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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. That's how it works right now. The web profiles (my.secondlife.com) are being phased out and aren't intended to work. You have to change your profile picture via the viewer, either by uploading a texture and dragging that onto the legacy profile slot, or by using the new legacy profile's Upload/Change Photo actions. ("Upload Photo" is free and selects a file from your computer. "Change Photo" selects a texture from your inventory.)
  2. Without Premium Plus, it costs you $4554 to own a Homestead region for the first year. Without Premium Plus, it costs you $3097 to own a Full region for the first year. With Premium Plus, it costs you $1706 to own a Homestead region for the first year (and stipends cover the setup). That benefit is nothing to scoff at, you literally can't get a sim for cheaper, even if we agree that region prices are still too expensive.
  3. As a completely unrelated side-note, it's kinda funny how it's $90 when a 1-year license (included) for Office 365 costs $70. 😄
  4. That you did! I hadn't checked many/any external links during the week since I've been reading this thread on my phone during commutes.
  5. I probably know which object you mean, I have it somewhere in my inventory but can't look up the creator right now. (They have it on MP for free and full perm, and it uses 5 projectors (one for each wall/floor/ceiling) to create a square hallway from the game Portal. The back wall has a circular door on it.) It's pretty easy to make from scratch, you just need a surface with Shininess, and point a projector at it. Edit: nvm lol I'm 5 hours late.
  6. You could afford him a tiny bit of good faith, it doesn't ruin your own argument.
  7. While it's true that upgrading an ancient computer to slightly less ancient one is pretty cheap (no need to go for the average $200 GPU), the people who are still using such computers are probably not hugely concerned with looks or performance. Second Life might be the only game on their computer, which is otherwise used for basic functionality like documents, email, maybe Facebook/Twitter and maybe YouTube. They're probably not even spending double-digit hours on SL every week or two. (The average session is short, and I can't imagine these people spending above-average time.) I don't think a significant majority of these people would spend the money/effort to upgrade their computer because SL stopped working, if they even realize it did, or why it did, or if they can figure out what to get, or if they have the income, or if they care enough. Should they be left behind? Maybe. I would. Would it benefit SL on a technical level? Probably. Can SL regain the lost userbase, is it worth it? My magic 8-ball says "inconclusive." I'd still like to see a mobile viewer, which wouldn't have the same (technology) limitations. Nothing's stopping a new PC viewer from being developed alongside the existing one either, besides time. Nobody besides Animats seems to have put in a significant effort in trying something new.
  8. The LI will be the highest of three costs: Download (8.052), Physics (29.280), and Server (2), visible on the bottom section of the uploader. The easiest solution for you would be to go to the Physics tab and pick a cube shape (or any of the available presets), since your model probably doesn't need any more accuracy than that. That would get you to 8 LI, which would then be affected by the actual scale of the object. The download cost for an object depends on the scale of the object, and the Level Of Detail models used for the object. If the object is small, you need simple LODs for Low/Lowest, as those will have the most impact. If your object was larger, High/Medium would be more important to optimize.
  9. The website could contact LL's asset servers and get a list of worn attachments as a response, not too different from getting the right attachments on normal login. 🙂
  10. All all sharp edges are split/doubled for rendering reasons. The same applies to materials if I recall, and all N-gons are triangulated.
  11. As a slight relief, new Z790 motherboards are available in DDR4 versions and there doesn't seem to be a significant performance difference between the two, at least right now. But yeah, I'm still looking down the barrel at closer to $2000 (half of that being a GPU) unless holiday sales improve things (which is only a faint hope).
  12. I'm also planning to upgrade in the next couple months, though I've figured a 13600 is more efficient in terms of power/heat/price. I'll let you know if I upgrade before you. SL is rarely bottlenecked by the GPU (past very low-end builds) so you can rest easy about that choice.
  13. It's hard to tell, the upload errors don't seem to come from the viewer itself, but as a response from LL's servers. This makes it almost impossible to know the cause and I'm not sure which Linden to ask about the audio format specifications.
  14. I hope not! The previous thread was not the first time people have uploaded 30 second sound clips, and you can see the error dialog still spells out the limit. (When I try to upload a 35 second sound.)
  15. Hmm... everything about the file looks correct, FFMPEG confirms it has the correct encoding (pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, mono) but I'm getting the same error even after re-encoding it: "Unable to upload file due to the following reason: Sample too long. Please try again later." I dug up the file I uploaded in that previous thread, which is now getting the same error (although the file is untouched). Trying to find out which account/grid I uploaded it on, now...
  16. Here's the previous thread @Love Zhaoying is thinking about, I was the one who updated the wiki after uploading a 30 second clip myself. (Firestorm also tells you the maximum duration is 30 seconds if you try to upload anything longer.) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/324324-how-to-split-a-wav-using-audacity/#comment-2513901 Would you be willing to share the audio file you're trying to upload? I could try and figure out what's wrong with it.
  17. Pet peeve: People who hold an intense grudge through 5 years of zero-contact, and suddenly spring it on you for an accidental interaction (after intentionally bypassing their own block), and run off to air their old and dirty laundry. 😔
  18. If it's any help, the current limit for sound assets is 30 seconds.
  19. I think everyone would/should agree with that! But weren't we talking about the effects of disabling LSO and moving forward exclusively with Mono? There's been no mention of radical new features (unless you count the null type, which I would like a lot but wouldn't sacrifice init-speed for). While the rez-delays are accentuated by SL combat, it applies just the same even to the most boring use-case of rezzing something that's meant to do something immediately... sometimes 3-5 seconds later. Some related comments/threads: (My previous discussion about this exact thing, actually. Lots of related info, specifics, and use-cases there!) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/456982-scripts-delay-in-most-sl-lands/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/479545-deploy-plan-for-the-week-of-2021-11-15/#comment-2377065 https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/490357-recent-updates-to-sl-appear-to-have-caused-problems-with-multiple-games
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