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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Those are nice jeans. I have been having issues with alphas lately, as well. Have you tried logging out and back in? Sometimes that will fix my issue. I don't have any experience with wearing a "V", so I have no idea if it is related to that.
  2. I'm so sorry you're living this @Persephone Emerald. That sounds frustrating and a bit like being trapped and unable to be your true self. Knowing you are not responsible for others doesn't make the feeling go away either. (((hugs)))
  3. I have no idea what the purpose of anyone else's life is, and I don't much care if anyone thinks some imaginary friend has a purpose for them that is a giant mystery that only the imaginary friend can know. It is funny how the purpose they think their friend has for them aligns so strongly with what they personally want. Life is only what you make it. The purpose of each of our lives is for each of us to find for ourselves. The instinct for survival is at the top of the list, then circumstances and motivation take over.
  4. It took me a long time to get into changing my windlights, but now I change them all the time depending on my mood and location. My SL is better for it. Happy Bday windlights!
  5. Okay, you brought up adult furniture and the Lab shutting down venues. You look like a young teen, in my opinion. It is not only the size/height of your avatar., but the cute look that you chose. It is cute. There are other places you can go where this look will be interpreted differently and others will have similar styles.
  6. It is about the region owner. They pay for the region, so they make the rules. If they think you look like a child and are worried about possible repercussions, then they can ask you to change or leave. Our opinions on the age of your avatar won't change anything and can't be used to argue with a region owner about your look and whether they allow you to go there.
  7. This isn't really a theme that speaks to me, but I wanted the challenge anyway. The extent of my knowledge of Japanese culture consists of Pokémon, Sushi and Hiyou Miyazaki movies, so this was always going to be weird for me. I decided landscapes and animals were safe (no tigers or pandas in Japan, though.) I won't be keeping this home, but it is in a nice place and feels roomy for a 512-parcel surrounded by 512 parcels. Hopefully no one is insulted by my lack of cultural knowledge in decorating. I do like how the bamboo herb ladder looks on the front porch. I love all the windows and the sunrise view over the void.
  8. We can follow people? People can follow us? I doubt I have any followers, but if I do, *waves*. I follow threads I've commented on automatically and sometimes I'll follow a thread because I'm interested in it, but I promptly uncheck allowing other to see that I follow a thread. If I have followers, do they expect me to follow back? How would I know? /me runs off to check her privacy settings
  9. Oooooohhhh, I've been waiting for pics of what people are doing with the inside of these Sakura homes. I love your decorating style @diamond Marchant. Clean, uncluttered, and roomy. I am decorating a temporary Benibara on a 512 parcel and need some inspiration to get started.
  10. So that's what happened to all the koi...
  11. I'm so glad I grew up before social media and cell phones, so none of my bad choices are eternally saved in some database somewhere.
  12. This challenge was a struggle for me. In order to be able to do this I had to recreate a time I felt spicy in RL. We all work out our issues in different ways. I am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to work stuff out physically. I get injured fairly regularly, but I always feel deliciously worn out when I get home. I am an adrenaline junkie at work. You, @Bagnu might use sex as that outlet. I don't need actual physical sex to get that feeling so many are addicted to, and I have no imagination to work with anyway. I just go to work, and I feel fantastically sexy, confident, and definitely spicy all by myself. I do not need someone else's approval. If you add one more scratch across the upper lip, you will have an idea of how I arrived home once. No one else would find the look sexy, but I did. I felt beautiful, strong, accomplished, and spicy. No costume needed, no lingerie in sight, very little skin showing and not looking to attract a partner. Sexiness is not only tied to sex and a partner's approval. It is a feeling inside each individual. Each individual has their own idea of what sexy is for themselves. I am not driven by a biological need to procreate with the biggest and strongest, so I don't need to attract them. If someone finds me sexy, great. That just adds to the feeling, but it never started anywhere but inside me. So, there it is. A spicy photo of "me" feeling exhausted, beautiful, sexy, and reveling in my body's ability to feel the aches and pains. Alive and enjoying each day for as long as I am able. Definitely sexy.
  13. I'm not Scylla, but I disagree. Many people only dress for themselves. To say we (general we) choose our styles only to attract someone else actually takes away our choice and autonomy. There are days I will dress up at home knowing I am not leaving the house at all. No one will be seeing me and I'm not doing it to fantasize about what someone else may think either. I dress up for me. Another example: I never get home from my RL job clean, put together and smelling nice. Never. I rarely even get home from work without new bruises and scratches. When others see me, I know they are not thinking, "Gee what a sexy woman." I can still feel pretty. I can still feel powerful. I can still feel strong. I can still feel sexy. If someone were to capture that look in a photo, I imagine, to me, that would feel sexy. Sexy is different to different people. Sexy to me is being comfortable and confident with yourself. Sexy has little to do with how strangers see you, but how you see yourself. Thank you for bringing out this response from me. I have the start of a photo idea for this thread.
  14. I'm having a negative people day, so bear with me. This is just a random vent. Peeves: People who assume negative intent instantly without ever questioning it. People who say (and may even believe) that respect has to be earned rather than extending common respect to others unless there is a reason to have lost it. People who do not give grace to other fellow humans, but expect it to be given to them. Dang it! People are my peeve today. *grumble grumble*
  15. /me zips up her jacket tightly and considers shopping for chest armor.
  16. I use "spicy" on a daily basis to describe aggressive cats, but this seems like a worthy challenge... I'm going to try to take a spicy photo. It may take a week or more, so no one should hold their breath. Wow! to all the photos so far.
  17. I spent the last 2 months or so focusing on my avatar appearance. New skin, clothes, makeup packs and jewelry I never really bothered with before. I even found some trendy and sexier clothes. Nothing too crazy, but different than my usual look. I changed over from appliers to BOM and just generally updated everything. I had fun. I will keep some of the new looks and outfits I created and maybe pull them out occasionally to wear, but I never got past the feeling of wearing a costume. So, back to comfy, wallflower Cinn. I did decide to keep one of my new skins for daily use and of course I am still addicted to hair shopping. I will probably put some of the new jewelry into rotation, as well.
  18. Found the original bikini in my inventory and I'm still usually wearing curly, red hair. 2010 and 2022 I am also now aware of layers and the order I need to put them on 😄
  19. And a quick meme for all who are the mother figure to anyone (or anything) else. I regularly receive father's day cards since I also fill that "traditional" roll in other's lives. Mother's Day is big enough for all who fill this role.
  20. Detail oriented, not psycho. 😄 back in the early days of my SL i could spend hours trying to edit a prim skirt to fit just right
  21. Peeve: There is not enough time in a day to do all the things I want to do. Curse the need to sleep occasionally! I'd much rather play.
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