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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. llAbs will give you the absolute (positive) value of a given integer. llFabs will do the same for floats.
  2. Yup. An ad-blocker can get rid of some of the easier cases (like those you'd scroll past in a thread), but I had to write a small script for the "unread posts" page / discovery feeds. I can share those by PM if you use the TamperMonkey browser extension (or anything that runs JavaScript).
  3. The majority of the starter avatars use the regular system body in combination with mesh clothing/accessories (or even a horse in some cases). Most of the vampire starters are fully mesh, probably due to their exaggerated features. Here's "Vampire Fabian": These mesh bodies are not modifiable and don't use BOM, so any skin you'd buy would not work for it.
  4. The extra parameters for the listen event are automatically given values based on the message it heard. "message" will be the content that was heard, eg. the string from llSay, as you expect. "id" will be the key of the message's source, which could be any object or avatar. "name" is the name of that source. "channel" is the chat channel where the message was heard. If you're only calling llListen once, the channel will always be the same and you don't need to check for it. Whenever you call llListen, the parameters are used to restrict which name/key/message can be heard on a given channel. You can listen to multiple channels at once by calling llListen multiple times.
  5. Being able to send messages with unicode characters (which may or may not be seen correctly by other people) is a bit different from saving it as a name. LL has always had restrictions on the allowed character set for display names, but there's not a specific list we can look at.
  6. Is this separate from where Win11 is installed? Once I did that, all problems disappeared and I haven't had time to see if that was just a fluke.
  7. This was explicitly discussed while LSD was in development and it was figured that this is preferable, since it makes scripts simpler (no need to handle your own "should I write this value" logic) and reduces redundant events. (It's very easy to flood the event queue.) If you definitely want every write to cause an event, you can remove the value when consumed, or add a random bit of data at the end of the value during the write, or you can use a dedicated "something has changed" key which serves as a notification but only contains random data itself.
  8. The -08:00 at the end is a timezone offset. Usually when you get this message, you can log in after about a minute.
  9. This may or may not be vaguely related, but I would get pretty severe freezing while moving my camera (on an SSD and an i5-13600 CPU), until I changed the cache location to a different drive than my operating system. I would suspect Win11 as the problem, but there should be a lot more complaints if it was that simple.
  10. You can always right-click the inventory item and check what permissions have been set, as well as check the permissions on rezzed objects.
  11. I'm like 99% sure that you cannot create a particle that moves in a circular motion like this with llParticleSystem. You can cause particles to be generated in a ring, but not cause them to move along that ring. Technically it could be possible, we can even see an viewer-side effect like this when an object speaks. (You know, those white particles that rise in a spiral motion.) But that effect can't be replicated by scripts because we don't have the right parameters available. As a workaround, you could make the emitter itself spin with llTargetOmega, and then work on the particle system. This method just has some caveats that complicate a general build.
  12. Last I checked, any objects that are attached to the head-related bones (skull, eyes, ears, etc.) are hidden when you enter mouselook. Make sure your rigged objects aren't attached to something silly like your right hand (which is the default location for all objects).
  13. If you have an MFA token (for a service that generates your keys, such as Linden Lab's login system), you can store that in Bitwarden for free. If you want to use Bitwarden's service to generate those keys, that does require premium, but that wouldn't work for logging into SL. Edit: You're right actually, it didn't work the way I thought. You would need the subscription to generate keys locally.
  14. I use BitWarden, which works on desktop and mobile, has browser extensions, doesn't require an online connection, and it's free/open-source. The only serious recommendation I would give is: Don't use LastPass. They've had four security breaches this year alone.
  15. There are also merchants like Izzie Button who make extra layers specifically to add cleavage shading to (or hide it from) skins.
  16. Right-click the hat in your inventory, then select "attach to..." and "skull." This way the hat will be positioned relative to your avatar's head.
  17. Well, if the item uses BOM (Avatar-Bakes On Mesh), then it would be normal that it doesn't come with an alpha layer. Your system body is automatically hidden while you're wearing an attachment with BOM. But if this item (the body?) is supposed to work with BOM, and your system body is still showing, you've possibly changed the texture of your body. Maybe you clicked one of the skin options in your HUD. It's hard to help since we don't know anything about your attachments or that item name.
  18. Would also be nice if Marketplace had an option for merchants to bundle variations of a product (different colors, permissions, whatever) as a single product listing. That's pretty basic stuff for online store design. There'd be less need to copypaste keywords when you're planning to upload dozens, let alone update them later.
  19. Looks like you've simply taken off your mesh body's alpha layer, and now the system body is showing through it.
  20. While it's technically possible (to render textures from one model to another with shrinkwrap etc), I'm pretty sure most creators just redraw/fix the skin for the heads that are incompatible or significantly different in certain areas. Most heads will use roughly the same UV mapping (the LL head UV map), so the texture you've created for one head can be used on most other heads that share the same UV base. You don't need a devkit for all of the heads you wish to sell for.
  21. The TOS doesn't prohibit sims from excluding avatars based on their appearance, or things they do/don't own. Personally any RP place I've been at has never forced people to buy anything to participate in the way they like, so in your case I'd start looking for other places.
  22. What kind of "blur" are you talking about, exactly? (You can upload images/screenshots to this forum.) The "depth of field" effect is something that blurs only the background of the image, leaving the main subject in focus. How much you use that (if any) is totally subjective on what looks good to you.
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