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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Finished decorating the garden of my Ranch, so much space to play with! To show the bees, chickens, birds and butterflies, I made a video:
  2. I don't even drop in once a week , but perhaps once per month. Or quarter even. I used to be quite active on the forum and have had a lot of fun and hilarious times, but I don't see that happening again anymore.
  3. I have forbidden my alt(s) to use the forum. If I ever find out they do, there will be consequences. 😡
  4. Ooh thank you ! So happy you liked it! Most of the main characters are in their own avatar. Except Belletristix, his avatar (with custom made shape just how Huck had in mind) was designed by Dizi Bee, she did an awesome job. And she made one for her own part too.
  5. Indeed. For our last movie, we asked a friend, a shape-maker and stylist, to create complete avatars for us. She made the shapes and handed us the notecards with everything we needed to buy - including landmarks. Brilliant and a huge timesaver for us.
  6. In SL: 'You look amazing. Have you tried wearing human ears? You would look more realistic! ' Yeah, no. I don't need to look 'more realistic', thank you. In RL: any compliment followed by '...for your age' makes me cringe.
  7. Yes, it surprised me too. I have this issue occasionally with YouTube or other sites with media, never had it in Second Life though. I got the message in local chat, from the HUD and it is also explained in a sign at the venue.
  8. Oh, it looks wonderful and I was really excited about it! The music is played via an automatically attached HUD (no problem there) and then after waiting and waiting and much silence I got the disheartening message that due to licencing this stream is not available in my country.
  9. I guess it's the same as why people pay for extras in Candy Crush or games like that. You don't win stuff in those games either.
  10. It was also announced via the inworld Shop and Hop group, a note with LM by Strawberry Linden.
  11. Skell is active on Twitter, with great pics and tips!
  12. * That generalization when it comes to cultures and other countries is (still) a thing. The moment I mention, or when ppl care to check my profile and discover, I am from The Netherlands, it is assumed I do drugs daily (because apparently legal?!) and I know my way around Amsterdam and the Red Light District,ergo I must be *in* for some adult action, because: Dutch. * That there are many kinks and fetishes I had never heard about before I got in SL and by now, 14 years later, I am not even surprised anymore. Live and let live! and this one, though I would say "a lot of Americans, very often expect...."
  13. https://youtu.be/auMx1D3cWo4 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V0PisGe66mY" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. I was 7 yo orso when I learned there was a Santa! In The Netherlands we celebrate St NIcholas on 5 december, he does the presents etc. Christmas has never been about presents and Santa was a character from the movies. (still is for me)
  15. As a non-USA resident I really do not mind these blogs. While it is not an election for my country, I do hope every American will vote. Also, the blog links to an Inworld location about voting/elections, so there is the connection with SL and the US elections. I find the whole process of the USA election interesting and I follow it, even the debates (okay, those I watch over breakfast because they are way too late at night for me). The concept of registering to vote is not one I know, overhere (The Netherlands) we get our ballots and info delivered at our known address as registered by the city/town/village you reside in. Automatically from when you are 18 - so basically we are all always registered to vote anyway.
  16. Everything. For one, Van Halen inspired many hairstyles for men in SL. And male appearance in general. For two, welcome to Second Life. Do you blink often, Belinda?
  17. Friday night was the concluding night of the 2020 SUPERNOVA Digital Film Festival, and to see it out a live awards event was held on Zoom. SUPERNOVA is the first film festival Huckleberry Hax ever entered and he was delighted to hear, back in August, that STÖMOL had been selected for the main competition programme. We never expected it to win an award, but last night it took second place in this contest. Wow. https://huckleberryhax.wordpress.com/2020/09/26/stomol-takes-second-place-at-supernova-film-festival/
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