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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Phones are still sorry little potatoes in terms of performance.
  2. The way weighting works is that the new position of the vertex is based on a weighted average transform of all the bones affecting it. if a bone has 10% influence and another 90%, the 90% bone will influence the vertex's new position the most, and the 10% the least. You'd think that would allow to create some sort of gravity effect, but in practice it doesn't really work. Also you can't have unweighted vertices, any and all vertices have to be weighted to at least one bone and at most four. Yes, to my knowedge you could use one of the extra bone sets (and the proper animations) to fake some sort of effect like that, do keep in mind that any of the supplementary bento bones you "recycle" like this can potentially conflict with other products.
  3. Turning listeners off is good practice in general, obviously it's not always feasible if you intent on receiving commands anytime/anywhere. But for things like receiving a menu selection from the user, you should close those after a couple minutes, there is no reason to keep them open.
  4. You and me both, I used to write dozens of custom functions for the smallest things in order to mimic some form of encapsulation. But not anymore
  5. The worst i've done for a demo was to have it detach after a few minutes. Is that what everyone is referring to? Self destruct demos seem massively obnoxious, please don't do that. What do you guys think about detach on teleport? Would that be more acceptable?
  6. Trying to lecture me isn't going to earn you any sympathy.
  7. I still love my cube prims because I don't have to fully commit to a design, which is usually the issue with a 100% mesh build. I now also made a set of special "mesh cubes" with various handy features that I used to build most of my school in SL. (colors are unique faces)
  8. Permissions are a very simple contract that you can break at any time and at no cost. If you don't want to give your permissions, don't join the experience.
  9. No problem, I shouldn't have been this abrupt.
  10. Avatar direction isn't precisely synchronised client -> server, the client typically will not update its rotation until it turned a few degrees (unless you are in mouselook).
  11. LSLForge is by far the best out there in my opinion, despite a few issues that are not the maintainer's fault.
  12. Well that was totally worth giving my infos to some shady company then >_<. And no I already had that issue before, and had to provide paperwork again.
  13. Step1: Re read the TOS and check that you are complying with it. Step2: Check that they don't own the parcel you are standing on. Step3: Tell them to frag off.
  14. Yeah, the age verification process required you to photo yourself with your passport or ID card if i recall. I've only done this on one account back then. (So what drives the 18+ tickbox now?) We had a child avatar visit Dead Realm yesterday, slightly akward but not a big deal, the region is mostly clean. I don't ban people preemptively, only if i catch them doing something they shouldn't.
  15. There is no "lag" bones in SL, so the only way is to fake it though animation. It can look allright but most likely won't be context sensitive.
  16. This is easily the most ignorant post i've seen on this forum in 2018. But thank you for using your first post to indicate everyone that nothing you have to say has any redeeming value.
  17. Yeah if you make trash lods, if you make prim equivalent lods you typically don't gain much.
  18. @Macrocosm DraegonneYou really need to stop obsessing over texture atlases. When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail, but still.
  19. I'd be curious to hear what are those "advantages" that OP claims turning prims into a mesh brings.
  20. Yeah as ChinRey said I personally have two colliders that i use for things that don't need precise collisions, a plain smooth box, and a single triangle (aptly named "***** collider")
  21. I'm surprised that SL doesn't re order vertexes on its own so congratulations for finding a solution.
  22. Splitting meshs into "logical" units usually brings more value for the customer, especially if your texturing/shadowing allows people to rearrange things. There is the issue of things lodding faster when smaller, but if you make your lods properly it should still look allright from a distance. In addition meshs can't be less than 0.5 LI so more parts means a little more LI potentially, but nothing unacceptable. I'd say single vs multiple mesh is a trivial concern in the face of what the typical problems are: bloated texture usage, heavy mesh density, and bad lod models for the sake of a lower LI.
  23. A while ago i made myself a little RLV toy that automatically blocks IMs from people who are in local chat range
  24. It will vary from software to software, but at the end of the pipe, the finished mesh, it's all about vertex normal orientation and edge splits.
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