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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I got that ringtail from luskwood in the inventory when I first started 10 years ago. but whats funny as now I work for luskwood, we do not have that starter av lol. I wonder if I can get it placed out as a freebie. hm
  2. Yeah that's estate land, just double checked both of mine, the mainland says mainland and has the abandon button and the estate land is showing what their image says.
  3. Let me poke my nose in on this. I used Loudradio for years to dj in SL. but it was not cheap and I could only play what was in the genre that I payed for and had certain set of rules. just like a real radio station. but once prices went up, I bowed out. royalties are a pain in the ass.
  4. well if they can keep my email and vendors servers alive, then we are all good.
  5. Cindy, downtime wednesdays, then we'd be fighting the whole weekend to stay afloat and then couple days later rinse and repeate. it got better when they introduced heet but all that did was eliminate wednesday downtimes.
  6. Investigating - We are performing an unscheduled maintenance to our login systems. Residents may experience log in issues in world as well as secondlife.com. Please keep an eye on this blog for status updates. Sep 6, 17:33 PDT bolded and underlined. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  7. Investigating - We are performing an unscheduled maintenance to our login systems. Residents may experience log in issues in world as well as secondlife.com. Please keep an eye on this blog for status updates. Sep 6, 17:33 PDT bolded and underlined. kinda hard to schedule downtime you don't know that's going to happen. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  8. lil, it works, well the cv2 works, but there is only one viewer for it right now and I'm not sure they have kept up on it, but it did work, have my dk2 and cv1 working in sl ^^;
  9. Simple, LL can not do anything about whats posted in other places outside the scope of their SERVICE. facebook,skype and such are not in anyway connected or controlled by LL. there is nothing they can do, plain and simple
  10. I'm looking to purchase a set of Mesh fox ears with full permissions, I've not found a set on the marketplace that will be useable for a project, so guess I'm looking for custom ears.something like my current set. Please contact me here or in world, notecard in world is preferable. im's get capped often.
  11. There is live chat during business hours for premium members, not sure how to access it though.
  12. mmm I should put mine back on the market place if people really want such a thing, but got to have land controls or it's just going to warn them and do nothing if they do not.
  13. the avatar 2.0 is 500L$ and the kemono is I think the same price. there is a usable meshbody even supports appliers and such and has a wide range of clothing.
  14. Yeah let's just confuse more users, if they are still on XP. do you really really think they know what the OS really is or how to install it?
  15. LL, has to maintain real life information for transactions per the IRS and something else I'm spacing right now. They really do not have a choice on this, maybe if they issue their own gift cards, but at this point, I think that ship has personally sailed.
  16. if they hold the copyright or a license to make it for you then there will be no issue, but make sure the person who wants to make it for you has legal permission form the copyright holder to do so first. would suck to have it vanish one day because the owner of the copyright/ip filed a dcma and it no longer exists.
  17. *will insert image here later on tonight* CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3300 MHz) Memory: 32680 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 15063) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 SL can never seem to understand that I'm not at stock clock. I'm at 4.5ghz and water cooled.
  18. I talked to tier 3 support (real people yay) and they told me for now that the mail.yahoo.com will still let us login to our email and when time comes, they have a solution in the works.
  19. okay, logged back in with the correct account now lol.
  20. let me poke that page with another alt real quick
  21. reset modem and router. sounds like it's not releasing and not letting you log back in.
  22. Run malwarebytes on your system. get it at malwarebytes.org run a system scan and let it get cleaned. sounds like you got a nasty as, this is not happening for me when I do the process. I tend to test things before posting just to make sure somethings not a miss ^^
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