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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Since 2009 i've been renting mainland in Jieut and for most of that time there's just been me and an animation store in the sim. Time zones excepted i've never seen the animation store owner around. whilst i'm used to land being bought, sold & abandoned to Governor Linden ownership in the sim i noticed something i've not come across before. As the near by animation store allowed rezzing (short auto return) i'd use it to unpack things more prims than i have available. A few days ago went over and saw there are ban lines quick about land investigation showed not banned, not on access list, no public access no parcel ID, land not cleared and now in Linden ownership (not Governor Linden) The strange thing is the person/group that owns/owned the animation store and land also owns a separate piece of land in the sim which has not gone to Linden ownership. So with the land not explicitly abandoned and assuming tier's being kept up, it has me wondering why something like this might happen? neither knowledge base, wiki or forum search yielded any insight
  2. Don't know if it's much help but you can obtain all the standard sizing shapes up to size L free on the marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Standard-Sizing-Package-Updated-Male-Female/2894727
  3. Relaxing with a beer after a hard days demoing and shopping (browsing)
  4. I usually log in for a few hours of an evening amount of time varies depending on what i've got on in RL
  5. I almost never have it on unless i'm somewhere really quiet like at home and i want to spend a short amount of time seeing what the materials effect looks like on something materials enabled. if i had a super whizzy top of the range system that could really handle it i'd probably have it on all the time as it is i don't miss not having ALM on always
  6. Have you tried going back to the sim you last saw it in? there is a chance it could still be there if the sim has no auto return, if it does have auto return and the vehicle is no copy it could have disappeared in to the ether. you'll have to try and get a redelivery btw that coloured starburst you saw covering the screen was your vehicle intruder trying to use a graphics crasher and quite an old one it's been a very long time since i've seen that type as the ones i've seen in the last couple of years or rather not seen with out highight transparent are the more incognito invisible ones
  7. If you are wearing the hud right click it in your inventory choose edit if the position arrows don't show up zoom out using your mouse scroll wheel or mouse pad if you are using a laptop and it can scroll zoom out enough and you'll see the hud just use the arrows until it get's in the box (where huds will show on screen)
  8. That is correct the fourth flavour it comes in is there isn't a skin tone that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb against the skin 'system' skin you are wearing. my main alt uses a much paler almost white skin than me (same skin brand) and even the palest almost white skin tone had the same effect but it doesn't bother me so much as the 'system' skin on the head/face looks heavily powdered and made up @Chic Aeon The female TMP comes with a dress and there isn't any movement issues as long as your boobs are set to a minimum of size 25 it will fit perfectly though much like mesh on a classic av there will be the odd pose particularly leg poses where there's a bit of clippage on the hem
  9. If you bought the product years ago it could have been on SLexchange/XstreetSL (before it came the marketplace) where you could simply leave a star rating and no written review which would explain why you can't write a review. There are still a number of products from this time on the marketplace that just have star ratings and zero written rveiews. If you really want to leave a review you could get an alt to buy and review the product for you
  10. I picked up the free version of the female TMP today had a brief try out and the included skin tones do have proper nipples and genitals as an option or for a bit of modesty bra and knickers
  11. I could see this working as a role play thing but if the whole population had to eat and rest it would turn Secondlife in to The Sims and we'd have to wait for the news paper so we could get jobs as a 'paste wrangler' or 'football team mascot' so we could afford to eat and have a little bolt hole to rest in. If there was no time to do SL things i think that would eventually sap out all the fun
  12. Spent a load of time at a sandbox looking through a lot of of the houses, homes, skyboxes & Sky builds i've accrued over the years this is one of the the nicer builds
  13. You could always try typing NOT gacha in to the search box that will eliminate the majority of gacha items from search
  14. For those interested: Hair - Truth - Etienne - colours Top & Jacket - *COCO* Flairs - Aux - belted bells Shoes - Ingenue - elke - watermelon @ C88
  15. If you want to stop being premium you will have to give up any land you are paying LL for, you can't own or buy mainland or full sims through LL wit out a premium account
  16. Enjoying some cocktails and bar snacks, The bartender isn't a jelly doll when he's not serving drinks he's in a blue man group tribute
  17. Many years ago LL used to use a third party system to deal with Marketplace (XstreelSL/SLexchange) wishlists and i'm quite certain you could use it to find & buy people stuff from their wish list The favourite list is just for personal reference with no way of organising it. if you would like to send a friend a gift you could request a marketplace link off them
  18. you may want to check your inventory for something called a bald base it's basically just a hair base like what you appearing to be wearing but has been edited to get rid of the awful default hair. I couldn't find any bald bases on the marketplace other than that mentioned on https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TRUE-CABELO-HAIR-15-COLOURS-true-bald-hair-base/2555333 but any demo and non demo hair you can get for L$0 on the marketplace should include one
  19. I think "Tyrah and the Curse of the Magical Glytches" might be the new grid wide game i saw something about it at Zebrasil info hub it requires a hud and a catching weapon that can only be obtained via a portal at Portal park 1 which due to being banned from the sim means i wont be able to take part but from what i've seen on the wiki page it looks like it could be a fun way to kill time if your bored
  20. Went on a bit of a "shoepping" spree at the current round of C88 1. Baiastice - alice - blush, comes in a range of colours can customise sole & cuff just wish an alpha was included as it's a bit pointless having to wear mesh feet 2. Ingenue - Elke - watermelon, comes in lots of colour and pattern choices 3. Schadenfreud - Dulce - blush, mesh feet not required includes sizes rigged for men and women
  21. I'm currently on mainland but have done private sim living. I much prefer Mainland living, at ground level at one end of the sim i can step out of my store door and just over the sim border take a wander over to the neighbouring Hanja welcome centre play some games or see just how popular it is these days or i can go out the door wander to the next sim up Cheju go to the rezz zone wait for a pod tour ride my bike, horse or scooter or rezz something i can drive round the roads of Jeogeot
  22. Grabbing a bite to eat* before going off and doing SL stuff *kitchen & food props free from Primpossible
  23. If your snaps were taken in a water sim it's entirely possible the people were there to load/sort inventory they could have been too busy or AFK to respond to you or just not want to chat
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