. It seems to be enough to allow people a good chance to getting in. Sounds like a successful and cooperative solution. 😋 I feel it's better for me to stay positive than to jump straight to the negative and try to make myself a victim. If you didn't get in earlier, try again now.
  18. I like this idea a lot. I didn't realize you could reject with a message and had no idea what even happened when you check the box for denying friend requests. Always a noob.
  19. I got home from work a few minutes ago and got 4 accounts in with 6 attempts (8:10pm SLT.) It was crowded and laggy, but after derendering everyone, I got heads for all to try.
  20. I wish there was a way to gently tell someone that you don't want to be friends. The other person is going to take it how ever they want. I tend to tell people that I usually log into SL to be alone. On the rare occasion that I am in a populated area, it means that I am feeling social at that moment. If that club is a place you go when you feel social, then let the person know that that is the place to meet and chat with you. Everyone uses the friend list differently. Some people just collect friends others want the list very small and meaningful. Mine is small and meaningful on my main account. When I don't even want that, I have alts with zero friends. It's easy with alts. I say "This is an alt that doesn't log in very often. I have no friends on this account."
  21. You can choose your house within the theme, though. You are not stuck with the house style that is on the parcel when you teleport in. Also, it may take some time and a few page refreshes to get the log home theme you have your eye on. Inventory appears to be a little low at the moment, but when the new theme is released "soonish," there will be a bunch of everything available. Good luck!
  22. Decision time is the worst! Maintaining just 1 house hopper means I have to choose between locations quite a bit.
  23. Yup, that's my new stilt hiding in there. I rolled a stilt a month ago that had what I THOUGHT I wanted - a little land and a little water, in fact it had navigable water on both the front and the back. It was okay. I approached the decorating by saying to myself that I got what I wanted now let's see what I can do with it. Then my 1 hopper rolled this. It took all of 20 seconds to decide I didn't really want that other one (return return return abandon). It didn't excite me at all and there was just so much sand. I don't like sand. Someone else can love it, but I had zero attachment. This, however, is exciting. It had amazing privacy already, but I added more tropical plants and some rocks to blend with the mole decorating that was already there. It is on the top of the world! No sand!!! I can see the sunset over the water right over the top of the other houses. Apparently this is what I wanted. I can't wait to decorate the inside. (checks L$ balance). Thanks to whoever decided that this was not what THEY wanted. I'm thrilled.
  24. Chalets will be the next theme released. They were shown at the Home and Garden expo or some other shopping event. No release date has been announced. When I first found these new homes (well after they were released - like when Vics were coming out) in my naiveite I thought I had the same chance as everyone else to get a great spot. As I played longer, I realized that wasn't the case. I have decided to change my thinking to pity for others. SL is full of all kinds of people and most of us accept the eccentricities. There are mental health issues, weird kinks I never knew of, disabilities of all kinds. You can find people with control issues, hoarding issues, and other mental health problem of their own to deal with. There are people that are home alone all the time. They don't work for whatever reason and sit at a computer all day living out fantasies. Some of these people have money to spend and time to waste. I work a full time job away from my house and nowhere near a computer. I have family, friends, and love to fill my time. I have a budgeted amount of money to spend on leisure inworld and very limited time to play. Yes, I am disappointed that my odds of getting a great place are virtually nothing and I will play for the throwaways when I have time. I have chosen to feel pity for those who have nothing else and need to have all the power to control what others will get, those that have nothing else to fill their time, or feel the need to hoard. It helps to change how you view others. I was angry for a while, but now I just feel sorry for those who feel the need to do this. I have no idea what their internals battles are, but I am grateful that their battles are not mine. Happy hunting everyone.
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