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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. You need to hold a premium count for 45 consecutive days in order to get the L$1,000 bonus you should get your weekly L$300 every tuseday if i've remember correctly
  2. If you really want to be unique maybe you could try creating your own clothes or commissioning designers to make bespoke pieces just for you or you could go all retro with clothing layers i'm sure there's still some great clothing layer stuff around
  3. Akeyo do some nice female AO's i'm curently using the Giana Wild one there might be the odd fancy show off walk, run or animaion amongst the AO's in store but they are easily deleteable from the Akeyo AO hud
  4. The official advice if you are being pushed around is to sit even movelock will work there are certain places i will always put movelock on when i afk as i know there are certain people that will push me around either physically or with a tool, sometimes when i'm coming off afk it's fun to watch these jerks trying to push me around and failing
  5. Of the available Android viewers i've only tried Mobile Grid Client - free to download has a free trial period after which you must pay continually to use the viewer if all you want to do is IM people it's pretty good and Lumiya which i feel is a much better Android viewer there is a one off fee but you can get it 'free' by downloading the google rewards app and earning playstore credit via surveys it does have a graphical view but you can use it for just IM's if you don't select the 3D view for what it does it's been very reliable on my Jellybeans version of Android
  6. Since it hasn't been mentioned, open up task manager go to processes and check to show processes from all users and sort by CPU it's likely something called scvhost.exe is using up a lot of CPU the part of that process using up all the processor is windows update if you go to services select it right click and stop it processor usage will go right down also if you use Chrome browser open up the Chrome task manager and end the process of any tabs you don't need active whilst using SL things like Twitter, Faceache, Tumblr and Yahoo can use 50%+ processor and/or a significant amout of ram
  7. I wasn't even aware there was any free hair at the hair fair, i checked out the exhibitors on the blog grabbed demo's inworld of what took my fancy when the fair was still on didn't buy anything as the hair either didn't look nice on me or didn't come in my colour
  8. I think ghosting is making a comeback around 7 years after i last experienced it, yesterday or the day before i saw someone who for ages was in the same spot stuck in running mode was able to run right through them just like the good old days of being ghosted i seem to remember doing that with my alt specially created with the surname "Ghost" and it would always get me un-ghosted as it was quicker to try that first than wait for a response from a support ticket
  9. If your system runs windows 10 you may run in to some issues it's a known problem and there a fix for it http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit
  10. Just because you believe you didn't harass anyone doesn't mean your actions or tone weren't seen as harassing by the reportee, i've been the victim of harassment which i've so far resisted ARing the perpetrator, they use local chat, IM, group chat spying/remote stalkinng, camming claiming to be making (with out my consent) youtube videos of me all to try and prove that they think i'm doing something i'm not because they refuse to accept that how able i am to spend my time in SL with RL and health issues getting in the way at times is actually how i spend my time in SL you may well have unwittingly done these actions maybe not to prove a point it's not impossible that someone has hacked you and done this and your account is getting in trouble
  11. I do believe there are some mentally unstable people in SL given the way they conduct themselves the majority of people i've met and know have been nice decent people however i do know someone who has developed an unhealthy obsession with me and regularly flouts section 6 of ToS towards me because they have a problem with how i'm able to carry out my SL
  12. Lumiya user too i haven't had problems with it crashing i use it on a tablet running Jellybeans Android i tend to limit my use of the 3D view if i don't need me or my alt to do anything inworld mainly use it if i need to transfer money from my alt if i'm logged in or use it to check my inventory if i think i'm having issues
  13. I do use the outfit feature if i'm making a significant change to myself so i can find what i've previously worn if needed some things i have with out being able to remember the specific name i might not find again as they're not labled trousers dress jacket etc. wich i'd search inventory for so it helps that i may have outfitted them
  14. If you've got a Linden home and you're happy with the size style and location but not having enough prims is a problem look at the items you have rezzed and check their prim/land impact amount it may be you could be using something with lower prims/land impact instead there are stores that will sell you a complete lounge set (sofa/chair/tables/rug) or bed set (bed/rug/tables) crafted out something that only occupies a single prim or you can buy separate items with low prim/land impact Your other option is to trade in your linden home and buy some mainland as soon as you do that you have to factor in the size and prims/land impact of the building you want to use, if you buy more hat 512sqm you will have to pay extra monthy fees the more land you own even for a second in a month the higher your monthly tier fees
  15. Total 61059  Body: classic av modified Hair: Elekatira/[e] Pretend Dress: ALB Jenna Necklace LOJ Boots: Bax regency
  16. You should definitely report each and every incidence of griefing or crashing be prepared for no action to be taken especially if your report is vague, i go to places where in certain sims (which i avoid) griefing and crashing are rife and those moaning about the trouble makers say they've AR'd yet these griefers and crashers are still able to log in every day and cause trouble. best you can do is find somewhere else to hang out away from the trouble
  17. once a group is gone it's gone the only way to secure existance is to have an alt join the group straight away if you don't have one create a new account
  18. The only places i can think of off the top of my head that are G rated are the sims of Idu and Hanja they're part of a linden welcome centre from time to time i'll see under 18's trying to get in to Jieut a mature (moderate) sim where i rent that borders Idu
  19. Assuming you run windows you may want to open up task manager go in to processes and select show processes from all users and sort by cpu iyou may find a process called svchost.exe right at the top for CPU consumption this process if you right click it and select go to service(s) is responsible for a lot of parts of Windows including microsoft update which may be the cause for scvhost.exe using up so much CPU if it's fetching and downloading microsoft updates SL alone is unlikely to consume 100% CPU but not impossible
  20. Pettycoat wrote: How much longer will I be unable to log in for now? How long is a piece of string?
  21. Lucierda Solari wrote: How long does this kind of maintenance usually take? Who know,s this kind of maintenance could take minutes or hours
  22. Thought i was going mad too, went to check my dash and saw the unscheduled maintenence hope it doesn't go on too long
  23. You're not on windows 10 with Intel graphics are you? if so you should check out this page http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit
  24. You may wish to get yourself a cheapy Android device if you ned mobile access where you'll get to pick between three viewers text based and graphical
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