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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. On the day of the event, be sure to first login to Second Life and then use this link to teleport to the venue. The venue opens early at 3:30 p.m. (SLT/Pacific), so get there early as seating is extremely limited! Can’t get into the event? No problem! If you miss the first live streaming event, then try again for repeat showings hourly through 9 p.m. (SLT/Pacific). That's all way after midnight for me, so too bad as I was interested. I will have to read the reviews I guess. Oh well.
  2. 'can you repair my iPad, someone has deleted the internet'
  3. I'll be to the gym for some proper workout. I would love to go see my dad, but I doubt it will be safe enough by then already.
  4. It depends on your own search history I suppose. I search for Second Life and #Secondlife daily on Twitter and while I do see the occasional 'adult' furry, most of the tweets I get to see are posts from fashion bloggers, destinations and stores. I just did a search to check using your link, and I had to scroll 4 screens to get a furry - in both the 'top' and 'latest' filter.
  5. Trailer for Stömol, a feature-length sci-fi machinima filmed in Second Life® by Huckleberry Hax. Stömol will be released in Summer 2020!
  6. Most companies won't allow you to install games on company hardware, and Second Life will be considered a game (at least it was in my job). It is an IT departments nightmare. I work from home all days and do meetings and contacts with clients via Skype and Whatsapp and while I love Second Life, I would not consider using it for professional use at all.
  7. Plurk is still a thing, I use it mainly for getting updates on events and blogs. Flickr is a large one, and besides Facebook and Twitter there is also Instagram.
  8. Oh I hate it when my alts are ghosting me!
  9. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DyDfgMOUjCI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. The creator of Drune deleted her sim a few days ago. It was an art project, temporarily available. She moved on, as she always does with her sims, it had nothing to do with money and she didn't want it to stay or hand it over to someone else. I'm sure she is already working on something new, and I am looking forward to it!
  11. Yeah, I am excited! I think it is cool they got Linda and Arnold, aged and all - Linda rocks, girlpower!
  12. Ah yes. We Dutch use a lot of English swearwords. Probably because the Dutch ones are typically made of all kinds of terrible deadly diseases and various illnesses, which are really aweful and ppl tend to to use them less often (in public..). So the English ones 'feel' less bad and we are used to them. Also, it's what we hear on TV and in songs, so it's not uncommon.
  13. I am always in favour of using royalty free music etc. . so err yes, that I covered in my article explaining the pros and cons. including links.
  14. Tonight I logged in after an 8 days hiatus. I had to take some time offline due to a back-injury making it impossible to sit comfy for more than 30 mins and those 30 mins sitting in front of my pc/laptop I had, I needed for rl work. Simple choice, after all...my rl work pays for my SL fun. Anyway, I logged in and found some messages that had not reached my email - don't know why - and it made me happy. SL friends asking where I was, telling me they missed my inworld presence and hoping I was doing well. I read those notecards while my avatar didnt load, I was a pair of eyes and hair floating about and my home would not rezz, except for the floor and the bath tub. But oh well, I didn't mind. I was too busy answering friends and their questions and pfff, as if they cared to only see my shoes? Things inworld go as they do, I cannot be bothered to log into a partially rezzed home and only see my eyes, while getting friendly greetings and lovely messages from friends. Moments of happiness of returning and finding out ppl have actually noticed your absence. <3. Oh and the rest of me will rezz soon. Or not. I do not care as long as I have friends out there to talk to.
  15. In 2015 I wrote an article for SL Blogger Support, about why the use of machinima/video/blogs would be good for getting their stuff known. Including some tips on the use of music in your videos. The reason I post it here is, I see many SL Machinima, using popular tunes. That is not a problem, you are not stealing music if you do, but be aware you are limiting your audience. Videos using copy-righted music will not play on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) and are in some countries completely unavailable. My article is still valid and if you think you can't make videos in SL, you are wrong :P. Even though I am talking to bloggers in the blogpost, it is information for everyone who loves to document their SL! You don't need to be a blogger or Vlogger to create awesome machinima! Do it! https://slbloggersupport.com/2015/06/21/machinima-how-about-adding-some-life-to-your-blog/ Also, this:
  16. A video I made while having a blast during the Fantasy Faire 2017, one of the best parties: impromptu Gangnam Style !
  17. It looks like a photoshopped version of Tableau Vivant hair - Ive never seen hair inworld that falls so nicely on a shoulder as in OP's post. I could be this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tableau-Vivant-Vlodovic-hair-Equinox-male/5558673
  18. So, ok, this does not make sense.
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