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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. I've always found Linden Realms when you don't have griefers cheats and blockers to contend with a convenient way to earn L$ you can dedicate as much or as little time as you want to the experience and as long as you have the minimum required crystals to cash out you'll always have a crystal balance to call on when you need it
  2. Don't worry i got the same typed in the exact title i'd put for my location (that is shown in search) nothing showed up typed in my region my location is in nothing showed up then typed in the group that owns the parcel i rent and no results out of those shown in search for the group came up on the first page out of the group owned parcels that come up for me in "my places"
  3. As a user of a modest facelight over the past 8+ years i've never known such things to have an effect on lag some times i see people going around with blindingly bright facelights who probably don't know how bright they are and they make no difference to lag
  4. closest i got was at a former free land sim on the mainland while it was active it was virtually squatting anyway but when the guy running the sims mysteriously quit SL everyone grabbed all the prims they could and rezzed homes to live in until it was taken over by Governor Linden and sold off.
  5. Agree on this i've seen creators even put on their listings stuff like "any problems with purchasing nothing to do with me contact LL" or "i'm a very busy important person notecards will not be responded to if i don't think it's important" basically once they've taken your money they don't want anything to do with you
  6. It's a feature that's been borked for months i think it got fixed and broke again and it was going to be fixed in up coming viewer releases at the moment it's still broken
  7. if my experience of people using worn crashers and laggers is anything to go by keeping a low complexity limit won't help you mines limited to 80k i find anyone using such devices has effected me before they've had a chance to become a jelly doll At SL14B i found the best thing to do was to set a low draw distance around 32 that way i never got logged due to any extreme lag or random Firestorm crashes
  8. If you are starting out you don't need anything fancy to get selling. for my poses i have pose stands rezzed for each pose collection for the purposes of demoing what you will get then a simple 1 prim wall display to buy from with a preview of all the poses in the pose stand or pack i also use vendor pose stands so people can try out and buy an individual pose you may also want a subscribe-o-matic so people can stay updated. anything you need to set up your inworld location can be bought on the marketplace if you want an idea of what you'll have to spend
  9. Must admit i was exactly like that went there the first time grabbed all the freebies i could find been back since for certain stores and bought something from the only store that i couldn't see a freebie on offer
  10. When you have to resist the urge to refer to throwing stuff out in RL as "deleting" and to tell someone moaning something's not working to "delete it and rezz a new one"
  11. Will have to make sure i check this out before it's over
  12. These pics represent what i typically wear the only consistent thing is the pink usually short hair, looks like SL me is as much of a magpie for anything glittery sparkly and metallic as RL me
  13. Had the same problem earlier when i wanted to test something tried beta about an hour ago and was able to log in to some sandbox or aother to find out what i wanted to test i'd saved in the wrong format
  14. It is possible to make L$ through in world activities if you don't have your own personal cash cow/pig pig to bank roll your slxistanct i've known many a person over the years who openly point blank refuse to put a single penny in to SL if you can build up a nice reserve of L$ and make good money every week just through in world stuff you can have a comfortable SL existance with a modest parcel of land beautiful home furniture well stocked wardrobe and the latest mesh body parts and what ever else takes your fancy
  15. If you really like the shoes you might want to try out some anklets https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=anklet they might mask the gape or at least make it less obvious, if they aren't rigged you could move them up your leg see what difference that makes
  16. can totally relate to that where i come from there are quite a few Linden associations ranging from big developments of Linden Homes to blocks of flats and health care centres baring the "Linden" name shortly before last names got replaced by usernames i did notice some of the last names were of RL places in the area where i'm from with a Linden connection
  17. My first profile pic from 2008 i remember spending ages pressing one of the F numbers just so i could get that part of the animation for my pic
  18. If you mean start the "quest's" again you can't do that but you can do as many including myself do and go round the different sims of each realm collecting and cashing out as many crystals as you like if you want to do the quests over again get yourself an alt to do it If your crystal balance isn't showing you can right click the hud find texture refresh and it should refresh your balance if the hud isn't coming up to save you tp-ing back to the portal park there's a tree on the right as you first land run up that jump at the top and it will act like you've just landed and load your hud
  19. I would have thought fashionistas spend more, with the exception of rent on my modest mainland plot any money i spend is almost always on bits for my av like hair clothes and shoes
  20. According to my reputation activity it's based on post likes i've given and received
  21. I have a few Alts one of them is currently a Tree and was previously a Giraffe the others are human
  22. From a part of England that's so good Billy Bragg wrote a song about it
  23. Oh for inworld profile i would suggest going to your web my.secondlife.com profile click edit profile click profile picture where you can choose a file to upload this avoids the L$10 fee to save a snapshot to your inventory to upload to your profile inworld
  24. Forum profile? Click your name at the top of the page click profile where your pic should be click the image icon you then get the option to upload a pic from URL or you can choose a file to upload click save and you should then have a forum profile pic
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