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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. if you mean outworld map as in copy/paste http://slurl.com/secondlife/vardimorg/128/120/0 in to a new browser window you get the map and click to TP comes up it's working perfectly fine it shows up PG Mature & Adult lands
  2. when shopping inworld you should look out for vendors with buy as gift as an option Hippo & Ab vendors come with this option or stores may have their own buy as gift system the marketplace is an excellent option for gifting but it doesn't seem to support any new account which will have the resident last name
  3. Aglaupe Greggan wrote: 1. Is my sim owner acting right when he change the Covenant after I paid a month of tier? 2. Is correct dont allow to run scripts in a rented land? 3. The land owner (me... ) dont have any right about to run scripts in his own land? Tks guys 1. the sim owner on a private estate can change the covenant at any time and they don't have to warn you 2. if the estate owner really wants to disable scripts to everyone they can but they should really allow their renters and anyone else in the group for their estate to run scripts 3. getting land from an estate you don't really own the land the estate owner can put restrictions like no pushing or no terraforming that you can't change in the about land section little tip i know works on the mainland and should on a private estate or sim fly up to about 140m your scripts will magically start working
  4. i remember exactly such a thing it was advertised a lot on xstreet but i can't for the life of me remember what it was called i did go to the sim as far as i remember it was either L$3000 or something insanely expensive like L$50,000 to get it done
  5. June you can use either a passport or driving license and the form will accept it if not manual verification by sending the appropriate support ticket along with scanned or photographed copies of your passport or driving license along with something with your address on will do you can black out parts of your documents as long as proof of age and address show
  6. ultimately there is nothing you can do to stop someone copybotting or pirating stuff if someone wants to bot something they will go out of their way to do it. not creating anything is probably the only way to not get botted but if no one is creating it's not going to help the grid
  7. if your not using viewer 2 you can right click and select take on the pie menu or instead of take click more then delete this will send your item to trash which you can then purge which is ok for copy items no copy you might want to take
  8. even though the phantom feature in emerald is very handy something such as multi tools like mysti-tool (even the free version) will have have phantom devices you can rezz and make yourself phantom
  9. i don't see the problem with shoe sounds i used to wear a device that had the shoe sound on all the time not ideal if your wearing trainers i stopped wearing it and just use the sounds that come inbuilt in to shoes if they have them and make sure the sound is not too loud most of the time i don't even notice it because i don't have sound on but walking all the time with it on could be annoying to people. if there was a more realistic sound that reacted to tarmac gravel grass sand etc and used the appropriate sound i'm sure that would be more acceptable to the whole of SL
  10. as hippie said you are ghosted this happens when the system doesn't fully log you out of the region you were in it can be a right pain the best option is to do a support ticket or live chat if you have an alt or a friend that can help you out you can try these to tricks that have helped me 1. pay your ghosted av L$1+ it is believed this can kick you off the server or 2. which i have found workable is to spam your ghosted av till you show offline then you can log in again but do it quick or you might end up back as a ghost and have to spam yourself again if neither of these make a difference sending a support ticket will always get you out of a ghosting situation as a serial ghostee i have noticed someone that gets ghosted a fair bit will get their ghosted presence removed faster than a first time ghost
  11. i've never understood the hype over Mac's its getting on 10years since i last ventured near a Mac wasn't a pleasant experience. theres not much i do to keep my xp system running ok regular anti-virus scans the one i use does automatic idle time full system scans and quick scans so i don't have to bother tell it to, daily disk clean to free up some space, weekly spyware clean & Malware clean (malwarebytes anti-malware is good) and occasional disk defrag and back-up to external hdd and/or deletion of un-needed files always do a virus scan on new downloads i've seen some recommendations of comodo all it did was infect my machine witth viruses
  12. if alternative viewers aren't making a difference (i hear kirsten's viewer is good graphically for poorer systems) and you have say a laptop where changing the graphics card is very difficult unless you are a professional computer repairer stocking up on extra ram is always worth a try it's cheap and easy to get at when you go to install it plus it's always beneficial to have unfortunately loads of people myself included are reporting problems with sl ever since the emergency server updates at the beginning of the month so if sl was working fine for you till then that is a strong cause
  13. Glenn what you might want to try is removing any scripted attachments i've been experiencing a similar problem i saw it as an odd type of lag because my sl experience up till a couple of weeks sl worked perfectly i tried everything that was suggested to me every time i thought i'd found out what the problem was that turned out not to be the problem finally i decided to remove my favorite scripted attachment plus accompanying hud which i believe may be the cause of other un-related usage issues and i noticed a big improvement in the SL service not constantly freezing all the time now and have a large degree of normality back Edit: i did try creating a jira for my issue http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-3813 that jira site is so difficult to use i don't think i did it right but i was pointed in the direction of this pjira http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3895 which seems more appropriate
  14. if it's rental land simply stop paying the rent if you are paying direct to LL in the about land window general tab is a button that says abandon land if the tier is not yet due set the land for sale someone may buy it the day before tier is due you can go back and abandon it
  15. i know the question is answered but you may want to upgrade your graphics drivers i tried upgrading mine went in to sl turned on VBO and got bombarded with those 'strange shapes' you mention which i never got before with this turned on i've turned it off and it makes a huge difference i get the feeling what i thought was an upgrade might've been a downgrade
  16. Mysti-tool free version has a selection of facial animations which ever animation selected permanent till you choose another animation or tell it to stop the free Bright AO has facial anims included but they only last a few seconds at a time which may not be long enough i have been to a couple of stores that give away free random smiler huds they don't need you to click something every time you want an anim
  17. you can buy stalking huds that send out drones to follow you across the grid for the hud owner to do that they need rezzing rights and to be in the same sim during the initial stalk process then they can control the drone from the hud to talk to you until they stop the stalk or you log off i believe they stop working on re-log can't be certain as i haven't used one but seen them listed on xstreet
  18. i reckon you have a sneezing gesture active i think onr comes as standard with sl if you deactivate it that might cure your problem
  19. what you can do that doesn't appear to be mentioned is right click the tree somewhere near the base is best then click more on the pie menu and select delete this works for virtually everything else as long as you own it or it's been set or deeded to group i would be surprized if this didn't work for the tree too
  20. slurls do work in third party viewers i use Emerald to open slurls it may take a minute or two and a couple of clicks on the teleport now link but they do work even if the little warning pop-up says it'll open up snowglobe
  21. as others have said Emerald is perfectly legal if it wasn't LL wouldn't put it on their list of good third party viewers and it would have been banned a long time ago i think this resident merchant or whoever may have thought Emerald to be bad because the copy bot viewers like Cryolife are made using a modified version of Emerald code or so i read on the modular systems website but on a plus the Emerald viewer will highlight any resident using viewers with copy bot capabilities unless the person was using Emerald he/she wouldn't know you were using the viewer unless you have been using the particle effect you get when you select an object (you can turn it off in preferences) or you used a rezzing enhancer that announced what it was in chat
  22. RL stores don't charge you to try on clothes or to demo or get a sample of something so i don't see why SL sellers should the transaction history shows up all L$0 sales as does xstreet and you can buy vendors that IM you every time a L$0 items is sold i'm hardly likely to send a demo as a gift i'm guessing the idea for selling demos at L$1 comes from a time when SL probably didn't show up L$0 transactions unless it was something i was desperate to try out i'm not one of these people that would pay to try out a demo product
  23. Re-logging always seems to help me whenever i get that problem
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