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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Does the script need to "do its thing" in the bought copy, or the original? If the original, you might be able to use the money() event. If the copy, you can store the current owner in state_entry and check for a new value on CHANGED_OWNER. Though the changed event should work for both cases.
  2. Except when you upload a GLTF file, in which case the normal map is uploaded losslessly. j2k supports lossless compression.
  3. I wonder how deep LL checks for assets... If a creator keeps a texture item in their avatar inventory (very likely), is that enough to count? What about texture item in object contents while that object is in avatar inventory? Might be interesting to run some long-term tests.
  4. Pretty much, yeah, but be warned! When you have lots of planes like that, it makes navigating and interacting with things in the rain very difficult, because they catch clicks and alt-camming.
  5. Thanks, now I'm never closing Visual Studio either. 😔
  6. I can see how the wording makes it seem that way, but the resolution increase is for everything.
  7. Remember to set LSL as your active syntax. Your current color scheme will be applied based on that. The "LSL" package by Makopo is what I've used for many years. It works well for colors.
  8. There's been a few threads about this question in recent memory. People tend to use: Sublime Text (strongly recommend) Atom (open source alternative to Sublime Text) Notepad++ Visual Studio Code JetBrains IDEs BBEdit
  9. Of course you'll be able to disable those things. Viewer devs are very conscious of performance. The screenshot simply shows how to check an object's Land Impact. The "30.5" number isn't important -- what's important is that only objects whose Download weight is the highest have been affected by the 15% reduction. You can learn more about how land impact works here: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/calculating-land-impact-r273/ The more lights and mirrors you add, the more LI you need, same as anything else.
  10. Any good recording software has an option to not record the mouse cursor.
  11. If you hold the Alt key, you can click anywhere on your screen and your camera will focus there. You can keep holding the left mouse button down while moving the mouse, this way you can rotate the camera and zoom in/out. You can also orbit/pan the camera with Control/Shift (while using the mouse and holding Alt.)
  12. If you're really desperate to do the same thing in Firestorm, you could exploit a little bug related llAttachToAvatarTemp. Just alt-cam onto an object before it gets attached.
  13. That update is currently on RC channels (so parts of main grid), it will probably go grid-wide next week.
  14. Case 1, all unlinked prims: Rez 3 prims named A, B, C. Select C, B, A. Link them. Server-side link numbers: A, B, C. Viewer-side link numbers: A, C, B. (The viewer forgot the order each prim was selected. More prims show there's no logical order. The correct order could be easily predicted. The server-side link order is always the reverse of what you selected.) Case 2, linking a prim to an existing linkset: Rez 1 prim named D. Select D, then the previous linkset. Link them. Server-side link numbers: A, D, B, C. (D became first child.) Viewer-side link numbers: A, B, C, D. (Viewer simply appended the link. This used to be correct behavior. Server-side changes broke this prediction.) Case 3, linking linkset to another linkset: Create two linksets, first with A, B, C and second with D, E. Select second linkset, then the first. Link them. Server-side link numbers: A, D, E, B, C. (Second linkset was inserted as first child while maintaining its sequence.) Viewer-side link numbers: A, B, C, D, E. (Viewer simply appended the linksets. This used to be correct behavior. Server-side changes broke this prediction.) I never understood what the reasoning for the server-side change could've been. It seems like it could've even been a bug / unintentional change. I can't think of any benefit to changing the link logic from "new links go to the end of the linkset (very safe)" to "new links go to the beginning (changes ALL link numbers)"
  15. While Animats is correct in what he's saying (link number info isn't sent to viewers unless it's a full update), viewers did show correct numbers in the past after adding links to a linkset. The viewer does also have enough client-side information to figure out what the new numbers should/will be. Link numbering is very predictable and consistent server-side. Figuring out why that's not the case now is pretty hard because the link update seems to be handled in LLViewerObject::processUpdateMessage which is about ~1400 lines long function. 😋
  16. This has been an issue in viewers for years. The numbers will be wrong after linking. Re-rez the object and the link numbers will be correct.
  17. PrimPossible is an ANCIENT brand that specializes in sculpties, and it's exactly how the "unlimited decor" works. It's been on Marketplace since 2013. Mesh used to be swappable by UUID too, but that was disabled. The reasons are documented on the wiki: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_UUID_Flipping_is_Bad
  18. Ohh, I see. It's not really possible to create a perfectly smooth gradient like that by painting on the UV map by hand, because the UV map is not straight or continuous. When making textures for complex surfaces (especially when crossing seams), the best way is to do that is with Blender or Substance Painter or any 3D app instead of Photoshop/image editor. The 3D apps let you draw directly on the model and calculate where on the UV map the colors should go. Someone else will have to give detailed steps.
  19. Looks like your body just has a specular map (material) on it. You should be able to remove it from your body HUD.
  20. It supports 100 in a region, 50 in ad-hoc calls. This isn't really relevant for us because the IP would only be exposed to LL. (Unless you're worried about an attack coming from LL, but that's a whole other discussion.) Concerts happening through voice seems unlikely.
  21. In the past, the answer would've been a simple "that's normal, SL doesn't render things the same way. We deal with it." But these days we have to ask: Which viewer are you using? LL has recently made updates to rendering. We have nicer reflections and even PBR materials. The LL viewer can render things just like Substance, especially if you export PBR instead of specular.
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