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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Unfortunately Pocket Metaverse seems to have been the only iphone/ipad viewer available if your are willing to go down the android route you have a few viewers to choose from: LittleSight Mobile Grid Client Lumiya i have personally used Mobile Grid Client (text based viewer) and Lumiya (graphical viewer) my pick of the two is Lumiya for the features and one off fee (compared to MGC's re-occurring fees) that can potentially be free using play store credit built up using the google rewards app
  2. check out this page from Firestorm http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit basically intel don't fully support graphics for windows 10 on some models but there is a work around to get FS to work
  3. maybe you need to look at how many prims your furniture is using and see if you can get anything with fewer prims there is a store (primpossible) that sells some really awesome funiture items crafted to occupy a single prim well the sculpted stuff at least is a single prim combined with low land impact buildings i can use my 1024sqm mainland rental for business and have a semi private skybox with prims to spare
  4. That bright light is a graphics crasher the smarter griefers will make this crasher invisible so you don't see it and still get crashed or they will use a lagger instead. i've been told you should block and derender the suspected crasher/lagger maybe i've been derendering the wrong people it doesn't help much
  5. There used to be a group that had three and a half mainland sims of free land for 2 weeks use between cleans there was always a mad scramble once the land got opened up after the clean to claim prims and building space in the last 5 or 6 years i've not heard of anything similar if you are lucky you might find land where the owner hasn't bothered setting up auto return if they have any sense they'd at least put auto return on to prevent people freeloading on land they pay for if you want long term space for a skybox there are plenty of private rental estates and mainland estate parcels to rent
  6. If you do want to run on a mobile or tablet device your only option is to go Android get yourself a cheapy tablet there is a viewer (lumiya) that will give you a 3D view of the world while the other two are text based ultimately not free lumiya has a one off fee to download mobile grid client has on going fees after the trial period if you want to continue using it
  7. You can't just click something and a goup will be deleted if you are the group owner remove everyone from the group then set it so no one can join in 24 - 48 hours or so with only you left the group will be dissolved which effectively delete's the group
  8. If your machine has intel graphics especially HD 2000 or HD 3000 you may want to hold off though there is a work around for windows 10 http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit
  9. If you need to unpack some boxes Linden roads often have rezz zones one i use when i need to is at Cheju if you need to build there are plenty of sandboxes
  10. One way to go about it is to while in world click the camera/snapshot icon to take a pic and choose save to disk this will avoid a L$10 fee to save to your inventory then go on to the web to your my.secondlife.com page go to your feed click edit profile you will be given an option to upload a profile pic simply choose the image you want from your computer and it will be added to your profile
  11. In addition to the great answers already posted if your alienware is a laptop you should invest in a cooling pad often they are nothing more than a plastic surface with feet with a large fan in or three small fans that connects to your usb these fans keep your laptop cool. sometimes they might just be a riser that gives space for air flow under your laptop or a chill mat that that absorbs the heat
  12. Of the available viewers Lumiya is by far the best there is a one off fee (if you use the google rewards app you can use the play store credit you earn from it to get it "free") and worth it for the features it packs in i've tried mobile grid client but the on going monthly fees after the demo period for a text based viewer weren't worth it for my needs. i don't log in very often with an an android viewer except to transfer money from my alt to avoid re-logging
  13. What problems are you having with the second life viewer? your question is too vague
  14. Your computer doesn't have Intel HD graphics does it? if so you should follow the Intel fix advice from the FS website http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit
  15. What i think is happening is you are going somewhere where another user has a graphics crasher attached to them some times they are very obvious and a huge complex mesh object that causes a white glow on your SL view or rainbow colours other times you wont see this huge complex mesh object unless you turn on highlight transparent mode ctrl + alt + t where your SL view will be completely red if there is a crasher/lagger in use if you can you should try and blacklist the crasher object or at the lest AR the person you think is using the crasher ASAP i have been affected by graphics crashers in Linden Realms the thing to do aside from AR is block and blacklist the users using them some times people like this will use something i found out through higlight transparent and object inspection is called Lag do Inferno instead it's like a graphics crasher but causes you to get lagged to the point you are logged out because SL thinks the sim is experiencing problems i now avoid areas where i know these low lifes will be operating
  16. Pussycat Catnap wrote: For a HUD, I use the one from Akeyo because it does dances also, and will allow for multiple animations for every animation-type. The common ZHAO only allows for one animation for several categories, and I rather like having a random one of my animations fire off when I do something. Fellow Akeyo user here too easiest AO to set up if you aren't buying animations from Akeyo just drag and drop your animations in to the contents in edit mode and it does all the hard work problem i have had with Akeyo and using the same AO for years (old HUD) is i found the set up side simply became unresponsive i couldn't change my run when i tried to try a different one nothing on the set up side did anything ended up having to buy a new AO (which i had planned to anyway) once mine kept getting script errors and breaking opted for the giana wild over getting the kimchan (which i got as a gift) again i don't think the animations flow as well
  17. if your HUD isn't showing up quests it means you have completed all the available quests. Don't waste your time only searching for green and blue crystals they are few and far between they rezz infrequently you wont earn a lot of L$ on just those alone and it really annoys the other users of the realms if you are blocking crystals of other colours from rezzing just so you can get these crystals there are tons of red, yellow and orange crystals through out every realm they will net you more L$ in one realm session than you could ever get from just blues and greens. if you don't know where the cash out for the red, yellow and orange is it's in a building in the same sim as the one you land in when you enter one of the various realms you will see it on the map Just so you know, 50 red crystals nets you L$1 50 yellow crystals nets you L$2 50 orange crystals nets you L$5 1 green crystal nets you L$1 1 blue crystal nets you L$2
  18. When writing an abuse report you need to use the most appropriate category and be as detailed as possible with dates and times and what is happening. The abuse report system does work i can't take all the credit but i have successfully used the system to help get a griefer "banned" from SL if this abuse is happening on land you have access to banning people on do it and also ask your neighbours to do the same
  19. First off make sure you have music and media enabled you can do this via the volume control next to music and media icons secondly make sure you have flash for opera and chromium installed third make sure you have a CEF compatiable TV i know for a fact VEA tv's work with the latest firestorm as i recently got an upgrade for my out of date one
  20. have you tried asking the creator of the stuff on the poster they might be modelling what they created or can ask the model they used where the hair is from
  21. LL never tell you the outcome of abuse reports they just acknowledge you've sent one at best based on log-in's you can deduce the resident may have had a ban
  22. And this is why i never give L$ to anyone except my alt, when ever i see someone begging for L$ they don't need in IM's it always seems to be for L$1080 to pay rent and they'll pay it back the next day i don't think they actually need it as any decent landlord will give you some days grace to pay up before turfing you out they're just chancing their luck
  23. I've been getting this too, I'm pretty certain this has happened before annoying but you have to put up with it for the time being
  24. As part of the premium fee you can have a Linden home or buy up to 512sqm of mainland for a one off payment with out incurring any additional monthly fees if you no longer require your linden home you can give it up and buy up to 512sqm of mainland if you want to bump it up to 1024sqm 2048sqm etc. you have to pay additional appropriate tier every month and you are billed for the maximum amount of land you owned in a given month so in a month if you had 2048sqm of land and you doubbled it to 4096sqm then changed your mind 30 seconds later and reverted back you'd get billed for owning 4096sqm that month
  25. Miyokichi wrote: Is there no way to backup your inventory in some way? Not really, you could put all copiable stuff in to a box(es) and have that rezzed in world or just kept in inventory occasionally when you purge something from your trash it boomerangs back in to your trash
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