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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. I still wish we had finer controls when it comes to managing venues. Something more gradual than "kick the person home" (which doesn't work if they have set home at the venue). And sadly there is no reliable ways for a script to scan for avatar/attachment complexity (it fluctuates wildly since it is based on client reports, thus using it as a tool to police a venue would be irresponsible).
  2. There is a lipstick slider in the skin parameters, ensure that it's set to 0
  3. I totally understand the issue I myself acquired all my 3D modeling education on 3dsmax. I did not find a real solution either and eventually forced myself to move to blender. I figured I'd share my story about that part >_>
  4. Stop pulling out strawman arguments, no one is talking about running SL on a venerable voodoo card, or to go back to the olden days of SL. You see those next generation games that where announced this year? How about we start by putting a hard cap to about THAT level, and we can then re-evaluate it up yearly if needed. Instead of weeping for the possible death of models that should never be in a 3D realtime application to begin with.
  5. Do you believe that in the real world, emission requirements are killing the automotive business and that we would be much better off with less of those pesky rules and regulations that ensure that we don't turn the environment we live in into a radiated wasteland? "What do you mean the smog is killing you? Don't breathe, it's that simple!"
  6. Viewers should hopefully update a lot faster than when mesh came out. Things are much different today than they used to be with Firestorm for what i understand.
  7. The thing is this is the internet, you'll always find someone who thinks it's too expensive, people haggle. It's it's 300$ they will argue it's worth no more than 150$ If it's 1$ they will argue it should be free.
  8. Then what the hell are they doing here instead of making MOVIES or 3D prints! I'm not claiming that I'd do any good at either of those domains, why are they claiming they are in mine
  9. And that's perfectly fine (it's how I run my little store), but that's still not a reason to allow them to exploit you for their own profit.
  10. Hell, the entire point behind Marvelous Designer is to automate creasing and draping That doesn't mean your work is done tho, it frees you time to make your low poly mesh better.
  11. Sure, game models are made by professionals, but it doesn't mean they are perfect either, they have time constraints and sometimes, they are just sloppy. But despite that, they always look better than anything we make here, and at a fraction of the rendering cost. Top picture is a dress + apron I made a while ago... And then we have the pixture below: (yes this is wireframe) If we get a complexity cap, this wouldn't be the death of detail, it would just mean people will have to try harder to get the details out. "Detail greeble" Is not a sign of skill, talent or quality, hell people in the game industry spend a ridiculous amount of time automating them: city generators, monster generation, hardware tesselation.
  12. As a sidenote on the opening topic, i'd like to point that I sincerely believe that the heavy and laggy content we are getting is conditioning current and future uses of SecondLife. There is a reason why other platforms seem just as successful with just a fraction of the SecondLife features, with the content we have, using SL to do anything but chat while sitting on dance poses is extremely difficult. As for the texture issue, i think ONE of the possible factors is that from a purely "creation" side of things, why would you pay 10L$ to upload a 32x32 when you can upload a 1024x1024 for the same price? I'm not sure how much this factors in but a lot of items I end up having to retexture after purchase just use 1024 after 1024 and I can't imagine that at no point they haven't realized it was completely overkill. I think it pushes also away creators who could push SL outside of this whole "retirement home activities" kind of deal. Which also pushes out users looking for a more "intense" experience. I don't know if SL will still be there in 10 years but i really hope we find some sort of solution to raise region health and framerate enough that creating play experiences and things that are not just avatar accessories will be more viable.
  13. Consider switching to alpha mask mode if you want sharper edges on your alpha. But you'll have to make sure that the edges of your diffuse/alpha are very clean.
  14. It's very simple. Take the hourly minimum wage. Multiply it by the number of hours worked on that job. (https://en.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/System/Project_Timer certainly helps) From this point, raise your price, until you feel that you aren't demeaning yourself anymore. Watch as most people end up turning you down because the reality was that they fully intended on exploiting you. Regardless of your expertise you shouldn't do a PAID job (not a favor!) for less than minimum wage imho.
  15. There is a very simple operation that you can use to both reduce polygon count and improve the look of your object when doing hard surface modeling (but this trick is not limited to it!) Lets take this model i've made. you can see that I have numerous beveled edges, however, if i want to achieve a rounded look, i'm going to need many intermediate steps to round it up. Or do I? Lets see how it looks if i set all the polygons to "smooth" shading. Oh no this looks terrible, it is pinching everywhere! surely I'm gonna have to add a lot more geometry or a normal map to make it look right! Wait how did you do this? What do you mean it's the exact same geometry? everything looks nice and crisp! This is the same model, 100% identical, the only difference is the orientation of the face corner normals. Lets turn on normal display and see what is different, and how to do it: As you can see on the unmodified model the normal direction (the little purple lines) are jutting directly away from each face corner. And as a result, the lighting of each face is "blended" into the next face. On our version of the model with edited normals, they are alligned with the flat surfacase they belong to, causing the "bevel" face to appear curved. This means that holes, cuts and beveled edges do not alter the surface lighting anymore without having to use "mark sharp" and getting a razor sharp edge as a result. How to do it You need to create a separate copy of your model and delete all the faces that are part of a bevel, so you only have the "flat" surfaces left. You then need to add a "DATA TRANSFER" Modifier to your object (the real one) And configure it to copy the face corner data "custom normals" from your edited object. And that's all there is to it NOTE: For this to work properly, you also should turn on "Auto Smooth @180°" in your object's mesh data tab (on both objects preferably)
  16. Understandable, just be mindful that the number one cause of laptop death is thermal overdose.
  17. I basically don't. Each mesh body has a pretty much unique topology & polygon density and to get the best possible fit your mesh has to match the source body properly or have a gross excess of polygons. And since I remove pretty much any polygon that isn't strictly necessary, the outfit is pretty much made for single body in the end, two sometimes, by chance.
  18. I'd love to be able to use sphere, cube and capsule colliders but yeah there is no way to define those in a collision mesh sadly. Sphere collider is so brutally efficient and rolls well too.
  19. Sometimes I don't know if you're being ironic or serious. Copyright extends past the life of its creator nowadays.
  20. Yeah I converted most of the foliages at home to alpha masking, looks good and it also doesn't glitch, which is a plus.
  21. Klaus, if you use the firestorm viewer, it comes with a builtin backup/export function that you can use to save prim and mesh builds (only the ones you 100% made) as .dae models which you can then import in blender and refine further. I strongly advice against building in prims only to "convert" to mesh. Unless you are going to clean the model within blender, converting prims directly to mesh only makes the object load more slowly while making it impossible to tweak inworld. But if all you want is to "begin" the modeling in SL as a prim mockup and then finish the item in blender, then go right ahead, there is no inherently "wrong" approach if it leads to a good, clean mesh at the end.
  22. *smirks* You couldn't control yourself didn't you. Other than that, it's pretty nice, but I'd argue that the entire center flat section could be massively reduced with no loss of detail. Just a few knife cut & edge dissolve so you don't lose that front draping.
  23. As much as I'd like that you'd NEVER see this ticked excepted on really *****ty freebies. It's not like we don't have materials and real time shadows.
  24. Individual objects can't be less that 0.01m in any of their dimensions
  25. It's kind of a balancing act sometimes. I've built a little shrine the other day for my home, and it's a mix of prims and mesh parts, can you tell which is which?
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